/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #define ARRAYLEN(x) (sizeof((x))/sizeof((x[0]))) /* command line options */ static int verbose; static int all_pids; static int ignore_empty; static int raw; static char *self = "lskq"; static inline const char * filt_name(int16_t filt) { static char unkn_filt[32]; int idx = -filt; if (idx >= 0 && idx < ARRAYLEN(filt_strs)) { return filt_strs[idx]; } else { snprintf(unkn_filt, sizeof(unkn_filt), "%i (?)", idx); return unkn_filt; } } static inline const char * fdtype_str(uint32_t type) { static char unkn_fdtype[32]; if (type < ARRAYLEN(fdtype_strs)) { return fdtype_strs[type]; } else { snprintf(unkn_fdtype, sizeof(unkn_fdtype), "%i (?)", type); return unkn_fdtype; } } static char * fflags_build(struct kevent_extinfo *info, char *str, int len) { unsigned ff = info->kqext_sfflags; switch (info->kqext_kev.filter) { case EVFILT_READ: { snprintf(str, len, "%c ", (ff & NOTE_LOWAT) ? 'l' : '-' ); break; } case EVFILT_MACHPORT: { snprintf(str, len, "%c ", (ff & MACH_RCV_MSG) ? 'r' : '-' ); break; } case EVFILT_VNODE: { snprintf(str, len, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", (ff & NOTE_DELETE) ? 'd' : '-', (ff & NOTE_WRITE) ? 'w' : '-', (ff & NOTE_EXTEND) ? 'e' : '-', (ff & NOTE_ATTRIB) ? 'a' : '-', (ff & NOTE_LINK) ? 'l' : '-', (ff & NOTE_RENAME) ? 'r' : '-', (ff & NOTE_REVOKE) ? 'v' : '-', (ff & NOTE_FUNLOCK) ? 'u' : '-' ); break; } case EVFILT_PROC: { /* NOTE_REAP is deprecated, but we still want to show if it's used */ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" snprintf(str, len, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", (ff & NOTE_EXIT) ? 'x' : '-', (ff & NOTE_EXITSTATUS) ? 't' : '-', (ff & NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL)? 'd' : '-', (ff & NOTE_FORK) ? 'f' : '-', (ff & NOTE_EXEC) ? 'e' : '-', (ff & NOTE_SIGNAL) ? 's' : '-', (ff & NOTE_REAP) ? 'r' : '-' ); break; #pragma clang diagnostic pop } case EVFILT_TIMER: { snprintf(str, len, "%c%c%c%c%c ", (ff & NOTE_SECONDS) ? 's' : (ff & NOTE_USECONDS) ? 'u' : (ff & NOTE_NSECONDS) ? 'n' : (ff & NOTE_MACHTIME) ? 'm' : '?', (ff & NOTE_ABSOLUTE) ? 'a' : (ff & NOTE_MACH_CONTINUOUS_TIME) ? 'A' : '-', (ff & NOTE_CRITICAL) ? 'c' : '-', (ff & NOTE_BACKGROUND) ? 'b' : '-', (ff & NOTE_LEEWAY) ? 'l' : '-' ); break; } case EVFILT_USER: snprintf(str, len, "%c%c%c ", (ff & NOTE_TRIGGER) ? 't' : '-', (ff & NOTE_FFAND) ? 'a' : '-', (ff & NOTE_FFOR) ? 'o' : '-' ); break; case EVFILT_WORKLOOP: snprintf(str, len, "%c%c%c%c%c ", (ff & NOTE_WL_THREAD_REQUEST) ? 't' : (ff & NOTE_WL_SYNC_WAIT) ? 'w' : (ff & NOTE_WL_SYNC_IPC) ? 'i' : '-', (ff & NOTE_WL_SYNC_WAKE) ? 'W' : '-', (ff & NOTE_WL_UPDATE_QOS) ? 'q' : '-', (ff & NOTE_WL_DISCOVER_OWNER) ? 'o' : '-', (ff & NOTE_WL_IGNORE_ESTALE) ? 