path: root/adv_cmds/localedef/localedef.pl
diff options
authorCameron Katri <me@cameronkatri.com>2021-05-09 14:20:58 -0400
committerCameron Katri <me@cameronkatri.com>2021-05-09 14:20:58 -0400
commit5fd83771641d15c418f747bd343ba6738d3875f7 (patch)
tree5abf0f78f680d9837dbd93d4d4c3933bb7509599 /adv_cmds/localedef/localedef.pl
Import macOS userland
adv_cmds-176 basic_cmds-55 bootstrap_cmds-116.100.1 developer_cmds-66 diskdev_cmds-667.40.1 doc_cmds-53.60.1 file_cmds-321.40.3 mail_cmds-35 misc_cmds-34 network_cmds-606.40.1 patch_cmds-17 remote_cmds-63 shell_cmds-216.60.1 system_cmds-880.60.2 text_cmds-106
Diffstat (limited to 'adv_cmds/localedef/localedef.pl')
1 files changed, 1166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/adv_cmds/localedef/localedef.pl b/adv_cmds/localedef/localedef.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..222eda0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adv_cmds/localedef/localedef.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,1166 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+use IO::File;
+my %opt;
+getopts("cf:u:i:", \%opt);
+my $comment_char = "#";
+my $escape_char = "\\";
+my $val_match = undef; # set in set_escape
+my %sym = ();
+my %width = ();
+my %ctype_classes = (
+ # there are the charactors that get automagically included, there is no
+ # standard way to avoid them. XXX even if you have a charset without
+ # some of these charactors defined!
+ # They are accessable in a regex via [:classname:], and libc has a
+ # isX() for most of these.
+ upper => {map { ($_, 1); } qw(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z)},
+ lower => {map { ($_, 1); } qw(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z)},
+ alpha => {},
+ #alnum => {},
+ digit => {map { ($_, 1); } qw(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)},
+ space => {},
+ cntrl => {},
+ punct => {},
+ graph => {},
+ print => {},
+ xdigit => {map { ($_, 1); } qw(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F a b c d e f)},
+ blank => {" " => 1, "\t" => 1},
+ toupper => {map { ($_, "\U$_"); } qw(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z)},
+ tolower => {map { ($_, "\L$_"); } qw(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z)},
+my %cele = (
+ # collating-elements -- these are a lot like %sym that only works
+ # in LC_COLLATE, can also be accessed in a regex via [.element.]
+my %csym = (
+ # collating-symbols -- these are used to define a set of charactors
+ # that compare as equals (in one or more passes), can also be accessed
+ # in a regex via [=symbol=]
+my @corder = (); # collating order
+my @corder_weights = (); # collating directions (forward, backward, position)
+my @colldef = ();
+my(%monetary, %numeric, %time, %messages);
+# This is the default charmap, unlike %ctype_classes you _can_ avoid this
+# merely by having your own charmap definition file
+my $default_charmap = <<EOT;
+<NUL> \\000
+<alert> \\007
+<backspace> \\010
+<tab> \\011
+<newline> \\012
+<vertical-tab> \\013
+<form-feed> \\014
+<carriage-return> \\015
+<space> \\040
+<exclamation-mark> \\041
+<quotation-mark> \\042
+<number-sign> \\043
+<dollar-sign> \\044
+<percent-sign> \\045
+<ampersand> \\046
+<apostrophe> \\047
+<left-parenthesis> \\050
+<right-parenthesis> \\051
+<asterisk> \\052
+<plus-sign> \\053
+<comma> \\054
+<hyphen> \\055
+<hyphen-minus> \\055
+<period> \\056
+<full-stop> \\056
+<slash> \\057
+<solidus> \\057
+<zero> \\060
+<one> \\061
+<two> \\062
+<three> \\063
+<four> \\064
+<five> \\065
+<six> \\066
+<seven> \\067
+<eight> \\070
+<nine> \\071
+<colon> \\072
+<semicolon> \\073
+<less-then-sign> \\074
+<less-than-sign> \\074
+<equals-sign> \\075
+<greater-then-sign> \\076
+<greater-than-sign> \\076
+<question-mark> \\077
+<commercial-at> \\100
+<A> \\101
+<B> \\102
+<C> \\103
+<D> \\104
+<E> \\105
+<F> \\106
+<G> \\107
+<H> \\110
+<I> \\111
+<J> \\112
+<K> \\113
+<L> \\114
+<M> \\115
+<N> \\116
+<O> \\117
+<P> \\120
+<Q> \\121
+<R> \\122
+<S> \\123
+<T> \\124
+<U> \\125
+<V> \\126
+<W> \\127
+<X> \\130
+<Y> \\131
+<Z> \\132
+<left-square-bracket> \\133
+<backslash> \\134
+<reverse-solidus> \\134
+<right-square-bracket> \\135
