path: root/bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/routine.h
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authorCameron Katri <me@cameronkatri.com>2021-05-09 14:20:58 -0400
committerCameron Katri <me@cameronkatri.com>2021-05-09 14:20:58 -0400
commit5fd83771641d15c418f747bd343ba6738d3875f7 (patch)
tree5abf0f78f680d9837dbd93d4d4c3933bb7509599 /bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/routine.h
Import macOS userland
adv_cmds-176 basic_cmds-55 bootstrap_cmds-116.100.1 developer_cmds-66 diskdev_cmds-667.40.1 doc_cmds-53.60.1 file_cmds-321.40.3 mail_cmds-35 misc_cmds-34 network_cmds-606.40.1 patch_cmds-17 remote_cmds-63 shell_cmds-216.60.1 system_cmds-880.60.2 text_cmds-106
Diffstat (limited to 'bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/routine.h')
1 files changed, 549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/routine.h b/bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/routine.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b63a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/routine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
+ * file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+ * Mach Operating System
+ * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
+ * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
+ * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
+ * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
+ *
+ *
+ * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
+ *
+ * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
+ * School of Computer Science
+ * Carnegie Mellon University
+ * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
+ *
+ * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
+ * the rights to redistribute these changes.
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#ifndef _ROUTINE_H
+#define _ROUTINE_H
+#include "type.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <mach/message.h>
+#include <mach/boolean.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+/* base kind arg */
+#define akeNone (0)
+#define akeNormal (1) /* a normal, user-defined argument */
+#define akeRequestPort (2) /* pointed at by rtRequestPort */
+#define akeWaitTime (3) /* pointed at by rtWaitTime */
+#define akeReplyPort (4) /* pointed at by rtReplyPort */
+#define akeMsgOption (5) /* pointed at by rtMsgOption */
+#define akeMsgSeqno (6) /* pointed at by rtMsgSeqno */
+#define akeRetCode (7) /* pointed at by rtRetCode */
+#define akeNdrCode (8) /* pointed at by rtNdrCode */
+#define akeCount (9) /* a count arg for argParent */
+#define akePoly (10) /* a poly arg for argParent */
+#define akeDealloc (11) /* a deallocate arg for argParent */
+#define akeCountInOut (12) /* a count-in-out arg */
+#define akeSameCount (13) /* a samecount case: in fact, a no count! */
+#define akeSubCount (14) /* a array of array case: subordinate arrays count */
+#define akeImplicit (15) /* an implicit argument, from the trailer */
+#define akeSecToken (16) /* an argument from the trailer: the security token */
+#define akeAuditToken (17) /* an argument from the trailer: the audit token */
+#define akeContextToken (18) /* an argument from the trailer: the context token */
+#define akeSendTime (19) /* pointed at by rtWaitTime */
+#define akeBITS (0x0000003f)
+#define akbRequest (0x00000040) /* has a msg_type in request */
+#define akbReply (0x00000080) /* has a msg_type in reply */
+#define akbUserArg (0x00000100) /* an arg on user-side */
+#define akbServerArg (0x00000200) /* an arg on server-side */
+#define akbSend (0x00000400) /* value carried in request */
+#define akbSendBody (0x00000800) /* value carried in request body */
+#define akbSendSnd (0x00001000) /* value stuffed into request */
+#define akbSendRcv (0x00002000) /* value grabbed from request */
+#define akbReturn (0x00004000) /* value carried in reply */
+#define akbReturnBody (0x00008000) /* value carried in reply body */
+#define akbReturnSnd (0x00010000) /* value stuffed into reply */
+#define akbReturnRcv (0x00020000) /* value grabbed from reply */
+#define akbReturnNdr (0x00040000) /* needs NDR conversion in reply */
+#define akbReplyInit (0x00080000) /* reply value doesn't come from target routine */
+#define akbReplyCopy (0x00200000) /* copy reply value from request */
+#define akbVarNeeded (0x00400000) /* may need local var in server */
+#define akbDestroy (0x00800000) /* call destructor function */
+#define akbVariable (0x01000000) /* variable size inline data */
+#define akbSendNdr (0x04000000) /* needs NDR conversion in request */
+#define akbSendKPD (0x08000000) /* the arg is sent in the Kernel Processed Data
+ section of the Request message */
+#define akbReturnKPD (0x10000000) /* the arg is sent in the Kernel Processed Data
+ section of the Reply message */
+#define akbUserImplicit (0x20000000) /* the arg is Impl */
+#define akbServerImplicit (0x40000000) /* the arg is Impl */
+#define akbOverwrite (0x80000000)
+/* be careful, there aren't many bits left */
+typedef u_int arg_kind_t;
+ * akbRequest means msg_type/data fields are allocated in the request
+ * msg. akbReply means msg_type/data fields are allocated in the
+ * reply msg. These bits * control msg structure declarations packing,
+ * and checking of mach_msg_type_t fields.