'e' : '-' ); break; default: snprintf(str, len, ""); break; }; return str; } static inline int filter_is_fd_type(int filter) { switch (filter) { case EVFILT_VNODE ... EVFILT_READ: case EVFILT_SOCK: return 1; default: return 0; } } static const char * thread_qos_name(uint8_t th_qos) { switch (th_qos) { case 0: return "--"; case 1: return "MT"; case 2: return "BG"; case 3: return "UT"; case 4: return "DF"; case 5: return "IN"; case 6: return "UI"; case 7: return "MG"; default: return "??"; } } /* * find index of fd in a list of fdinfo of length nfds */ static inline int fd_list_getfd(struct proc_fdinfo *fds, int nfds, int fd) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) { if (fds[i].proc_fd == fd) { return i; } } return -1; } /* * left truncate URL-form process names */ static const char * shorten_procname(const char *proc, int width) { if (strcasestr(proc, "com.") == proc) { long len = strlen(proc); if (len > width) { return &proc[len - width]; } else { return proc; } } else { return proc; } } /* * stringify knote ident where possible (signals, processes) */ static void print_ident(uint64_t ident, int16_t filter, int width) { if (raw) { printf("%#*llx ", width, ident); return; } switch (filter) { case EVFILT_SIGNAL: case EVFILT_PROC: { char str[128] = ""; char num[128]; char out[128]; int numlen = sprintf(num, "%llu", ident); int strwidth = width - numlen - 1; // add room for a space if (filter == EVFILT_SIGNAL) { if (ident < ARRAYLEN(sig_strs)) { snprintf(str, strwidth + 1, "%s", sig_strs[ident]); } } else { /* FIXME: this should be cached */ struct proc_bsdinfo bsdinfo; int ret = proc_pidinfo((int)ident, PROC_PIDTBSDINFO, 0, &bsdinfo, sizeof(bsdinfo)); if (ret == sizeof(bsdinfo)) { char *procname = bsdinfo.pbi_name; if (strlen(procname) == 0) { procname = bsdinfo.pbi_comm; } snprintf(str, strwidth + 1, "%s", shorten_procname(procname, strwidth)); } } if (str[0] != '\0') { snprintf(out, width + 1, "%-*s %s", strwidth, str, num); } else { snprintf(out, width + 1, "%s", num); } printf("%*s ", width, out); break; } case EVFILT_MACHPORT: case EVFILT_TIMER: /* hex, to match lsmp */ printf("%#*llx ", width, ident); break; case EVFILT_WORKLOOP: printf("%#*llx ", width, ident); break; default: printf("%*llu ", width, ident); break; } } static void print_kqid(int state, uint64_t kqid) { if (state & KQ_WORKQ) { printf("%18s ", "wq"); } else if (state & KQ_WORKLOOP) { printf("%#18" PRIx64 " ", kqid); } else { printf("fd %15" PRIi64 " ", kqid); } } #define PROCNAME_WIDTH 20 static void print_kq_info(int pid, const char *procname, uint64_t kqid, int state) { if (raw) { printf("%5u ", pid); print_kqid(state, kqid); printf("%#10x ", state); } else { char tmpstr[PROCNAME_WIDTH+1]; strlcpy(tmpstr, shorten_procname(procname, PROCNAME_WIDTH), PROCNAME_WIDTH+1); printf("%-*s ", PROCNAME_WIDTH, tmpstr); printf("%5u ", pid); print_kqid(state, kqid); printf(" %c%c%c ", (state & KQ_SLEEP) ? 'k' : '-', (state & KQ_SEL) ? 's' : '-', (state & KQ_WORKQ) ? 'q' : (state & KQ_WORKLOOP) ? 'l' : '-' ); } } enum kqtype { KQTYPE_FD, KQTYPE_DYNAMIC }; #define POLICY_TIMESHARE 1 #define POLICY_RR 2 #define POLICY_FIFO 4 static int process_kqueue(int pid, const char *procname, enum kqtype type, uint64_t kqid, struct proc_fdinfo *fdlist, int nfds) { int ret, i, nknotes; char tmpstr[256]; int maxknotes = 256; /* arbitrary starting point */ int kq_state; bool is_kev_64, is_kev_qos; int err = 0; bool overflow = false; int fd; bool dynkq_printed = false; /* * get the basic kqueue info */ struct kqueue_fdinfo kqfdinfo = {}; struct kqueue_dyninfo kqinfo = {}; switch (type) { case KQTYPE_FD: ret = proc_pidfdinfo(pid, (int)kqid, PROC_PIDFDKQUEUEINFO, &kqfdinfo, sizeof(kqfdinfo)); fd = (int)kqid; break; case KQTYPE_DYNAMIC: ret = proc_piddynkqueueinfo(pid, PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUE_INFO, kqid, &kqinfo, sizeof(kqinfo)); break; default: os_crash("invalid kqueue type"); } if (type == KQTYPE_FD && (int)kqid != -1) { if (ret != sizeof(kqfdinfo)) { /* every proc has an implicit workq kqueue, dont warn if its unused */ fprintf(stderr, "WARN: FD table changed (pid %i, kq %i)\n", pid, fd); } } else if (type == KQTYPE_DYNAMIC) { if (ret < sizeof(struct kqueue_info)) { fprintf(stderr, "WARN: kqueue missing (pid %i, kq %#" PRIx64 ")\n", pid, kqid); } else { kqfdinfo.kqueueinfo = kqinfo.kqdi_info; } if (verbose && ret >= sizeof(struct kqueue_dyninfo)) { print_kq_info(pid, procname, kqid, kqinfo.kqdi_info.kq_state); if (kqinfo.kqdi_owner) { printf("%#18llx ", kqinfo.kqdi_owner); // ident printf("%-9s ", "WL owned"); // filter } else if (kqinfo.kqdi_servicer) { printf("%#18llx ", kqinfo.kqdi_servicer); // ident printf("%-9s ", "WL"); // filter } else { printf("%18s ", "-"); // ident printf("%-9s ", "WL"); // filter } dynkq_printed = true; if (raw) { printf("%-10s ", " "); // fflags printf("%-10s ", " "); // flags printf("%-10s ", " "); // evst } else { const char *reqstate = "???"; switch (kqinfo.kqdi_request_state) { case WORKQ_TR_STATE_IDLE: reqstate = ""; break; case WORKQ_TR_STATE_NEW: reqstate = "new"; break; case WORKQ_TR_STATE_QUEUED: reqstate = "queued"; break; case WORKQ_TR_STATE_CANCELED: reqstate = "canceled"; break; case WORKQ_TR_STATE_BINDING: reqstate = "binding"; break; case WORKQ_TR_STATE_BOUND: reqstate = "bound"; break; } printf("%-8s ", reqstate); // fdtype char policy_type; switch (kqinfo.kqdi_pol) { case POLICY_RR: policy_type = 'R'; break; case POLICY_FIFO: policy_type = 'F'; case POLICY_TIMESHARE: case 0: default: policy_type = '-'; break; } snprintf(tmpstr, 4, "%c%c%c", (kqinfo.kqdi_pri == 0)?'-':'P', policy_type, (kqinfo.kqdi_cpupercent == 0)?'-':'%'); printf("%-7s ", tmpstr); // fflags printf("%-15s ", " "); // flags printf("%-15s ", " "); // evst } if (!raw && kqinfo.kqdi_pri != 0) { printf("%3d ", kqinfo.kqdi_pri); //qos } else { int qos = MAX(MAX(kqinfo.kqdi_events_qos, kqinfo.kqdi_async_qos), kqinfo.kqdi_sync_waiter_qos); printf("%3s ", thread_qos_name(qos)); //qos } printf("\n"); } } /* * get extended kqueue info */ struct kevent_extinfo *kqextinfo = NULL; again: if (!kqextinfo) { kqextinfo = malloc(sizeof(struct kevent_extinfo) * maxknotes); } if (!kqextinfo) { err = errno; perror("failed allocating memory"); goto out; } errno = 0; switch (type) { case KQTYPE_FD: nknotes = proc_pidfdinfo(pid, fd, PROC_PIDFDKQUEUE_EXTINFO, kqextinfo, sizeof(struct kevent_extinfo) * maxknotes); break; case KQTYPE_DYNAMIC: nknotes = proc_piddynkqueueinfo(pid, PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUE_EXTINFO, kqid, kqextinfo, sizeof(struct kevent_extinfo) * maxknotes); break; default: os_crash("invalid kqueue type"); } if (nknotes <= 0) { if (errno == 0) { /* proc_*() can't distinguish between error and empty list */ } else if (errno == EAGAIN) { goto again; } else if (errno == EBADF) { fprintf(stderr, "WARN: FD table changed (pid %i, kq %#" PRIx64 ")\n", pid, kqid); goto out; } else { err = errno; perror("failed to get extended kqueue