+<circumflex> \\136
+<circumflex-accent> \\136
+<underscore> \\137
+<underline> \\137
+<low-line> \\137
+<grave-accent> \\140
+<a> \\141
+<b> \\142
+<c> \\143
+<d> \\144
+<e> \\145
+<f> \\146
+<g> \\147
+<h> \\150
+<i> \\151
+<j> \\152
+<k> \\153
+<l> \\154
+<m> \\155
+<n> \\156
+<o> \\157
+<p> \\160
+<q> \\161
+<r> \\162
+<s> \\163
+<t> \\164
+<u> \\165
+<v> \\166
+<w> \\167
+<x> \\170
+<y> \\171
+<z> \\172
+<left-brace> \\173
+<left-curly-bracket> \\173
+<vertical-line> \\174
+<right-brace> \\175
+<right-curly-bracket> \\175
+<tilde> \\176
+<DEL> \\177
+<SOH> \\x01
+<STX> \\x02
+<ETX> \\x03
+<EOT> \\x04
+<ENQ> \\x05
+<ACK> \\x06
+<BEL> \\x07
+<BS> \\x08
+<HT> \\x09
+<NL> \\x0a
+<VT> \\x0b
+<NP> \\x0c
+<CR> \\x0d
+<SO> \\x0e
+<SI> \\x0f
+<DLE> \\x10
+<DC1> \\x11
+<DC2> \\x12
+<DC3> \\x13
+<DC4> \\x14
+<NAK> \\x15
+<SYN> \\x16
+<ETB> \\x17
+<CAN> \\x18
+<EM> \\x19
+<SUB> \\x1a
+<ESC> \\x1b
+<FS> \\x1c
+<IS4> \\x1c
+<GS> \\x1d
+<IS3> \\x1d
+<RS> \\x1e
+<IS2> \\x1e
+<US> \\x1f
+<IS1> \\x1f
+use strict qw(vars);
+if (@ARGV != 1) {
+ &exit(4, "usage: $0 [-c] [-f charmap-file] [-u codesetname] [-i localdef-file] LOCALENAME\n");
+my $locale_dir = $ARGV[0];
+$locale_dir = "/usr/share/locale/$locale_dir" unless ($locale_dir =~ m{/});
+my $CMAP;
+if (defined($opt{'f'})) {
+ # Using new IO::File $opt{'f'}, "r" runs into problems with long path names
+ sysopen(CMAP_KLUDGE, $opt{'f'}, O_RDONLY) || &exit(4, "Can't open $opt{f}: $!\n");
+ $CMAP = new IO::Handle;
+ $CMAP->fdopen(fileno(CMAP_KLUDGE), "r") || &exit(4, "Can't fdopen $opt{f}: $!\n");
+} else {
+ # er, not everyone gets IO::Scalar, so use an unamed tmp file
+ # $CMAP = new IO::Scalar \$default_charmap;
+ $CMAP = new_tmpfile IO::File;
+ print $CMAP $default_charmap;
+ seek $CMAP, 0, SEEK_SET;
+while(<$CMAP>) {
+ if (m/^\s*CHARMAP\s*$/) {
+ &parse_charmaps();
+ } elsif (m/^\s*WIDTH\s*$/) {
+ &parse_widths();
+ } elsif (m/^\s*($comment_char.*)?$/) {
+ } else {
+ chomp;
+ &exit(4, "syntax error on line $. ($_)");
+ }
+&parse_widths() if (0 == %width);
+if (defined($opt{'i'})) {
+ sysopen(STDIN, $opt{'i'}, 0) || &exit(4, "Can't open localdef file $opt{i}: $!");
+} else {
+ $opt{'i'} = "/dev/stdin";
+my %LC_parsers = (
+ NONE => [\&parse_LC_NONE, qr/^\s*((escape|comment)_char\s+$val_match\s*)?$/],
+ CTYPE => [\&parse_LC_CTYPE, qr/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+.*?)\s*$/],
+ COLLATE => [\&parse_LC_COLLATE, qr/^\s*(<[^>\s]+>|order_end|END|(\S*)\s+(\S+.*?)|collating[_-]element\s*<[^>]+>\s+from\s+$val_match)\s*$/, 1],
+ TIME => [\&parse_LC_TIME, qr/^\s*(ab_?day|day|abmon|mon|d_t_fmt|d_fmt|t_fmt|am_pm|t_fmt_ampm|era|era_d_fmt|era_t_fmt|era_d_t_fmt|alt_digits|copy|END)\s+(\S+.*?)\s*$/],
+ NUMERIC => [\&parse_LC_NUMERIC, qr/^\s*(decimal_point|thousands_sep|grouping|END|copy)\s+(\S+.*?)\s*$/],
+ MONETARY => [\&parse_LC_MONETARY, qr/^\s*(int_curr_symbol|currency_symbol|mon_decimal_point|mon_thousands_sep|mon_grouping|positive_sign|negative_sign|int_frac_digits|frac_digits|p_cs_precedes|p_sep_by_space|n_cs_precedes|n_sep_by_space|p_sign_posn|n_sign_posn|int_p_cs_precedes|int_n_cs_precedes|int_p_sep_by_space|int_n_sep_by_space|int_p_sign_posn|int_n_sign_posn|copy|END)\s+(\S+.*?)\s*$/],
+ MESSAGES => [\&parse_LC_MESSAGES, qr/^\s*(END|yesexpr|noexpr|yesstr|nostr|copy)\s+(\S+.*?)\s*$/],
+ "COLLATE order" => [\&parse_collate_order, qr/^\s*(order_end|(<[^>\s]+>|UNDEFINED|\Q...\E)(\s+\S+.*)?)\s*$/],
+my($current_LC, $parse_func, $validate_line, $call_parse_on_END)
+ = ("NONE", $LC_parsers{"NONE"}->[0], $LC_parsers{"NONE"}->[1], undef);
+while(<STDIN>) {
+ next if (m/^\s*($comment_char.*)?\s*$/);
+ if (m/\Q$escape_char\E$/) {
+ chomp;
+ chop;
+ my $tmp = <STDIN>;
+ if (!defined($tmp)) {
+ &exit(4, "Syntax error, last line ($.) of $opt{i} is marked as a continued line\n");
+ }
+ $tmp =~ s/^\s*//;
+ $_ .= $tmp;
+ redo;
+ }
+ if ($current_LC eq "NONE" && m/^\s*LC_([A-Z]+)\s*$/) {
+ &set_parser($1);
+ next;
+ }
+ unless (m/$validate_line/) {
+ &exit(4, "Syntax error on line $. of $opt{i}\n");
+ }
+ my($action, $args);
+ if (m/^\s*(\S*)(\s+(\S+.*?))?\s*$/) {
+ ($action, $args) = ($1, $3);
+ } else {
+ $action = $_;
+ chomp $action;
+ }
+ if ($action eq "END") {