+ *
+ * akbUserArg means this argument is an argument to the user-side stub.
+ * akbServerArg means this argument is an argument to
+ * the server procedure called by the server-side stub.
+ *
+ * The akbSend* and akbReturn* bits control packing/extracting values
+ * in the request and reply messages.
+ *
+ * akbSend means the argument's value is carried in the request msg.
+ * akbSendBody implies akbSend; the value is carried in the msg body.
+ * akbSendKPD is the equivalent of akbSendBody for Kernel Processed Data.
+ * akbSendSnd implies akbSend; the value is stuffed into the request.
+ * akbSendRcv implies akbSend; the value is pulled out of the request.
+ *
+ * akbReturn, akbReturnBody, akbReturnSnd, akbReturnRcv are defined
+ * similarly but apply to the reply message.
+ *
+ * User-side code generation (header.c, user.c) and associated code
+ * should use akbSendSnd and akbReturnRcv, but not akbSendRcv and
+ * akbReturnSnd. Server-side code generation (server.c) is reversed.
+ * Code generation should use the more specific akb{Send,Return}{Snd,Rcv}
+ * bits when possible, instead of akb{Send,Return}.
+ *
+ * Note that akRetCode and akReturn lack any Return bits, although
+ * there is a value in the msg. These guys are packed/unpacked
+ * with special code, unlike other arguments.
+ *
+ * akbReplyInit implies akbReply. It means the server-side stub
+ * should initialize the field, because its value does not come
+ * from the execution of the target routine: the setting of the
+ * NDR record is the sole example (at the moment) of use of this flag.
+ *
+ * akbVariable means the argument has variable-sized inline data.
+ * It isn't currently used for code generation, but routine.c
+ * does use it internally. It is added in rtAugmentArgKind.
+ *
+ * akbReplyCopy and akbVarNeeded help control code generation in the
+ * server-side stub. The preferred method of handling data in the
+ * server-side stub avoids copying into/out-of local variables. In
+ * arguments get passed directly to the server proc from the request msg.
+ * Out arguments get stuffed directly into the reply msg by the server proc.
+ * For InOut arguments, the server proc gets the address of the data in
+ * the request msg, and the resulting data gets copied to the reply msg.
+ * Some arguments need a local variable in the server-side stub. The
+ * code extracts the data from the request msg into the variable, and
+ * stuff the reply msg from the variable.
+ *
+ * akbReplyCopy implies akbReply. It means the data should get copied
+ * from the request msg to the reply msg after the server proc is called.
+ * It is only used by akInOut. akTid doesn't need it because the tid
+ * data in the reply msg is initialized in the server demux function.
+ *
+ * akbVarNeeded means the argument needs a local variable in the
+ * server-side stub. It is added in rtAugmentArgKind and
+ * rtCheckVariable. An argument shouldn't have all three of
+ * akbReturnSnd, akbVarNeeded and akbReplyCopy, because this indicates
+ * the reply msg should be stuffed both ways.
+ *
+ * akbDestroy helps control code generation in the server-side stub.
+ * It means this argument has a destructor function which should be called.
+ *
+ * akbOverwrite is used to identify the arguments that have to put an entry in
+ * the scatter list (the message-template used by the User stub to specify
+ * where the out-of-line data sent by server has to land).
