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All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "netstat.h" #define ROUNDUP64(a) \ ((a) > 0 ? (1 + (((a) - 1) | (sizeof(uint64_t) - 1))) : sizeof(uint64_t)) #define ADVANCE64(x, n) (((char *)x) += ROUNDUP64(n)) struct xgen_n { u_int32_t xgn_len; /* length of this structure */ u_int32_t xgn_kind; /* number of PCBs at this time */ }; #define ALL_XGN_KIND_KCREG (XSO_KCREG) #define ALL_XGN_KIND_EVT (XSO_SOCKET | XSO_RCVBUF | XSO_SNDBUF | XSO_STATS | XSO_EVT) #define ALL_XGN_KIND_KCB (XSO_SOCKET | XSO_RCVBUF | XSO_SNDBUF | XSO_STATS | XSO_KCB) void systmpr(uint32_t proto, char *name, int af) { const char *mibvar; size_t len; char *buf, *next; struct xsystmgen *xig, *oxig; struct xgen_n *xgn; int which = 0; struct xsocket_n *so = NULL; struct xsockbuf_n *so_rcv = NULL; struct xsockbuf_n *so_snd = NULL; struct xsockstat_n *so_stat = NULL; struct xkctl_reg *kctl = NULL; struct xkctlpcb *kcb = NULL; struct xkevtpcb *kevb = NULL; int first = 1; switch (proto) { case SYSPROTO_EVENT: mibvar = "net.systm.kevt.pcblist"; break; case SYSPROTO_CONTROL: mibvar = "net.systm.kctl.pcblist"; break; case 0: mibvar = "net.systm.kctl.reg_list"; break; default: mibvar = NULL; break; } if (mibvar == NULL) return; len = 0; if (sysctlbyname(mibvar, 0, &len, 0, 0) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) warn("sysctl: %s", mibvar); return; } if ((buf = malloc(len)) == 0) { warn("malloc %lu bytes", (u_long)len); return; } if (sysctlbyname(mibvar, buf, &len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: %s", mibvar); free(buf); return; } /* * Bail-out to avoid logic error in the loop below when * there is in fact no more control block to process */ if (len <= sizeof(struct xsystmgen)) { free(buf); return; } oxig = xig = (struct xsystmgen *)buf; for (next = buf + ROUNDUP64(xig->xg_len); next < buf + len; next += ROUNDUP64(xgn->xgn_len)) { xgn = (struct xgen_n*)next; if (xgn->xgn_len <= sizeof(struct xsystmgen)) break; if ((which & xgn->xgn_kind) == 0) { which |= xgn->xgn_kind; switch (xgn->xgn_kind) { case XSO_SOCKET: so = (struct xsocket_n *)xgn; break; case XSO_RCVBUF: so_rcv = (struct xsockbuf_n *)xgn; break; case XSO_SNDBUF: so_snd = (struct xsockbuf_n *)xgn; break; case XSO_STATS: so_stat = (struct xsockstat_n *)xgn; break; case XSO_KCREG: kctl = (struct xkctl_reg *)xgn; break; case XSO_KCB: kcb = (struct xkctlpcb *)xgn; break; case XSO_EVT: kevb = (struct xkevtpcb *)xgn; break; default: printf("unexpected kind %d\n", xgn->xgn_kind); break; } } else { if (vflag) printf("got %d twice\n", xgn->xgn_kind); } if (which == ALL_XGN_KIND_KCREG) { which = 0; if (first) { printf("Registered kernel control modules\n"); if (Aflag) printf("%-16.16s ", "kctlref"); printf("%-8.8s ", "id"); if (Aflag) printf("%-8.8s ", "unit"); printf("%-8.8s ", "flags"); printf("%-8.8s ", "pcbcount"); printf("%-8.8s ", "rcvbuf"); printf("%-8.8s ", "sndbuf"); printf("%s ", "name"); printf("\n"); first = 0; } if (Aflag) printf("%16llx ", kctl->xkr_kctlref); printf("%8x ", kctl->xkr_id); if (Aflag) printf("%8d ", kctl->xkr_reg_unit); printf("%8x ", kctl->xkr_flags); printf("%8d ", kctl->xkr_pcbcount); printf("%8d ", kctl->xkr_recvbufsize); printf("%8d ", kctl->xkr_sendbufsize); printf("%s ", kctl->xkr_name); printf("\n"); } else if (which == ALL_XGN_KIND_KCB) { which = 0; if (first) { printf("Active kernel control sockets\n"); if (Aflag) printf("%16.16s ", "pcb"); printf("%-5.5s %-6.6s %-6.6s ", "Proto", "Recv-Q", "Send-Q"); if (bflag > 0) printf("%10.10s %10.10s ", "rxbytes", "txbytes"); if (vflag > 0) printf("%6.6s %6.6s %6.6s %6.6s ", "rhiwat", "shiwat", "pid", "epid"); printf("%6.6s ", "unit"); printf("%6.6s ", "id"); printf("%s", "name"); printf("\n"); first = 0; } if (Aflag) printf("%16llx ", kcb->xkp_kctpcb); printf("%-5.5s %6u %6u ", name, so_rcv->sb_cc, so_snd->sb_cc); if (bflag > 0) { int i; u_int64_t rxbytes = 0; u_int64_t txbytes = 0; for (i = 0; i < SO_TC_STATS_MAX; i++) { rxbytes += so_stat->xst_tc_stats[i].rxbytes; txbytes += so_stat->xst_tc_stats[i].txbytes; } printf("%10llu %10llu ", rxbytes, txbytes); } if (vflag > 0) { printf("%6u %6u %6u %6u ", so_rcv->sb_hiwat, so_snd->sb_hiwat, so->so_last_pid, so->so_e_pid); } printf("%6d ", kcb->xkp_unit); printf("%6d ", kcb->xkp_kctlid); printf("%s", kcb->xkp_kctlname); printf("\n"); } else if (which == ALL_XGN_KIND_EVT) { which = 0; if (first) { printf("Active kernel event sockets\n"); if (Aflag) printf("%16.16s ", "pcb"); printf("%-5.5s %-6.6s %-6.6s ", "Proto", "Recv-Q", "Send-Q"); printf("%6.6s ", "vendor"); printf("%6.6s ", "class"); printf("%6.6s", "subclass"); if (bflag > 0) printf("%10.10s %10.10s ", "rxbytes", "txbytes"); if (vflag > 0) printf("%6.6s %6.6s %6.6s %6.6s", "rhiwat", "shiwat", "pid", "epid"); printf("\n"); first = 0; } if (Aflag) printf("%16llx ", kevb->kep_evtpcb); printf("%-5.5s %6u %6u ", name, so_rcv->sb_cc, so_snd->sb_cc); printf("%6d ", kevb->kep_vendor_code_filter); printf("%6d ", kevb->kep_class_filter); printf("%6d", kevb->kep_subclass_filter); if (bflag > 0) { int i; u_int64_t rxbytes = 0; u_int64_t txbytes = 0; for (i = 0; i < SO_TC_STATS_MAX; i++) { rxbytes += so_stat->xst_tc_stats[i].rxbytes; txbytes += so_stat->xst_tc_stats[i].txbytes; } printf("%10llu %10llu ", rxbytes, txbytes); } if (vflag > 0) { printf("%6u %6u %6u %6u", so_rcv->sb_hiwat, so_snd->sb_hiwat, so->so_last_pid, so->so_e_pid); } printf("\n"); } } if (xig != oxig && xig->xg_gen != oxig->xg_gen) { if (oxig->xg_count > xig->xg_count) { printf("Some %s sockets may have been deleted.\n", name); } else if (oxig->xg_count < xig->xg_count) { printf("Some %s sockets may have been created.\n", name); } else { printf("Some %s sockets may have been created or deleted", name); } } free(buf); } void kctl_stats(uint32_t off __unused, char *name, int af __unused) { static struct kctlstat pkctlstat; struct kctlstat kctlstat; size_t len = sizeof(struct kctlstat); const char *mibvar = "net.systm.kctl.stats"; if (sysctlbyname(mibvar, &kctlstat, &len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: %s", mibvar); return; } if (interval && vflag > 0) print_time(); printf ("%s:\n", name); #define STATDIFF(f) (kctlstat.f - pkctlstat.f) #define p(f, m) if (STATDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, STATDIFF(f), plural(STATDIFF(f))) #define p1a(f, m) if (STATDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, STATDIFF(f)) p(kcs_reg_total, "\t%llu total kernel control module%s registered\n"); p(kcs_reg_count, "\t%llu current kernel control module%s registered\n"); p(kcs_pcbcount, "\t%llu current kernel control socket%s\n"); p1a(kcs_gencnt, "\t%llu kernel control generation count\n"); p(kcs_connections, "\t%llu connection attempt%s\n"); p(kcs_conn_fail, "\t%llu connection failure%s\n"); p(kcs_send_fail, "\t%llu send failure%s\n"); p(kcs_send_list_fail, "\t%llu send list failure%s\n"); p(kcs_enqueue_fail, "\t%llu enqueue failure%s\n"); p(kcs_enqueue_fullsock, "\t%llu packet%s dropped due to full socket buffers\n"); p(kcs_bad_kctlref, "\t%llu failure%s with bad kern_ctl_ref\n"); p(kcs_tbl_size_too_big, "\t%llu register failure%s because of too many kern_ctl_ref\n"); p(kcs_enqdata_mb_alloc_fail, "\t%llu enqueuedata failure%s because could not allocate a packet\n"); p(kcs_enqdata_sbappend_fail, "\t%llu enqueuedata failure%s due to full socket buffers\n"); #undef STATDIFF #undef p #undef p1a if (interval > 0) bcopy(&kctlstat, &pkctlstat, len); } void kevt_stats(uint32_t off __unused, char *name, int af __unused) { static struct kevtstat pkevtstat; struct kevtstat kevtstat; size_t len = sizeof(struct kevtstat); const char *mibvar = "net.systm.kevt.stats"; if (sysctlbyname(mibvar, &kevtstat, &len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: %s", mibvar); return; } if (interval && vflag > 0) print_time(); printf ("%s:\n", name); #define STATDIFF(f) (kevtstat.f - pkevtstat.f) #define p(f, m) if (STATDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, STATDIFF(f), plural(STATDIFF(f))) #define