/* $NetBSD: hack.mon.c,v 1.14 2011/08/07 06:03:45 dholland Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1985, Stichting Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, * Amsterdam * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of the Stichting Centrum voor Wiskunde en * Informatica, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or * promote products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1982 Jay Fenlason <hack@gnu.org> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> #ifndef lint __RCSID("$NetBSD: hack.mon.c,v 1.14 2011/08/07 06:03:45 dholland Exp $"); #endif /* not lint */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "hack.h" #include "extern.h" #include "hack.mfndpos.h" static int warnlevel; /* used by movemon and dochugw */ static long lastwarntime; static int lastwarnlev; static const char *const warnings[] = { "white", "pink", "red", "ruby", "purple", "black" }; static int dochugw(struct monst *); static void mpickgold(struct monst *); static void mpickgems(struct monst *); static void dmonsfree(void); static int ishuman(struct monst *); void movemon(void) { struct monst *mtmp; int fr; warnlevel = 0; while (1) { /* find a monster that we haven't treated yet */ /* * note that mtmp or mtmp->nmon might get killed while mtmp * moves, so we cannot just walk down the chain (even new * monsters might get created!) */ for (mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) if (mtmp->mlstmv < moves) goto next_mon; /* treated all monsters */ break; next_mon: mtmp->mlstmv = moves; /* most monsters drown in pools */ { boolean inpool, iseel; inpool = (levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].typ == POOL); iseel = (mtmp->data->mlet == ';'); if (inpool && !iseel) { if (cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)) pline("%s drowns.", Monnam(mtmp)); mondead(mtmp); continue; } /* but eels have a difficult time outside */ if (iseel && !inpool) { if (mtmp->mhp > 1) mtmp->mhp--; mtmp->mflee = 1; mtmp->mfleetim += 2; } } if (mtmp->mblinded && !--mtmp->mblinded) mtmp->mcansee = 1; if (mtmp->mfleetim && !--mtmp->mfleetim) mtmp->mflee = 0; if (mtmp->mimic) continue; if (mtmp->mspeed != MSLOW || !(moves % 2)) { /* continue if the monster died fighting */ fr = -1; if (Conflict && cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) && (fr = fightm(mtmp)) == 2) continue; if (fr < 0 && dochugw(mtmp)) continue; } if (mtmp->mspeed == MFAST && dochugw(mtmp)) continue; } warnlevel -= u.ulevel; if (warnlevel >= SIZE(warnings)) warnlevel = SIZE(warnings) - 1; if (warnlevel >= 0) if (warnlevel > lastwarnlev || moves > lastwarntime + 5) { const char *rr; switch (Warning & (LEFT_RING | RIGHT_RING)) { case LEFT_RING: rr = "Your left ring glows"; break; case RIGHT_RING: rr = "Your right ring glows"; break; case LEFT_RING | RIGHT_RING: rr = "Both your rings glow"; break; default: rr = "Your fingertips glow"; break; } pline("%s %s!", rr, warnings[warnlevel]); lastwarntime = moves; lastwarnlev = warnlevel; } dmonsfree(); /* remove all dead monsters */ } void justswld(struct monst *mtmp, const char *name) { mtmp->mx = u.ux; mtmp->my = u.uy; u.ustuck = mtmp; pmon(mtmp); kludge("%s swallows you!", name); more(); seeoff(1); u.uswallow = 1; u.uswldtim = 0; swallowed(); } void youswld(struct monst *mtmp, int dam, unsigned int die, const char *name) { if (mtmp != u.ustuck) return; kludge("%s digests you!", name); u.uhp -= dam; if (u.uswldtim++ >= die) { /* a3 */ pline("It totally digests you!"); u.uhp = -1; } if (u.uhp < 1) done_in_by(mtmp); #if 0 flags.botlx = 1; /* should we show status line ? */ #endif } static int dochugw(struct monst *mtmp) { int x = mtmp->mx; int y = mtmp->my; int dead = dochug(mtmp); int dd; if (!dead) /* monster still alive */ if (Warning) if (!mtmp->mpeaceful) if (mtmp->data->mlevel > warnlevel) if ((dd = dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)) < dist(x, y)) if (dd < 100) if (!canseemon(mtmp)) warnlevel = mtmp->data->mlevel; return (dead); } /* returns 1 if monster died moving, 0 otherwise */ int dochug(struct monst *mtmp) { const struct permonst *mdat; int tmp = 0, nearby, scared; if (mtmp->cham && !rn2(6)) (void) newcham(mtmp, &mons[dlevel + 14 + rn2(CMNUM - 14 - dlevel)]); mdat = mtmp->data; if (mdat->mlevel < 0) panic("bad monster %c (%d)", mdat->mlet, mdat->mlevel); /* regenerate monsters */ if ((!(moves % 20) || strchr(MREGEN, mdat->mlet)) && mtmp->mhp < mtmp->mhpmax) mtmp->mhp++; if (mtmp->mfroz) return (0); /* frozen monsters don't do anything */ if (mtmp->msleep) { /* wake up, or get out of here. */ /* ettins are hard to surprise */ /* Nymphs and Leprechauns do not easily wake up */ if (cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) && (!Stealth || (mdat->mlet == 'e' && rn2(10))) && (!strchr("NL", mdat->mlet) || !rn2(50)) && (Aggravate_monster || strchr("d1", mdat->mlet) || (!rn2(7) && !mtmp->mimic))) mtmp->msleep = 0; else return (0); } /* not frozen or sleeping: wipe out texts written in the dust */ wipe_engr_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, 1); /* confused monsters get unconfused with small probability */ if (mtmp->mconf && !rn2(50)) mtmp->mconf = 0; /* some monsters teleport */ if (mtmp->mflee && strchr("tNL", mdat->mlet) && !rn2(40)) { rloc(mtmp); return (0); } if (mdat->mmove < rnd(6)) return (0); /* fleeing monsters might regain courage */ if (mtmp->mflee && !mtmp->mfleetim && mtmp->mhp == mtmp->mhpmax && !rn2(25)) mtmp->mflee = 0; nearby = (dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) < 3); scared = (nearby && (sengr_at("Elbereth", u.ux, u.uy) || sobj_at(SCR_SCARE_MONSTER, u.ux, u.uy))); if (scared && !mtmp->mflee) { mtmp->mflee = 1; mtmp->mfleetim = (rn2(7) ? rnd(10) : rnd(100)); } if (!nearby || mtmp->mflee || mtmp->mconf || (mtmp->minvis && !rn2(3)) || (strchr("BIuy", mdat->mlet) && !rn2(4)) || (mdat->mlet == 'L' && !u.ugold && (mtmp->mgold || rn2(2))) || (!mtmp->mcansee && !rn2(4)) || mtmp->mpeaceful ) { tmp = m_move(mtmp, 0); /* 2: monster died moving */ if (tmp == 2 || (tmp && mdat->mmove <= 12)) return (tmp == 2); } if (!strchr("Ea", mdat->mlet) && nearby && !mtmp->mpeaceful && u.uhp > 0 && !scared) { if (mhitu(mtmp)) return (1); /* monster died (e.g. 'y' or 'F') */ } /* extra movement for fast monsters */ if (mdat->mmove - 12 > rnd(12)) tmp = m_move(mtmp, 1); return (tmp == 2); } int m_move(struct monst *mtmp, int after) { struct monst *mtmp2; int nx, ny, omx, omy, appr, nearer, cnt, i, j; xchar gx, gy, nix, niy, chcnt; schar chi; boolean likegold = 0, likegems = 0, likeobjs = 0; char msym = mtmp->data->mlet; schar mmoved = 0; /* not strictly nec.: chi >= 0 will * do */ coord poss[9]; int info[9]; if (mtmp->mfroz || mtmp->msleep) return (0); if (mtmp->mtrapped) { i = mintrap(mtmp); if (i == 2) return (2); /* he died */ if (i == 1) return (0); /* still in trap, so didnt move */ } if (mtmp->mhide && o_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) && rn2(10)) return (0); /* do not leave hiding place */ #ifndef NOWORM if (mtmp->wormno) goto not_special; #endif /* NOWORM */ /* my dog gets a special treatment */ if (mtmp->mtame) { return (dog_move(mtmp, after)); } /* likewise for shopkeeper */ if (mtmp->isshk) { mmoved = shk_move(mtmp); if (mmoved >= 0) goto postmov; mmoved = 0; /* follow player outside shop */ } /* and for the guard */ if (mtmp->isgd) { mmoved = gd_move(); goto postmov; } /* * teleport if that lies in our nature ('t') or when badly wounded * ('1') */ if ((msym == 't' && !rn2(5)) || (msym == '1' && (mtmp->mhp < 7 || (!xdnstair && !rn2(5)) || levl[u.ux][u.uy].typ == STAIRS))) { if (mtmp->mhp < 7 || (msym == 't' && rn2(2))) rloc(mtmp); else mnexto(mtmp); mmoved = 1; goto postmov; } /* spit fire ('D') or use a wand ('1') when appropriate */ if (strchr("D1", msym)) inrange(mtmp); if (msym == 'U' && !mtmp->mcan && canseemon(mtmp) && mtmp->mcansee && rn2(5)) { if (!Confusion) pline("%s's gaze has confused you!", Monnam(mtmp)); else pline("You are getting more and more confused."); if (rn2(3)) mtmp->mcan = 1; Confusion += d(3, 4); /* timeout */ } not_special: if (!mtmp->mflee && u.uswallow && u.ustuck != mtmp) return (1); appr = 1; if (mtmp->mflee) appr = -1; if (mtmp->mconf || Invis || !mtmp->mcansee || (strchr("BIy", msym) && !rn2(3))) appr = 0; omx = mtmp->mx; omy = mtmp->my; gx = u.ux; gy = u.uy; if (msym == 'L' && appr == 1 && mtmp->mgold > u.ugold) appr = -1; /* * random criterion for 'smell' or track finding ability should use * mtmp->msmell or sth */ if (msym == '@' || ('a' <= msym && msym <= 'z')) { coord *cp; schar mroom; mroom = inroom(omx, omy); if (mroom < 0 || mroom != inroom(u.ux, u.uy)) { cp = gettrack(omx, omy); if (cp) { gx = cp->x; gy = cp->y; } } } /* look for gold or jewels nearby */ likegold = (strchr("LOD", msym) != NULL); likegems = (strchr("ODu", msym) != NULL); likeobjs = mtmp->mhide; #define SRCHRADIUS 25 { xchar mind = SRCHRADIUS; /* not too far away */ int dd; if (likegold) { struct gold *gold; for (gold = fgold; gold; gold = gold->ngold) if ((dd = DIST(omx, omy, gold->gx, gold->gy)) < mind) { mind = dd; gx = gold->gx; gy = gold->gy; } } if (likegems || likeobjs) { struct obj *otmp; for (otmp = fobj; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) if (likeobjs || otmp->olet == GEM_SYM) if (msym != 'u' || objects[otmp->otyp].g_val != 0) if ((dd = DIST(omx, omy, otmp->ox, otmp->oy)) < mind) { mind = dd; gx = otmp->ox; gy = otmp->oy; } } if (mind < SRCHRADIUS && appr == -1) { if (dist(omx, omy) < 10) { gx = u.ux; gy = u.uy; } else appr = 1; } } nix = omx; niy = omy; cnt = mfndpos(mtmp, poss, info, msym == 'u' ? NOTONL : (msym == '@' || msym == '1') ? (ALLOW_SSM | ALLOW_TRAPS) : strchr(UNDEAD, msym) ? NOGARLIC : ALLOW_TRAPS); /* ALLOW_ROCK for some monsters ? */ chcnt = 0; chi = -1; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { nx = poss[i].x; ny = poss[i].y; for (j = 0; j < MTSZ && j < cnt - 1; j++) if (nx == mtmp->mtrack[j].x && ny == mtmp->mtrack[j].y) if (rn2(4 * (cnt - j))) goto nxti; #ifdef STUPID /* some stupid compilers think that this is too complicated */ { int d1 = DIST(nx, ny, gx, gy); int d2 = DIST(nix, niy, gx, gy); nearer = (d1 < d2); } #else nearer = (DIST(nx, ny, gx, gy) < DIST(nix, niy, gx, gy)); #endif /* STUPID */ if ((appr == 1 && nearer) || (appr == -1 && !nearer) || !mmoved || (!appr && !rn2(++chcnt))) { nix = nx; niy = ny; chi = i; mmoved = 1; } nxti: ; } if (mmoved) { if (info[chi] & ALLOW_M) { mtmp2 = m_at(nix, niy); if (mtmp2 == NULL) panic("error in m_move"); if (hitmm(mtmp, mtmp2) == 1 && rn2(4) && hitmm(mtmp2, mtmp) == 2) return (2); return (0); } if (info[chi] & ALLOW_U) { (void) hitu(mtmp, d(mtmp->data->damn, mtmp->data->damd) + 1); return (0); } mtmp->mx = nix; mtmp->my = niy; for (j = MTSZ - 1; j > 0; j--) mtmp->mtrack[j] = mtmp->mtrack[j - 1]; mtmp->mtrack[0].x = omx; mtmp->mtrack[0].y = omy; #ifndef NOWORM if (mtmp->wormno) worm_move(mtmp); #endif /* NOWORM */ } else { if (msym == 'u' && rn2(2)) { rloc(mtmp); return (0); } #ifndef NOWORM if (mtmp->wormno) worm_nomove(mtmp); #endif /* NOWORM */ } postmov: if (mmoved == 1) { if (mintrap(mtmp) == 2) /* he died */ return (2); if (likegold) mpickgold(mtmp); if (likegems) mpickgems(mtmp); if (mtmp->mhide) mtmp->mundetected = 1; } pmon(mtmp); return (mmoved); } static void mpickgold(struct monst *mtmp) { struct gold *gold; while ((gold = g_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)) != NULL) { mtmp->mgold += gold->amount; freegold(gold); if (levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].scrsym == '$') newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my); } } static void mpickgems(struct monst *mtmp) { struct obj *otmp; for (otmp = fobj; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) if (otmp->olet == GEM_SYM) if (otmp->ox == mtmp->mx && otmp->oy == mtmp->my) if (mtmp->data->mlet != 'u' || objects[otmp->otyp].g_val != 0) { freeobj(otmp); mpickobj(mtmp, otmp); if (levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].scrsym == GEM_SYM) newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my); /* %% */ return; /* pick only one object */ } } /* return number of acceptable neighbour positions */ int mfndpos(struct monst *mon, coord poss[9], int info[9], int flag) { int x, y, nx, ny, cnt = 0, ntyp; struct monst *mtmp; int nowtyp; boolean pool; x = mon->mx; y = mon->my; nowtyp = levl[x][y].typ; pool = (mon->data->mlet == ';'); nexttry: /* eels prefer the water, but if there is no * water nearby, they will crawl over land */ if (mon->mconf) { flag |= ALLOW_ALL; flag &= ~NOTONL; } for (nx = x - 1; nx <= x + 1; nx++) for (ny = y - 1; ny <= y + 1; ny++) if (nx != x || ny != y) if (isok(nx, ny)) if (!IS_ROCK(ntyp = levl[nx][ny].typ)) if (!(nx != x && ny != y && (nowtyp == DOOR || ntyp == DOOR))) if ((ntyp == POOL) == pool) { info[cnt] = 0; if (nx == u.ux && ny == u.uy) { if (!(flag & ALLOW_U)) continue; info[cnt] = ALLOW_U; } else if ((mtmp = m_at(nx, ny)) != NULL) { if (!(flag & ALLOW_M)) continue; info[cnt] = ALLOW_M; if (mtmp->mtame) { if (!(flag & ALLOW_TM)) continue; info[cnt] |= ALLOW_TM; } } if (sobj_at(CLOVE_OF_GARLIC, nx, ny)) { if (flag & NOGARLIC) continue; info[cnt] |= NOGARLIC; } if (sobj_at(SCR_SCARE_MONSTER, nx, ny) || (!mon->mpeaceful && sengr_at("Elbereth", nx, ny))) { if (!(flag & ALLOW_SSM)) continue; info[cnt] |= ALLOW_SSM; } if (sobj_at(ENORMOUS_ROCK, nx, ny)) { if (!(flag & ALLOW_ROCK)) continue; info[cnt] |= ALLOW_ROCK; } if (!Invis && online(nx, ny)) { if (flag & NOTONL) continue; info[cnt] |= NOTONL; } /* * we cannot * avoid * traps of * an unknown * kind */ { struct trap *ttmp = t_at(nx, ny); int tt; if (ttmp) { tt = 1 << ttmp->ttyp; if (mon->mtrapseen & tt) { if (!