+ *
+ * akbUserImplicit (akbServerImplicit) is used to mark the arguments that
+ * correspond to implicit data (data generated by the kernel and inserted in
+ * the trailer).
+ *
+ * Header file generation (header.c) uses:
+ * akbUserArg
+ *
+ * User stub generation (user.c) uses:
+ * akbUserArg, akbRequest, akbReply, akbSendSnd,
+ * akbSendBody, akbSendKPD, akbReturnRcv, akbOverwrite, akbUserImplicit
+ *
+ * Server stub generation (server.c) uses:
+ * akbServerArg, akbRequest, akbReply, akbSendRcv, akbReturnSnd,
+ * akbReplyCopy, akbVarNeeded, akbSendBody, akbServerImplicit
+ *
+ *
+ * During code generation, the routine, argument, and type data structures
+ * are read-only. The code generation functions' output is their only
+ * side-effect.
+ *
+ *
+ * Style note:
+ * Code can use logical operators (|, &, ~) on akb values.
+ * ak values should be manipulated with the ak functions.
+ */
+/* various useful combinations */
+#define akbNone (0)
+#define akbAll (~akbNone)
+#define akbAllBits (~akeBITS)
+#define akbSendBits (akbSend|akbSendBody|akbSendSnd|akbSendRcv)
+#define akbReturnBits (akbReturn|akbReturnBody|akbReturnSnd|akbReturnRcv)
+#define akbSendReturnBits (akbSendBits|akbReturnBits)
+#define akNone akeNone
+#define akIn akAddFeature(akeNormal, \
+ akbUserArg|akbServerArg|akbRequest|akbSendBits)
+#define akOut akAddFeature(akeNormal, \
+ akbUserArg|akbServerArg|akbReply|akbReturnBits)
+#define akServerImpl akAddFeature(akeImplicit, \
+ akbServerArg|akbServerImplicit|akbSend|akbSendRcv)
+#define akUserImpl akAddFeature(akeImplicit, \
+ akbUserArg|akbUserImplicit|akbReturn|akbReturnRcv)
+#define akServerSecToken akAddFeature(akeSecToken, \
+ akbServerArg|akbServerImplicit|akbSend|akbSendRcv)
+#define akUserSecToken akAddFeature(akeSecToken, \
+ akbUserArg|akbUserImplicit|akbReturn|akbReturnRcv)
+#define akSecToken akAddFeature(akeSecToken, \
+ akbServerArg|akbServerImplicit|akbSend|akbSendRcv| \
+ akbUserArg|akbUserImplicit|akbReturn|akbReturnRcv)
+#define akServerAuditToken akAddFeature(akeAuditToken, \
+ akbServerArg|akbServerImplicit|akbSend|akbSendRcv)
+#define akUserAuditToken akAddFeature(akeAuditToken, \
+ akbUserArg|akbUserImplicit|akbReturn|akbReturnRcv)
+#define akAuditToken akAddFeature(akeAuditToken, \
+ akbServerArg|akbServerImplicit|akbSend|akbSendRcv| \
+ akbUserArg|akbUserImplicit|akbReturn|akbReturnRcv)
+#define akServerContextToken akAddFeature(akeContextToken, \
+ akbServerArg|akbServerImplicit|akbSend|akbSendRcv)
+#define akMsgSeqno akAddFeature(akeMsgSeqno, \
+ akbServerArg|akbServerImplicit|akbSend|akbSendRcv)
+#define akInOut akAddFeature(akeNormal, \
+ akbUserArg|akbServerArg|akbRequest|akbReply| \
+ akbSendBits|akbReturnBits|akbReplyCopy)
+#define akRequestPort akAddFeature(akeRequestPort, \
+ akbUserArg|akbServerArg|akbSend|akbSendSnd|akbSendRcv)
+#define akWaitTime akAddFeature(akeWaitTime, akbUserArg)
+#define akSendTime akAddFeature(akeSendTime, akbUserArg)
+#define akMsgOption akAddFeature(akeMsgOption, akbUserArg)
+#define akReplyPort akAddFeature(akeReplyPort, \
+ akbUserArg|akbServerArg|akbSend|akbSendSnd|akbSendRcv)
+#define akUReplyPort akAddFeature(akeReplyPort, \
+ akbUserArg|akbSend|akbSendSnd|akbSendRcv)
+#define akSReplyPort akAddFeature(akeReplyPort, \
+ akbServerArg|akbSend|akbSendSnd|akbSendRcv)
+#define akRetCode akAddFeature(akeRetCode, akbReply|akbReturnBody)
+#define akCount akAddFeature(akeCount, \
+ akbUserArg|akbServerArg)
+#define akPoly akePoly
+#define akDealloc akAddFeature(akeDealloc, akbUserArg)
+#define akCountInOut akAddFeature(akeCountInOut, akbRequest|akbSendBits)
+#define akCheck(ak, bits) ((ak) & (bits))
+#define akCheckAll(ak, bits) (akCheck(ak, bits) == (bits))
+#define akAddFeature(ak, bits) ((ak)|(bits))
+#define akRemFeature(ak, bits) ((ak)&~(bits))
+#define akIdent(ak) ((ak) & akeBITS)
+#define argIsIn(arg) (akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeNormal && \
+ akCheck(arg->argKind, akbRequest))
+#define argIsOut(arg) (akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeNormal && \
+ akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReply))
+ * The arguments to a routine/function are linked in left-to-right order.
+ * argName is used for error messages and pretty-printing,
+ * not code generation. Code generation shouldn't make any assumptions
+ * about the order of arguments, esp. count and poly arguments.
+ * (Unfortunately, code generation for inline variable-sized arguments
+ * does make such assumptions.)
+ *
+ * argVarName is the name used in generated code for function arguments
+ * and local variable names. argMsgField is the name used in generated
+ * code for the field in msgs where the argument's value lives.
+ * argTTName is the name used in generated code for msg-type fields and
+ * static variables used to initialize those fields. argPadName is the
+ * name used in generated code for a padding field in msgs.
+ *
+ * argFlags can be used to override the deallocate bits
+ * in the argument's type. rtProcessArgFlags sets argDeallocate
+ * from it and the type. Code generation shouldn't use
+ * argFlags.
+ *
+ * argCount, argPoly, and argDealloc get to the implicit count, poly,
+ * and dealloc arguments associated with the argument; they should be
+ * used instead of argNext. In these implicit arguments, argParent is
+ * a pointer to the "real" arg.
+ *
+ * In count arguments, argMultiplier is a scaling factor applied to
+ * the count arg's value to get msg-type-number. It is equal to
+ * argParent->argType->itElement->itNumber
+ *
+ */
+typedef struct argument
+ /* if argKind == akReturn, then argName is name of the function */
+ identifier_t argName;
+ struct argument *argNext;
+ arg_kind_t argKind;
+ ipc_type_t *argType;
+ /* Kernel Processed Data */
+ mach_msg_descriptor_type_t argKPD_Type; /* KPD type: port, ool, port+ool */
+ void (* argKPD_Template)(FILE *file, struct argument *arg, boolean_t in); /* KPD discipline for static templates */
+ void (* argKPD_Init)(FILE *file, struct argument *arg); /* KPD discipline for initializing */
+ void (* argKPD_Pack)(FILE *file, struct argument *ar); /* KPD discipline for packing */
+ void (* argKPD_Extract)(FILE *file, struct argument *arg); /* KPD discipline for extracting */
+ void (* argKPD_TypeCheck)(FILE *file, struct argument *ar); /* KPD discipline for type checking */
+ string_t argVarName; /* local variable and argument names */
+ string_t argMsgField; /* message field's name */
+ string_t argTTName; /* name for msg_type fields, static vars */
+ string_t argPadName; /* name for pad field in msg */
+ string_t argSuffix; /* name extension for KPDs */
+ ipc_flags_t argFlags;
+ dealloc_t argDeallocate; /* overrides argType->itDeallocate */
+ boolean_t argCountInOut;
+ struct routine *argRoutine; /* routine we are part of */
+ struct argument *argCount; /* our count arg, if present */
+ struct argument *argSubCount; /* our sub-count arg, if present (variable subordinate arrays) */
+ struct argument *argCInOut; /* our CountInOut arg, if present */
+ struct argument *argPoly; /* our poly arg, if present */
+ struct argument *argDealloc; /* our dealloc arg, if present */
+ struct argument *argSameCount; /* the arg to take the count from, if present */
+ struct argument *argParent; /* in a count or poly arg, the base arg */
+ u_int argMultiplier; /* for Count argument: parent is a multiple
+ of a basic IPC type. Argument must be
+ multiplied by Multiplier to get IPC
+ number-of-elements. */
+ /* how variable/inline args precede this one, in request and reply */
+ u_int argRequestPos;
+ u_int argReplyPos;
+ /* whether argument is by reference, on user and server side */
+ boolean_t argByReferenceUser;
+ boolean_t argByReferenceServer;
+ boolean_t argTempOnStack; /* A temporary for the short-circuiting
+ * code when -maxonstack is used.