+ if ($args ne "LC_$current_LC" || $current_LC eq "NONE") {
+ &exit(4, "Syntax error on line $. of $opt{i} attempting to end $args when LC_$current_LC is open\n");
+ }
+ if ($call_parse_on_END) {
+ &{$parse_func}($action, $args);
+ }
+ &set_parser("NONE");
+ } else {
+ &{$parse_func}($action, $args);
+ }
+exit 0;
+sub parse_charmaps {
+ while(<$CMAP>) {
+ # XXX need to parse out <code_set_name>, <mb_cur_max>, <mb_cur_min>,
+ # <escape_char>, and <comment_char> before the generic "<sym> val"
+ if (m/^\s*<([\w\-]+)>\s+($val_match+)\s*$/) {
+ my($sym, $val) = ($1, $2);
+ $val = &parse_value_double_backwhack($val);
+ $sym{$sym} = $val;
+ } elsif (m/^\s*<([\w\-]*\d)>\s*\Q...\E\s*<([\w\-]*\d)>\s+($val_match+)\s*$/) {
+ # We don't deal with $se < $ss, or overflow of the last byte of $vs
+ # then again the standard doesn't say anything in particular needs
+ # to happen for those cases
+ my($ss, $se, $vs) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ $vs = &parse_value_double_backwhack($vs);
+ my $vlast = length($vs) -1;
+ for(my($s, $v) = ($ss, $vs); $s cmp $se; $s++) {
+ $sym{$s} = $v;
+ substr($v, $vlast) = chr(ord(substr($v, $vlast)) +1)
+ }
+ } elsif (m/^\s*END\s+CHARMAP\s*$/) {
+ return;
+ } elsif (m/^\s*($comment_char.*)?$/) {
+ } else {
+ &exit(4, "syntax error on line $.");
+ }
+ }
+sub parse_widths {
+ my $default = 1;
+ my @syms;
+ while(<$CMAP>) {
+ if (m/^\s*<([\w\-]+)>\s+(\d+)\s*$/) {
+ my($sym, $w) = ($1, $2);
+ print "$sym width $w\n";
+ if (!defined($sym{$sym})) {
+ warn "localedef: can't set width of unknown symbol $sym on line $.\n";
+ } else {
+ $width{$sym} = $w;
+ }
+ } elsif (m/^\s*<([\w\-]+)>\s*\Q...\E\s*<([\w\-]+)>\s+(\d+)\s*$/) {
+ my($ss, $se, $w) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ if (!@syms) {
+ @syms = sort { $a cmp $b } keys(%sym);
+ }
+ # Yes, we could do a binary search for find $ss in @syms
+ foreach my $s (@syms) {
+ if (($s cmp $ss) >= 0) {
+ last if (($s cmp $se) > 0);
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (m/^\s*WIDTH_DEFAULT\s+(\d+)\s*$/) {
+ $default = $1;
+ } elsif (m/^\s*END\s+WIDTH\s*$/) {
+ last;
+ } elsif (m/^\s*($comment_char.*)?$/) {
+ } else {
+ &exit(4, "syntax error on line $.");
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $s (keys(%sym)) {
+ if (!defined($width{$s})) {
+ $width{$s} = $default;
+ }
+ }
+# This parses a single value in any of the 7 forms it can appear in,
+# returns [0] the parsed value and [1] the remander of the string
+sub parse_value_return_extra {
+ my $val = "";
+ local($_) = $_[0];
+ while(1) {
+ $val .= &unsym($1), next
+ if (m/\G"((?:[^"\Q$escape_char\E]+|\Q$escape_char\E.)*)"/gc);
+ $val .= chr(oct($1)), next
+ if (m/\G\Q$escape_char\E([0-7]+)/gc);
+ $val .= chr(0+$1), next
+ if (m/\G\Q$escape_char\Ed([0-9]+)/gc);
+ $val .= pack("H*", $1), next
+ if (m/\G\Q$escape_char\Ex([0-9a-fA-F]+)/gc);
+ $val .= $1, next
+ if (m/\G([^,;<>\s\Q$escape_char()\E])/gc);
+ $val .= $1
+ if (m/\G(?:\Q$escape_char\E)([,;<>\Q$escape_char()\E])/gc);
+ $val .= &unsym($1), next
+ if (m/\G(<[^>]+>)/gc);
+ m/\G(.*)$/;
+ return ($val, $1);
+ }
+# Parse one value, if there is more then one value alert the media
+sub parse_value {
+ my ($ret, $err) = &parse_value_return_extra($_[0]);
+ if ($err ne "") {
+ &exit(4, "Syntax error, unexpected '$err' in value (after '$ret') on line $.\n");
+ }
+ return $ret;
+sub parse_value_double_backwhack {
+ my($val) = @_;
+ my ($ret, $err) = &parse_value_return_extra($val);
+ return $ret if ($err eq "");
+ $val =~ s{\\\\}{\\}g;
+ ($ret, $err) = &parse_value_return_extra($val);
+ if ($err ne "") {
+ &exit(4, "Syntax error, unexpected '$err' in value (after '$ret') on line $.\n");
+ }
+ return $ret;
+# $values is the string to parse, $dot_expand is a function ref that will
+# return an array to insert when "X;...;Y" is parsed (undef means that
+# construct is a syntax error), $nest is true if parens indicate a nested
+# value string should be parsed and put in an array ref, $return_extra
+# is true if any unparsable trailing junk should be returned as the last
+# element (otherwise it is a syntax error). Any text matching the regex
+# $specials is returned as an hash.
