path: root/bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/handler.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/handler.c')
1 files changed, 754 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/handler.c b/bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/handler.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5156aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/handler.c
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
+ * file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+ * Abstract:
+ * routines to write pieces of the Handler module.
+ * exports WriteHandler which directs the writing of
+ * the Handler module
+ *
+ *
+ * $Header: /Users/Shared/bootstrap_cmds/bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/handler.c,v 1.2 2005/02/06 07:28:59 lindak Exp $
+ *
+ * 03-Jul-97 Daniel Wade (danielw) at Apple
+ * Generated code is now ANSI C compliant
+ *
+ * 10-Sep-91 Gregg Kellogg (gk) at NeXT
+ * Created.
+ *******************************************************/
+#include <mach/message.h>
+#include "write.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "global.h"
+static void
+WriteIncludes(FILE *file)
+ fprintf(file, "#define EXPORT_BOOLEAN\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#include <mach/boolean.h>\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#include <mach/message.h>\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#include <mach/mig_errors.h>\n");
+ if (IsCamelot) {
+ fprintf(file, "#include <cam/camelot_types.h>\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#include <mach/msg_type.h>\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "#include \"%s\"\n", ServerHeaderFileName);
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteGlobalDecls(FILE *file)
+ fprintf(file, "#define novalue void\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ if (RCSId != strNULL)
+ WriteRCSDecl(file, strconcat(SubsystemName, "_handler"), RCSId);
+ /* Used for locations in the request message, *not* reply message.
+ Reply message locations aren't dependent on IsKernel. */
+ if (IsKernel)
+ {
+ fprintf(file, "#define msg_request_port\tmsg_remote_port\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#define msg_reply_port\t\tmsg_local_port\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf(file, "#define msg_request_port\tmsg_local_port\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#define msg_reply_port\t\tmsg_remote_port\n");
+ }
+static void
+WriteProlog(FILE *file)
+ fprintf(file, "/* Module %s */\n", SubsystemName);
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ WriteIncludes(file);
+ WriteBogusDefines(file);
+ WriteGlobalDecls(file);
+static void
+WriteSymTabEntries(FILE *file statement_t *stats)
+ statement_t *stat;
+ u_int current = 0;
+ for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext)
+ if (stat->stKind == skRoutine) {
+ int num = stat->stRoutine->rtNumber;
+ char *name = stat->stRoutine->rtName;
+ while (++current <= num)
+ fprintf(file,"\t\t\t{ \"\", 0, 0 },\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t{ \"%s\", %d, _X%s },\n",
+ name,
+ SubsystemBase + current - 1,
+ name);
+ }
+ while (++current <= rtNumber)
+ fprintf(file,"\t{ \"\", 0, 0 },\n");
+static void
+WriteArrayEntries(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ u_int current = 0;
+ statement_t *stat;
+ for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext)
+ if (stat->stKind == skRoutine)
+ {
+ routine_t *rt = stat->stRoutine;
+ while (current++ < rt->rtNumber)
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t\t0,\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t\t_X%s,\n", rt->rtName);
+ }
+ while (current++ < rtNumber)
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t\t0,\n");
+static void
+WriteEpilog(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ statement_t *stat;
+ u_int MaxReply = 0;
+ for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext) {
+ if (stat->stKind != skRoutine)
+ continue;
+ if (stat->stRoutine->rtMaxReplySize > MaxReply)
+ MaxReply = stat->stRoutine->rtMaxReplySize;
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "kern_return_t %s (\n", ServerProcName);
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsg_header_t *InHeadP,\n\t%s_t *%s)\n", SubsystemName, SubsystemName);
+ fprintf(file, "{\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tchar OutBuf[%d];\n", MaxReply);
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsg_header_t *InP = InHeadP;\n");
+ if (IsCamelot)
+ fprintf(file, "\tcamelot_death_pill_t *OutP = (camelot_death_pill_t *) OutBuf;\n");
