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Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "netstat.h" #define YES 1 typedef int bool; struct mbstat mbstat; static struct mbtypes { int mt_type; char *mt_name; } mbtypes[] = { { MT_DATA, "data" }, { MT_OOBDATA, "oob data" }, { MT_CONTROL, "ancillary data" }, { MT_HEADER, "packet headers" }, { MT_SOCKET, "socket structures" }, /* XXX */ { MT_PCB, "protocol control blocks" }, /* XXX */ { MT_RTABLE, "routing table entries" }, /* XXX */ { MT_HTABLE, "IMP host table entries" }, /* XXX */ { MT_ATABLE, "address resolution tables" }, { MT_FTABLE, "fragment reassembly queue headers" }, /* XXX */ { MT_SONAME, "socket names and addresses" }, { MT_SOOPTS, "socket options" }, { MT_RIGHTS, "access rights" }, { MT_IFADDR, "interface addresses" }, /* XXX */ { MT_TAG, "packet tags" }, /* XXX */ { 0, 0 } }; int nmbtypes = sizeof(mbstat.m_mtypes) / sizeof(short); bool seen[256]; /* "have we seen this type yet?" */ mb_stat_t *mb_stat; unsigned int njcl, njclbytes; mleak_stat_t *mleak_stat; struct mleak_table table; #define KERN_IPC_MB_STAT "kern.ipc.mb_stat" #define KERN_IPC_NJCL "kern.ipc.njcl" #define KERN_IPC_NJCL_BYTES "kern.ipc.njclbytes" #define KERN_IPC_MLEAK_TABLE "kern.ipc.mleak_table" #define KERN_IPC_MLEAK_TOP_TRACE "kern.ipc.mleak_top_trace" #define MB_STAT_HDR1 "\ class buf active ctotal total cache cached uncached memory\n\ name size bufs bufs bufs state bufs bufs usage\n\ ---------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- -------- -------- ---------\n\ " #define MB_STAT_HDR2 "\n\ class waiter notify purge wretry nwretry failure\n\ name count count count count count count\n\ ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------\n\ " #define MB_LEAK_HDR "\n\ calltrace [1] calltrace [2] calltrace [3] calltrace [4] calltrace [5] \n\ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ \n\ " #define MB_LEAK_SPACING " " static const char *mbpr_state(int); static const char *mbpr_mem(u_int32_t); static int mbpr_getdata(void); /* * Print mbuf statistics. */ void mbpr(void) { unsigned long totmem = 0, totfree = 0, totmbufs, totused, totreturned = 0; double totpct; u_int32_t m_msize, m_mbufs = 0, m_clfree = 0, m_bigclfree = 0; u_int32_t m_mbufclfree = 0, m_mbufbigclfree = 0; u_int32_t m_16kclusters = 0, m_16kclfree = 0, m_mbuf16kclfree = 0; int i; struct mbtypes *mp; mb_class_stat_t *cp; if (mbpr_getdata() != 0) return; m_msize = mbstat.m_msize; cp = &mb_stat->mbs_class[0]; for (i = 0; i < mb_stat->mbs_cnt; i++, cp++) { if (cp->mbcl_size == m_msize) { m_mbufs = cp->mbcl_active; } else if (cp->mbcl_size == mbstat.m_mclbytes) { m_clfree = cp->mbcl_total - cp->mbcl_active; } else if (cp->mbcl_size == mbstat.m_bigmclbytes) { m_bigclfree = cp->mbcl_total - cp->mbcl_active; } else if (njcl > 0 && cp->mbcl_size == njclbytes) { m_16kclfree = cp->mbcl_total - cp->mbcl_active; m_16kclusters = cp->mbcl_total; } else if (cp->mbcl_size == (m_msize + mbstat.m_mclbytes)) { m_mbufclfree = cp->mbcl_total - cp->mbcl_active; } else if (cp->mbcl_size == (m_msize + mbstat.m_bigmclbytes)) { m_mbufbigclfree = cp->mbcl_total - cp->mbcl_active; } else if (njcl > 0 && cp->mbcl_size == (m_msize + njclbytes)) { m_mbuf16kclfree = cp->mbcl_total - cp->mbcl_active; } } /* adjust free counts to include composite caches */ m_clfree += m_mbufclfree; m_bigclfree += m_mbufbigclfree; m_16kclfree += m_mbuf16kclfree; cp = &mb_stat->mbs_class[0]; for (i = 0; i < mb_stat->mbs_cnt; i++, cp++) { u_int32_t