/* $NetBSD: use.c,v 1.10 2009/08/12 08:44:45 dholland Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * Timothy C. Stoehr. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> #ifndef lint #if 0 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)use.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93"; #else __RCSID("$NetBSD: use.c,v 1.10 2009/08/12 08:44:45 dholland Exp $"); #endif #endif /* not lint */ /* * use.c * * This source herein may be modified and/or distributed by anybody who * so desires, with the following restrictions: * 1.) No portion of this notice shall be removed. * 2.) Credit shall not be taken for the creation of this source. * 3.) This code is not to be traded, sold, or used for personal * gain or profit. * */ #include "rogue.h" short halluc = 0; short blind = 0; short confused = 0; short levitate = 0; short haste_self = 0; boolean see_invisible = 0; short extra_hp = 0; boolean detect_monster = 0; boolean con_mon = 0; static const char strange_feeling[] = "you have a strange feeling for a moment, then it passes"; static const char *get_ench_color(void); static void go_blind(void); static void hold_monster(void); static void idntfy(void); static void potion_heal(int); static void uncurse_all(void); void quaff(void) { short ch; object *obj; ch = pack_letter("quaff what?", POTION); if (ch == CANCEL) { return; } if (!(obj = get_letter_object(ch))) { messagef(0, "no such item."); return; } if (obj->what_is != POTION) { messagef(0, "you can't drink that"); return; } switch(obj->which_kind) { case INCREASE_STRENGTH: messagef(0, "you feel stronger now, what bulging muscles!"); rogue.str_current++; if (rogue.str_current > rogue.str_max) { rogue.str_max = rogue.str_current; } break; case RESTORE_STRENGTH: rogue.str_current = rogue.str_max; messagef(0, "this tastes great, you feel warm all over"); break; case HEALING: messagef(0, "you begin to feel better"); potion_heal(0); break; case EXTRA_HEALING: messagef(0, "you begin to feel much better"); potion_heal(1); break; case POISON: if (!sustain_strength) { rogue.str_current -= get_rand(1, 3); if (rogue.str_current < 1) { rogue.str_current = 1; } } messagef(0, "you feel very sick now"); if (halluc) { unhallucinate(); } break; case RAISE_LEVEL: rogue.exp_points = level_points[rogue.exp - 1]; messagef(0, "you suddenly feel much more skillful"); add_exp(1, 1); break; case BLINDNESS: go_blind(); break; case HALLUCINATION: messagef(0, "oh wow, everything seems so cosmic"); halluc += get_rand(500, 800); break; case DETECT_MONSTER: show_monsters(); if (!(level_monsters.next_monster)) { messagef(0, "%s", strange_feeling); } break; case DETECT_OBJECTS: if (level_objects.next_object) { if (!blind) { show_objects(); } } else { messagef(0, "%s", strange_feeling); } break; case CONFUSION: messagef(0, (halluc ? "what a trippy feeling" : "you feel confused")); cnfs(); break; case LEVITATION: messagef(0, "you start to float in the air"); levitate += get_rand(15, 30); being_held = bear_trap = 0; break; case HASTE_SELF: messagef(0, "you feel yourself moving much faster"); haste_self += get_rand(11, 21); if (!(haste_self % 2)) { haste_self++; } break; case SEE_INVISIBLE: messagef(0, "hmm, this potion tastes like %sjuice", fruit); if (blind) { unblind(); } see_invisible = 1; relight(); break; } print_stats((STAT_STRENGTH | STAT_HP)); if (id_potions[obj->which_kind].id_status != CALLED) { id_potions[obj->which_kind].id_status = IDENTIFIED; } vanish(obj, 1, &rogue.pack); } void read_scroll(void) { short ch; object *obj; ch = pack_letter("read what?", SCROL); if (ch == CANCEL) { return; } if (!