-`a', `2', `3', `4', `5', `6', `7', `8', `9', `t', `j', `q', and `k',
-or alternatively, one of: \*(lqace\*(rq, \*(lqtwo\*(rq, \*(lqthree\*(rq, \*(lqfour\*(rq, \*(lqfive\*(rq, \*(lqsix\*(rq,
-\*(lqseven\*(rq, \*(lqeight\*(rq, \*(lqnine\*(rq, \*(lqten\*(rq, \*(lqjack\*(rq, \*(lqqueen\*(rq, and \*(lqking\*(rq.
-Suits may be specified as: `s', `h', `d', and `c', or alternatively as:
-\*(lqspades\*(rq, \*(lqhearts\*(rq, \*(lqdiamonds\*(rq, and \*(lqclubs\*(rq.
-A card may be specified as: <rank> \*(lq \*(rq <suit>, or: <rank> \*(lq of \*(rq <suit>.
+.Sq a ,
+.Sq 2 ,
+.Sq 3 ,
+.Sq 4 ,
+.Sq 5 ,
+.Sq 6 ,
+.Sq 7 ,
+.Sq 8 ,
+.Sq 9 ,
+.Sq t ,
+.Sq j ,
+.Sq q ,
+.Sq k ,
+or alternatively, one of:
+.Sq ace ,
+.Sq two ,
+.Sq three ,
+.Sq four ,
+.Sq five ,
+.Sq six ,
+.Sq seven ,
+.Sq eight ,
+.Sq nine ,
+.Sq ten ,
+.Sq jack ,
+.Sq queen ,
+.Sq king .
+Suits may be specified as:
+.Sq s ,
+.Sq h ,
+.Sq d ,
+.Sq c ,
+or alternatively as:
+.Sq spades ,
+.Sq hearts ,
+.Sq diamonds ,
+.Sq clubs .
+A card may be specified as:
+.Dq Ao rank Ac \ Aq suit ,
+.Dq Ao rank Ac of Aq suit .