+sub parse_values {
+ my($values, $sep, $dot_expand, $nest, $return_extra, $specials) = @_;
+ my(@ret, $live_dots);
+ while($values ne "") {
+ if (defined($specials) && $values =~ s/^($specials)($sep|$)//) {
+ push(@ret, { $1, undef });
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($nest && $values =~ s/^\(//) {
+ my @subret = &parse_values($values, ',', $dot_expand, $nest, 1, $specials);
+ $values = pop(@subret);
+ push(@ret, [@subret]);
+ unless ($values =~ s/^\)($sep)?//) {
+ &exit(4, "Syntax error, unmatched open paren on line $. of $opt{i}\n");
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ my($v, $l) = &parse_value_return_extra($values);
+ $values = $l;
+ if ($live_dots) {
+ splice(@ret, -1, 1, &{$dot_expand}($ret[$#ret], $v));
+ $live_dots = 0;
+ } else {
+ push(@ret, $v);
+ }
+ if (defined($dot_expand) && $values =~ s/^$sep\Q...\E$sep//) {
+ $live_dots = 1;
+ } elsif($values =~ s/^$sep//) {
+ # Normal case
+ } elsif($values =~ m/^$/) {
+ last;
+ } else {
+ last if ($return_extra);
+ &exit(4, "Syntax error parsing arguments on line $. of $opt{i}\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($live_dots) {
+ splice(@ret, -1, 1, &{$dot_expand}($ret[$#ret], undef));
+ }
+ if ($return_extra) {
+ push(@ret, $values);
+ }
+ return @ret;
+sub parse_LC_NONE {
+ my($cmd, $arg) = @_;
+ if ($cmd eq "comment_char") {
+ $comment_char = &parse_value($arg);
+ } elsif($cmd eq "escape_char") {
+ &set_escape_char(&parse_value($arg));
+ } elsif($cmd eq "") {
+ } else {
+ &exit(4, "Syntax error on line $. of $opt{i}\n");
+ }
+sub parse_LC_CTYPE {
+ my($cmd, $arg) = @_;
+ my $ctype_classes = join("|", keys(%ctype_classes));
+ if ($cmd eq "copy") {
+ # XXX -- the locale command line utility doesn't currently
+ # output any LC_CTYPE info, so there isn't much of a way
+ # to implent copy yet
+ &exit(2, "copy not supported on line $. of $opt{i}\n");
+ } elsif($cmd eq "charclass") {
+ my $cc = &parse_value($arg);
+ if (!defined($ctype_classes{$cc})) {
+ $ctype_classes{$cc} = [];
+ } else {
+ warn "charclass $cc defined more then once\n";
+ }
+ } elsif($cmd =~ m/^to(upper|lower)$/) {
+ my @arg = &parse_values($arg, ';', undef, 1);
+ foreach my $p (@arg) {
+ &exit(4, "Syntax error on line $. of $opt{i} ${cmd}'s arguments must be character pairs like (a,A);(b,B)\n") if ("ARRAY" ne ref $p || 2 != @$p);
+ }
+ foreach my $pair (@arg) {
+ $ctype_classes{$cmd}{$pair->[0]} = $pair->[1];
+ }
+ } elsif($cmd =~ m/^($ctype_classes)$/) {
+ my @arg = &parse_values($arg, ';', \&dot_expand, 0);
+ foreach my $c (@arg) {
+ $ctype_classes{$1}->{$c} = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif($cmd =~ "END") {
+ &add_to_ctype_class('alpha', keys(%{$ctype_classes{'lower'}}));
+ &add_to_ctype_class('alpha', keys(%{$ctype_classes{'upper'}}));
+ foreach my $c (qw(alpha lower upper)) {
+ foreach my $d (qw(cntrl digit punct space)) {
+ &deny_in_ctype_class($c, $d, keys(%{$ctype_classes{$d}}));
+ }
+ }
+ &add_to_ctype_class('space', keys(%{$ctype_classes{'blank'}}));
+ foreach my $d (qw(upper lower alpha digit graph xdigit)) {
+ &deny_in_ctype_class('space', $d, keys(%{$ctype_classes{$d}}));
+ }
+ foreach my $d (qw(upper lower alpha digit punct graph print xdigit)) {
+ &deny_in_ctype_class('cntrl', $d, keys(%{$ctype_classes{$d}}));
+ }
+ foreach my $d (qw(upper lower alpha digit cntrl xdigit space)) {
+ &deny_in_ctype_class('punct', $d, keys(%{$ctype_classes{$d}}));
+ }
+ foreach my $c (qw(graph print)) {
+ foreach my $a (qw(upper lower alpha digit xdigit punct)) {
+ &add_to_ctype_class($c, keys(%{$ctype_classes{$a}}));
+ }
+ foreach my $d (qw(cntrl)) {
+ &deny_in_ctype_class($c, $d, keys(%{$ctype_classes{$d}}));
+ }
+ }
+ &add_to_ctype_class('print', keys(%{$ctype_classes{'space'}}));