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\tdeath_pill_t *OutP = (death_pill_t *) OutBuf;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ WriteStaticDecl(file, itRetCodeType, itRetCodeType->itDeallocate, itRetCodeType->itLongForm, "RetCodeType");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ if (IsCamelot)
+ {
+ WriteStaticDecl(file, itDummyType, itDummyType->itDeallocate, itDummyType->itLongForm, "DummyType");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ WriteStaticDecl(file, itTidType, itTidType->itDeallocate, itTidType->itLongForm, "TidType");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->Head.msg_simple = TRUE;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->Head.msg_size = (mach_msg_size_t)sizeof(*OutP);\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->Head.msg_type = InP->msg_type;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->Head.msg_local_port = PORT_NULL;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->Head.msg_remote_port = InP->msg_reply_port;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->Head.msg_id = InP->msg_id + 100;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ WritePackMsgType(file, itRetCodeType, itRetCodeType->itDeallocate, itRetCodeType->itLongForm, "OutP->RetCodeType", "RetCodeType");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->RetCode = MIG_BAD_ID;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ if (IsCamelot)
+ {
+ WritePackMsgType(file, itDummyType, itDummyType->itDeallocate, itDummyType->itLongForm, "OutP->DummyType", "DummyType");
+ fprintf(file, "\t/* dummy doesn't need a value */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ WritePackMsgType(file, itTidType, itTidType->itDeallocate, itTidType->itLongForm, "OutP->TidType", "TidType");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->Tid = ((camelot_death_pill_t *)InP)->Tid;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\tif ((InP->msg_id > %d) || (InP->msg_id < %d))\n", SubsystemBase + rtNumber - 1, SubsystemBase);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\treturn OutP->RetCode;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\telse {\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\ttypedef novalue (*SERVER_STUB_PROC) (\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t\tmsg_header_t *,\n"
+ "\t\t\tmsg_header_t *,\n"
+ "\t\t\t%s_t *);\n", SubsystemName);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\tstatic const SERVER_STUB_PROC routines[] = {\n");
+ WriteArrayEntries(file, stats);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t};\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ /* Call appropriate routine */
+ fprintf(file, "\t\tif (routines[InP->msg_id - %d])\n", SubsystemBase);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t\t(routines[InP->msg_id - %d]) (\n"
+ "\t\t\t\tInP, &OutP->Head, %s);\n",
+ SubsystemBase, SubsystemName);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t else\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t\treturn MIG_BAD_ID;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t}\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (OutP->RetCode == MIG_NO_REPLY)\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\treturn KERN_SUCCESS;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\treturn msg_send(&OutP->Head,\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t%s->timeout >= 0 ? SEND_TIMEOUT : MSG_OPTION_NONE,\n", SubsystemName);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t%s->timeout);\n", SubsystemName);
+ fprintf(file, "}\n");
+ /* symtab */
+ if (GenSymTab) {
+ fprintf(file,"\nmig_symtab_t _%sSymTab[] = {\n",SubsystemName);
+ WriteSymTabEntries(file,stats);
+ fprintf(file,"};\n");
+ fprintf(file,"int _%sSymTabBase = %d;\n",SubsystemName,SubsystemBase);
+ fprintf(file,"int _%sSymTabEnd = %d;\n",SubsystemName,SubsystemBase+rtNumber);
+ }
+ * Returns the return type of the server-side work function.
+ * Suitable for "extern %s serverfunc()".
+ */
+static char *
+HandlerSideType(routine_t *rt)
+ if (rt->rtServerReturn == argNULL)
+ return "void";
+ else
+ return rt->rtServerReturn->argType->itTransType;
+static void
+WriteLocalVarDecl(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ if (it->itInLine && it->itVarArray)
+ {
+ ipc_type_t *btype = it->itElement;
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s %s[%d]", btype->itTransType, arg->argVarName, it->itNumber/btype->itNumber);
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s %s", it->itTransType, arg->argVarName);
+static void
+_WriteHandlerVarDecl(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ fprintf(file, "%s %s%s", arg->argType->itTransType, argByReferenceServer(arg) ? "*" : "", arg->argVarName);
+ * Writes the local variable declarations which are always
+ * present: InP, OutP, the server-side work function.