info"); goto out; } } if (nknotes > maxknotes) { maxknotes = nknotes + 16; /* arbitrary safety margin */ free(kqextinfo); kqextinfo = NULL; goto again; } if (nknotes >= PROC_PIDFDKQUEUE_KNOTES_MAX) { overflow = true; } kq_state = kqfdinfo.kqueueinfo.kq_state; is_kev_64 = (kq_state & PROC_KQUEUE_64); is_kev_qos = (kq_state & PROC_KQUEUE_QOS); if (nknotes == 0) { if (!ignore_empty && !dynkq_printed) { /* for empty kqueues, print a single empty entry */ print_kq_info(pid, procname, kqid, kq_state); printf("%18s \n", "-"); } goto out; } for (i = 0; i < nknotes; i++) { struct kevent_extinfo *info = &kqextinfo[i]; print_kq_info(pid, procname, kqid, kqfdinfo.kqueueinfo.kq_state); print_ident(info->kqext_kev.ident, info->kqext_kev.filter, 18); printf("%-9s ", filt_name(info->kqext_kev.filter)); if (raw) { printf("%#10x ", info->kqext_sfflags); printf("%#10x ", info->kqext_kev.flags); printf("%#10x ", info->kqext_status); } else { /* for kevents attached to file descriptors, print the type of FD (file, socket, etc) */ const char *fdstr = ""; if (filter_is_fd_type(info->kqext_kev.filter)) { fdstr = ""; int knfd = fd_list_getfd(fdlist, nfds, (int)info->kqext_kev.ident); if (knfd >= 0) { fdstr = fdtype_str(fdlist[knfd].proc_fdtype); } } printf("%-8s ", fdstr); /* print filter flags */ printf("%7s ", fflags_build(info, tmpstr, sizeof(tmpstr))); /* print generic flags */ unsigned flg = info->kqext_kev.flags; printf("%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c%c ", (flg & EV_ADD) ? 'a' : '-', (flg & EV_ENABLE) ? 'n' : '-', (flg & EV_DISABLE) ? 'd' : '-', (flg & EV_DELETE) ? 'x' : '-', (flg & EV_RECEIPT) ? 'r' : '-', (flg & EV_ONESHOT) ? '1' : '-', (flg & EV_CLEAR) ? 'c' : '-', (flg & EV_DISPATCH) ? 's' : '-', (flg & EV_UDATA_SPECIFIC) ? 'u' : '-', (flg & EV_FLAG0) ? 'p' : '-', (flg & EV_FLAG1) ? 'b' : '-', (flg & EV_EOF) ? 'o' : '-', (flg & EV_ERROR) ? 'e' : '-' ); unsigned st = info->kqext_status; printf("%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c %c%c%c ", (st & KN_ACTIVE) ? 'a' : '-', (st & KN_QUEUED) ? 'q' : '-', (st & KN_DISABLED) ? 'd' : '-', (st & KN_SUPPRESSED) ? 'p' : '-', (st & KN_STAYACTIVE) ? 's' : '-', (st & KN_DROPPING) ? 'd' : '-', (st & KN_LOCKED) ? 'l' : '-', (st & KN_POSTING) ? 'P' : '-', (st & KN_MERGE_QOS) ? 'm' : '-', (st & KN_DEFERDELETE) ? 'D' : '-', (st & KN_REQVANISH) ? 'v' : '-', (st & KN_VANISHED) ? 'n' : '-' ); } printf("%3s ", thread_qos_name(info->kqext_kev.qos)); printf("%#18llx ", (unsigned long long)info->kqext_kev.data); if (verbose) { printf("%#18llx ", (unsigned long long)info->kqext_kev.udata); if (is_kev_qos || is_kev_64) { printf("%#18llx ", (unsigned long long)info->kqext_kev.ext[0]); printf("%#18llx ", (unsigned long long)info->kqext_kev.ext[1]); if (is_kev_qos) { printf("%#18llx ", (unsigned long long)info->kqext_kev.ext[2]); printf("%#18llx ", (unsigned long long)info->kqext_kev.ext[3]); printf("%#10lx ", (unsigned long)info->kqext_kev.xflags); } } } printf("\n"); } if (overflow) { printf(" ***** output truncated (>=%i knotes on kq %" PRIu64 ", proc %i) *****\n", nknotes, kqid, pid); } out: if (kqextinfo) { free(kqextinfo); kqextinfo = NULL; } return err; } static int pid_kqids(pid_t pid, kqueue_id_t **kqids_out) { static int kqids_len = 