(obj = get_letter_object(ch))) { messagef(0, "no such item."); return; } if (obj->what_is != SCROL) { messagef(0, "you can't read that"); return; } switch(obj->which_kind) { case SCARE_MONSTER: messagef(0, "you hear a maniacal laughter in the distance"); break; case HOLD_MONSTER: hold_monster(); break; case ENCH_WEAPON: if (rogue.weapon) { if (rogue.weapon->what_is == WEAPON) { messagef(0, "your %sglow%s %sfor a moment", name_of(rogue.weapon), ((rogue.weapon->quantity <= 1) ? "s" : ""), get_ench_color()); if (coin_toss()) { rogue.weapon->hit_enchant++; } else { rogue.weapon->d_enchant++; } } rogue.weapon->is_cursed = 0; } else { messagef(0, "your hands tingle"); } break; case ENCH_ARMOR: if (rogue.armor) { messagef(0, "your armor glows %sfor a moment", get_ench_color()); rogue.armor->d_enchant++; rogue.armor->is_cursed = 0; print_stats(STAT_ARMOR); } else { messagef(0, "your skin crawls"); } break; case IDENTIFY: messagef(0, "this is a scroll of identify"); obj->identified = 1; id_scrolls[obj->which_kind].id_status = IDENTIFIED; idntfy(); break; case TELEPORT: tele(); break; case SLEEP: messagef(0, "you fall asleep"); take_a_nap(); break; case PROTECT_ARMOR: if (rogue.armor) { messagef(0, "your armor is covered by a shimmering gold shield"); rogue.armor->is_protected = 1; rogue.armor->is_cursed = 0; } else { messagef(0, "your acne seems to have disappeared"); } break; case REMOVE_CURSE: messagef(0, (!halluc) ? "you feel as though someone is watching over you" : "you feel in touch with the universal oneness"); uncurse_all(); break; case CREATE_MONSTER: create_monster(); break; case AGGRAVATE_MONSTER: aggravate(); break; case MAGIC_MAPPING: messagef(0, "this scroll seems to have a map on it"); draw_magic_map(); break; case CON_MON: con_mon = 1; messagef(0, "your hands glow %sfor a moment", get_ench_color()); break; } if (id_scrolls[obj->which_kind].id_status != CALLED) { id_scrolls[obj->which_kind].id_status = IDENTIFIED; } vanish(obj, (obj->which_kind != SLEEP), &rogue.pack); } /* vanish() does NOT handle a quiver of weapons with more than one * arrow (or whatever) in the quiver. It will only decrement the count. */ void vanish(object *obj, short rm, object *pack) { if (obj->quantity > 1) { obj->quantity--; } else { if (obj->in_use_flags & BEING_WIELDED) { unwield(obj); } else if (obj->in_use_flags & BEING_WORN) { unwear(obj); } else if (obj->in_use_flags & ON_EITHER_HAND) { un_put_on(obj); } take_from_pack(obj, pack); free_object(obj); } if (rm) { (void)reg_move(); } } static void potion_heal(int extra) { float ratio; short add; rogue.hp_current += rogue.exp; ratio = ((float)rogue.hp_current) / rogue.hp_max; if (ratio >= 1.00) { rogue.hp_max += (extra ? 2 : 1); extra_hp += (extra ? 2 : 1); rogue.hp_current = rogue.hp_max; } else if (ratio >= 0.90) { rogue.hp_max += (extra ? 1 : 0); extra_hp += (extra ? 1 : 0); rogue.hp_current = rogue.hp_max; } else { if (ratio < 0.33) { ratio = 0.33; } if (extra) { ratio += ratio; } add = (short)(ratio * (rogue.hp_max - rogue.hp_current)); rogue.hp_current += add; if (rogue.hp_current > rogue.hp_max) { rogue.hp_current = rogue.hp_max; } } if (blind) { unblind(); } if (confused && extra) { unconfuse(); } else if (confused) { confused = (confused / 2) + 1; } if (halluc && extra) { unhallucinate(); } else if (halluc) { halluc = (halluc / 2) + 1; } } static void idntfy(void) { short ch; object *obj; struct id *id_table; char desc[DCOLS]; AGAIN: ch = pack_letter("what would you like to identify?", ALL_OBJECTS); if (ch == CANCEL) { return; } if (!(obj = get_letter_object(ch))) { messagef(0, "no such item, try again"); messagef(0, "%s", ""); /* gcc objects to just "" */ check_message(); goto AGAIN; } obj->identified = 1; if (obj->what_is & (SCROL | POTION | WEAPON | ARMOR | WAND | RING)) { id_table = get_id_table(obj); id_table[obj->which_kind].id_status = IDENTIFIED; } get_desc(obj, desc, sizeof(desc)); messagef(0, "%s", desc); } void eat(void) { short ch; short moves; object *obj; ch = pack_letter("eat what?", FOOD); if (ch == CANCEL) { return; } if (!