+ */
+static void
+WriteVarDecls(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ int i;
+ fprintf(file, "\tRequest *In0P = (Request *) InHeadP;\n");
+ for (i = 1; i <= rt->rtMaxRequestPos; i++)
+ fprintf(file, "\tRequest *In%dP;\n", i);
+ fprintf(file, "\tReply *OutP = (Reply *) OutHeadP;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigTypeCheck\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tboolean_t msg_simple;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __MigTypeCheck */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tunsigned int msg_size;\n");
+ /* if either request or reply is variable, we need msg_size_delta */
+ if ((rt->rtNumRequestVar > 0) || (rt->rtNumReplyVar > 0))
+ fprintf(file, "\tunsigned int msg_size_delta;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteMsgError(FILE *file, argument_t *arg, char *error)
+ if (arg == argNULL)
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t{ OutP->RetCode = %s; return; }\n", error);
+ else {
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t{ OutP->RetCode = %s; goto punt%d; }\n", error, arg->argPuntNum);
+ fprintf(file, "#define\tlabel_punt%d\n", arg->argPuntNum);
+ }
+static void
+WriteReplyInit(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsg_size = %d;\t\n", rt->rtReplySize);
+ if (rt->rtNumReplyVar > 0)
+ fprintf(file, "\t/* Maximum reply size %d */\n", rt->rtMaxReplySize);
+static void
+WriteReplyHead(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ if (rt->rtMaxReplyPos > 0)
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP = (Reply *) OutHeadP;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->Head.msg_simple = %s;\n", strbool(rt->rtSimpleSendReply));
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->Head.msg_size = msg_size;\n");
+static void
+WriteCheckHead(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigTypeCheck\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsg_size = In0P->Head.msg_size;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsg_simple = In0P->Head.msg_simple;\n");
+ if (rt->rtNumRequestVar > 0) {
+ fprintf(file, "\tif ((msg_size < %d)", rt->rtRequestSize);
+ fprintf(file, " || (msg_size > %d)", rt->rtMaxRequestSize);
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\tif ((msg_size != %d)", rt->rtRequestSize);
+ if (rt->rtSimpleCheckRequest)
+ fprintf(file, " || (msg_simple != %s)", strbool(rt->rtSimpleReceiveRequest));
+ fprintf(file, ")\n");
+ WriteMsgError(file, argNULL, "MIG_BAD_ARGUMENTS");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __MigTypeCheck */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteTypeCheck(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ routine_t *rt = arg->argRoutine;
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigTypeCheck\n");
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbQuickCheck))
+ {
+ fprintf(file, "#if\tUseStaticMsgType\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (* (int *) &In%dP->%s != * (int *) &%sCheck)\n", arg->argRequestPos, arg->argTTName, arg->argVarName);
+ fprintf(file, "#else\t/* UseStaticMsgType */\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\tif ((In%dP->%s%s.msg_type_inline != %s) ||\n", arg->argRequestPos, arg->argTTName, arg->argLongForm ? ".msg_type_header" : "", strbool(it->itInLine));
+ fprintf(file, "\t (In%dP->%s%s.msg_type_longform != %s) ||\n", arg->argRequestPos, arg->argTTName, arg->argLongForm ? ".msg_type_header" : "", strbool(arg->argLongForm));
+ if (it->itOutName == MSG_TYPE_POLYMORPHIC)
+ {
+ if (!rt->rtSimpleCheckRequest)
+ fprintf(file, "\t (MSG_TYPE_PORT_ANY(In%dP->%s.msg_type_%sname) && msg_simple) ||\n", arg->argRequestPos, arg->argTTName, arg->argLongForm ? "long_" : "");