p1a(f, m) if (STATDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, STATDIFF(f)) p(kes_pcbcount, "\t%llu current kernel control socket%s\n"); p1a(kes_gencnt, "\t%llu kernel control generation count\n"); p(kes_badvendor, "\t%llu bad vendor failure%s\n"); p(kes_toobig, "\t%llu message too big failure%s\n"); p(kes_nomem, "\t%llu out of memory failure%s\n"); p(kes_fullsock, "\t%llu message%s dropped due to full socket buffers\n"); p(kes_posted, "\t%llu message%s posted\n"); #undef STATDIFF #undef p #undef p1a if (interval > 0) bcopy(&kevtstat, &pkevtstat, len); } void print_extbkidle_stats(uint32_t off __unused, char *name, int af __unused) { static struct soextbkidlestat psoextbkidlestat; struct soextbkidlestat soextbkidlestat; size_t len = sizeof(struct soextbkidlestat); const char *mibvar = "kern.ipc.extbkidlestat"; if (sysctlbyname(mibvar, &soextbkidlestat, &len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: %s", mibvar); return; } #define STATDIFF(f) (soextbkidlestat.f - psoextbkidlestat.f) #define p(f, m) if (STATDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, STATDIFF(f), plural(STATDIFF(f))) #define p1a(f, m) if (STATDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, STATDIFF(f)) if (interval && vflag > 0) print_time(); printf ("%s:\n", name); p1a(so_xbkidle_maxperproc, "\t%u max per process\n"); p1a(so_xbkidle_time, "\t%u maximum time (seconds)\n"); p1a(so_xbkidle_rcvhiwat, "\t%u high water mark\n"); p(so_xbkidle_notsupp, "\t%u socket option not supported failure%s\n"); p(so_xbkidle_toomany, "\t%u too many sockets failure%s\n"); p(so_xbkidle_wantok, "\t%u total socket%s requested OK\n"); p(so_xbkidle_active, "\t%u extended bk idle socket%s\n"); p(so_xbkidle_nocell, "\t%u no cellular failure%s\n"); p(so_xbkidle_notime, "\t%u no time failures%s\n"); p(so_xbkidle_forced, "\t%u forced defunct socket%s\n"); p(so_xbkidle_resumed, "\t%u resumed socket%s\n"); p(so_xbkidle_expired, "\t%u timeout expired failure%s\n"); p1a(so_xbkidle_expired, "\t%u timer rescheduled\n"); p(so_xbkidle_nodlgtd, "\t%u no delegated failure%s\n"); #undef STATDIFF #undef p #undef p1a } void print_nstat_stats(uint32_t off __unused, char *name, int af __unused) { static struct nstat_stats pnstat_stats; struct nstat_stats nstat_stats; size_t len = sizeof(struct nstat_stats); const char *mibvar = "net.stats.stats"; if (sysctlbyname(mibvar, &nstat_stats, &len, 0, 0) < 0) { warn("sysctl: %s", mibvar); return; } #define STATDIFF(f) (nstat_stats.f - pnstat_stats.f) #define p(f, m) if (STATDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, STATDIFF(f), plural(STATDIFF(f))) #define p1a(f, m) if (STATDIFF(f) || sflag <= 1) \ printf(m, STATDIFF(f)) if (interval && vflag > 0) print_time(); printf ("%s:\n", name); p(nstat_successmsgfailures, "\t%u enqueue success message failure%s\n"); p(nstat_sendcountfailures, "\t%u enqueue source counts message failure%s\n"); p(nstat_sysinfofailures, "\t%u enqueue sysinfo message failure%s\n"); p(nstat_srcupatefailures, "\t%u enqueue source udpate message failure%s\n"); p(nstat_descriptionfailures, "\t%u enqueue description message failure%s\n"); p(nstat_msgremovedfailures, "\t%u enqueue remove message failure%s\n"); p(nstat_srcaddedfailures, "\t%u enqueue source added message failure%s\n"); p(nstat_msgerrorfailures, "\t%u enqueue error message failure%s\n"); p(nstat_copy_descriptor_failures, "\t%u copy descriptor failure%s\n"); p(nstat_provider_counts_failures, "\t%u provider counts failure%s\n"); p(nstat_control_send_description_failures, "\t%u control send description failure%s\n"); p(nstat_control_send_goodbye_failures, "\t%u control send goodbye failure%s\n"); p(nstat_flush_accumulated_msgs_failures, "\t%u flush accumulated messages failure%s\n"); p(nstat_accumulate_msg_failures, "\t%u accumulated message failure%s\n"); p(nstat_control_cleanup_source_failures, "\t%u control cleanup source failure%s\n"); p(nstat_handle_msg_failures, "\t%u handle message failure%s\n"); #undef STATDIFF #undef p #undef p1a }