-h move to the left H run left . stay here
-j move down J run down Z teleport yourself
-k move up K run up c cast a spell
-l move to the right L run right r read a scroll
-y move northwest Y run northwest q quaff a potion
-u move northeast U run northeast W wear armor
-b move southwest B run southwest T take off armor
-n move southeast N run southeast w wield a weapon
-^ identify a trap g give present pack weight P give tax status
-d drop an item i inventory your pockets Q quit the game
-v print program version S save the game D list all items found
-? this help screen A create diagnostic file e eat something
- (wizards only)
+.It h move to the left H run left . stay here
+.It j move down J run down Z teleport yourself
+.It k move up K run up c cast a spell
+.It l move to the right L run right r read a scroll
+.It y move northwest Y run northwest q quaff a potion
+.It u move northeast U run northeast W wear armor
+.It b move southwest B run southwest T take off armor
+.It n move southeast N run southeast w wield a weapon
+.It ^ identify a trap g give present pack weight P give tax status
+.It d drop an item i inventory your pockets Q quit the game
+.It v print program version S save the game D list all items found
+.It ? this help screen A create diagnostic file e eat something
+.It (wizards only)