mem; mem = cp->mbcl_ctotal * cp->mbcl_size; totmem += mem; totreturned += cp->mbcl_release_cnt; totfree += (cp->mbcl_mc_cached + cp->mbcl_infree) * cp->mbcl_size; if (mflag > 1) { if (i == 0) printf(MB_STAT_HDR1); if (njcl == 0 && cp->mbcl_size > (m_msize + mbstat.m_bigmclbytes)) continue; printf("%-10s %5u %8u %8u %8u %5s %8u %8u %9s\n", cp->mbcl_cname, cp->mbcl_size, cp->mbcl_active, cp->mbcl_ctotal, cp->mbcl_total, mbpr_state(cp->mbcl_mc_state), cp->mbcl_mc_cached, cp->mbcl_infree, mbpr_mem(mem)); } } cp = &mb_stat->mbs_class[0]; for (i = 0; i < mb_stat->mbs_cnt; i++, cp++) { if (mflag > 2) { if (i == 0) printf(MB_STAT_HDR2); if (njcl == 0 && cp->mbcl_size > (m_msize + mbstat.m_bigmclbytes)) continue; printf("%-10s %8u %8llu %8llu %8u %8u %8llu\n", cp->mbcl_cname, cp->mbcl_mc_waiter_cnt, cp->mbcl_notified, cp->mbcl_purge_cnt, cp->mbcl_mc_wretry_cnt, cp->mbcl_mc_nwretry_cnt, cp->mbcl_fail_cnt); } } if (mflag > 1) printf("\n"); totmbufs = 0; for (mp = mbtypes; mp->mt_name; mp++) totmbufs += mbstat.m_mtypes[mp->mt_type]; /* * These stats are not updated atomically in the kernel; * adjust the total as neeeded. */ if (totmbufs > m_mbufs) totmbufs = m_mbufs; printf("%lu/%u mbufs in use:\n", totmbufs, m_mbufs); for (mp = mbtypes; mp->mt_name; mp++) if (mbstat.m_mtypes[mp->mt_type]) { seen[mp->mt_type] = YES; printf("\t%u mbufs allocated to %s\n", mbstat.m_mtypes[mp->mt_type], mp->mt_name); } seen[MT_FREE] = YES; for (i = 0; i < nmbtypes; i++) if (!seen[i] && mbstat.m_mtypes[i]) { printf("\t%u mbufs allocated to \n", mbstat.m_mtypes[i], i); } if ((m_mbufs - totmbufs) > 0) printf("\t%lu mbufs allocated to caches\n", m_mbufs - totmbufs); printf("%u/%u mbuf 2KB clusters in use\n", (unsigned int)(mbstat.m_clusters - m_clfree), (unsigned int)mbstat.m_clusters); printf("%u/%u mbuf 4KB clusters in use\n", (unsigned int)(mbstat.m_bigclusters - m_bigclfree), (unsigned int)mbstat.m_bigclusters); if (njcl > 0) { printf("%u/%u mbuf %uKB clusters in use\n", m_16kclusters - m_16kclfree, m_16kclusters, njclbytes/1024); } totused = totmem - totfree; if (totmem == 0) totpct = 0; else if (totused < (ULONG_MAX/100)) totpct = (totused * 100)/(double)totmem; else { u_long totmem1 = totmem/100; u_long totused1 = totused/100; totpct = (totused1 * 100)/(double)totmem1; } printf("%lu KB allocated to network (%.1f%% in use)\n", totmem / 1024, totpct); printf("%lu KB returned to the system\n", totreturned / 1024); printf("%u requests for memory denied\n", (unsigned int)mbstat.m_drops); printf("%u requests for memory delayed\n", (unsigned int)mbstat.m_wait); printf("%u calls to drain routines\n", (unsigned int)mbstat.m_drain); free(mb_stat); mb_stat = NULL; if (mleak_stat != NULL) { mleak_trace_stat_t *mltr; printf("\nmbuf leak detection table:\n"); printf("\ttotal captured: %u (one per %u)\n" "\ttotal allocs outstanding: %llu\n" "\tnew hash recorded: %llu allocs, %llu traces\n" "\thash collisions: %llu allocs, %llu traces\n" "\toverwrites: %llu allocs, %llu traces\n" "\tlock conflicts: %llu\n\n", table.mleak_capture / table.mleak_sample_factor, table.mleak_sample_factor, table.outstanding_allocs, table.alloc_recorded, table.trace_recorded, table.alloc_collisions, table.trace_collisions, table.alloc_overwrites, table.trace_overwrites, table.total_conflicts); printf("top %d outstanding traces:\n", mleak_stat->ml_cnt); for (i = 0; i < mleak_stat->ml_cnt; i++) { mltr = &mleak_stat->ml_trace[i]; printf("[%d] %llu outstanding alloc(s), " "%llu