+ */
+} argument_t;
+ * The various routine kinds' peculiarities are abstracted by rtCheckRoutine
+ * into attributes like rtOneWay, etc. These are what
+ * code generation should use. It is Bad Form for code generation to
+ * test rtKind.
+ */
+typedef enum
+ rkRoutine,
+ rkSimpleRoutine
+} routine_kind_t;
+typedef struct routine
+ identifier_t rtName;
+ routine_kind_t rtKind;
+ argument_t *rtArgs;
+ u_int rtNumber; /* used for making msg ids */
+ identifier_t rtUserName; /* user-visible name (UserPrefix + Name) */
+ identifier_t rtServerName; /* server-side name (ServerPrefix + Name) */
+ identifier_t rtErrorName; /* error-handler name */
+ boolean_t rtOneWay; /* SimpleRoutine */
+ boolean_t rtSimpleRequest;
+ boolean_t rtSimpleReply;
+ boolean_t rtUseSpecialReplyPort;
+ u_int rtConsumeOnSendError;
+ u_int rtNumRequestVar; /* number of variable/inline args in request */
+ u_int rtNumReplyVar; /* number of variable/inline args in reply */
+ u_int rtMaxRequestPos; /* maximum of argRequestPos */
+ u_int rtMaxReplyPos; /* maximum of argReplyPos */
+ u_int rtRequestKPDs; /* number of Kernel Processed Data entries */
+ u_int rtReplyKPDs; /* number of Kernel Processed Data entries */
+ u_int rtOverwrite; /* number of Overwrite entries */
+ u_int rtOverwriteKPDs; /* number of entries in the Overwrite template */
+ boolean_t rtNoReplyArgs; /* if so, no reply message arguments beyond
+ what the server dispatch routine inserts */
+ boolean_t rtRequestFits; /* Request fits within onstack limit */
+ boolean_t rtReplyFits; /* Reply fits within onstack limit */
+ boolean_t rtRequestUsedLimit;/* User type limit used in deciding whether
+ request fits within onstack limit */
+ boolean_t rtReplyUsedLimit; /* User type limit used in deciding whether
+ reply fits within onstack limit */
+ u_int rtRequestSizeKnown; /* Max size of known portion of request */
+ u_int rtReplySizeKnown; /* Max size of known portion of request */
+ u_int rtServerImpl; /* Implicit data requested */
+ u_int rtUserImpl; /* Implicit data requested */
+ /* distinguished arguments */
+ argument_t *rtRetCArg; /* the Routine has this argument tagged as RetCode */
+ argument_t *rtRequestPort; /* always non-NULL, defaults to first arg */
+ argument_t *rtReplyPort; /* always non-NULL, defaults to Mig-supplied */
+ argument_t *rtRetCode; /* always non-NULL */
+ argument_t *rtNdrCode; /* always non-NULL */
+ argument_t *rtWaitTime; /* if non-NULL, will use MACH_RCV_TIMEOUT */
+ argument_t *rtMsgOption; /* always non-NULL, defaults to NONE */
+ /* more info's used only when UseEventLogger is turned on */
+ u_int rtCountPortsIn; /* how many in-line Ports are sent */
+ u_int rtCountOolPortsIn; /* how many out_of-line Ports are sent */
+ u_int rtCountOolIn; /* how many bytes out_of-line are sent */
+ u_int rtCountPortsOut; /* how many in-line Ports are rcv'd */
+ u_int rtCountOolPortsOut; /* how many out_of-line Ports are rcv'd */
+ u_int rtCountOolOut; /* how many bytes out_of-line are rcv'd */
+ u_int rtTempBytesOnStack; /* A temporary for the short-circuiting
+ * code when -maxonstack is used.