(obj = get_letter_object(ch))) { messagef(0, "no such item."); return; } if (obj->what_is != FOOD) { messagef(0, "you can't eat that"); return; } if ((obj->which_kind == FRUIT) || rand_percent(60)) { moves = get_rand(950, 1150); if (obj->which_kind == RATION) { messagef(0, "yum, that tasted good"); } else { messagef(0, "my, that was a yummy %s", fruit); } } else { moves = get_rand(750, 950); messagef(0, "yuk, that food tasted awful"); add_exp(2, 1); } rogue.moves_left /= 3; rogue.moves_left += moves; hunger_str[0] = 0; print_stats(STAT_HUNGER); vanish(obj, 1, &rogue.pack); } static void hold_monster(void) { short i, j; short mcount = 0; object *monster; short row, col; for (i = -2; i <= 2; i++) { for (j = -2; j <= 2; j++) { row = rogue.row + i; col = rogue.col + j; if ((row < MIN_ROW) || (row > (DROWS-2)) || (col < 0) || (col > (DCOLS-1))) { continue; } if (dungeon[row][col] & MONSTER) { monster = object_at(&level_monsters, row, col); monster->m_flags |= ASLEEP; monster->m_flags &= (~WAKENS); mcount++; } } } if (mcount == 0) { messagef(0, "you feel a strange sense of loss"); } else if (mcount == 1) { messagef(0, "the monster freezes"); } else { messagef(0, "the monsters around you freeze"); } } void tele(void) { mvaddch(rogue.row, rogue.col, get_dungeon_char(rogue.row, rogue.col)); if (cur_room >= 0) { darken_room(cur_room); } put_player(get_room_number(rogue.row, rogue.col)); being_held = 0; bear_trap = 0; } void hallucinate(void) { object *obj, *monster; short ch; if (blind) return; obj = level_objects.next_object; while (obj) { ch = mvinch(obj->row, obj->col); if (((ch < 'A') || (ch > 'Z')) && ((obj->row != rogue.row) || (obj->col != rogue.col))) if ((ch != ' ') && (ch != '.') && (ch != '#') && (ch != '+')) { addch(gr_obj_char()); } obj = obj->next_object; } monster = level_monsters.next_monster; while (monster) { ch = mvinch(monster->row, monster->col); if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z')) { addch(get_rand('A', 'Z')); } monster = monster->next_monster; } } void unhallucinate(void) { halluc = 0; relight(); messagef(1, "everything looks SO boring now"); } void unblind(void) { blind = 0; messagef(1, "the veil of darkness lifts"); relight(); if (halluc) { hallucinate(); } if (detect_monster) { show_monsters(); } } void relight(void) { if (cur_room == PASSAGE) { light_passage(rogue.row, rogue.col); } else { light_up_room(cur_room); } mvaddch(rogue.row, rogue.col, rogue.fchar); } void take_a_nap(void) { short i; i = get_rand(2, 5); md_sleep(1); while (i--) { mv_mons(); } md_sleep(1); messagef(0, "%s", you_can_move_again); } static void go_blind(void) { short i, j; if (!blind) { messagef(0, "a cloak of darkness falls around you"); } blind += get_rand(500, 800); if (detect_monster) { object *monster; monster = level_monsters.next_monster; while (monster) { mvaddch(monster->row, monster->col, monster->trail_char); monster = monster->next_monster; } } if (cur_room >= 0) { for (i = rooms[cur_room].top_row + 1; i < rooms[cur_room].bottom_row; i++) { for (j = rooms[cur_room].left_col + 1; j < rooms[cur_room].right_col; j++) { mvaddch(i, j, ' '); } } } mvaddch(rogue.row, rogue.col, rogue.fchar); } static const char * get_ench_color(void) { if (halluc) { return(id_potions[get_rand(0, POTIONS-1)].title); } else if (con_mon) { return("red "); } return("blue "); } void cnfs(void) { confused += get_rand(12, 22); } void unconfuse(void) { confused = 0; messagef(1, "you feel less %s now", (halluc ? "trippy" : "confused")); } static void uncurse_all(void) { object *obj; obj = rogue.pack.next_object; while (obj) { obj->is_cursed = 0; obj = obj->next_object; } }