/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include #include #include "netstat.h" void print_net_api_stats(uint32_t off __unused, char *name, int af __unused) { static struct net_api_stats pnet_api_stats; struct net_api_stats net_api_stats; size_t len = sizeof(struct net_api_stats); const char *mibvar = "net.api_stats"; if (sysctlbyname(mibvar, &net_api_stats, &len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: %s", mibvar); return; } #define STATDIFF(f) (net_api_stats.f - pnet_api_stats.f) #define p(f, m) if (STATDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, STATDIFF(f), plural(STATDIFF(f))) #define p1a(f, m) if (STATDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, STATDIFF(f)) if (interval && vflag > 0) print_time(); printf ("%s:\n", name); p(nas_iflt_attach_count, "\t%lld interface filter%s currently attached\n"); p(nas_iflt_attach_total, "\t%lld interface filter%s attached since boot\n"); p(nas_iflt_attach_os_total, "\t%lld interface filter%s attached since boot by OS\n"); p(nas_ipf_add_count, "\t%lld IP filter%s currently attached\n"); p(nas_ipf_add_total, "\t%lld IP filter%s attached since boot\n"); p(nas_ipf_add_os_total, "\t%lld IP filter%s attached since boot by OS\n"); p(nas_sfltr_register_count, "\t%lld socket filter%s currently attached\n"); p(nas_sfltr_register_total, "\t%lld socket filter%s attached since boot\n"); p(nas_sfltr_register_os_total, "\t%lld socket filter%s attached since boot by OS\n"); p(nas_socket_alloc_total, "\t%lld socket%s allocated since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_in_kernel_total, "\t%lld socket%s allocated in-kernel since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_in_kernel_os_total, "\t%lld socket%s allocated in-kernel by OS\n"); p(nas_socket_necp_clientuuid_total, "\t%lld socket%s with NECP client UUID since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_domain_local_total, "\t%lld local domain socket%s allocated since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_domain_route_total, "\t%lld route domain socket%s allocated since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_domain_inet_total, "\t%lld inet domain socket%s allocated since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_domain_inet6_total, "\t%lld inet6 domain socket%s allocated since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_domain_system_total, "\t%lld system domain socket%s allocated since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_domain_multipath_total, "\t%lld multipath domain socket%s allocated since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_domain_key_total, "\t%lld key domain socket%s allocated since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_domain_ndrv_total, "\t%lld ndrv domain socket%s allocated since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_domain_other_total, "\t%lld other domains socket%s allocated since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_inet_stream_total, "\t%lld IPv4 stream socket%s created since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_inet_dgram_total, "\t%lld IPv4 datagram socket%s created since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_inet_dgram_connected, "\t%lld IPv4 datagram socket%s connected\n"); p(nas_socket_inet_dgram_dns, "\t%lld IPv4 DNS socket%s\n"); p(nas_socket_inet_dgram_no_data, "\t%lld IPv4 datagram socket%s without data\n"); p(nas_socket_inet6_stream_total, "\t%lld IPv6 stream socket%s created since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_inet6_dgram_total, "\t%lld IPv6 datagram socket%s created since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_inet6_dgram_connected, "\t%lld IPv6 datagram socket%s connected\n"); p(nas_socket_inet6_dgram_dns, "\t%lld IPv6 DNS socket%s\n"); p(nas_socket_inet6_dgram_no_data, "\t%lld IPv6 datagram socket%s without data\n"); p(nas_socket_mcast_join_total, "\t%lld socket multicast join%s since boot\n"); p(nas_socket_mcast_join_os_total, "\t%lld socket multicast join%s since boot by OS\n"); p(nas_nx_flow_inet_stream_total, "\t%lld IPv4 stream nexus flow%s added since boot\n"); p(nas_nx_flow_inet_dgram_total, "\t%lld IPv4 datagram nexus flow%s added since boot\n"); p(nas_nx_flow_inet6_stream_total, "\t%lld IPv6 stream nexus flow%s added since boot\n"); p(nas_nx_flow_inet6_dgram_total, "\t%lld IPv6 datagram nexus flow%s added since boot\n"); p(nas_ifnet_alloc_count, "\t%lld interface%s currently allocated\n"); p(nas_ifnet_alloc_total, "\t%lld interface%s allocated since boot\n"); p(nas_ifnet_alloc_os_count, "\t%lld interface%s currently allocated by OS\n"); p(nas_ifnet_alloc_os_total, "\t%lld extended interface%s allocated since boot by OS\n"); p(nas_pf_addrule_total, "\t%lld PF addrule operation%s since boot\n"); p(nas_pf_addrule_os, "\t%lld PF addrule operation%s since boot by OS\n"); p(nas_vmnet_total, "\t%lld vmnet start%s since boot\n"); #undef STATDIFF #undef p #undef p1a }