+ */
+} routine_t;
+#define rtNULL ((routine_t *) 0)
+#define argNULL ((argument_t *) 0)
+#define argKPD_NULL ((mach_msg_descriptor_type_t) -1)
+#define rtMessOnStack(rt) ((rt)->rtRequestFits && (rt)->rtReplyFits)
+ * These are the ways MiG organizes stub parameters
+ */
+#define IS_VARIABLE_SIZED_UNTYPED(x) ((x)->itVarArray && \
+ (x)->itInLine && \
+ !(x)->itPortType)
+#define IS_KERN_PROC_DATA(x) (!(x)->itInLine || (x)->itPortType)
+#define IS_OPTIONAL_NATIVE(x) ((x)->itNative && \
+ (x)->itNativePointer && \
+ (x)->itBadValue != NULL)
+ * I consider the case of fixed/variable bounded arrays of ports or ool or oolport
+ */
+#define IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(x) ((x)->itKPD_Number > 1)
+ * I consider the case of MiG presenting data as it is inLine, even
+ * if it is sent/rcvd as out-of-line
+ */
+#define IS_MIG_INLINE_EMUL(x) ((x)->itMigInLine)
+extern u_int rtNumber;
+/* rt->rtNumber will be initialized */
+extern routine_t *rtAlloc(void);
+/* skip a number */
+extern void rtSkip(void);
+extern argument_t *argAlloc(void);
+extern boolean_t
+rtCheckMask(argument_t *args, u_int mask);
+extern boolean_t
+rtCheckMaskFunction(argument_t *args, u_int mask,
+ boolean_t (*func)(argument_t *arg));
+extern routine_t *
+rtMakeRoutine(identifier_t name, argument_t *args);
+extern routine_t *
+rtMakeSimpleRoutine(identifier_t name, argument_t *args);
+extern void rtPrintRoutine(routine_t *rt);
+extern void rtCheckRoutine(routine_t *rt);
+extern char *rtRoutineKindToStr(routine_kind_t rk);
+extern int rtCountArgDescriptors(argument_t *args, int *argcount);
+extern void rtMinRequestSize(FILE *file, routine_t *rt, char *str);
+extern void rtMinReplySize(FILE *file, routine_t *rt, char *str);
+#define RPCUserStruct(arg) (arg->argType->itStruct && arg->argType->itInLine)
+#define RPCString(arg) (arg->argType->itString && arg->argType->itInLine)
+#define RPCOutStruct(arg) (arg->argType->itStruct &&\
+ argIsOut(arg) && (! arg->argType->itVarArray))
+#define RPCOutWord(arg) (RPCUserStruct(arg) &&\
+ (arg->argType->itSize <= 32) &&\
+ (arg->argType->itNumber == 1) && argIsOut(arg))
+#define RPCPort(arg) (arg->argKPD_Type == MACH_MSG_PORT_DESCRIPTOR)
+#define RPCPortArray(arg) (arg->argKPD_Type == MACH_MSG_OOL_PORTS_DESCRIPTOR)
+#define RPCVariableArray(arg) ((arg->argType->itVarArray) &&\
+ !RPCPort(arg) && !RPCPortArray(arg))
+#define RPCFixedArray(arg) (((! arg->argType->itVarArray) &&\
+ !RPCPort(arg) && !RPCPortArray(arg) &&\
+ (arg->argType->itNumber > 1) &&\
+ !RPCUserStruct(arg)) ||\
+ RPCString(arg) ||\
+ RPCOutWord(arg) ||\
+ RPCOutStruct(arg))
+#endif /* _ROUTINE_H */