-/* $NetBSD: misc.c,v 1.2 1995/03/24 03:59:03 cgd Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: misc.c,v 1.17 2009/05/25 23:14:33 dholland Exp $ */
* misc.c Phantasia miscellaneous support routines
#include "include.h"
+#undef bool
+#include <curses.h>
-/ FUNCTION NAME: movelevel()
-/ FUNCTION: move player to new level
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ ARGUMENTS: none
-/ MODULES CALLED: death(), floor(), wmove(), drandom(), waddstr(), explevel()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: Player, *stdscr, *Statptr, Stattable[]
-/ GLOBAL OUTPUTS: Player, Changed
-/ Use lookup table to increment important statistics when
-/ progressing to new experience level.
-/ Players are rested to maximum as a bonus for making a new
-/ level.
-/ Check for council of wise, and being too big to be king.
-register struct charstats *statptr; /* for pointing into Stattable */
-double new; /* new level */
-double inc; /* increment between new and old levels */
- Changed = TRUE;
- if (Player.p_type == C_EXPER)
- /* roll a type to use for increment */
- statptr = &Stattable[(int) ROLL(C_MAGIC, C_HALFLING - C_MAGIC + 1)];
- else
- statptr = Statptr;
- new = explevel(Player.p_experience);
- inc = new - Player.p_level;
- Player.p_level = new;
- /* add increments to statistics */
- Player.p_strength += statptr->c_strength.increase * inc;
- Player.p_mana += statptr->c_mana.increase * inc;
- Player.p_brains += statptr->c_brains.increase * inc;
- Player.p_magiclvl += statptr->c_magiclvl.increase * inc;
- Player.p_maxenergy += statptr->c_energy.increase * inc;
- /* rest to maximum upon reaching new level */
- Player.p_energy = Player.p_maxenergy + Player.p_shield;
- if (Player.p_crowns > 0 && Player.p_level >= 1000.0)
- /* no longer able to be king -- turn crowns into cash */
- {
- Player.p_gold += ((double) Player.p_crowns) * 5000.0;
- Player.p_crowns = 0;
- }
+ const struct charstats *statptr; /* for pointing into Stattable */
+ double new; /* new level */
+ double inc; /* increment between new and old levels */
- if (Player.p_level >= 3000.0 && Player.p_specialtype < SC_COUNCIL)
- /* make a member of the council */
- {
- mvaddstr(6, 0, "You have made it to the Council of the Wise.\n");
- addstr("Good Luck on your search for the Holy Grail.\n");
+ Changed = TRUE;
- Player.p_specialtype = SC_COUNCIL;
+ if (Player.p_type == C_EXPER)
+ /* roll a type to use for increment */
+ statptr = &Stattable[(int) ROLL(C_MAGIC, C_HALFLING - C_MAGIC + 1)];
+ else
+ statptr = Statptr;
- /* no rings for council and above */
- Player.p_ring.ring_type = R_NONE;
- Player.p_ring.ring_duration = 0;
+ new = explevel(Player.p_experience);
+ inc = new - Player.p_level;
+ Player.p_level = new;
- Player.p_lives = 3; /* three extra lives */
- }
+ /* add increments to statistics */
+ Player.p_strength += statptr->c_strength.increase * inc;
+ Player.p_mana += statptr->c_mana.increase * inc;
+ Player.p_brains += statptr->c_brains.increase * inc;
+ Player.p_magiclvl += statptr->c_magiclvl.increase * inc;
+ Player.p_maxenergy += statptr->c_energy.increase * inc;
- if (Player.p_level > 9999.0 && Player.p_specialtype != SC_VALAR)
- death("Old age");
-/ FUNCTION NAME: descrlocation()
-/ FUNCTION: return a formatted description of location
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ struct player playerp - pointer to player structure
-/ bool shortflag - set if short form is desired
-/ RETURN VALUE: pointer to string containing result
-/ MODULES CALLED: fabs(), floor(), sprintf(), distance()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: Databuf[]
-/ Look at coordinates and return an appropriately formatted
-/ string.
