/* $NetBSD: hunt.h,v 1.17 2009/07/04 07:10:23 dholland Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1983-2003, Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * + Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * + Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * + Neither the name of the University of California, San Francisco nor * the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "bsd.h" #include #include #ifdef LOG #include #endif #if BSD_RELEASE < 44 #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #ifdef INTERNET #include #include #include #ifdef BROADCAST #include #endif #else #include #endif #ifdef INTERNET #define SOCK_FAMILY AF_INET #else #define SOCK_FAMILY AF_UNIX #define AF_UNIX_HACK /* 4.2 hack; leaves files around */ #endif /* * Preprocessor define dependencies */ #if defined(VOLCANO) && !defined(OOZE) #define OOZE #endif #if defined(BOOTS) && !defined(FLY) #define FLY #endif #if !defined(REFLECT) && !defined(RANDOM) #define RANDOM #endif /* decrement version number for each change in startup protocol */ #define HUNT_VERSION -1 #define ADDCH ('a' | 0200) #define MOVE ('m' | 0200) #define REFRESH ('r' | 0200) #define CLRTOEOL ('c' | 0200) #define ENDWIN ('e' | 0200) #define CLEAR ('C' | 0200) #define REDRAW ('R' | 0200) #define LAST_PLAYER ('l' | 0200) #define BELL ('b' | 0200) #define READY ('g' | 0200) /* * Choose MAXPL and MAXMON carefully. The screen is assumed to be * 23 lines high and will only tolerate (MAXPL == 17 && MAXMON == 0) * or (MAXPL + MAXMON <= 16). */ #ifdef MONITOR #define MAXPL 15 #define MAXMON 1 #else #define MAXPL 17 #define MAXMON 0 #endif #define SHORTLEN 2 /* sizeof (network short) */ #define LONGLEN 4 /* sizeof (network long) */ #define NAMELEN 20 #define MSGLEN SCREEN_WIDTH #define DECAY 50.0 #define NASCII 128 #define WIDTH 51 #define WIDTH2 64 /* Next power of 2 >= WIDTH (for fast access) */ #define HEIGHT 23 #define UBOUND 1 #define DBOUND (HEIGHT - 1) #define LBOUND 1 #define RBOUND (WIDTH - 1) #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 24 #define SCREEN_WIDTH 80 #define SCREEN_WIDTH2 128 /* Next power of 2 >= SCREEN_WIDTH */ #define STAT_LABEL_COL 60 #define STAT_VALUE_COL 74 #define STAT_NAME_COL 61 #define STAT_SCAN_COL (STAT_NAME_COL + 5) #define STAT_AMMO_ROW 0 #define STAT_GUN_ROW 1 #define STAT_DAM_ROW 2 #define STAT_KILL_ROW 3 #define STAT_PLAY_ROW 5 #ifdef MONITOR #define STAT_MON_ROW (STAT_PLAY_ROW + MAXPL + 1) #endif #define STAT_NAME_LEN 18 #define DOOR '#' #define WALL1 '-' #define WALL2 '|' #define WALL3 '+' #ifdef REFLECT #define WALL4 '/' #define WALL5 '\\' #endif #define KNIFE 'K' #define SHOT ':' #define GRENADE 'o' #define SATCHEL 'O' #define BOMB '@' #define MINE ';' #define GMINE 'g' #ifdef OOZE #define SLIME '$' #endif #ifdef VOLCANO #define LAVA '~' #endif #ifdef DRONE #define DSHOT '?' #endif #ifdef FLY #define FALL 'F' #endif #ifdef BOOTS #define NBOOTS 2 #define BOOT 'b' #define BOOT_PAIR 'B' #endif #define SPACE ' ' #define ABOVE 'i' #define BELOW '!' #define RIGHT '}' #define LEFTS '{' #ifdef FLY #define FLYER '&' #define isplayer(c) (c == LEFTS || c == RIGHT ||\ c == ABOVE || c == BELOW || c == FLYER) #else #define isplayer(c) (c == LEFTS || c == RIGHT ||\ c == ABOVE || c == BELOW) #endif #define NORTH 01 #define SOUTH 02 #define EAST 010 #define WEST 020 #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #endif #undef CTRL #define CTRL(x) ((x) & 037) #define BULSPD 5 /* bullets movement speed */ #define ISHOTS 15 #define NSHOTS 5 #define MAXNCSHOT 2 #define MAXDAM 10 #define MINDAM 5 #define STABDAM 2 #define BULREQ 1 #define GRENREQ 9 #define SATREQ 25 #define BOMB7REQ 49 #define BOMB9REQ 81 #define BOMB11REQ 121 #define BOMB13REQ 169 #define BOMB15REQ 225 #define BOMB17REQ 289 #define BOMB19REQ 361 #define BOMB21REQ 441 #define MAXBOMB 11 #ifdef DRONE #define MINDSHOT 2 /* At least a satchel bomb */ #endif extern int shot_req[]; extern int shot_type[]; #ifdef OOZE #define SLIME_FACTOR 3 #define SLIMEREQ 5 #define SSLIMEREQ 10 #define SLIME2REQ 15 #define SLIME3REQ 20 #define MAXSLIME 4 #define SLIMESPEED 5 extern int slime_req[]; #endif #ifdef VOLCANO #define LAVASPEED 1 #endif #define CLOAKLEN 20 #define SCANLEN (Nplayer * 20) #define EXPLEN 4 #define Q_QUIT 0 #define Q_CLOAK 1 #define Q_FLY 2 #define Q_SCAN 3 #define Q_MESSAGE 4 #define C_PLAYER 0 #define C_MONITOR 1 #define C_MESSAGE 2 #define C_SCORES 3 #ifdef MONITOR #define C_TESTMSG() (Query_driver ? C_MESSAGE :\ (Show_scores ? C_SCORES :\ (Am_monitor ? C_MONITOR :\ C_PLAYER))) #else #define C_TESTMSG() (Show_scores ? C_SCORES :\ (Query_driver ? C_MESSAGE :\ C_PLAYER)) #endif #ifdef FLY #define _scan_char(pp) (((pp)->p_scan < 0) ? ' ' : '*') #define _cloak_char(pp) (((pp)->p_cloak < 0) ? _scan_char(pp) : '+') #define stat_char(pp) (((pp)->p_flying < 0) ? _cloak_char(pp) : FLYER) #else #define _scan_char(pp) (((pp)->p_scan < 0) ? ' ' : '*') #define stat_char(pp) (((pp)->p_cloak < 0) ? _scan_char(pp) : '+') #endif typedef int FLAG; typedef struct bullet_def BULLET; typedef struct expl_def EXPL; typedef struct player_def PLAYER; typedef struct ident_def IDENT; typedef struct regen_def REGEN; #ifdef INTERNET typedef struct sockaddr_in SOCKET; #else typedef struct sockaddr_un SOCKET; #endif struct ident_def { char i_name[NAMELEN]; char i_team; uint32_t i_machine; uint32_t i_uid; float i_kills; int i_entries; float i_score; int i_absorbed; int i_faced; int i_shot; int i_robbed; int i_slime; int i_missed; int i_ducked; int i_gkills, i_bkills, i_deaths, i_stillb, i_saved; IDENT *i_next; }; struct player_def { IDENT *p_ident; char p_over; int p_face; int p_undershot; #ifdef FLY int p_flying; int p_flyx, p_flyy; #endif #ifdef BOOTS int p_nboots; #endif FILE *p_output; int p_fd; int p_mask; int p_damage; int p_damcap; int p_ammo; int p_ncshot; int p_scan; int p_cloak; int p_x, p_y; int p_ncount; int p_nexec; long p_nchar; char p_death[MSGLEN]; char p_maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH2]; int p_curx, p_cury; int p_lastx, p_lasty; char p_cbuf[BUFSIZ]; }; struct bullet_def { int b_x, b_y; int b_face; int b_charge; char b_type; char b_size; char b_over; PLAYER *b_owner; IDENT *b_score; FLAG b_expl; BULLET *b_next; }; struct expl_def { int e_x, e_y; char e_char; EXPL *e_next; }; struct regen_def { int r_x, r_y; REGEN *r_next; }; /* * external variables */ extern FLAG Last_player; extern char Buf[BUFSIZ], Maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH2], Orig_maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH2]; extern const char *Driver; extern int Nplayer, Socket, Status; extern struct pollfd fdset[]; #ifdef INTERNET extern u_short Test_port; #else extern char *Sock_name, *Stat_name; #endif #ifdef VOLCANO extern int volcano; #endif extern int See_over[NASCII]; extern BULLET *Bullets; extern EXPL *Expl[EXPLEN]; extern EXPL *Last_expl; extern IDENT *Scores; extern PLAYER Player[MAXPL], *End_player; #ifdef BOOTS extern PLAYER Boot[NBOOTS]; #endif #ifdef MONITOR extern FLAG Am_monitor; extern PLAYER Monitor[MAXMON], *End_monitor; #endif #ifdef INTERNET extern char *Send_message; #endif extern char map_key[256]; extern FLAG no_beep; /* * function types */ void add_shot(int, int, int, char, int, PLAYER *, int, char); int answer(void); void bad_con(void) __dead; void bad_ver(void) __dead; int broadcast_vec(int, struct sockaddr **); void ce(PLAYER *); void cgoto(PLAYER *, int, int); void check(PLAYER *, int, int); void checkdam(PLAYER *, PLAYER *, IDENT *, int, char); void clearwalls(void); void clear_eol(void); void clear_the_screen(void); void clrscr(PLAYER *); BULLET *create_shot(int, int, int, char, int, int, PLAYER *, IDENT *, int, char); void do_connect(char *, char, long); void do_message(void); void drawmaze(PLAYER *); void drawplayer(PLAYER *, FLAG); void drawstatus(PLAYER *); void execute(PLAYER *); void faketalk(void); void find_driver(FLAG); void fixshots(int, int, char); IDENT *get_ident(uint32_t, uint32_t, char *, char); void get_local_name(char *); int get_remote_name(char *); BULLET *is_bullet(int, int); void look(PLAYER *); void makemaze(void); void message(PLAYER *, const char *); void mon_execute(PLAYER *); void moveshots(void); void open_ctl(void); int opposite(int, char); void otto(int, int, char); void outch(PLAYER *, int); void outstr(PLAYER *, const char *, int); int player_sym(PLAYER *, int, int); PLAYER *play_at(int, int); void playit(void); void put_ch(char); void put_str(char *); int quit(int); int rand_dir(void); int rand_num(int); void redraw_screen(void); void rmnl(char *); void rollexpl(void); void see(PLAYER *, int); void sendcom(PLAYER *, int, ...); void showexpl(int, int, char); void showstat(PLAYER *); void start_driver(void); void stmonitor(PLAYER *); void stplayer(PLAYER *, int); char translate(char); void cleanup(int) __dead; void intr(int); void sigalrm(int); void sigemt(int) __dead; void sigterm(int) __dead; void sigusr1(int) __dead; void tstp(int);