/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. ** @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1983, 1988, 1993, 1995 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef INET6 #include #endif /* INET6 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TCPSTATES #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "netstat.h" #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #endif #define ROUNDUP64(a) \ ((a) > 0 ? (1 + (((a) - 1) | (sizeof(uint64_t) - 1))) : sizeof(uint64_t)) #define ADVANCE64(x, n) (((char *)x) += ROUNDUP64(n)) char *inetname (struct in_addr *); void inetprint (struct in_addr *, int, char *, int); #ifdef INET6 extern void inet6print (struct in6_addr *, int, char *, int); static int udp_done, tcp_done; extern int mptcp_done; #endif /* INET6 */ #ifdef SRVCACHE typedef struct __table_private table_t; extern table_t *_nc_table_new(uint32_t n); extern void _nc_table_free(table_t *tin); extern void _nc_table_insert(table_t *t, const char *key, void *datum); extern void *_nc_table_find(table_t *t, const char *key); extern void _nc_table_delete(table_t *t, const char *key); static table_t *_serv_cache = NULL; /* * Read and cache all known services */ static void _serv_cache_open() { struct servent *s; char *key, *name, *test; if (_serv_cache != NULL) return; _serv_cache = _nc_table_new(8192); setservent(0); while (NULL != (s = getservent())) { if (s->s_name == NULL) continue; key = NULL; asprintf(&key, "%hu/%s", (unsigned short)ntohs(s->s_port), s->s_proto); name = strdup(s->s_name); test = _nc_table_find(_serv_cache, key); if (test == NULL) _nc_table_insert(_serv_cache, key, name); free(key); } endservent(); } void _serv_cache_close() { _nc_table_free(_serv_cache); _serv_cache = NULL; } struct servent * _serv_cache_getservbyport(int port, char *proto) { static struct servent s; char *key; unsigned short p; _serv_cache_open(); memset(&s, 0, sizeof(struct servent)); asprintf(&key, "%u/%s", port, (proto == NULL) ? "udp" : proto); s.s_name = _nc_table_find(_serv_cache, key); free(key); if (s.s_name == NULL) return NULL; p = port; s.s_port = htons(p); s.s_proto = proto; return &s; } #endif /* SRVCACHE */ /* * Print a summary of connections related to an Internet * protocol. For TCP, also give state of connection. * Listening processes (aflag) are suppressed unless the * -a (all) flag is specified. */ struct xgen_n { u_int32_t xgn_len; /* length of this structure */ u_int32_t xgn_kind; /* number of PCBs at this time */ }; #define ALL_XGN_KIND_INP (XSO_SOCKET | XSO_RCVBUF | XSO_SNDBUF | XSO_STATS | XSO_INPCB) #define ALL_XGN_KIND_TCP (ALL_XGN_KIND_INP | XSO_TCPCB) void protopr(uint32_t proto, /* for sysctl version we pass proto # */ char *name, int af) { int istcp; static int first = 1; char *buf, *next; const char *mibvar; struct xinpgen *xig, *oxig; struct xgen_n *xgn; size_t len; struct xtcpcb_n *tp = NULL; struct xinpcb_n *inp = NULL; struct xsocket_n *so = NULL; struct xsockbuf_n *so_rcv = NULL; struct xsockbuf_n *so_snd = NULL; struct xsockstat_n *so_stat = NULL; int which = 0; istcp = 0; switch (proto) { case IPPROTO_TCP: #ifdef INET6 if (tcp_done != 0) return; else tcp_done = 1; #endif istcp = 1; mibvar = "net.inet.tcp.pcblist_n"; break; case IPPROTO_UDP: #ifdef INET6 if (udp_done != 0) return; else udp_done = 1; #endif mibvar = "net.inet.udp.pcblist_n"; break; case IPPROTO_DIVERT: mibvar = "net.inet.divert.pcblist_n"; break; default: mibvar = "net.inet.raw.pcblist_n"; break; } len = 0; if (sysctlbyname(mibvar, 0, &len, 0, 0) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) warn("sysctl: %s", mibvar); return; } if ((buf = malloc(len)) == 0) { warn("malloc %lu bytes", (u_long)len); return; } if (sysctlbyname(mibvar, buf, &len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: %s", mibvar); free(buf); return; } /* * Bail-out to avoid logic error in the loop below when * there is in fact no more control block to process */ if (len <= sizeof(struct xinpgen)) { free(buf); return; } oxig = xig = (struct xinpgen *)buf; for (next = buf + ROUNDUP64(xig->xig_len); next < buf + len; next += ROUNDUP64(xgn->xgn_len)) { xgn = (struct xgen_n*)next; if (xgn->xgn_len <= sizeof(struct xinpgen)) break; if ((which & xgn->xgn_kind) == 0) { which |= xgn->xgn_kind; switch (xgn->xgn_kind) { case XSO_SOCKET: so = (struct xsocket_n *)xgn; break; case XSO_RCVBUF: so_rcv = (struct xsockbuf_n *)xgn; break; case XSO_SNDBUF: so_snd = (struct xsockbuf_n *)xgn; break; case XSO_STATS: so_stat = (struct xsockstat_n *)xgn; break; case XSO_INPCB: inp = (struct xinpcb_n *)xgn; break; case XSO_TCPCB: tp = (struct xtcpcb_n *)xgn; break; default: printf("unexpected kind %d\n", xgn->xgn_kind); break; } } else { if (vflag) printf("got %d twice\n", xgn->xgn_kind); } if ((istcp && which != ALL_XGN_KIND_TCP) || (!istcp && which != ALL_XGN_KIND_INP)) continue; which = 0; /* Ignore sockets for protocols other than the desired one. */ if (so->xso_protocol != (int)proto) continue; /* Ignore PCBs which were freed during copyout. */ if (inp->inp_gencnt > oxig->xig_gen) continue; if ((af == AF_INET && (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) == 0) #ifdef INET6 || (af == AF_INET6 && (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) == 0) #endif /* INET6 */ || (af == AF_UNSPEC && ((inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) == 0 #ifdef INET6 && (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) == 0 #endif /* INET6 */ )) ) continue; /* * Local address is not an indication of listening socket or * server sockey but just rather the socket has been bound. * That why many UDP sockets were not displayed in the original code. */ if (!aflag && istcp && tp->t_state <= TCPS_LISTEN) continue; if (Lflag && !so->so_qlimit) continue; if (first) { if (!Lflag) { printf("Active Internet connections"); if (aflag) printf(" (including servers)"); } else printf( "Current listen queue sizes (qlen/incqlen/maxqlen)"); putchar('\n'); if (Aflag) { printf("%-16.16s ", "Socket"); printf("%-9.9s", "Flowhash"); } if (Lflag) printf("%-14.14s %-22.22s\n", "Listen", "Local Address"); else { printf((Aflag && !Wflag) ? "%-5.5s %-6.6s %-6.6s %-18.18s %-18.18s %-11.11s" : "%-5.5s %-6.6s %-6.6s %-22.22s %-22.22s %-11.11s", "Proto", "Recv-Q", "Send-Q", "Local Address", "Foreign Address", "(state)"); if (bflag > 0) printf(" %10.10s %10.10s", "rxbytes", "txbytes"); if (prioflag >= 0) printf(" %7.7s[%1d] %7.7s[%1d]", "rxbytes", prioflag, "txbytes", prioflag); if (vflag > 0) printf(" %6.6s %6.6s %6.6s %6.6s %6s %10s", "rhiwat", "shiwat", "pid", "epid", "state", "options"); printf("\n"); } first = 0; } if (Aflag) { if (istcp) printf("%16lx ", (u_long)inp->inp_ppcb); else printf("%16lx ", (u_long)so->so_pcb); printf("%8x ", inp->inp_flowhash); } if (Lflag) { char buf[15]; snprintf(buf, 15, "%d/%d/%d", so->so_qlen, so->so_incqlen, so->so_qlimit); printf("%-14.14s ", buf); } else { const char *vchar; #ifdef INET6 if ((inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) != 0) vchar = ((inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) != 0) ? "46" : "6 "; else #endif vchar = ((inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) != 0) ? "4 " : " "; printf("%-3.3s%-2.2s %6u %6u ", name, vchar, so_rcv->sb_cc, so_snd->sb_cc); } if (nflag) { if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) { inetprint(&inp->inp_laddr, (int)inp->inp_lport, name, 1); if (!Lflag) inetprint(&inp->inp_faddr, (int)inp->inp_fport, name, 1); } #ifdef INET6 else if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) { inet6print(&inp->in6p_laddr, (int)inp->inp_lport, name, 1); if (!Lflag) inet6print(&inp->in6p_faddr, (int)inp->inp_fport, name, 1); } /* else nothing printed now */ #endif /* INET6 */ } else if (inp->inp_flags & INP_ANONPORT) { if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) { inetprint(&inp->inp_laddr, (int)inp->inp_lport, name, 1); if (!Lflag) inetprint(&inp->inp_faddr, (int)inp->inp_fport, name, 0); } #ifdef INET6 else if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) { inet6print(&inp->in6p_laddr, (int)inp->inp_lport, name, 1); if (!Lflag) inet6print(&inp->in6p_faddr, (int)inp->inp_fport, name, 0); } /* else nothing printed now */ #endif /* INET6 */ } else { if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV4) { inetprint(&inp->inp_laddr, (int)inp->inp_lport, name, 0); if (!Lflag) inetprint(&inp->inp_faddr, (int)inp->inp_fport, name, inp->inp_lport != inp->inp_fport); } #ifdef INET6 else if (inp->inp_vflag & INP_IPV6) { inet6print(&inp->in6p_laddr, (int)inp->inp_lport, name, 0); if (!Lflag) inet6print(&inp->in6p_faddr, (int)inp->inp_fport, name, inp->inp_lport != inp->inp_fport); } /* else nothing printed now */ #endif /* INET6 */ } if (istcp && !Lflag) { if (tp->t_state < 0 || tp->t_state >= TCP_NSTATES) printf("%-11d", tp->t_state); else { printf("%-11s", tcpstates[tp->t_state]); } } if (!istcp) printf("%-11s", " "); if (bflag > 0) { int i; u_int64_t rxbytes = 0; u_int64_t txbytes = 0; for (i = 0; i < SO_TC_STATS_MAX; i++) { rxbytes += so_stat->xst_tc_stats[i].rxbytes; txbytes += so_stat->xst_tc_stats[i].txbytes; } printf(" %10llu %10llu", rxbytes, txbytes); } if (prioflag >= 0) { printf(" %10llu %10llu", prioflag < SO_TC_STATS_MAX ? so_stat->xst_tc_stats[prioflag].rxbytes : 0, prioflag < SO_TC_STATS_MAX ? so_stat->xst_tc_stats[prioflag].txbytes : 0); } if (vflag > 0) { printf(" %6u %6u %6u %6u 0x%04x 0x%08x", so_rcv->sb_hiwat, so_snd->sb_hiwat, so->so_last_pid, so->so_e_pid, so->so_state, so->so_options); } putchar('\n'); } if (xig != oxig && xig->xig_gen != oxig->xig_gen) { if (oxig->xig_count > xig->xig_count) { printf("Some %s sockets may have been deleted.\n", name); } else if (oxig->xig_count < xig->xig_count) { printf("Some %s sockets may have been created.\n", name); } else { printf("Some %s sockets may have been created or deleted", name); } } free(buf); } /* * Dump TCP statistics structure. */ void tcp_stats(uint32_t off , char *name, int af) { static struct tcpstat ptcpstat; struct tcpstat tcpstat; size_t len = sizeof tcpstat; static uint32_t r_swcsum, pr_swcsum; static uint32_t t_swcsum, pt_swcsum; if (sysctlbyname("net.inet.tcp.stats", &tcpstat, &len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: net.inet.tcp.stats"); return; } #ifdef INET6 if (tcp_done != 0 && interval == 0) return; else tcp_done = 1; #endif if (interval && vflag > 0) print_time(); printf ("%s:\n", name); #define TCPDIFF(f) (tcpstat.f - ptcpstat.f) #define p(f, m) if (TCPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, TCPDIFF(f), plural(TCPDIFF(f))) #define