char rcsid[] = "@(#)Header: warp.c,v 86/12/12 17:07:44 lwall Exp"; /* warp -- a real-time space war program * author: Larry Wall * helpers: Jonathan and Mark Biggar, and Dan Faigin * special thanks to my sweetie Gloria who suggested the Planet Crusher * * Copyright (C) 1986, Larry Wall * * This program may be copied as long as this copyright notice is * included, and as long as it is not being copied for purposes * of profit. If you want to modify this program in any way other * than normal configuration changes, common decency would suggest * that you also modify the name of the program so that my good name * (what there is of it) is not impugned. (Calling it something like * "warpx" or "superwarp" would be fine.) Also, give it another * WARPDIR so that the scoreboards don't get confused. * * version 5.0 04/20/83 * 5.1 05/05/83 various tidbits * 5.2 05/12/83 VAX -> vax, ifdef'ed a SIGCONT * 5.3 05/24/83 RCS * * Log: warp.c,v * Revision 86/12/12 17:07:44 lwall * Baseline for net release. * * Revision 86/10/20 12:08:00 lwall * Made all exits reset tty. * * Revision 86/10/16 10:54:13 lwall * Added Damage. Fixed random bugs. * * Revision 7.0 86/10/08 15:14:47 lwall * Split into separate files. Added amoebas and pirates. * * Revision 6.4 83/12/16 13:11:45 lwall * Handled 15 bit random number generators. * * Fixed array overflow bug on multiple zaps. * * Multiple zaps now consolidated to minimize output. * * Tholian jackpot games outlawed under difficulty 15. * * Revision 6.3 83/08/24 11:17:49 lwall * Fixed array overflow bug on multiple zap. * * Revision 6.2 83/08/23 18:06:37 lwall * Added zap command. * Warp -s should now work on dumb terminals * Specifying difficulty >= 40 now just makes it a special game. * SIGTTOU #ifdef'ed. * No-delay read provided as alternative to FIONREAD. * Warp won't report "-1 obsolete" when there are no Enterprises left. * Some high-difficulty tuning. * * Revision 6.1 83/08/17 08:49:03 lwall * Fixed obscure bug in storing UP that caused a %. in CM to occasionally * foist garbage onto the screen. * * Revision 6.0 83/08/08 17:09:26 lwall * New baseline version for net release. * * Revision 5.5 83/08/01 10:59:56 lwall * Cloaking for the Enterprise. * Difficulty now goes to 99, and many activities depending on difficulty * have been adjusted in frequency. * Simplified exit sequence, and reduced dependencies on control * characters. You needn't see the scoreboard if you don't want to. * Hitting i,w,c, or v switches to Enterprise. Hitting p switches to Base. * Excessive use of q is not allowed. * Excessive use of D is not allowed. * Scoreboard may depend on either full name or login name. * Integrated scoreboard lister. Login name now shows up on scoreboard. * "Hidden" startup options are now upper case. * Checks upon startup for no cursor movement, or screen too small. * Checks upon startup that WARPDIR is correctly protected, and that warp * is running setuid. As an additional bonus this prevents root from * running warp, which mucks things up, UN*X be blessed. * All gets's turned into fgets's for safety. * Bonus Enterprises and Bases. * Escalating bonuses for saving Base and Enterprise. * Escalating Enterprise energy. * Turbolasers decrease with distance. * Really smart enemies can see through stars occasionally. * Occasional Tholian jackpot waves. Tholians are a trifle nastier. * Choleric Gorns. * An O or o can miss seeing you. Enemies can avoid a stationary O, o, or X. * Warp 3 enemies and other nastinesses are possible in massacre mode. * Enemies that decide to navigate when they see you can do other things than * just come toward you. * Gorns occasionally launch a salvo for the fun of it. * Only star and enemy explosions can keep the round going now. * Bounces don't always go back to starting spot now. * Better full name processing. USG quirks handled. & substitution also * handled now (whoever dreamed up that one must have been in the middle * of the night before the morning after). * Catch ^D on fgets. * Version number printer. * Less signal catching during debugging. * * Revision 5.4 83/06/24 09:28:38 lwall * 16 bit random number generators are now supported. * Made warp not blow up on a null save file. * Warp now prints E and B before the stars. * Fixed bug which caused torp count to get decremented even when no torp * was launched because of an obstacle. * Put %ld formats where appropriate. * Fixed E: 0 0 bug on refresh. * * Revision 5.3 83/05/24 14:03:10 lwall * Starting RCS * */ #include "INTERN.h" #include "warp.h" #include "EXTERN.h" #include "bang.h" #include "init.h" #include "intrp.h" #include "object.h" #include "move.h" #include "play.h" #include "score.h" #include "sig.h" #include "term.h" #include "them.h" #include "us.h" #include "util.h" #include "version.h" #include "weapon.h" main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char tmp, *s, *tcbuf; int i; FILE *savfil; #if RANDBITS > 16 for (i=100; i; i--) if (rand() >= 65536) goto rand_ok; printf("Recompile with RANDBITS = 15 or 16.