(flag & tt)) continue; info[cnt] |= tt; } } } poss[cnt].x = nx; poss[cnt].y = ny; cnt++; } if (!cnt && pool && nowtyp != POOL) { pool = FALSE; goto nexttry; } return (cnt); } int dist(int x, int y) { return ((x - u.ux) * (x - u.ux) + (y - u.uy) * (y - u.uy)); } void poisoned(const char *string, const char *pname) { int i; if (Blind) pline("It was poisoned."); else pline("The %s was poisoned!", string); if (Poison_resistance) { pline("The poison doesn't seem to affect you."); return; } i = rn2(10); if (i == 0) { u.uhp = -1; pline("I am afraid the poison was deadly ..."); } else if (i <= 5) { losestr(rn1(3, 3)); } else { losehp(rn1(10, 6), pname); } if (u.uhp < 1) { killer = pname; done("died"); } } void mondead(struct monst *mtmp) { relobj(mtmp, 1); unpmon(mtmp); relmon(mtmp); unstuck(mtmp); if (mtmp->isshk) shkdead(mtmp); if (mtmp->isgd) gddead(); #ifndef NOWORM if (mtmp->wormno) wormdead(mtmp); #endif /* NOWORM */ monfree(mtmp); } /* called when monster is moved to larger structure */ void replmon(struct monst *mtmp, struct monst *mtmp2) { relmon(mtmp); monfree(mtmp); mtmp2->nmon = fmon; fmon = mtmp2; if (u.ustuck == mtmp) u.ustuck = mtmp2; if (mtmp2->isshk) replshk(mtmp, mtmp2); if (mtmp2->isgd) replgd(mtmp, mtmp2); } void relmon(struct monst *mon) { struct monst *mtmp; if (mon == fmon) fmon = fmon->nmon; else { for (mtmp = fmon; mtmp->nmon != mon; mtmp = mtmp->nmon); mtmp->nmon = mon->nmon; } } /* * we do not free monsters immediately, in order to have their name available * shortly after their demise */ static struct monst *fdmon; /* chain of dead monsters, need not to be * saved */ void monfree(struct monst *mtmp) { mtmp->nmon = fdmon; fdmon = mtmp; } static void dmonsfree(void) { struct monst *mtmp; while ((mtmp = fdmon) != NULL) { fdmon = mtmp->nmon; free(mtmp); } } void unstuck(struct monst *mtmp) { if (u.ustuck == mtmp) { if (u.uswallow) { u.ux = mtmp->mx; u.uy = mtmp->my; u.uswallow = 0; setsee(); docrt(); } u.ustuck = 0; } } void killed(struct monst *mtmp) { #ifdef lint #define NEW_SCORING #endif /* lint */ int tmp, nk, x, y; const struct permonst *mdat; if (mtmp->cham) mtmp->data = PM_CHAMELEON; mdat = mtmp->data; if (Blind) pline("You destroy it!"); else { pline("You destroy %s!", mtmp->mtame ? amonnam(mtmp, "poor") : monnam(mtmp)); } if (u.umconf) { if (!Blind) pline("Your hands stop glowing blue."); u.umconf = 0; } /* count killed monsters */ #define MAXMONNO 100 nk = 1; /* in case we cannot find it in mons */ tmp = mdat - mons; /* strchr in mons array (if not 'd', '@', ...) */ if (tmp >= 0 && tmp < CMNUM + 2) { u.nr_killed[tmp]++; if ((nk = u.nr_killed[tmp]) > MAXMONNO && !strchr(fut_geno, mdat->mlet)) charcat(fut_geno, mdat->mlet); } /* punish bad behaviour */ if (mdat->mlet == '@') Telepat = 0, u.uluck -= 2; if (mtmp->mpeaceful || mtmp->mtame) u.uluck--; if (mdat->mlet == 'u') u.uluck -= 5; if ((int) u.uluck < LUCKMIN) u.uluck = LUCKMIN; /* give experience points */ tmp = 1 + mdat->mlevel * mdat->mlevel; if (mdat->ac < 3) tmp += 2 * (7 - mdat->ac); if (strchr("AcsSDXaeRTVWU&In:P", mdat->mlet)) tmp += 2 * mdat->mlevel; if (strchr("DeV&P", mdat->mlet)) tmp += (7 * mdat->mlevel); if (mdat->mlevel > 6) tmp += 50; if (mdat->mlet == ';') tmp += 1000; #ifdef NEW_SCORING /* * ------- recent addition: make nr of points decrease when this is * not the first of this kind */ { int ul = u.ulevel; int ml = mdat->mlevel; int tmp2; if (ul < 14) /* points are given based on present and * future level */ for (tmp2 = 0; !tmp2 || ul + tmp2 <= ml; tmp2++) if (u.uexp + 1 + (tmp + ((tmp2 <= 0) ? 