p1a(f, m) if (TCPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, TCPDIFF(f)) #define p2(f1, f2, m) if (TCPDIFF(f1) || TCPDIFF(f2) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, TCPDIFF(f1), plural(TCPDIFF(f1)), TCPDIFF(f2), plural(TCPDIFF(f2))) #define p2a(f1, f2, m) if (TCPDIFF(f1) || TCPDIFF(f2) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, TCPDIFF(f1), plural(TCPDIFF(f1)), TCPDIFF(f2)) #define p3(f, m) if (TCPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, TCPDIFF(f), plurales(TCPDIFF(f))) p(tcps_sndtotal, "\t%u packet%s sent\n"); p2(tcps_sndpack,tcps_sndbyte, "\t\t%u data packet%s (%u byte%s)\n"); p2(tcps_sndrexmitpack, tcps_sndrexmitbyte, "\t\t%u data packet%s (%u byte%s) retransmitted\n"); p(tcps_mturesent, "\t\t%u resend%s initiated by MTU discovery\n"); p2a(tcps_sndacks, tcps_delack, "\t\t%u ack-only packet%s (%u delayed)\n"); p(tcps_sndurg, "\t\t%u URG only packet%s\n"); p(tcps_sndprobe, "\t\t%u window probe packet%s\n"); p(tcps_sndwinup, "\t\t%u window update packet%s\n"); p(tcps_sndctrl, "\t\t%u control packet%s\n"); p(tcps_fcholdpacket, "\t\t%u data packet%s sent after flow control\n"); p(tcps_synchallenge, "\t\t%u challenge ACK%s sent due to unexpected SYN\n"); p(tcps_rstchallenge, "\t\t%u challenge ACK%s sent due to unexpected RST\n"); t_swcsum = tcpstat.tcps_snd_swcsum + tcpstat.tcps_snd6_swcsum; if ((t_swcsum - pt_swcsum) || sflag <= 1) printf("\t\t%u checksummed in software\n", (t_swcsum - pt_swcsum)); p2(tcps_snd_swcsum, tcps_snd_swcsum_bytes, "\t\t\t%u segment%s (%u byte%s) over IPv4\n"); #if INET6 p2(tcps_snd6_swcsum, tcps_snd6_swcsum_bytes, "\t\t\t%u segment%s (%u byte%s) over IPv6\n"); #endif /* INET6 */ p(tcps_rcvtotal, "\t%u packet%s received\n"); p2(tcps_rcvackpack, tcps_rcvackbyte, "\t\t%u ack%s (for %u byte%s)\n"); p(tcps_rcvdupack, "\t\t%u duplicate ack%s\n"); p(tcps_rcvacktoomuch, "\t\t%u ack%s for unsent data\n"); p2(tcps_rcvpack, tcps_rcvbyte, "\t\t%u packet%s (%u byte%s) received in-sequence\n"); p2(tcps_rcvduppack, tcps_rcvdupbyte, "\t\t%u completely duplicate packet%s (%u byte%s)\n"); p(tcps_pawsdrop, "\t\t%u old duplicate packet%s\n"); p(tcps_rcvmemdrop, "\t\t%u received packet%s dropped due to low memory\n"); p2(tcps_rcvpartduppack, tcps_rcvpartdupbyte, "\t\t%u packet%s with some dup. data (%u byte%s duped)\n"); p2(tcps_rcvoopack, tcps_rcvoobyte, "\t\t%u out-of-order packet%s (%u byte%s)\n"); p2(tcps_rcvpackafterwin, tcps_rcvbyteafterwin, "\t\t%u packet%s (%u byte%s) of data after window\n"); p(tcps_rcvwinprobe, "\t\t%u window probe%s\n"); p(tcps_rcvwinupd, "\t\t%u window update packet%s\n"); p(tcps_recovered_pkts, "\t\t%u packet%s recovered after loss\n"); p(tcps_rcvafterclose, "\t\t%u packet%s received after close\n"); p(tcps_badrst, "\t\t%u bad reset%s\n"); p(tcps_rcvbadsum, "\t\t%u discarded for bad checksum%s\n"); r_swcsum = tcpstat.tcps_rcv_swcsum + tcpstat.tcps_rcv6_swcsum; if ((r_swcsum - pr_swcsum) || sflag <= 1) printf("\t\t%u checksummed in software\n", (r_swcsum - pr_swcsum)); p2(tcps_rcv_swcsum, tcps_rcv_swcsum_bytes, "\t\t\t%u segment%s (%u byte%s) over IPv4\n"); #if INET6 p2(tcps_rcv6_swcsum, tcps_rcv6_swcsum_bytes, "\t\t\t%u segment%s (%u byte%s) over IPv6\n"); #endif /* INET6 */ p(tcps_rcvbadoff, "\t\t%u discarded for bad header offset field%s\n"); p1a(tcps_rcvshort, "\t\t%u discarded because packet too short\n"); p(tcps_connattempt, "\t%u connection request%s\n"); p(tcps_accepts, "\t%u connection accept%s\n"); p(tcps_badsyn, "\t%u bad connection attempt%s\n"); p(tcps_listendrop, "\t%u listen queue overflow%s\n"); p(tcps_connects, "\t%u connection%s established (including accepts)\n"); p2(tcps_closed, tcps_drops, "\t%u connection%s closed (including %u drop%s)\n"); p(tcps_cachedrtt, "\t\t%u connection%s updated cached RTT on close\n"); p(tcps_cachedrttvar, "\t\t%u connection%s updated cached RTT variance on close\n"); p(tcps_cachedssthresh, "\t\t%u connection%s updated cached ssthresh on close\n"); p(tcps_usedrtt, "\t\t%u connection%s initialized RTT from route cache\n"); p(tcps_usedrttvar, "\t\t%u connection%s initialized RTT variance from route cache\n"); p(tcps_usedssthresh, "\t\t%u connection%s initialized ssthresh from route cache\n"); p(tcps_conndrops, "\t%u embryonic connection%s dropped\n"); p2(tcps_rttupdated, tcps_segstimed, "\t%u segment%s updated rtt (of %u attempt%s)\n"); p(tcps_rexmttimeo, "\t%u retransmit timeout%s\n"); p(tcps_timeoutdrop, "\t\t%u connection%s dropped by rexmit timeout\n"); p(tcps_rxtfindrop, "\t\t%u connection%s dropped after retransmitting FIN\n"); p(tcps_sndrexmitbad, "\t\t%u unnecessary packet retransmissions%s\n"); p(tcps_persisttimeo, "\t%u persist timeout%s\n"); p(tcps_persistdrop, "\t\t%u connection%s dropped by persist timeout\n"); p(tcps_keeptimeo, "\t%u keepalive timeout%s\n"); p(tcps_keepprobe, "\t\t%u keepalive probe%s sent\n"); p(tcps_keepdrops, "\t\t%u connection%s dropped by keepalive\n"); p(tcps_ka_offload_drops, "\t\t%u connection%s dropped by keepalive offload\n"); p(tcps_predack, "\t%u correct ACK header prediction%s\n"); p(tcps_preddat, "\t%u correct data packet header prediction%s\n"); #ifdef TCP_MAX_SACK /* TCP_MAX_SACK indicates the header has the SACK structures */ p(tcps_sack_recovery_episode, "\t%u SACK recovery episode%s\n"); p(tcps_sack_rexmits, "\t%u