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\t (In%dP->%s.msg_type_%sname != %s) ||\n", arg->argRequestPos, arg->argTTName, arg->argLongForm ? "long_" : "", it->itOutNameStr);
+ if (!it->itVarArray)
+ fprintf(file, "\t (In%dP->%s.msg_type_%snumber != %d) ||\n", arg->argRequestPos, arg->argTTName, arg->argLongForm ? "long_" : "", it->itNumber);
+ fprintf(file, "\t (In%dP->%s.msg_type_%ssize != %d))\n", arg->argRequestPos, arg->argTTName, arg->argLongForm ? "long_" : "", it->itSize);
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbQuickCheck))
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* UseStaticMsgType */\n");
+ WriteMsgError(file, arg, "MIG_BAD_ARGUMENTS");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __MigTypeCheck */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteCheckMsgSize(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ routine_t *rt = arg->argRoutine;
+ ipc_type_t *btype = arg->argType->itElement;
+ argument_t *count = arg->argCount;
+ boolean_t NoMoreArgs, LastVarArg;
+ /* If there aren't any more In args after this, then
+ msg_size_delta value will only get used by TypeCheck code,
+ so put the assignment under the TypeCheck conditional. */
+ NoMoreArgs = arg->argRequestPos == rt->rtMaxRequestPos;
+ /* If there aren't any more variable-sized arguments after this,
+ then we must check for exact msg-size and we don't need
+ to update msg_size. */
+ LastVarArg = arg->argRequestPos+1 == rt->rtNumRequestVar;
+ if (NoMoreArgs)
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigTypeCheck\n");
+ /* calculate the actual size in bytes of the data field. note
+ that this quantity must be a multiple of four. hence, if
+ the base type size isn't a multiple of four, we have to
+ round up. note also that btype->itNumber must
+ divide btype->itTypeSize (see itCalculateSizeInfo). */
+ if (btype->itTypeSize % 4 != 0)
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsg_size_delta = (%d * In%dP->%s + 3) & ~3;\n", btype->itTypeSize/btype->itNumber, arg->argRequestPos, count->argMsgField);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsg_size_delta = %d * In%dP->%s;\n", btype->itTypeSize/btype->itNumber, arg->argRequestPos, count->argMsgField);
+ if (!NoMoreArgs)
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigTypeCheck\n");
+ /* Don't decrement msg_size until we've checked it won't underflow. */
+ if (LastVarArg)
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (msg_size != %d + msg_size_delta)\n", rt->rtRequestSize);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (msg_size < %d + msg_size_delta)\n", rt->rtRequestSize);
+ WriteMsgError(file, arg, "MIG_BAD_ARGUMENTS");
+ if (!LastVarArg)
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsg_size -= msg_size_delta;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __MigTypeCheck */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteExtractArgValue(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ if (arg->argMultiplier > 1)
+ WriteCopyType(file, it, FALSE, "%s /* %d %s %d */", "/* %s */ In%dP->%s / %d", arg->argVarName, arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField, arg->argMultiplier);
+ else if (it->itInTrans != strNULL)
+ WriteCopyType(file, it, FALSE, "%s /* %s %d %s */", "/* %s */ %s(In%dP->%s)", arg->argVarName, it->itInTrans, arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField);
+ else
+ WriteCopyType(file, it, FALSE, "%s /* %d %s */", "/* %s */ In%dP->%s", arg->argVarName, arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteInitializeCount(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *ptype = arg->argParent->argType;
+ ipc_type_t *btype = ptype->itElement;
+ /*
+ * Initialize 'count' argument for variable-length inline OUT parameter
+ * with maximum allowed number of elements.