256; static kqueue_id_t *kqids = NULL; static uint32_t kqids_size; int nkqids; retry: if (os_mul_overflow(sizeof(kqueue_id_t), kqids_len, &kqids_size)) { assert(kqids_len > PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUES_MAX); kqids_len = PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUES_MAX; goto retry; } if (!kqids) { kqids = malloc(kqids_size); os_assert(kqids != NULL); } nkqids = proc_list_dynkqueueids(pid, kqids, kqids_size); if (nkqids > kqids_len && kqids_len < PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUES_MAX) { kqids_len *= 2; if (kqids_len > PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUES_MAX) { kqids_len = PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUES_MAX; } free(kqids); kqids = NULL; goto retry; } *kqids_out = kqids; return MIN(nkqids, kqids_len); } static int process_pid(pid_t pid) { int i, nfds, nkqids; kqueue_id_t *kqids; int ret = 0; int maxfds = 256; /* arbitrary starting point */ struct proc_fdinfo *fdlist = NULL; /* enumerate file descriptors */ again: if (!fdlist) { fdlist = malloc(sizeof(struct proc_fdinfo) * maxfds); } if (!fdlist) { ret = errno; perror("failed to allocate"); goto out; } nfds = proc_pidinfo(pid, PROC_PIDLISTFDS, 0, fdlist, sizeof(struct proc_fdinfo) * maxfds); if (nfds <= 0) { ret = errno; fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed enumerating file descriptors of process %i: %s", self, pid, strerror(ret)); if (ret == EPERM && geteuid() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, " (are you root?)"); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); goto out; } nfds /= sizeof(struct proc_fdinfo); if (nfds >= maxfds) { maxfds = nfds + 16; free(fdlist); fdlist = NULL; goto again; } /* get bsdinfo for the process name */ struct proc_bsdinfo bsdinfo; ret = proc_pidinfo(pid, PROC_PIDTBSDINFO, 0, &bsdinfo, sizeof(bsdinfo)); if (ret != sizeof(bsdinfo)) { perror("failed retrieving process info"); ret = -1; goto out; } char *procname = bsdinfo.pbi_name; if (strlen(procname) == 0) { procname = bsdinfo.pbi_comm; } /* handle the special workq kq */ ret = process_kqueue(pid, procname, KQTYPE_FD, -1, fdlist, nfds); if (ret) { goto out; } for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) { if (fdlist[i].proc_fdtype == PROX_FDTYPE_KQUEUE) { ret = process_kqueue(pid, procname, KQTYPE_FD, (uint64_t)fdlist[i].proc_fd, fdlist, nfds); if (ret) { goto out; } } } nkqids = pid_kqids(pid, &kqids); for (i = 0; i < nkqids; i++) { ret = process_kqueue(pid, procname, KQTYPE_DYNAMIC, kqids[i], fdlist, nfds); if (ret) { goto out; } } if (nkqids >= PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUES_MAX) { printf(" ***** output truncated (>=%i dynamic kqueues in proc %i) *****\n", nkqids, pid); } out: if (fdlist) { free(fdlist); fdlist = NULL; } return ret; } static int process_all_pids(void) { int i, npids; int ret = 0; int maxpids = 2048; int *pids = NULL; again: if (!pids) { pids = malloc(sizeof(int) * maxpids); } if (!pids) { perror("failed allocating pids[]"); goto out; } errno = 0; npids = proc_listpids(PROC_ALL_PIDS, 0, pids, sizeof(int) * maxpids); if (npids <= 0) { if (errno == 0) { /* empty pid list */ } else if (errno == EAGAIN) { goto again; } else { ret = errno; perror("failed