segment rexmit%s in SACK recovery episodes\n"); p(tcps_sack_rexmit_bytes, "\t%u byte rexmit%s in SACK recovery episodes\n"); p(tcps_sack_rcv_blocks, "\t%u SACK option%s (SACK blocks) received\n"); p(tcps_sack_send_blocks, "\t%u SACK option%s (SACK blocks) sent\n"); p1a(tcps_sack_sboverflow, "\t%u SACK scoreboard overflow\n"); #endif /* TCP_MAX_SACK */ p(tcps_limited_txt, "\t%u limited transmit%s done\n"); p(tcps_early_rexmt, "\t%u early retransmit%s done\n"); p(tcps_sack_ackadv, "\t%u time%s cumulative ack advanced along with SACK\n"); p(tcps_pto, "\t%u probe timeout%s\n"); p(tcps_rto_after_pto, "\t\t%u time%s retransmit timeout triggered after probe\n"); p(tcps_probe_if, "\t\t%u time%s probe packets were sent for an interface\n"); p(tcps_probe_if_conflict, "\t\t%u time%s couldn't send probe packets for an interface\n"); p(tcps_tlp_recovery, "\t\t%u time%s fast recovery after tail loss\n"); p(tcps_tlp_recoverlastpkt, "\t\t%u time%s recovered last packet \n"); p(tcps_pto_in_recovery, "\t\t%u SACK based rescue retransmit%s\n"); p(tcps_ecn_client_setup, "\t%u client connection%s attempted to negotiate ECN\n"); p(tcps_ecn_client_success, "\t\t%u client connection%s successfully negotiated ECN\n"); p(tcps_ecn_not_supported, "\t\t%u time%s graceful fallback to Non-ECN connection\n"); p(tcps_ecn_lost_syn, "\t\t%u time%s lost ECN negotiating SYN, followed by retransmission\n"); p(tcps_ecn_server_setup, "\t\t%u server connection%s attempted to negotiate ECN\n"); p(tcps_ecn_server_success, "\t\t%u server connection%s successfully negotiated ECN\n"); p(tcps_ecn_lost_synack, "\t\t%u time%s lost ECN negotiating SYN-ACK, followed by retransmission\n"); p(tcps_ecn_recv_ce, "\t\t%u time%s received congestion experienced (CE) notification\n"); p(tcps_ecn_recv_ece, "\t\t%u time%s CWR was sent in response to ECE\n"); p(tcps_ecn_sent_ece, "\t\t%u time%s sent ECE notification\n"); p(tcps_ecn_conn_recv_ce, "\t\t%u connection%s received CE atleast once\n"); p(tcps_ecn_conn_recv_ece, "\t\t%u connection%s received ECE atleast once\n"); p(tcps_ecn_conn_plnoce, "\t\t%u connection%s using ECN have seen packet loss but no CE\n"); p(tcps_ecn_conn_pl_ce, "\t\t%u connection%s using ECN have seen packet loss and CE\n"); p(tcps_ecn_conn_nopl_ce, "\t\t%u connection%s using ECN received CE but no packet loss\n"); p(tcps_ecn_fallback_synloss, "\t\t%u connection%s fell back to non-ECN due to SYN-loss\n"); p(tcps_ecn_fallback_reorder, "\t\t%u connection%s fell back to non-ECN due to reordering\n"); p(tcps_ecn_fallback_ce, "\t\t%u connection%s fell back to non-ECN due to excessive CE-markings\n"); p(tcps_ecn_fallback_droprst, "\t\t%u connection%s fell back caused by connection drop due to RST\n"); p(tcps_ecn_fallback_droprxmt, "\t\t%u connection%s fell back due to drop after multiple retransmits \n"); p(tcps_ecn_fallback_synrst, "\t\t%u connection%s fell back due to RST after SYN\n"); p(tcps_detect_reordering, "\t%u time%s packet reordering was detected on a connection\n"); p(tcps_reordered_pkts, "\t\t%u time%s transmitted packets were reordered\n"); p(tcps_delay_recovery, "\t\t%u time%s fast recovery was delayed to handle reordering\n"); p(tcps_avoid_rxmt, "\t\t%u time%s retransmission was avoided by delaying recovery\n"); p(tcps_unnecessary_rxmt, "\t\t%u retransmission%s not needed \n"); p(tcps_tailloss_rto, "\t%u retransmission%s due to tail loss\n"); p(tcps_dsack_sent, "\t%u time%s DSACK option was sent\n"); p(tcps_dsack_recvd, "\t\t%u time%s DSACK option was received\n"); p(tcps_dsack_disable, "\t\t%u time%s DSACK was disabled on a connection\n"); p(tcps_dsack_badrexmt, "\t\t%u time%s recovered from bad retransmission using DSACK\n"); p(tcps_dsack_ackloss,"\t\t%u time%s ignored DSACK due to ack loss\n"); p(tcps_dsack_recvd_old,"\t\t%u time%s ignored old DSACK options\n"); p(tcps_pmtudbh_reverted, "\t%u time%s PMTU Blackhole detection, size reverted\n"); p(tcps_drop_after_sleep, "\t%u connection%s were dropped after long sleep\n"); p(tcps_nostretchack, "\t%u connection%s had stretch ack algorithm disabled\n"); p(tcps_tfo_cookie_sent,"\t%u time%s a TFO-cookie has been announced\n"); p(tcps_tfo_syn_data_rcv,"\t%u SYN%s with data and a valid TFO-cookie have been received\n"); p(tcps_tfo_cookie_req_rcv,"\t%u SYN%s with TFO-cookie-request received\n"); p(tcps_tfo_cookie_invalid,"\t%u time%s an invalid TFO-cookie has been received\n"); p(tcps_tfo_cookie_req,"\t%u time%s we requested a TFO-cookie\n"); p(tcps_tfo_cookie_rcv,"\t\t%u time%s the peer announced a TFO-cookie\n"); p(tcps_tfo_syn_data_sent,"\t%u time%s we combined SYN with data and a TFO-cookie\n"); p(tcps_tfo_syn_data_acked,"\t\t%u time%s our SYN with data has been acknowledged\n"); p(tcps_tfo_syn_loss,"\t%u time%s a connection-attempt with TFO fell back to regular TCP\n"); p(tcps_tfo_blackhole,"\t%u time%s a TFO-connection blackhole'd\n"); p(tcps_tfo_cookie_wrong,"\t%u time%s a TFO-cookie we sent was wrong\n"); p(tcps_tfo_no_cookie_rcv,"\t%u time%s did not received a TFO-cookie we asked for\n"); p(tcps_tfo_heuristics_disable,"\t%u time%s TFO got disabled due to heuristicsn\n"); p(tcps_tfo_sndblackhole,"\t%u time%s TFO got blackholed in the sending direction\n"); p(tcps_mss_to_default,"\t%u time%s maximum segment size was changed to default\n"); p(tcps_mss_to_medium,"\t%u time%s