+ */
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s = %d;\n", arg->argVarName, ptype->itNumber/btype->itNumber);
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteExtractArg(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbRequest))
+ WriteTypeCheck(file, arg);
+ if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, akbVariable|akbRequest))
+ WriteCheckMsgSize(file, arg);
+ if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv|akbVarNeeded))
+ WriteExtractArgValue(file, arg);
+ if ((akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeCount) && akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd)) {
+ ipc_type_t *ptype = arg->argParent->argType;
+ if (ptype->itInLine && ptype->itVarArray)
+ WriteInitializeCount(file, arg);
+ }
+ /* This assumes that the count argument directly follows the
+ associated variable-sized argument and any other implicit
+ arguments it may have. */
+ if ((akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeCount) && akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv) && (arg->argRequestPos < arg->argRoutine->rtMaxRequestPos)) {
+ ipc_type_t *ptype = arg->argParent->argType;
+ if (ptype->itInLine && ptype->itVarArray) {
+ fprintf(file, "\tIn%dP = (Request *) ((char *) In%dP + msg_size_delta - %d);\n", arg->argRequestPos+1, arg->argRequestPos, ptype->itTypeSize + ptype->itPadSize);
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ }
+ }
+static void
+WriteHandlerCallArg(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ boolean_t NeedClose = FALSE;
+ if (argByReferenceServer(arg))
+ fprintf(file, "&");
+ if ((it->itInTrans != strNULL) && akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv) && !akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded)) {
+ fprintf(file, "%s(", it->itInTrans);
+ NeedClose = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded))
+ fprintf(file, "%s", arg->argVarName);
+ else if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv))
+ fprintf(file, "In%dP->%s", arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "OutP->%s", arg->argMsgField);
+ if (NeedClose)
+ fprintf(file, ")");
+ if (!argByReferenceServer(arg) && (arg->argMultiplier > 1))
+ fprintf(file, " / %d", arg->argMultiplier);
+static void
+WriteDestroyArg(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ fprintf(file, "#ifdef\tlabel_punt%d\n", arg->argPuntNum+1);
+ fprintf(file, "#undef\tlabel_punt%d\n", arg->argPuntNum+1);
+ fprintf(file, "punt%d:\n", arg->argPuntNum+1);
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* label_punt%d */\n", arg->argPuntNum+1);
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded))
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s(%s);\n", it->itDestructor, arg->argVarName);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s(In%dP->%s);\n", it->itDestructor, arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField);
+static void
+WriteHandlerCall(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ boolean_t NeedClose = FALSE;
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (%s->%s == 0)\n", SubsystemName, rt->rtName);
+ WriteMsgError(file, argNULL, "MIG_BAD_ID");
+ fprintf(file, "\t");
+ if (rt->rtServerReturn != argNULL) {
+ argument_t *arg = rt->rtServerReturn;
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ if (rt->rtOneWay)
+ fprintf(file, "(void) ");
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "OutP->%s = ", arg->argMsgField);
+ if (it->itOutTrans != strNULL) {
+ fprintf(file, "%s(", it->itOutTrans);
+ NeedClose = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "(*%s->%s)(%s->arg", SubsystemName, rt->rtName, SubsystemName);
+ WriteListSkipFirst(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteHandlerCallArg, akbServerArg,
+ ", ", "");
+ if (NeedClose)
+ fprintf(file, ")");
+ fprintf(file, ");\n");
+static void
+WriteGetReturnValue(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ fprintf(file, "\t" "OutP->%s = %s;\n", rt->rtRetCode->argMsgField, rt->rtOneWay ? "MIG_NO_REPLY" : "KERN_SUCCESS");
+static void
+WriteCheckReturnValue(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (OutP->%s != KERN_SUCCESS)\n", rt->rtRetCode->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\treturn;\n");
+static void
+WritePackArgType(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ WritePackMsgType(file, arg->argType, arg->argDeallocate, arg->argLongForm, "OutP->%s", "%s", arg->argTTName);
+static void
+WritePackArgValue(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ if (it->itInLine && it->itVarArray) {
+ argument_t *count = arg->argCount;
+ ipc_type_t *btype = it->itElement;
+ /* Note btype->itNumber == count->argMultiplier */
+ fprintf(file, "\tbcopy((char *) %s, (char *) OutP->%s, ", arg->argVarName, arg->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, "%d * %s);\n", btype->itTypeSize, count->argVarName);
+ }
+ else if (arg->argMultiplier > 1)
+ WriteCopyType(file, it, TRUE, "OutP->%s /* %d %s */", "/* %s */ %d * %s", arg->argMsgField, arg->argMultiplier, arg->argVarName);
+ else if (it->itOutTrans != strNULL)
+ WriteCopyType(file, it, TRUE, "OutP->%s /* %s %s */", "/* %s */ %s(%s)", arg->argMsgField, it->itOutTrans, arg->argVarName);
+ else
+ WriteCopyType(file, it, TRUE, "OutP->%s /* %s */", "/* %s */ %s", arg->argMsgField, arg->argVarName);
+static void
+WriteCopyArgValue(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ WriteCopyType(file, arg->argType, TRUE, "/* %d */ OutP->%s", "In%dP->%s", arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField);
+static void
+WriteAdjustMsgSize(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *ptype = arg->argParent->argType;
+ ipc_type_t *btype = ptype->itElement;
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ /* calculate the actual size in bytes of the data field.
