/* $NetBSD: action.c,v 1.1 2008/02/19 06:05:26 dholland Exp $ */ /* * action.c Larn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan. * * Routines in this file: * * ... */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> #ifndef lint __RCSID("$NetBSD: action.c,v 1.1 2008/02/19 06:05:26 dholland Exp $"); #endif /* not lint */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "header.h" #include "extern.h" static void ohear(void); /* * act_remove_gems * * Remove gems from a throne. * * arg is zero if there is a gnome king associated with the throne. * * Assumes that cursors() has been called previously, and that a check * has been made that the throne actually has gems. */ void act_remove_gems(int arg) { int i, k; k = rnd(101); if (k < 25) { for (i = 0; i < rnd(4); i++) creategem(); /* gems pop off the * throne */ item[playerx][playery] = ODEADTHRONE; know[playerx][playery] = 0; } else if (k < 40 && arg == 0) { createmonster(GNOMEKING); item[playerx][playery] = OTHRONE2; know[playerx][playery] = 0; } else lprcat("\nnothing happens"); } /* * act_sit_throne * * Sit on a throne. * * arg is zero if there is a gnome king associated with the throne * * Assumes that cursors() has been called previously. */ void act_sit_throne(int arg) { int k; k = rnd(101); if (k < 30 && arg == 0) { createmonster(GNOMEKING); item[playerx][playery] = OTHRONE2; know[playerx][playery] = 0; } else if (k < 35) { lprcat("\nZaaaappp! You've been teleported!\n"); beep(); oteleport(0); } else lprcat("\nnothing happens"); } /* * Code to perform the action of drinking at a fountain. Assumes that * cursors() has already been called, and that a check has been made * that the player is actually standing at a live fountain. */ void act_drink_fountain(void) { int x; if (rnd(1501) < 2) { lprcat("\nOops! You seem to have caught the dreadful sleep!"); beep(); lflush(); sleep(3); died(280); return; } x = rnd(100); if (x < 7) { c[HALFDAM] += 200 + rnd(200); lprcat("\nYou feel a sickness coming on"); } else if (x < 13) quaffpotion(23); /* see invisible */ else if (x < 45) lprcat("\nnothing seems to have happened"); else if (rnd(3) != 2) fntchange(1); /* change char levels upward */ else fntchange(-1); /* change char levels * downward */ if (rnd(12) < 3) { lprcat("\nThe fountains bubbling slowly quiets"); item[playerx][playery] = ODEADFOUNTAIN; /* dead fountain */ know[playerx][playery] = 0; } } /* * Code to perform the action of washing at a fountain. Assumes that * cursors() has already been called and that a check has been made * that the player is actually standing at a live fountain. */ void act_wash_fountain(void) { int x; if (rnd(100) < 11) { x = rnd((level << 2) + 2); lprintf("\nOh no! The water was foul! You suffer %ld hit points!", (long) x); lastnum = 273; losehp(x); bottomline(); cursors(); } else if (rnd(100) < 29) lprcat("\nYou got the dirt off!"); else if (rnd(100) < 31) lprcat("\nThis water seems to be hard water! The dirt didn't come off!"); else if (rnd(100) < 34) createmonster(WATERLORD); /* make water lord */ else lprcat("\nnothing seems to have happened"); } /* * Perform the actions associated with altar desecration. */ void act_desecrate_altar(void) { if (rnd(100) < 60) { createmonster(makemonst(level + 2) + 8); c[AGGRAVATE] += 2500; } else if (rnd(101) < 30) { lprcat("\nThe altar crumbles into a pile of dust before your eyes"); forget(); /* remember to destroy * the altar */ } else lprcat("\nnothing happens"); } /* * Perform the actions associated with praying at an altar and giving * a donation. */ void act_donation_pray(void) { long amt; lprcat("\n\n"); cursor(1, 24); cltoeoln(); cursor(1, 23); cltoeoln(); lprcat("how much do you donate? "); amt = readnum((long) c[GOLD]); if (amt < 0 || c[GOLD] < amt) { lprcat("\nYou don't have that much!"); return; } c[GOLD] -= amt; if (amt < c[GOLD] / 10 || amt < rnd(50)) { createmonster(makemonst(level + 1)); c[AGGRAVATE] += 200; } else if (rnd(101) > 50) { ohear(); return; } else if (rnd(43) == 5) { if (c[WEAR]) lprcat("\nYou feel your armor vibrate for a moment"); enchantarmor(); return; } else if (rnd(43) == 8) { if (c[WIELD]) lprcat("\nYou feel your weapon vibrate for a moment"); enchweapon(); return; } else lprcat("\nThank You."); bottomline(); } /* * Performs the actions associated with 'just praying' at the altar. Called * when the user responds 'just pray' when in prompt mode, or enters 0 to * the money prompt when praying. * * Assumes cursors(), and that any leading \n have been printed. */ void act_just_pray(void) { if (rnd(100) < 75) lprcat("\nnothing happens"); else if (rnd(13) < 4) ohear(); else if (rnd(43) == 10) { if (c[WEAR]) lprcat("\nYou feel your armor vibrate for a moment"); enchantarmor(); return; } else if (rnd(43) == 10) { if (c[WIELD]) lprcat("\nYou feel your weapon vibrate for a moment"); enchweapon(); return; } else createmonster(makemonst(level + 1)); } /* * Function to cast a +3 protection on the player */ static void ohear(void) { lprcat("\nYou have been heard!"); if (c[ALTPRO] == 0) c[MOREDEFENSES] += 3; c[ALTPRO] += 500; /* protection field */ bottomline(); } /* * Performs the act of ignoring an altar. * * Assumptions: cursors() has been called. */ void act_ignore_altar(void) { if (rnd(100) < 30) { createmonster(makemonst(level + 1)); c[AGGRAVATE] += rnd(450); } else lprcat("\nnothing happens"); } /* * Performs the act of opening a chest. * * Parameters: x,y location of the chest to open. * Assumptions: cursors() has been called previously */ void act_open_chest(int x, int y) { int i, k; k = rnd(101); if (k < 40) { lprcat("\nThe chest explodes as you open it"); beep(); i = rnd(10); lastnum = 281; /* in case he dies */ lprintf("\nYou suffer %ld hit points damage!", (long) i); checkloss(i); switch (rnd(10)) { /* see if he gets a * curse */ case 1: c[ITCHING] += rnd(1000) + 100; lprcat("\nYou feel an irritation spread over your skin!"); beep(); break; case 2: c[CLUMSINESS] += rnd(1600) + 200; lprcat("\nYou begin to lose hand to eye coordination!"); beep(); break; case 3: c[HALFDAM] += rnd(1600) + 200; beep(); lprcat("\nA sickness engulfs you!"); break; }; item[x][y] = know[x][y] = 0; if (rnd(100) < 69) creategem(); /* gems from the chest */ dropgold(rnd(110 * iarg[x][y] + 200)); for (i = 0; i < rnd(4); i++) something(iarg[x][y] + 2); } else lprcat("\nnothing happens"); }