maximum segment size was changed to medium\n"); p(tcps_mss_to_low,"\t%u time%s maximum segment size was changed to low\n"); p(tcps_timer_drift_le_1_ms,"\t%u timer drift%s less or equal to 1 ms\n"); p(tcps_timer_drift_le_10_ms,"\t%u timer drift%s less or equal to 10 ms\n"); p(tcps_timer_drift_le_20_ms,"\t%u timer drift%s less or equal to 20 ms\n"); p(tcps_timer_drift_le_50_ms,"\t%u timer drift%s less or equal to 50 ms\n"); p(tcps_timer_drift_le_100_ms,"\t%u timer drift%s less or equal to 100 ms\n"); p(tcps_timer_drift_le_200_ms,"\t%u timer drift%s less or equal to 200 ms\n"); p(tcps_timer_drift_le_500_ms,"\t%u timer drift%s less or equal to 500 ms\n"); p(tcps_timer_drift_le_1000_ms,"\t%u timer drift%s less or equal to 1000 ms\n"); p(tcps_timer_drift_gt_1000_ms,"\t%u timer drift%s greater than to 1000 ms\n"); if (interval > 0) { bcopy(&tcpstat, &ptcpstat, len); pr_swcsum = r_swcsum; pt_swcsum = t_swcsum; } #undef TCPDIFF #undef p #undef p1a #undef p2 #undef p2a #undef p3 } /* * Dump MPTCP statistics */ void mptcp_stats(uint32_t off , char *name, int af) { static struct tcpstat ptcpstat; struct tcpstat tcpstat; size_t len = sizeof tcpstat; if (sysctlbyname("net.inet.tcp.stats", &tcpstat, &len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: net.inet.tcp.stats"); return; } #ifdef INET6 if (mptcp_done != 0 && interval == 0) return; else mptcp_done = 1; #endif if (interval && vflag > 0) print_time(); printf ("%s:\n", name); #define MPTCPDIFF(f) (tcpstat.f - ptcpstat.f) #define p(f, m) if (MPTCPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, MPTCPDIFF(f), plural(MPTCPDIFF(f))) #define p1a(f, m) if (MPTCPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, MPTCPDIFF(f)) #define p2(f1, f2, m) if (MPTCPDIFF(f1) || MPTCPDIFF(f2) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, MPTCPDIFF(f1), plural(MPTCPDIFF(f1)), \ MPTCPDIFF(f2), plural(MPTCPDIFF(f2))) #define p2a(f1, f2, m) if (MPTCPDIFF(f1) || MPTCPDIFF(f2) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, MPTCPDIFF(f1), plural(MPTCPDIFF(f1)), MPTCPDIFF(f2)) #define p3(f, m) if (MPTCPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, MPTCPDIFF(f), plurales(MPTCPDIFF(f))) p(tcps_mp_sndpacks, "\t%u data packet%s sent\n"); p(tcps_mp_sndbytes, "\t%u data byte%s sent\n"); p(tcps_mp_rcvtotal, "\t%u data packet%s received\n"); p(tcps_mp_rcvbytes, "\t%u data byte%s received\n"); p(tcps_invalid_mpcap, "\t%u packet%s with an invalid MPCAP option\n"); p(tcps_invalid_joins, "\t%u packet%s with an invalid MPJOIN option\n"); p(tcps_mpcap_fallback, "\t%u time%s primary subflow fell back to " "TCP\n"); p(tcps_join_fallback, "\t%u time%s secondary subflow fell back to " "TCP\n"); p(tcps_estab_fallback, "\t%u DSS option drop%s\n"); p(tcps_invalid_opt, "\t%u other invalid MPTCP option%s\n"); p(tcps_mp_reducedwin, "\t%u time%s the MPTCP subflow window was reduced\n"); p(tcps_mp_badcsum, "\t%u bad DSS checksum%s\n"); p(tcps_mp_oodata, "\t%u time%s received out of order data \n"); p3(tcps_mp_switches, "\t%u subflow switch%s\n"); p3(tcps_mp_sel_symtomsd, "\t%u subflow switch%s due to advisory\n"); p3(tcps_mp_sel_rtt, "\t%u subflow switch%s due to rtt\n"); p3(tcps_mp_sel_rto, "\t%u subflow switch%s due to rto\n"); p3(tcps_mp_sel_peer, "\t%u subflow switch%s due to peer\n"); p3(tcps_mp_num_probes, "\t%u number of subflow probe%s\n"); if (interval > 0) { bcopy(&tcpstat, &ptcpstat, len); } #undef MPTCPDIFF #undef p #undef p1a #undef p2 #undef p2a #undef p3 } /* * Dump UDP statistics structure. */ void udp_stats(uint32_t off , char *name, int af ) { static struct udpstat pudpstat; struct udpstat udpstat; size_t len = sizeof udpstat; uint32_t delivered; static uint32_t r_swcsum, pr_swcsum; static uint32_t t_swcsum, pt_swcsum; if (sysctlbyname("net.inet.udp.stats", &udpstat, &len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: net.inet.udp.stats"); return; } #ifdef INET6 if (udp_done != 0 && interval == 0) return; else udp_done = 1; #endif if (interval && vflag > 0) print_time(); printf("%s:\n", name); #define UDPDIFF(f) (udpstat.f - pudpstat.f) #define p(f, m) if (UDPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, UDPDIFF(f), plural(UDPDIFF(f))) #define p1a(f, m) if (UDPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, UDPDIFF(f)) #define p2(f1, f2, m) if (UDPDIFF(f1) || UDPDIFF(f2) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, UDPDIFF(f1), plural(UDPDIFF(f1)), UDPDIFF(f2), plural(UDPDIFF(f2))) p(udps_ipackets, "\t%u datagram%s received\n"); p1a(udps_hdrops, "\t\t%u with incomplete header\n"); p1a(udps_badlen, "\t\t%u with bad data length field\n"); p1a(udps_badsum, "\t\t%u with bad checksum\n"); p1a(udps_nosum, "\t\t%u with no checksum\n"); r_swcsum = udpstat.udps_rcv_swcsum + udpstat.udps_rcv6_swcsum; if ((r_swcsum - pr_swcsum) || sflag <= 1) printf("\t\t%u checksummed in software\n", (r_swcsum - pr_swcsum)); p2(udps_rcv_swcsum, udps_rcv_swcsum_bytes, "\t\t\t%u datagram%s (%u byte%s) over IPv4\n"); #if INET6 p2(udps_rcv6_swcsum, udps_rcv6_swcsum_bytes, "\t\t\t%u datagram%s (%u byte%s) over IPv6\n"); #endif /* INET6 */ p1a(udps_noport, "\t\t%u dropped due to no socket\n"); p(udps_noportbcast, "\t\t%u broadcast/multicast datagram%s undelivered\n"); /* the next statistic is cumulative in udps_noportbcast */ p(udps_filtermcast, "\t\t%u