+ # Yes, this is a requirment of the standard
+ &exit(2, "The digit class must have exactly 10 elements\n") if (10 != values(%{$ctype_classes{'digit'}}));
+ foreach my $d (values %{$ctype_classes{'digit'}}) {
+ if (!defined $ctype_classes{'xdigits'}->{$d}) {
+ &exit(4, "$d isn't in class xdigits, but all digits must appaer in xdigits\n");
+ }
+ }
+ $ctype_classes{'alnum'} = {} unless defined $ctype_classes{'alnum'};
+ foreach my $a (qw(alpha digit)) {
+ &add_to_ctype_class('alnum', keys(%{$ctype_classes{$a}}));
+ }
+ } else {
+ &exit(4, "Syntax error on line $. of $opt{i}\n");
+ }
+sub parse_LC_COLLATE {
+ my ($cmd, $arg) = @_;
+ if (defined($arg) && $arg ne "") {
+ push(@colldef, "$cmd $arg");
+ } else {
+ push(@colldef, "$cmd");
+ }
+sub parse_collate_order {
+ my($cmd, $arg) = @_;
+ if ($cmd =~ m/order[-_]end/) {
+ # restore the parent parser
+ &set_parser("COLLATE");
+ my $undef_at;
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#corder; ++$i) {
+ next unless "ARRAY" eq ref($corder[$i]);
+ # If ... appears as the "key" for a order entry it means the
+ # rest of the line is duplicated once for everything in the
+ # open ended range (key-pev-line, key-next-line). Any ...
+ # in the weight fields are delt with by &fixup_collate_order_args
+ if ($corder[$i]->[0] eq "...") {
+ my(@sym, $from, $to);
+ my @charset = sort { $sym{$a} cmp $sym{$b} } keys(%sym);
+ if ($i != 0) {
+ $from = $corder[$i -1]->[0];
+ } else {
+ $from = $charset[0];
+ }
+ if ($i != $#corder) {
+ $to = $corder[$i +1]->[0];
+ } else {
+ $to = $charset[$#charset];
+ }
+ my @expand;
+ my($s, $e) = (&parse_value($from), &parse_value($to));
+ foreach my $c (@charset) {
+ if (($sym{$c} cmp $s) > 0) {
+ last if (($sym{$c} cmp $e) >= 0);
+ my @entry = @{$corder[$i]};
+ $entry[0] = "<$c>";
+ push(@expand, \@entry);
+ }
+ }
+ splice(@corder, $i, 1, @expand);
+ } elsif($corder[$i]->[0] eq "UNDEFINED") {
+ $undef_at = $i;
+ next;
+ }
+ &fixup_collate_order_args($corder[$i]);
+ }
+ if ($undef_at) {
+ my @insert;
+ my %cused = map { ("ARRAY" eq ref $_) ? ($_->[0], undef) : () } @corder;
+ foreach my $s (keys(%sym)) {
+ next if (exists $cused{"<$s>"});
+ my @entry = @{$corder[$undef_at]};
+ $entry[0] = "<$s>";
+ &fixup_collate_order_args(\@entry);
+ push(@insert, \@entry);
+ }
+ splice(@corder, $undef_at, 1, @insert);
+ }
+ } elsif((!defined $arg) || $arg eq "") {
+ if (!exists($csym{$cmd})) {
+ my($decode, $was_sym) = &unsym_with_check($cmd);
+ if ($was_sym) {
+ my %dots = ( "..." => undef );
+ my @dots = (\%dots) x (0+@corder_weights);
+ push(@corder, [$cmd, @dots]);
+ } else {
+ warn "Undefined collation symbol $cmd used on line $. of $opt{i}\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ push(@corder, $cmd);
+ }
+ } else {
+ unless (defined($cele{$cmd} || defined $sym{$cmd})) {
+ warn "Undefined collation element or charset sym $cmd used on line $. of $opt{i}\n";
+ } else {
+ # This expands all the symbols (but not colating elements), which
+ # makes life easier for dealing with ..., but harder for
+ # outputing the actual table at the end where we end up
+ # converting literal sequences back into symbols in some cases
+ my @args = &parse_values($arg, ';', undef, 0, 0,
+ qr/IGNORE|\Q...\E/);
+ if (@args != @corder_weights) {
+ if (@args < @corder_weights) {
+ &exit(4, "Only " . (0 + @args)
+ . " weights supplied on line $. of $opt{i}, needed "
+ . (0 + @corder_weights)
+ . "\n");
+ } else {
+ &exit(4, "Too many weights supplied on line $. of $opt{i},"
+ . " wanted " . (0 + @corder_weights) . " but had "
+ . (0 + @args)
+ . "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ push(@corder, [$cmd, @args]);
+ }
+ }
+sub parse_LC_MONETARY {
+ my($cmd, $arg) = @_;