\n"); exit(1); #else #if RANDBITS > 15 for (i=100; i; i--) { if (rand() >= 32768) goto rand_ok; } printf("Recompile with RANDBITS = 15.\n"); exit(1); #endif #endif rand_ok: #ifdef lint /* to suppress "defined but never used" */ # ifdef SIGTSTP (void)stop_catcher(); # endif # ifdef SIGCONT (void)cont_catcher(); # endif #endif while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') for (s = argv[0]+1; *s != '\0'; s++) switch (*s) { case '&': amoebaspec = TRUE; beginner = TRUE; break; case 'A': apolspec = TRUE; beginner = TRUE; break; case 'b': beginner = TRUE; break; case 'C': crushspec = TRUE; beginner = TRUE; break; case 'D': debugging = TRUE; #ifdef DEBUGGING debug = atoi(++s); #endif s += strlen(s)-1; break; case 'd': s++; if (*s == '=') s++; ismarts = atoi(s); if (ismarts <= 0) ismarts = 1; if (ismarts > 99) ismarts = 99; if (ismarts > 40) beginner = TRUE; s += strlen(s)-1; break; case 'E': klingspec = TRUE; beginner = TRUE; s++; if (*s == '=') s++; inumenemies = atoi(s); s += strlen(s)-1; break; case 'F': friendspec = TRUE; beginner = TRUE; s++; if (*s == '=') s++; inumfriends = atoi(s); s += strlen(s)-1; break; case 'G': gornspec = TRUE; beginner = TRUE; break; case 'l': lowspeed = TRUE; break; case 'm': metakey = TRUE; break; case 'M': massacre = TRUE; break; case 'P': piratespec = TRUE; beginner = TRUE; s++; if (*s == '=') s++; inumpirates = atoi(s); s += strlen(s)-1; break; case 'S': prespec = TRUE; beginner = TRUE; s++; if (*s == '=') s++; if (*s) prescene = atoi(s); else prescene = -1; s += strlen(s)-1; break; case 'R': romspec = TRUE; beginner = TRUE; break; case '*': starspec = TRUE; beginner = TRUE; s++; if (*s == '=') s++; inumstars = atoi(s); s += strlen(s)-1; break; case 's': scorespec = TRUE; break; case 'T': tholspec = TRUE; beginner = TRUE; break; case 'x': experimenting = TRUE; break; case 'v': version(); exit(0); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"warp: illegal option %c\n", *s); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: warp -dn -b -x -v -s\n"); exit(1); } if (argc != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: warp -dn -b -x -v -s\n"); exit(1); } bang_init(); move_init(); object_init(); play_init(); them_init(); us_init(); util_init(); weapon_init(); tcbuf = malloc(1024); intrp_init(tcbuf); if (chdir(warplib) < 0) fprintf(stderr,nocd,warplib); term_init(); term_set(tcbuf); free(tcbuf); umask(022); /* mustn't rely on incoming umask--could be 033 which */ /* would disable people from running wscore */ score_init(); sig_init(); if (totalscore) { clear(); mvaddstr(12,25,"*** restoring saved game ***"); roundsleep(1); } srand(getpid()); do { for (keepgoing = TRUE;;) { if (!experimenting) { if ((savfil = fopen(savefilename,"w")) == NULL) { resetty(); printf("Can't open savefile\r\n"); finalize(1); } fprintf(savfil, "%-8s %10ld, %2d,%5d,%2d,%2d,%3d %c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\n", logname, totalscore, smarts, cumsmarts, numents, numbases, wave, apolspec ? 'a' : ' ', beginner ? 'b' : ' ', crushspec ? 'c' : ' ', gornspec ? 'g' : ' ', massacre ? 'm' : ' ', romspec ? 'r' : ' ', tholspec ? 't' : ' ', lowspeed ? 'l' : ' ', amoebaspec ? '&' : ' ' ); fprintf(savfil," running on %s, process #%d\n", term+5,getpid()); Fclose(savfil); } lastscore = totalscore; initialize(); play(); cumsmarts += smarts; wavescore(); if (numents<=0 && numbases<=0) keepgoing = FALSE; if (!keepgoing) break; do { if (experimenting) { mvaddstr(23,15, " [Hit space to continue, 'q' to quit] "); } else { mvaddstr(23,15, "[Hit space to continue, 's' to save, 'q' to quit]"); } sleep(1); Fflush(stdout); eat_typeahead(); getcmd(&tmp); if (tmp == BREAKCH || tmp == INTRCH) { mvaddstr(23,15, " "); mvaddstr(23,33, "Really quit? "); getcmd(&tmp); if (tmp == 'y' || tmp == 'Y') tmp = 'q'; else tmp = 1; } } while (tmp != INTRCH && tmp != BREAKCH && !index(" qQs",tmp)); if (tmp != ' ' && tmp != 's') break; if (!beginner && smarts < 20) smarts += 4; else if (!beginner && smarts < 35) smarts += 2; else if (smarts < 99) smarts++; if (tmp == 's') save_game(); } score(); } while (justonemoretime); if (!experimenting) unlink(savefilename); clear(); resetty(); exit(0); }