0 : 4 << (tmp2 - 1))) / nk >= 10 * pow((unsigned) (ul - 1))) if (++ul == 14) break; tmp2 = ml - ul - 1; tmp = (tmp + ((tmp2 < 0) ? 0 : 4 << tmp2)) / nk; if (!tmp) tmp = 1; } /* note: ul is not necessarily the future value of u.ulevel */ /* ------- end of recent valuation change ------- */ #endif /* NEW_SCORING */ more_experienced(tmp, 0); flags.botl = 1; while (u.ulevel < 14 && u.uexp >= newuexp()) { pline("Welcome to experience level %u.", ++u.ulevel); tmp = rnd(10); if (tmp < 3) tmp = rnd(10); u.uhpmax += tmp; u.uhp += tmp; flags.botl = 1; } /* dispose of monster and make cadaver */ x = mtmp->mx; y = mtmp->my; mondead(mtmp); tmp = mdat->mlet; if (tmp == 'm') { /* he killed a minotaur, give him a wand of * digging */ /* note: the dead minotaur will be on top of it! */ mksobj_at(WAN_DIGGING, x, y); /* if(cansee(x,y)) atl(x,y,fobj->olet); */ stackobj(fobj); } else #ifndef NOWORM if (tmp == 'w') { mksobj_at(WORM_TOOTH, x, y); stackobj(fobj); } else #endif /* NOWORM */ if (!letter(tmp) || (!strchr("mw", tmp) && !rn2(3))) tmp = 0; if (ACCESSIBLE(levl[x][y].typ)) /* might be mimic in wall or dead eel */ if (x != u.ux || y != u.uy) /* might be here after * swallowed */ if (strchr("NTVm&", mdat->mlet) || rn2(5)) { struct obj *obj2 = mkobj_at(tmp, x, y); if (cansee(x, y)) atl(x, y, obj2->olet); stackobj(obj2); } } void kludge(const char *str, const char *arg) { if (Blind) { if (*str == '%') pline(str, "It"); else pline(str, "it"); } else pline(str, arg); } void rescham(void) { /* force all chameleons to become normal */ struct monst *mtmp; for (mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) if (mtmp->cham) { mtmp->cham = 0; (void) newcham(mtmp, PM_CHAMELEON); } } /* make a chameleon look like a new monster */ /* returns 1 if the monster actually changed */ int newcham(struct monst *mtmp, const struct permonst *mdat) { int mhp, hpn, hpd; if (mdat == mtmp->data) return (0); /* still the same monster */ #ifndef NOWORM if (mtmp->wormno) wormdead(mtmp); /* throw tail away */ #endif /* NOWORM */ if (u.ustuck == mtmp) { if (u.uswallow) { u.uswallow = 0; u.uswldtim = 0; mnexto(mtmp); docrt(); prme(); } u.ustuck = 0; } hpn = mtmp->mhp; hpd = (mtmp->data->mlevel) * 8; if (!hpd) hpd = 4; mtmp->data = mdat; mhp = (mdat->mlevel) * 8; /* new hp: same fraction of max as before */ mtmp->mhp = 2 + (hpn * mhp) / hpd; hpn = mtmp->mhpmax; mtmp->mhpmax = 2 + (hpn * mhp) / hpd; mtmp->minvis = (mdat->mlet == 'I') ? 1 : 0; #ifndef NOWORM if (mdat->mlet == 'w' && getwn(mtmp)) initworm(mtmp); /* perhaps we should clear mtmp->mtame here? */ #endif /* NOWORM */ unpmon(mtmp); /* necessary for 'I' and to force pmon */ pmon(mtmp); return (1); } /* Make monster mtmp next to you (if possible) */ void mnexto(struct monst *mtmp) { coord mm; mm = enexto(u.ux, u.uy); mtmp->mx = mm.x; mtmp->my = mm.y; pmon(mtmp); } static int ishuman(struct monst *mtmp) { return (mtmp->data->mlet == '@'); } void setmangry(struct monst *mtmp) { if (!mtmp->mpeaceful) return; if (mtmp->mtame) return; mtmp->mpeaceful = 0; if (ishuman(mtmp)) pline("%s gets angry!", Monnam(mtmp)); } /* * not one hundred procent correct: now a snake may hide under an invisible * object */ int canseemon(struct monst *mtmp) { return ((!mtmp->minvis || See_invisible) && (!mtmp->mhide || !o_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)) && cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)); }