time%s multicast source filter matched\n"); p1a(udps_fullsock, "\t\t%u dropped due to full socket buffers\n"); p1a(udpps_pcbhashmiss, "\t\t%u not for hashed pcb\n"); delivered = UDPDIFF(udps_ipackets) - UDPDIFF(udps_hdrops) - UDPDIFF(udps_badlen) - UDPDIFF(udps_badsum) - UDPDIFF(udps_noport) - UDPDIFF(udps_noportbcast) - UDPDIFF(udps_fullsock); if (delivered || sflag <= 1) printf("\t\t%u delivered\n", delivered); p(udps_opackets, "\t%u datagram%s output\n"); t_swcsum = udpstat.udps_snd_swcsum + udpstat.udps_snd6_swcsum; if ((t_swcsum - pt_swcsum) || sflag <= 1) printf("\t\t%u checksummed in software\n", (t_swcsum - pt_swcsum)); p2(udps_snd_swcsum, udps_snd_swcsum_bytes, "\t\t\t%u datagram%s (%u byte%s) over IPv4\n"); #if INET6 p2(udps_snd6_swcsum, udps_snd6_swcsum_bytes, "\t\t\t%u datagram%s (%u byte%s) over IPv6\n"); #endif /* INET6 */ if (interval > 0) { bcopy(&udpstat, &pudpstat, len); pr_swcsum = r_swcsum; pt_swcsum = t_swcsum; } #undef UDPDIFF #undef p #undef p1a #undef p2 } /* * Dump IP statistics structure. */ void ip_stats(uint32_t off , char *name, int af ) { static struct ipstat pipstat; struct ipstat ipstat; size_t ipstat_len = sizeof ipstat; static net_perf_t pout_net_perf, pin_net_perf; net_perf_t out_net_perf, in_net_perf; size_t out_net_perf_len = sizeof (out_net_perf); size_t in_net_perf_len = sizeof (in_net_perf); if (sysctlbyname("net.inet.ip.stats", &ipstat, &ipstat_len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: net.inet.ip.stats"); return; } if (sysctlbyname("net.inet.ip.output_perf_data", &out_net_perf, &out_net_perf_len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: net.inet.ip.output_perf_data"); bzero(&out_net_perf, out_net_perf_len); } if (sysctlbyname("net.inet.ip.input_perf_data", &in_net_perf, &in_net_perf_len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: net.inet.ip.input_perf_data"); bzero(&in_net_perf, in_net_perf_len); } if (interval && vflag > 0) print_time(); printf("%s:\n", name); #define IPDIFF(f) (ipstat.f - pipstat.f) #define p(f, m) if (IPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, IPDIFF(f), plural(IPDIFF(f))) #define p1a(f, m) if (IPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, IPDIFF(f)) #define p2(f1, f2, m) if (IPDIFF(f1) || IPDIFF(f2) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, IPDIFF(f1), plural(IPDIFF(f1)), IPDIFF(f2), plural(IPDIFF(f2))) p(ips_total, "\t%u total packet%s received\n"); p(ips_badsum, "\t\t%u bad header checksum%s\n"); p2(ips_rcv_swcsum, ips_rcv_swcsum_bytes, "\t\t%u header%s (%u byte%s) checksummed in software\n"); p1a(ips_toosmall, "\t\t%u with size smaller than minimum\n"); p1a(ips_tooshort, "\t\t%u with data size < data length\n"); p1a(ips_adj, "\t\t%u with data size > data length\n"); p(ips_adj_hwcsum_clr, "\t\t\t%u packet%s forced to software checksum\n"); p1a(ips_toolong, "\t\t%u with ip length > max ip packet size\n"); p1a(ips_badhlen, "\t\t%u with header length < data size\n"); p1a(ips_badlen, "\t\t%u with data length < header length\n"); p1a(ips_badoptions, "\t\t%u with bad options\n"); p1a(ips_badvers, "\t\t%u with incorrect version number\n"); p(ips_fragments, "\t\t%u fragment%s received\n"); p1a(ips_fragdropped, "\t\t\t%u dropped (dup or out of space)\n"); p1a(ips_fragtimeout, "\t\t\t%u dropped after timeout\n"); p1a(ips_reassembled, "\t\t\t%u reassembled ok\n"); p(ips_delivered, "\t\t%u packet%s for this host\n"); p(ips_noproto, "\t\t%u packet%s for unknown/unsupported protocol\n"); p(ips_forward, "\t\t%u packet%s forwarded"); p(ips_fastforward, " (%u packet%s fast forwarded)"); if (IPDIFF(ips_forward) || sflag <= 1) putchar('\n'); p(ips_cantforward, "\t\t%u packet%s not forwardable\n"); p(ips_notmember, "\t\t%u packet%s received for unknown multicast group\n"); p(ips_redirectsent, "\t\t%u redirect%s sent\n"); p(ips_rxc_collisions, "\t\t%u input packet%s not chained due to collision\n"); p(ips_rxc_chained, "\t\t%u input packet%s processed in a chain\n"); p(ips_rxc_notchain, "\t\t%u input packet%s unable to chain\n"); p(ips_rxc_chainsz_gt2, "\t\t%u input packet chain%s processed with length greater than 2\n"); p(ips_rxc_chainsz_gt4, "\t\t%u input packet chain%s processed with length greater than 4\n"); p(ips_rxc_notlist, "\t\t%u input packet%s did not go through list processing path\n"); p(ips_rcv_if_weak_match, "\t\t%u input packet%s that passed the weak ES interface address match\n"); p(ips_rcv_if_no_match, "\t\t%u input packet%s with no interface address match\n"); #define INPERFDIFF(f) (in_net_perf.f - pin_net_perf.f) if (INPERFDIFF(np_total_pkts) > 0 && in_net_perf.np_total_usecs > 0) { printf("\tInput Performance Stats:\n"); printf("\t\t%llu total packets measured\n", INPERFDIFF(np_total_pkts)); printf("\t\t%llu total usec elapsed\n", INPERFDIFF(np_total_usecs)); printf("\t\t%f usec per packet\n", (double)in_net_perf.np_total_usecs/(double)in_net_perf.np_total_pkts); printf("\t\tHistogram:\n"); printf("\t\t\t x <= %u: %llu\n", in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[0], INPERFDIFF(np_hist1)); printf("\t\t\t %u < x <= %u: %llu\n", in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[0], in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[1], INPERFDIFF(np_hist2)); printf("\t\t\t %u < x <= %u: %llu\n", in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[1], in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[2], INPERFDIFF(np_hist3)); printf("\t\t\t %u < x <= %u: %llu\n", in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[2], in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[3], INPERFDIFF(np_hist4)); printf("\t\t\t %u < x: %llu\n", in_net_perf.np_hist_bars[3], INPERFDIFF(np_hist5)); } #undef INPERFDIFF p(ips_localout, "\t%u packet%s sent from this host\n"); p(ips_rawout, "\t\t%u packet%s sent with fabricated ip header\n"); p(ips_odropped, "\t\t%u output packet%s dropped due to no bufs, etc.