+ if ($cmd eq "copy") {
+ &do_copy(&parse_value($arg));
+ } elsif($cmd eq "END") {
+ } elsif($cmd eq "mon_grouping") {
+ my @v = &parse_values($arg, ';', undef, 0);
+ $monetary{$cmd} = \@v;
+ } else {
+ my $v = &parse_value($arg);
+ $monetary{$cmd} = $v;
+ }
+sub parse_LC_MESSAGES {
+ my($cmd, $arg) = @_;
+ if ($cmd eq "copy") {
+ &do_copy(&parse_value($arg));
+ } elsif($cmd eq "END") {
+ } else {
+ my $v = &parse_value($arg);
+ $messages{$cmd} = $v;
+ }
+sub parse_LC_NUMERIC {
+ my($cmd, $arg) = @_;
+ if ($cmd eq "copy") {
+ &do_copy(&parse_value($arg));
+ } elsif($cmd eq "END") {
+ } elsif($cmd eq "grouping") {
+ my @v = &parse_values($arg, ';', undef, 0);
+ $numeric{$cmd} = \@v;
+ } else {
+ my $v = &parse_value($arg);
+ $numeric{$cmd} = $v;
+ }
+sub parse_LC_TIME {
+ my($cmd, $arg) = @_;
+ $cmd =~ s/^ab_day$/abday/;
+ if ($cmd eq "copy") {
+ &do_copy(&parse_value($arg));
+ } elsif($cmd eq "END") {
+ } elsif($cmd =~ m/abday|day|mon|abmon|am_pm|alt_digits/) {
+ my @v = &parse_values($arg, ';', undef, 0);
+ $time{$cmd} = \@v;
+ } elsif($cmd eq "era") {
+ my @v = &parse_values($arg, ':', undef, 0);
+ $time{$cmd} = \@v;
+ } else {
+ my $v = &parse_value($arg);
+ $time{$cmd} = $v;
+ }
+sub run_mklocale {
+ my $L = (new IO::File "|/usr/bin/mklocale -o $locale_dir/LC_CTYPE") || &exit(5, "$0: Can't start mklocale $!\n");
+ if (defined($opt{'u'})) {
+ $L->print(qq{ENCODING "$opt{u}"\n});
+ } else {
+ if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/(big5|euc|gb18030|gb2312|gbk|mskanji|utf-8)/i) {
+ my $enc = uc($1);
+ $L->print(qq{ENCODING "$enc"\n});
+ } elsif($ARGV[0] =~ m/utf8/) {
+ $L->print(qq{ENCODING "UTF-8"\n});
+ } else {
+ $L->print(qq{ENCODING "NONE"\n});
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $class (keys(%ctype_classes)) {
+ unless ($class =~ m/^(tolower|toupper|alpha|control|digit|grah|lower|space|upper|xdigit|blank|print|ideogram|special|phonogram)$/) {
+ $L->print("# skipping $class\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ if (!%{$ctype_classes{$class}}) {
+ $L->print("# Nothing in \U$class\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($class =~ m/^to/) {
+ my $t = $class;
+ $t =~ s/^to/map/;
+ $L->print("\U$t ");
+ foreach my $from (keys(%{$ctype_classes{$class}})) {
+ $L->print("[", &hexchars($from), " ",
+ &hexchars($ctype_classes{$class}->{$from}), "] ");
+ }
+ } else {
+ $L->print("\U$class ");
+ foreach my $rune (keys(%{$ctype_classes{$class}})) {
+ $L->print(&hexchars($rune), " ");
+ }
+ }
+ $L->print("\n");
+ }
+ my @width;
+ foreach my $s (keys(%width)) {
+ my $w = $width{$s};
+ $w = 3 if ($w > 3);
+ push(@{$width[$w]}, &hexchars($sym{$s}));
+ }
+ for(my $w = 0; $w <= $#width; ++$w) {
+ next if (!defined $width[$w]);
+ next if (0 == @{$width[$w]});
+ $L->print("SWIDTH$w ", join(" ", @{$width[$w]}), "\n");
+ }
+ if (!$L->close()) {
+ if (0 == $!) {
+ &exit(5, "Bad return from mklocale $?");
+ } else {
+ &exit(5, "Couldn't close mklocale pipe: $!");
+ }
+ }
+sub hexchars {
+ my($str) = $_[0];
+ my($ret);
+ $ret = unpack "H*", $str;
+ &exit(2, "Rune >4 bytes ($ret; for $str)") if (length($ret) > 8);
+ return "0x" . $ret;
+sub hexseq {
+ my($str) = $_[0];
+ my($ret);
+ $ret = unpack "H*", $str;
+ $ret =~ s/(..)/\\x$1/g;
+ return $ret;
+# dot_expand in the target charset
+sub dot_expand {
+ my($s, $e) = @_;
+ my(@ret);
+ my @charset = sort { $a cmp $b } values(%sym);
+ foreach my $c (@charset) {
+ if (($c cmp $s) >= 0) {
+ last if (($c cmp $e) > 0);
+ push(@ret, $c);
+ }
+ }
+ return @ret;
+# Convert symbols into literal values
+sub unsym {
+ my @ret = &unsym_with_check(@_);
+ return $ret[0];
+# Convert symbols into literal values (return[0]), and a count of how
+# many symbols were converted (return[1]).
