-Various other ships came next. They were almost all "razees," or ships
-of the line with one deck sawed off. They mounted 40-64 guns and were
-a poor cross between a frigate and a line of battle ship. They neither
-had the speed of the former nor the firepower of the latter.
-Next came the "eyes of the fleet." Frigates came in many sizes mounting
-anywhere from 32 to 44 guns. They were very handy vessels. They could
-outsail anything bigger and outshoot anything smaller. Frigates didn't
-fight in lines of battle as the much bigger 74's did. Instead, they
-harassed the enemy's rear or captured crippled ships. They were much
-more useful in missions away from the fleet, such as cutting out expeditions
-or boat actions. They could hit hard and get away fast.
-Lastly, there were the corvettes, sloops, and brigs. These were smaller
-ships mounting typically fewer than 20 guns. A corvette was only slightly
-smaller than a frigate, so one might have up to 30 guns. Sloops were used
-for carrying dispatches or passengers. Brigs were something you built for
-land-locked lakes.
+Various other ships came next.
+They were almost all "razees," or ships of the line with one deck sawed off.
+They mounted 40-64 guns and were
+a poor cross between a frigate and a line of battle ship.
+They neither had the speed of the former nor the firepower of the latter.
+Next came the "eyes of the fleet."
+Frigates came in many sizes mounting anywhere from 32 to 44 guns.
+They were very handy vessels.
+They could outsail anything bigger and outshoot anything smaller.
+Frigates didn't fight in lines of battle as the much bigger 74's did.
+Instead, they harassed the enemy's rear or captured crippled ships.
+They were much more useful in missions away from the fleet,
+such as cutting out expeditions or boat actions.
+They could hit hard and get away fast.
+Lastly, there were the corvettes, sloops, and brigs.
+These were smaller ships mounting typically fewer than 20 guns.
+A corvette was only slightly
+smaller than a frigate, so one might have up to 30 guns.
+Sloops were used for carrying dispatches or passengers.
+Brigs were something you built for land-locked lakes.