+ note that this quantity must be a multiple of four.
+ hence, if the base type size isn't a multiple of four,
+ we have to round up. */
+ if (btype->itTypeSize % 4 != 0)
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsg_size_delta = (%d * %s + 3) & ~3;\n", btype->itTypeSize, arg->argVarName);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsg_size_delta = %d * %s;\n", btype->itTypeSize, arg->argVarName);
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsg_size += msg_size_delta;\n");
+ /* Don't bother moving OutP unless there are more Out arguments. */
+ if (arg->argReplyPos < arg->argRoutine->rtMaxReplyPos) {
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP = (Reply *) ((char *) OutP + ");
+ fprintf(file, "msg_size_delta - %d);\n", ptype->itTypeSize + ptype->itPadSize);
+ }
+static void
+WritePackArg(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReplyInit))
+ WritePackArgType(file, arg);
+ if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd|akbVarNeeded))
+ WritePackArgValue(file, arg);
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReplyCopy))
+ WriteCopyArgValue(file, arg);
+ if ((akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeCount) && akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd)) {
+ ipc_type_t *ptype = arg->argParent->argType;
+ if (ptype->itInLine && ptype->itVarArray)
+ WriteAdjustMsgSize(file, arg);
+ }
+static void
+WriteFieldDecl(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ WriteFieldDeclPrim(file, arg, FetchServerType);
+static void
+WriteRoutine(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "/* %s %s */\n", rtRoutineKindToStr(rt->rtKind), rt->rtName);
+ fprintf(file, "mig_internal novalue _X%s (\n", rt->rtName);
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsg_header_t *InHeadP,\n"
+ "\tmsg_header_t *OutHeadP,\n"
+ "\t%s_t *%s)\n", SubsystemName, SubsystemName);
+ fprintf(file, "{\n");
+ WriteStructDecl(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteFieldDecl, akbRequest, "Request");
+ WriteStructDecl(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteFieldDecl, akbReply, "Reply");
+ WriteVarDecls(file, rt);
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteCheckDecl, akbQuickCheck|akbRequest, "\n", "\n");
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteTypeDecl, akbReplyInit, "\n", "\n");
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteLocalVarDecl, akbVarNeeded, ";\n", ";\n\n");
+ WriteCheckHead(file, rt);
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteExtractArg, akbNone, "", "");
+ WriteHandlerCall(file, rt);
+ WriteGetReturnValue(file, rt);
+ /* In reverse order so we can jump into the middle. */
+ WriteReverseList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteDestroyArg, akbDestroy, "", "");
+ fprintf(file, "#ifdef\tlabel_punt0\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#undef\tlabel_punt0\n");
+ fprintf(file, "punt0:\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* label_punt0 */\n");
+ if (rt->rtOneWay)
+ fprintf(file, "\t;\n");
+ else {
+ WriteCheckReturnValue(file, rt);
+ WriteReplyInit(file, rt);
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WritePackArg, akbNone, "", "");
+ WriteReplyHead(file, rt);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "}\n");
+WriteHandler(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ statement_t *stat;
+ WriteProlog(file);
+ for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext)
+ switch (stat->stKind) {
+ case skRoutine:
+ WriteRoutine(file, stat->stRoutine);
+ break;
+ case skImport:
+ case skSImport:
+ WriteImport(file, stat->stFileName);
+ break;
+ case skUImport:
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatal("WriteHandler(): bad statement_kind_t (%d)", (int) stat->stKind);
+ }
+ WriteEpilog(file, stats);