\n"); p(ips_noroute, "\t\t%u output packet%s discarded due to no route\n"); p(ips_fragmented, "\t\t%u output datagram%s fragmented\n"); p(ips_ofragments, "\t\t%u fragment%s created\n"); p(ips_cantfrag, "\t\t%u datagram%s that can't be fragmented\n"); p(ips_nogif, "\t\t%u tunneling packet%s that can't find gif\n"); p(ips_badaddr, "\t\t%u datagram%s with bad address in header\n"); p(ips_pktdropcntrl, "\t\t%u packet%s dropped due to no bufs for control data\n"); p(ips_necp_policy_drop, "\t\t%u packet%s dropped due to NECP policy\n"); p2(ips_snd_swcsum, ips_snd_swcsum_bytes, "\t\t%u header%s (%u byte%s) checksummed in software\n"); #define OUTPERFDIFF(f) (out_net_perf.f - pout_net_perf.f) if (OUTPERFDIFF(np_total_pkts) > 0 && out_net_perf.np_total_usecs > 0) { printf("\tOutput Performance Stats:\n"); printf("\t\t%llu total packets measured\n", OUTPERFDIFF(np_total_pkts)); printf("\t\t%llu total usec elapsed\n", OUTPERFDIFF(np_total_usecs)); printf("\t\t%f usec per packet\n", (double)out_net_perf.np_total_usecs/(double)out_net_perf.np_total_pkts); printf("\t\tHistogram:\n"); printf("\t\t\t x <= %u: %llu\n", out_net_perf.np_hist_bars[0], OUTPERFDIFF(np_hist1)); printf("\t\t\t %u < x <= %u: %llu\n", out_net_perf.np_hist_bars[0], out_net_perf.np_hist_bars[1], OUTPERFDIFF(np_hist2)); printf("\t\t\t %u < x <= %u: %llu\n", out_net_perf.np_hist_bars[1], out_net_perf.np_hist_bars[2], OUTPERFDIFF(np_hist3)); printf("\t\t\t %u < x <= %u: %llu\n", out_net_perf.np_hist_bars[2], out_net_perf.np_hist_bars[3], OUTPERFDIFF(np_hist4)); printf("\t\t\t %u < x: %llu\n", out_net_perf.np_hist_bars[3], OUTPERFDIFF(np_hist5)); } #undef OUTPERFDIFF if (interval > 0) { bcopy(&ipstat, &pipstat, ipstat_len); bcopy(&in_net_perf, &pin_net_perf, in_net_perf_len); bcopy(&out_net_perf, &pout_net_perf, out_net_perf_len); } #undef IPDIFF #undef p #undef p1a #undef p2 } /* * Dump ARP statistics structure. */ void arp_stats(uint32_t off, char *name, int af) { static struct arpstat parpstat; struct arpstat arpstat; size_t len = sizeof (arpstat); if (sysctlbyname("net.link.ether.inet.stats", &arpstat, &len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: net.link.ether.inet.stats"); return; } if (interval && vflag > 0) print_time(); printf("%s:\n", name); #define ARPDIFF(f) (arpstat.f - parpstat.f) #define p(f, m) if (ARPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, ARPDIFF(f), plural(ARPDIFF(f))) #define p2(f, m) if (ARPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, ARPDIFF(f), pluralies(ARPDIFF(f))) #define p3(f, m) if (ARPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, ARPDIFF(f), plural(ARPDIFF(f)), pluralies(ARPDIFF(f))) p(txrequests, "\t%u broadast ARP request%s sent\n"); p(txurequests, "\t%u unicast ARP request%s sent\n"); p2(txreplies, "\t%u ARP repl%s sent\n"); p(txannounces, "\t%u ARP announcement%s sent\n"); p(rxrequests, "\t%u ARP request%s received\n"); p2(rxreplies, "\t%u ARP repl%s received\n"); p(received, "\t%u total ARP packet%s received\n"); p(txconflicts, "\t%u ARP conflict probe%s sent\n"); p(invalidreqs, "\t%u invalid ARP resolve request%s\n"); p(reqnobufs, "\t%u total packet%s dropped due to lack of memory\n"); p3(held, "\t%u total packet%s held awaiting ARP repl%s\n"); p(dropped, "\t%u total packet%s dropped due to no ARP entry\n"); p(purged, "\t%u total packet%s dropped during ARP entry removal\n"); p2(timeouts, "\t%u ARP entr%s timed out\n"); p(dupips, "\t%u Duplicate IP%s seen\n"); if (interval > 0) bcopy(&arpstat, &parpstat, len); #undef ARPDIFF #undef p #undef p2 } static char *icmpnames[] = { "echo reply", "#1", "#2", "destination unreachable", "source quench", "routing redirect", "#6", "#7", "echo", "router advertisement", "router solicitation", "time exceeded", "parameter problem", "time stamp", "time stamp reply", "information request", "information request reply", "address mask request", "address mask reply", }; /* * Dump ICMP statistics. */ void icmp_stats(uint32_t off , char *name, int af ) { static struct icmpstat picmpstat; struct icmpstat icmpstat; int i, first; int mib[4]; /* CTL_NET + PF_INET + IPPROTO_ICMP + req */ size_t len; mib[0] = CTL_NET; mib[1] = PF_INET; mib[2] = IPPROTO_ICMP; mib[3] = ICMPCTL_STATS; len = sizeof icmpstat; memset(&icmpstat, 0, len); if (sysctl(mib, 4, &icmpstat, &len, (void *)0, 0) < 0) return; /* XXX should complain, but not traditional */ if (interval && vflag > 0) print_time(); printf("%s:\n", name); #define ICMPDIFF(f) (icmpstat.f - picmpstat.f) #define p(f, m) if (ICMPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, ICMPDIFF(f), plural(ICMPDIFF(f))) #define p1a(f, m) if (ICMPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, ICMPDIFF(f)) p(icps_error, "\t%u