+sub unsym_with_check {
+ my($str) = $_[0];
+ my $rx = join("|", keys(%sym));
+ return ($str, 0) if ($rx eq "");
+ my $found = $str =~ s/<($rx)>/$sym{$1}/eg;
+ return ($str, $found);
+# Convert a string of literals back into symbols. It is an error
+# for there to be literal values that can't be mapped back. The
+# converter uses a gredy algo. It is likely this could be done
+# more efficently with a regex ctrated at runtime. It would also be
+# a good idea to only create %rsym if %sym changes, but that isn't
+# the simplest thing to do in perl5.
+sub resym {
+ my($str) = $_[0];
+ my(%rsym, $k, $v);
+ my $max_len = 0;
+ my $ret = "";
+ while(($k, $v) = each(%sym)) {
+ # Collisions in $v are ok, we merely need a mapping, not the
+ # identical mapping
+ $rsym{$v} = $k;
+ $max_len = length($v) if (length($v) > $max_len);
+ }
+ SYM: while("" ne $str) {
+ foreach my $l ($max_len .. 1) {
+ next if ($l > length($str));
+ my $s = substr($str, 0, $l);
+ if (defined($rsym{$s})) {
+ $ret .= "<" . $rsym{$s} . ">";
+ substr($str, 0, $l) = "";
+ next SYM;
+ }
+ }
+ &exit(4, "Can't convert $str ($_[0]) back into symbolic form\n");
+ }
+ return $ret;
+sub set_escape {
+ $escape_char = $_[0];
+ $val_match = qr/"(?:[^"\Q$escape_char\E]+|\Q$escape_char\E")+"|(?:\Q$escape_char\E(?:[0-7]+|d[0-9]+|x[0-9a-fA-F]+))|[^,;<>\s\Q$escape_char\E]|(?:\Q$escape_char\E)[,;<>\Q$escape_char\E]/;
+sub set_parser {
+ my $section = $_[0];
+ ($current_LC, $parse_func, $validate_line, $call_parse_on_END)
+ = ($section, $LC_parsers{$section}->[0], $LC_parsers{$section}->[1],
+ $LC_parsers{$section}->[2]);
+ unless (defined $parse_func) {
+ &exit(4, "Unknown section name LC_$section on line $. of $opt{i}\n");
+ }
+sub do_copy {
+ my($from) = @_;
+ local($ENV{LC_ALL}) = $from;
+ my $C = (new IO::File "/usr/bin/locale -k LC_$current_LC |") || &exit(5, "can't fork locale during copy of LC_$current_LC");
+ while(<$C>) {
+ if (s/=\s*$/ ""/ || s/=/ /) {
+ if (m/$validate_line/ && m/^\s*(\S*)(\s+(\S+.*?))?\s*$/) {
+ my($action, $args) = ($1, $3);
+ &{$parse_func}($action, $args);
+ } else {
+ &exit(4, "Syntax error on line $. of locale -k output"
+ . " during copy $current_LC\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ &exit(4, "Ill-formed line $. from locale -k during copy $current_LC\n");
+ }
+ }
+ $C->close() || &exit(5, "copying LC_$current_LC from $from failed");
+sub fixup_collate_order_args {
+ my $co = $_[0];
+ foreach my $s (@{$co}[1..$#{$co}]) {
+ if ("HASH" eq ref($s) && exists($s->{"..."})) {
+ $s = $co->[0];
+ }
+ }
+sub add_to_ctype_class {
+ my($class, @runes) = @_;
+ my $c = $ctype_classes{$class};
+ foreach my $r (@runes) {
+ $c->{$r} = 2 unless exists $c->{$r};
+ }
+sub deny_in_ctype_class {
+ my($class, $deny_reason, @runes) = @_;
+ my $c = $ctype_classes{$class};
+ foreach my $r (@runes) {
+ next unless exists $c->{$r};
+ $deny_reason =~ s/^(\S+)$/can't belong in class $class and in class $1 at the same time/;
+ &exit(4, &hexchars($r) . " " . $deny_reason . "\n");
+ }
+# write_lc_{money,time,messages} all use the existing Libc format, which
+# is raw text with each record terminated by a newline, and records
+# in a predetermined order.