-char *
-descrlocation(playerp, shortflag)
-struct player *playerp;
-bool shortflag;
-double circle; /* corresponding circle for coordinates */
-register int quadrant; /* quandrant of grid */
-register char *label; /* pointer to place name */
-static char *nametable[4][4] = /* names of places */
- {
- "Anorien", "Ithilien", "Rohan", "Lorien",
- "Gondor", "Mordor", "Dunland", "Rovanion",
- "South Gondor", "Khand", "Eriador", "The Iron Hills",
- "Far Harad", "Near Harad", "The Northern Waste", "Rhun"
- };
+ /* rest to maximum upon reaching new level */
+ Player.p_energy = Player.p_maxenergy + Player.p_shield;
- if (playerp->p_specialtype == SC_VALAR)
- return(" is in Valhala");
- else if ((circle = CIRCLE(playerp->p_x, playerp->p_y)) >= 1000.0)
+ if (Player.p_crowns > 0 && Player.p_level >= 1000.0)
+ /* no longer able to be king -- turn crowns into cash */
- if (MAX(fabs(playerp->p_x), fabs(playerp->p_y)) > D_BEYOND)
- label = "The Point of No Return";
- else
- label = "The Ashen Mountains";
+ Player.p_gold += ((double) Player.p_crowns) * 5000.0;
+ Player.p_crowns = 0;
- else if (circle >= 55)
- label = "Morannon";
- else if (circle >= 35)
- label = "Kennaquahair";
- else if (circle >= 20)
- label = "The Dead Marshes";
- else if (circle >= 9)
- label = "The Outer Waste";
- else if (circle >= 5)
- label = "The Moors Adventurous";
- else
+ if (Player.p_level >= 3000.0 && Player.p_specialtype < SC_COUNCIL)
+ /* make a member of the council */
- if (playerp->p_x == 0.0 && playerp->p_y == 0.0)
- label = "The Lord's Chamber";
- else
- {
- /* this expression is split to prevent compiler loop with some compilers */
- quadrant = ((playerp->p_x > 0.0) ? 1 : 0);
- quadrant += ((playerp->p_y >= 0.0) ? 2 : 0);
- label = nametable[((int) circle) - 1][quadrant];
- }
- }
+ mvaddstr(6, 0, "You have made it to the Council of the Wise.\n");
+ addstr("Good Luck on your search for the Holy Grail.\n");
- if (shortflag)
- sprintf(Databuf, "%.29s", label);
- else
- sprintf(Databuf, " is in %s (%.0f,%.0f)", label, playerp->p_x, playerp->p_y);
+ Player.p_specialtype = SC_COUNCIL;
- return(Databuf);
+ /* no rings for council and above */
+ Player.p_ring.ring_type = R_NONE;
+ Player.p_ring.ring_duration = 0;
+ Player.p_lives = 3; /* three extra lives */
+ }
+ if (Player.p_level > 9999.0 && Player.p_specialtype != SC_VALAR)
+ death("Old age");
-/ FUNCTION NAME: tradingpost()
-/ FUNCTION: do trading post stuff
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ ARGUMENTS: none
-/ MODULES CALLED: writerecord(), adjuststats(), fabs(), more(), sqrt(),
-/ sleep(), floor(), wmove(), drandom(), wclear(), printw(),
-/ altercoordinates(), infloat(), waddstr(), wrefresh(), mvprintw(), getanswer(),
-/ wclrtoeol(), wclrtobot()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: Menu[], Circle, Player, *stdscr, Fileloc, Nobetter[]
-/ Different trading posts have different items.
-/ Merchants cannot be cheated, but they can be dishonest
-/ themselves.
-/ Shields, swords, and quicksilver are not cumulative. This is
-/ one major area of complaint, but there are two reasons for this:
-/ 1) It becomes MUCH too easy to make very large versions
-/ of these items.
-/ 2) In the real world, one cannot simply weld two swords
-/ together to make a bigger one.
-/ At one time, it was possible to sell old weapons at half the purchase
-/ price. This resulted in huge amounts of gold floating around,
-/ and the game lost much of its challenge.
-/ Also, purchasing gems defeats the whole purpose of gold. Gold
-/ is small change for lower level players. They really shouldn't
-/ be able to accumulate more than enough gold for a small sword or
-/ a few books. Higher level players shouldn't even bother to pick
-/ up gold, except maybe to buy mana once in a while.