enumerating pids"); goto out; } } npids /= sizeof(int); if (npids >= maxpids) { maxpids = npids + 16; free(pids); pids = NULL; goto again; } for (i = 0; i < npids; i++) { /* listpids gives us pid 0 for some reason */ if (pids[i]) { ret = process_pid(pids[i]); /* ignore races with processes exiting */ if (ret && ret != ESRCH) { goto out; } } } out: if (pids) { free(pids); pids = NULL; } return ret; } static void cheatsheet(void) { const char *bold = "\033[1m"; const char *reset = "\033[0m"; if (!isatty(STDERR_FILENO)) { bold = reset = ""; } fprintf(stderr, "\nFilter-independent flags:\n\n\ %s\ command pid kq kqst knid filter fdtype fflags flags evst qos%s\n%s\ -------------------- ----- ------------------ ---- ------------------ --------- -------- ------- --------------- -------------- ---%s\n\ ┌ EV_UDATA_SPECIFIC\n\ EV_DISPATCH ┐ │┌ EV_FLAG0 (EV_POLL)\n\ EV_CLEAR ┐│ ││┌ EV_FLAG1 (EV_OOBAND)\n\ EV_ONESHOT ┐││ │││┌ EV_EOF\n\ EV_RECEIPT ┐│││ ││││┌ EV_ERROR\n\ ││││ │││││\n%s\ launchd 1 4 ks- netbiosd 250 PROC ------- andx r1cs upboe aqdps dlPm Dvn IN%s\n\ │ │││ ││││ │││││ ││││ │││\n\ kqueue file descriptor/dynamic ID ┘ │││ EV_ADD ┘│││ KN_ACTIVE ┘││││ ││││ ││└ KN_VANISHED\n\ KQ_SLEEP ┘││ EV_ENABLE ┘││ KN_QUEUED ┘│││ ││││ │└ KN_REQVANISH\n\ KQ_SEL ┘│ EV_DISABLE ┘│ KN_DISABLED ┘││ ││││ └ KN_DEFERDELETE\n\ KQ_WORKQ (q) ┤ EV_DELETE ┘ KN_SUPPRESSED ┘│ ││││\n\ KQ_WORKLOOP (l) ┘ KN_STAYACTIVE ┘ ││││\n\ ││││\n\ KN_DROPPING ┘││└ KN_MERGE_QOS\n\ KN_LOCKED ┘└ KN_POSTING\n\ \n", bold, reset, bold, reset, bold, reset); } static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-vher] [-a | -p ]\n", self); } static void print_header(void) { if (raw) { printf(" pid kq kqst knid filter fflags flags evst qos data"); } else { printf("command pid kq kqst knid filter fdtype fflags flags evst qos data"); } if (verbose) { printf(" udata ext0 ext1 ext2 ext3 xflags"); } printf("\n"); if (raw) { printf("----- ------------------ ---------- ------------------ --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ------------------"); } else { printf("-------------------- ----- ------------------ ---- ------------------ --------- -------- ------- --------------- -------------- --- ------------------"); } if (verbose) { printf(" ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ----------"); } printf("\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pid_t pid = 0; int opt; setlinebuf(stdout); if (argc > 0) { self = argv[0]; } while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "eahvrp:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'a': all_pids = 1; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'p': pid = atoi(optarg); break; case 'e': ignore_empty = 1; break; case 'h': usage(); cheatsheet(); return 0; case 'r': raw = 1; break; case '?': default: usage(); return 1; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc == 1) { /* also allow lskq */ if (pid || all_pids) { usage(); return 1; } pid = atoi(argv[0]); } else if (argc > 1) { usage(); return 1; } /* exactly one of -p or -a is required */ if (!pid && !all_pids) { usage(); return 1; } else if (pid && all_pids) { usage(); return 1; } print_header(); if (all_pids) { return process_all_pids(); } else { return process_pid(pid); } return 0; }