+sub write_lc_money {
+ my $F = (new IO::File "$locale_dir/LC_MONETARY", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666) || &exit(4, "$0 can't create $locale_dir/LC_MONETARY: $!");
+ foreach my $s (qw(int_curr_symbol currency_symbol mon_decimal_point mon_thousands_sep mon_grouping positive_sign negative_sign int_frac_digits frac_digits p_cs_precedes p_sep_by_space n_cs_precedes n_sep_by_space p_sign_posn n_sign_posn int_p_cs_precedes int_n_cs_precedes int_p_sep_by_space int_n_sep_by_space int_p_sign_posn int_n_sign_posn)) {
+ if (exists $monetary{$s}) {
+ my $v = $monetary{$s};
+ if ("ARRAY" eq ref $v) {
+ $F->print(join(";", @$v), "\n");
+ } else {
+ $F->print("$v\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($s =~ m/^(int_curr_symbol|currency_symbol|mon_decimal_point|mon_thousands_sep|positive_sign|negative_sign)$/) {
+ $F->print("\n");
+ } else {
+ $F->print("-1\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub write_lc_time {
+ my $F = (new IO::File "$locale_dir/LC_TIME", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666) || &exit(4, "$0 can't create $locale_dir/LC_TIME: $!");
+ my %array_cnt = (abmon => 12, mon => 12, abday => 7, day => 7, alt_month => 12, am_pm => 2);
+ $time{"md_order"} = "md" unless defined $time{"md_order"};
+ foreach my $s (qw(abmon mon abday day t_fmt d_fmt d_t_fmt am_pm d_t_fmt mon md_order t_fmt_ampm)) {
+ my $cnt = $array_cnt{$s};
+ my $v = $time{$s};
+ if (defined $v) {
+ if (defined $cnt) {
+ my @a = @{$v};
+ &exit(4, "$0: $s has " . (0 + @a)
+ . " elements, it needs to have exactly $cnt\n")
+ unless (@a == $cnt);
+ $F->print(join("\n", @a), "\n");
+ } else {
+ $F->print("$v\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ $cnt = 1 if !defined $cnt;
+ $F->print("\n" x $cnt);
+ }
+ }
+sub write_lc_messages {
+ mkdir("$locale_dir/LC_MESSAGES");
+ my $F = (new IO::File "$locale_dir/LC_MESSAGES/LC_MESSAGES", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666) || &exit(4, "$0 can't create $locale_dir/LC_MESSAGES/LC_MESSAGES: $!");
+ foreach my $s (qw(yesexpr noexpr yesstr nostr)) {
+ my $v = $messages{$s};
+ if (defined $v) {
+ $F->print("$v\n");
+ } else {
+ $F->print("\n");
+ }
+ }
+sub write_lc_numeric {
+ my $F = (new IO::File "$locale_dir/LC_NUMERIC", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666) || &exit(4, "$0 can't create $locale_dir/LC_NUMERIC: $!");
+ foreach my $s (qw(decimal_point thousands_sep grouping)) {
+ if (exists $numeric{$s}) {
+ my $v = $numeric{$s};
+ if ("ARRAY" eq ref $v) {
+ $F->print(join(";", @$v), "\n");
+ } else {
+ $F->print("$v\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ $F->print("\n");
+ }
+ }
+sub bylenval {
+ return 0 if ("ARRAY" ne ref $a || "ARRAY" ne ref $b);
+ my($aval, $af) = &unsym_with_check($a->[0]);
+ $aval = $cele{$a->[0]} unless $af;
+ my($bval, $bf) = &unsym_with_check($b->[0]);
+ $bval = $cele{$b->[0]} unless $bf;
+ my $r = length($aval) - length($bval);
+ return $r if $r;
+ return $aval cmp $bval;
+sub write_lc_collate {
+ return unless @colldef;
+ # colldef doesn't parse the whole glory of SuSv3 charmaps, and we
+ # already have, so we cna spit out a simplifyed one; unfortunitly
+ # it doesn't like "/dev/fd/N" so we need a named tmp file
+ my($CMAP, $cmapname) = tempfile(DIR => "/tmp");
+ foreach my $s (keys(%sym)) {
+ $CMAP->print("<$s>\t", sprintf "\\x%02x\n", ord($sym{$s}));
+ }
+ $CMAP->flush();
+ unshift(@colldef, qq{charmap $cmapname});
+ unshift(@colldef, "LC_COLLATE");
+ $colldef[$#colldef] = "END LC_COLLATE";
+ # Can't just use /dev/stdin, colldef appears to use seek,
+ # and even seems to need a named temp file (re-open?)
+ my($COL, $colname) = tempfile(DIR => "/tmp");
+ $COL->print(join("\n", @colldef), "\n");
+ $COL->flush();
+ my $rc = system(
+ "/usr/bin/colldef -o $locale_dir/LC_COLLATE $colname");
+ unlink $colname, $cmapname;
+ if ($rc) {
+ &exit(1, "Bad return from colldef $rc");
+ }
+# Pack an int of unknown size into a series of bytes, each of which
+# contains 7 bits of data, and the top bit is clear on the last
+# byte of data. Also works on arrays -- does not encode the size of
+# the array. This format is great for data that tends to have fewer
+# then 21 bits.
+sub pack_p_int {
+ if (@_ > 1) {
+ my $ret = "";
+ foreach my $v (@_) {
+ $ret .= &pack_p_int($v);
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ my $v = $_[0];
+ my $b;
+ &exit(4, "pack_p_int only works on positive values") if ($v < 0);
+ if ($v < 128) {
+ $b = chr($v);
+ } else {
+ $b = chr(($v & 0x7f) | 0x80);
+ $b .= pack_p_int($v >> 7);
+ }
+ return $b;
+sub strip_angles {
+ my $s = $_[0];
+ $s =~ s/^<(.*)>$/$1/;
+ return $s;
+# For localedef
+# xc=0 "no warnings, locale defined"
+# xc=1 "warnings, locale defined"
+# xc=2 "implmentation limits or unsupported charactor sets, no locale defined"
+# xc=3 "can't create new locales"
+# xc=4+ "wornings or errors, no locale defined"
+sub exit {
+ my($xc, $message) = @_;
+ print STDERR $message;
+ exit $xc;