+const char *
+descrlocation(struct player *playerp, phbool shortflag)
-double numitems; /* number of items to purchase */
-double cost; /* cost of purchase */
-double blessingcost; /* cost of blessing */
-int ch; /* input */
-register int size; /* size of the trading post */
-register int loop; /* loop counter */
-int cheat = 0; /* number of times player has tried to cheat */
-bool dishonest = FALSE;/* set when merchant is dishonest */
- Player.p_status = S_TRADING;
- writerecord(&Player, Fileloc);
- clear();
- addstr("You are at a trading post. All purchases must be made with gold.");
- size = sqrt(fabs(Player.p_x / 100)) + 1;
- size = MIN(7, size);
- /* set up cost of blessing */
- blessingcost = 1000.0 * (Player.p_level + 5.0);
- /* print Menu */
- move(7, 0);
- for (loop = 0; loop < size; ++loop)
- /* print Menu */
+ double circle; /* corresponding circle for coordinates */
+ int quadrant; /* quandrant of grid */
+ const char *label; /* pointer to place name */
+ static const char *const nametable[4][4] = /* names of places */
- if (loop == 6)
- cost = blessingcost;
- else
- cost = Menu[loop].cost;
- printw("(%d) %-12s: %6.0f\n", loop + 1, Menu[loop].item, cost);
- }
- mvprintw(5, 0, "L:Leave P:Purchase S:Sell Gems ? ");
+ {"Anorien", "Ithilien", "Rohan", "Lorien"},
+ {"Gondor", "Mordor", "Dunland", "Rovanion"},
+ {"South Gondor", "Khand", "Eriador", "The Iron Hills"},
+ {"Far Harad", "Near Harad", "The Northern Waste", "Rhun"}
+ };
- for (;;)
- {
- adjuststats(); /* truncate any bad values */
- /* print some important statistics */
- mvprintw(1, 0, "Gold: %9.0f Gems: %9.0f Level: %6.0f Charms: %6d\n",
- Player.p_gold, Player.p_gems, Player.p_level, Player.p_charms);
- printw("Shield: %9.0f Sword: %9.0f Quicksilver:%3.0f Blessed: %s\n",
- Player.p_shield, Player.p_sword, Player.p_quksilver,
- (Player.p_blessing ? " True" : "False"));
- printw("Brains: %9.0f Mana: %9.0f", Player.p_brains, Player.p_mana);
- move(5, 36);
- ch = getanswer("LPS", FALSE);
- move(15, 0);
- clrtobot();
- switch(ch)
- {
- case 'L': /* leave */
- case '\n':
- altercoordinates(0.0, 0.0, A_NEAR);
- return;
- case 'P': /* make purchase */
- mvaddstr(15, 0, "What what would you like to buy ? ");
- ch = getanswer(" 1234567", FALSE);
- move(15, 0);
- clrtoeol();
+ if (playerp->p_specialtype == SC_VALAR)
+ return (" is in Valhala");
+ else
+ if ((circle = CIRCLE(playerp->p_x, playerp->p_y)) >= 1000.0) {
+ if (MAX(fabs(playerp->p_x), fabs(playerp->p_y)) > D_BEYOND)
+ label = "The Point of No Return";
+ else
+ label = "The Ashen Mountains";
+ } else
+ if (circle >= 55)
+ label = "Morannon";
+ else
+ if (circle >= 35)
+ label = "Kennaquahair";
+ else
+ if (circle >= 20)
+ label = "The Dead Marshes";
+ else
+ if (circle >= 9)
+ label = "The Outer Waste";
+ else
+ if (circle >= 5)
+ label = "The Moors Adventurous";
+ else {
+ if (playerp->p_x == 0.0 && playerp->p_y == 0.0)
+ label = "The Lord's Chamber";
+ else {
+ /* this
+ *
+ * expr
+ * essi
+ * on
+ * is
+ * spli
+ * t
+ * to
+ * prev
+ * ent
+ * comp
+ * iler
+ *
+ * loop
+ *
+ * with
+ *
+ * some
+ *
+ * comp
+ * iler
+ * s */
+ quadrant = ((playerp->p_x > 0.0) ? 1 : 0);
+ quadrant += ((playerp->p_y >= 0.0) ? 2 : 0);
+ label = nametable[((int) circle) - 1][quadrant];
+ }
+ }
+ if (shortflag)
+ snprintf(Databuf, SZ_DATABUF, "%.29s", label);
+ else
+ snprintf(Databuf, SZ_DATABUF,
+ " is in %s (%.0f,%.0f)",
+ label, playerp->p_x, playerp->p_y);
- if (ch - '0' > size)
- addstr("Sorry, this merchant doesn't have that.");
- else
- switch (ch)
- {
- case '1':
- printw("Mana is one per %.0f gold piece. How many do you want (%.0f max) ? ",
- Menu[0].cost, floor(Player.p_gold / Menu[0].cost));
- cost = (numitems = floor(infloat())) * Menu[0].cost;
+ return (Databuf);
- if (cost > Player.p_gold || numitems < 0)
- ++cheat;
- else
- {
- cheat = 0;
- Player.p_gold -= cost;
- if (drandom() < 0.02)
- dishonest = TRUE;
- else
- Player.p_mana += numitems;
- }
- break;
+ double numitems; /* number of items to purchase */
+ double cost; /* cost of purchase */
+ double blessingcost; /* cost of blessing */
+ int ch; /* input */