hit(s), %llu collision(s)\n", (i + 1), mltr->mltr_allocs, mltr->mltr_hitcount, mltr->mltr_collisions); } printf(MB_LEAK_HDR); for (i = 0; i < MLEAK_STACK_DEPTH; i++) { int j; printf("%2d: ", (i + 1)); for (j = 0; j < mleak_stat->ml_cnt; j++) { mltr = &mleak_stat->ml_trace[j]; if (i < mltr->mltr_depth) { if (mleak_stat->ml_isaddr64) { printf("0x%0llx ", mltr->mltr_addr[i]); } else { printf("0x%08x ", (u_int32_t)mltr->mltr_addr[i]); } } else { printf(MB_LEAK_SPACING); } } printf("\n"); } free(mleak_stat); mleak_stat = NULL; } } static const char * mbpr_state(int state) { char *msg = "?"; switch (state) { case MCS_DISABLED: msg = "dis"; break; case MCS_ONLINE: msg = "on"; break; case MCS_PURGING: msg = "purge"; break; case MCS_OFFLINE: msg = "off"; break; } return (msg); } static const char * mbpr_mem(u_int32_t bytes) { static char buf[33]; double mem = bytes; if (mem < 1024) { (void) snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", (int)mem); } else if ((mem /= 1024) < 1024) { (void) snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "%.1f KB", mem); } else { mem /= 1024; (void) snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "%.1f MB", mem); } return (buf); } static int mbpr_getdata(void) { size_t len; int error = -1; if (nmbtypes != 256) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "netstat: unexpected change to mbstat; check source\n"); goto done; } len = sizeof(mbstat); if (sysctlbyname("kern.ipc.mbstat", &mbstat, &len, 0, 0) == -1) goto done; if (sysctlbyname(KERN_IPC_MB_STAT, NULL, &len, 0, 0) == -1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error retrieving length for %s\n", KERN_IPC_MB_STAT); goto done; } mb_stat = calloc(1, len); if (mb_stat == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating %lu bytes for sysctl data\n", len); goto done; } if (sysctlbyname(KERN_IPC_MB_STAT, mb_stat, &len, 0, 0) == -1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error %d getting %s\n", errno, KERN_IPC_MB_STAT); goto done; } if (mb_stat->mbs_cnt == 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Invalid mbuf class count (%d)\n", mb_stat->mbs_cnt); goto done; } /* mbuf leak detection! */ if (mflag > 3) { errno = 0; len = sizeof (table); if (sysctlbyname(KERN_IPC_MLEAK_TABLE, &table, &len, 0, 0) == -1 && errno != ENXIO) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "error %d getting %s\n", errno, KERN_IPC_MLEAK_TABLE); goto done; } else if (errno == ENXIO) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "mbuf leak detection is not " "enabled in the kernel.\n"); goto skip; } if (sysctlbyname(KERN_IPC_MLEAK_TOP_TRACE, NULL, &len, 0, 0) == -1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error retrieving length for " "%s: %d\n", KERN_IPC_MB_STAT, errno); goto done; } mleak_stat = calloc(1, len); if (mleak_stat == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating %lu bytes " "for sysctl data\n", len); goto done; } if (sysctlbyname(KERN_IPC_MLEAK_TOP_TRACE, mleak_stat, &len, 0, 0) == -1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "error %d getting %s\n", errno, KERN_IPC_MLEAK_TOP_TRACE); goto done; } } skip: len = sizeof (njcl); (void) sysctlbyname(KERN_IPC_NJCL, &njcl, &len, 0, 0); len = sizeof (njclbytes); (void) sysctlbyname(KERN_IPC_NJCL_BYTES, &njclbytes, &len, 0, 0); error = 0; done: if (error != 0 && mb_stat != NULL) { free(mb_stat); mb_stat = NULL; } if (error != 0 && mleak_stat != NULL) { free(mleak_stat); mleak_stat = NULL; } return (error); }