call%s to icmp_error\n"); p(icps_oldicmp, "\t%u error%s not generated 'cuz old message was icmp\n"); for (first = 1, i = 0; i < ICMP_MAXTYPE + 1; i++) if (ICMPDIFF(icps_outhist[i]) != 0) { if (first) { printf("\tOutput histogram:\n"); first = 0; } printf("\t\t%s: %u\n", icmpnames[i], ICMPDIFF(icps_outhist[i])); } p(icps_badcode, "\t%u message%s with bad code fields\n"); p(icps_tooshort, "\t%u message%s < minimum length\n"); p(icps_checksum, "\t%u bad checksum%s\n"); p(icps_badlen, "\t%u message%s with bad length\n"); p1a(icps_bmcastecho, "\t%u multicast echo requests ignored\n"); p1a(icps_bmcasttstamp, "\t%u multicast timestamp requests ignored\n"); for (first = 1, i = 0; i < ICMP_MAXTYPE + 1; i++) if (ICMPDIFF(icps_inhist[i]) != 0) { if (first) { printf("\tInput histogram:\n"); first = 0; } printf("\t\t%s: %u\n", icmpnames[i], ICMPDIFF(icps_inhist[i])); } p(icps_reflect, "\t%u message response%s generated\n"); #undef ICMPDIFF #undef p #undef p1a mib[3] = ICMPCTL_MASKREPL; len = sizeof i; if (sysctl(mib, 4, &i, &len, (void *)0, 0) < 0) return; printf("\tICMP address mask responses are %sabled\n", i ? "en" : "dis"); if (interval > 0) bcopy(&icmpstat, &picmpstat, sizeof (icmpstat)); } /* * Dump IGMP statistics structure. */ void igmp_stats(uint32_t off , char *name, int af ) { static struct igmpstat_v3 pigmpstat; struct igmpstat_v3 igmpstat; size_t len = sizeof igmpstat; if (sysctlbyname("net.inet.igmp.v3stats", &igmpstat, &len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: net.inet.igmp.v3stats"); return; } if (igmpstat.igps_version != IGPS_VERSION_3) { warnx("%s: version mismatch (%d != %d)", __func__, igmpstat.igps_version, IGPS_VERSION_3); } if (igmpstat.igps_len != IGPS_VERSION3_LEN) { warnx("%s: size mismatch (%d != %d)", __func__, igmpstat.igps_len, IGPS_VERSION3_LEN); } if (interval && vflag > 0) print_time(); printf("%s:\n", name); #define IGMPDIFF(f) ((uintmax_t)(igmpstat.f - pigmpstat.f)) #define p64(f, m) if (IGMPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, IGMPDIFF(f), plural(IGMPDIFF(f))) #define py64(f, m) if (IGMPDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, IGMPDIFF(f), IGMPDIFF(f) != 1 ? "ies" : "y") p64(igps_rcv_total, "\t%ju message%s received\n"); p64(igps_rcv_tooshort, "\t%ju message%s received with too few bytes\n"); p64(igps_rcv_badttl, "\t%ju message%s received with wrong TTL\n"); p64(igps_rcv_badsum, "\t%ju message%s received with bad checksum\n"); py64(igps_rcv_v1v2_queries, "\t%ju V1/V2 membership quer%s received\n"); py64(igps_rcv_v3_queries, "\t%ju V3 membership quer%s received\n"); py64(igps_rcv_badqueries, "\t%ju membership quer%s received with invalid field(s)\n"); py64(igps_rcv_gen_queries, "\t%ju general quer%s received\n"); py64(igps_rcv_group_queries, "\t%ju group quer%s received\n"); py64(igps_rcv_gsr_queries, "\t%ju group-source quer%s received\n"); py64(igps_drop_gsr_queries, "\t%ju group-source quer%s dropped\n"); p64(igps_rcv_reports, "\t%ju membership report%s received\n"); p64(igps_rcv_badreports, "\t%ju membership report%s received with invalid field(s)\n"); p64(igps_rcv_ourreports, "\t%ju membership report%s received for groups to which we belong\n"); p64(igps_rcv_nora, "\t%ju V3 report%s received without Router Alert\n"); p64(igps_snd_reports, "\t%ju membership report%s sent\n"); if (interval > 0) bcopy(&igmpstat, &pigmpstat, len); #undef IGMPDIFF #undef p64 #undef py64 } /* * Pretty print an Internet address (net address + port). */ void inetprint(struct in_addr *in, int port, char *proto, int numeric_port) { struct servent *sp = 0; char line[80], *cp; int width; if (Wflag) snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s.", inetname(in)); else snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%.*s.", (Aflag && !numeric_port) ? 12 : 16, inetname(in)); cp = index(line, '\0'); if (!numeric_port && port) #ifdef _SERVICE_CACHE_ sp = _serv_cache_getservbyport(port, proto); #else sp = getservbyport((int)port, proto); #endif if (sp || port == 0) snprintf(cp, sizeof(line) - (cp - line), "%.15s ", sp ? sp->s_name : "*"); else snprintf(cp, sizeof(line) - (cp - line), "%d ", ntohs((u_short)port)); width = (Aflag && !Wflag) ? 18 : 22; if (Wflag) printf("%-*s ", width, line); else printf("%-*.*s ", width, width, line); } /* * Construct an Internet address representation. * If the nflag has been supplied, give * numeric value, otherwise try for symbolic name. */ char * inetname(struct in_addr *inp) { register char *cp; static char line[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; struct hostent *hp; struct netent *np; cp = 0; if (!nflag && inp->s_addr != INADDR_ANY) { int net = inet_netof(*inp); int lna = inet_lnaof(*inp); if (lna == INADDR_ANY) { np = getnetbyaddr(net, AF_INET); if (np) cp = np->n_name; } if (cp == 0) { hp = gethostbyaddr((char *)inp, sizeof (*inp), AF_INET); if (hp) { cp = hp->h_name; //### trimdomain(cp, strlen(cp)); } } } if (inp->s_addr == INADDR_ANY) strlcpy(line, "*", sizeof(line)); else if (cp) { strlcpy(line, cp, sizeof(line)); } else { inp->s_addr = ntohl(inp->s_addr); #define C(x) ((u_int)((x) & 0xff)) snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%u.%u.%u.%u", C(inp->s_addr >> 24), C(inp->s_addr >> 16), C(inp->s_addr >> 8), C(inp->s_addr)); } return (line); }