+ int size; /* size of the trading post */
+ int loop; /* loop counter */
+ int cheat = 0; /* number of times player has tried to cheat */
+ bool dishonest = FALSE; /* set when merchant is dishonest */
+ Player.p_status = S_TRADING;
+ writerecord(&Player, Fileloc);
- case '2':
- printw("Shields are %.0f per +1. How many do you want (%.0f max) ? ",
- Menu[1].cost, floor(Player.p_gold / Menu[1].cost));
- cost = (numitems = floor(infloat())) * Menu[1].cost;
+ clear();
+ addstr("You are at a trading post. All purchases must be made with gold.");
- if (numitems == 0.0)
- break;
- else if (cost > Player.p_gold || numitems < 0)
- ++cheat;
- else if (numitems < Player.p_shield)
- else
- {
- cheat = 0;
- Player.p_gold -= cost;
- if (drandom() < 0.02)
- dishonest = TRUE;
- else
- Player.p_shield = numitems;
- }
- break;
+ size = sqrt(fabs(Player.p_x / 100)) + 1;
+ size = MIN(7, size);
- case '3':
- printw("A book costs %.0f gp. How many do you want (%.0f max) ? ",
- Menu[2].cost, floor(Player.p_gold / Menu[2].cost));
- cost = (numitems = floor(infloat())) * Menu[2].cost;
+ /* set up cost of blessing */
+ blessingcost = 1000.0 * (Player.p_level + 5.0);
- if (cost > Player.p_gold || numitems < 0)
- ++cheat;
- else
- {
- cheat = 0;
- Player.p_gold -= cost;
- if (drandom() < 0.02)
- dishonest = TRUE;
- else if (drandom() * numitems > Player.p_level / 10.0
- && numitems != 1)
- {
- printw("\nYou blew your mind!\n");
- Player.p_brains /= 5;
- }
- else
- {
- Player.p_brains += floor(numitems) * ROLL(20, 8);
- }
- }
- break;
+ /* print Menu */
+ move(7, 0);
+ for (loop = 0; loop < size; ++loop)
+ /* print Menu */
+ {
+ if (loop == 6)
+ cost = blessingcost;
+ else
+ cost = Menu[loop].cost;
+ printw("(%d) %-12s: %6.0f\n", loop + 1, Menu[loop].item, cost);
+ }
- case '4':
- printw("Swords are %.0f gp per +1. How many + do you want (%.0f max) ? ",
- Menu[3].cost, floor(Player.p_gold / Menu[3].cost));
- cost = (numitems = floor(infloat())) * Menu[3].cost;
+ mvprintw(5, 0, "L:Leave P:Purchase S:Sell Gems ? ");
- if (numitems == 0.0)
- break;
- else if (cost > Player.p_gold || numitems < 0)
- ++cheat;
- else if (numitems < Player.p_sword)
- else
- {
- cheat = 0;
- Player.p_gold -= cost;
- if (drandom() < 0.02)
- dishonest = TRUE;
- else
- Player.p_sword = numitems;
- }
- break;
+ for (;;) {
+ adjuststats(); /* truncate any bad values */
- case '5':
- printw("A charm costs %.0f gp. How many do you want (%.0f max) ? ",
- Menu[4].cost, floor(Player.p_gold / Menu[4].cost));
- cost = (numitems = floor(infloat())) * Menu[4].cost;
+ /* print some important statistics */
+ mvprintw(1, 0, "Gold: %9.0f Gems: %9.0f Level: %6.0f Charms: %6d\n",
+ Player.p_gold, Player.p_gems, Player.p_level, Player.p_charms);
+ printw("Shield: %9.0f Sword: %9.0f Quicksilver:%3.0f Blessed: %s\n",
+ Player.p_shield, Player.p_sword, Player.p_quksilver,
+ (Player.p_blessing ? " True" : "False"));
+ printw("Brains: %9.0f Mana: %9.0f", Player.p_brains, Player.p_mana);
- if (cost > Player.p_gold || numitems < 0)
- ++cheat;
- else
- {
- cheat = 0;
- Player.p_gold -= cost;
- if (drandom() < 0.02)
- dishonest = TRUE;
- else
- Player.p_charms += numitems;
+ move(5, 36);
+ ch = getanswer("LPS", FALSE);
+ move(15, 0);
+ clrtobot();
+ switch (ch) {
+ case 'L': /* leave */
+ case '\n':
+ altercoordinates(0.0, 0.0, A_NEAR);
+ return;
+ case 'P': /* make purchase */
+ mvaddstr(15, 0, "What what would you like to buy ? ");
+ ch = getanswer(" 1234567", FALSE);
+ move(15, 0);
+ clrtoeol();
+ if (ch - '0' > size)
+ addstr("Sorry, this merchant doesn't have that.");
+ else
+ switch (ch) {
+ case '1':
+ printw("Mana is one per %.0f gold piece. How many do you want (%.0f max) ? ",
+ Menu[0].cost, floor(Player.p_gold / Menu[0].cost));
+ cost = (numitems = floor(infloat())) * Menu[0].cost;
+ if (cost > Player.p_gold || numitems < 0)
+ ++cheat;
+ else {
+ cheat = 0;
+ Player.p_gold -= cost;
+ if (drandom() < 0.02)
+ dishonest = TRUE;
+ else
+ Player.p_mana += numitems;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ printw("Shields are %.0f per +1. How many do you want (%.0f max) ? ",
+ Menu[1].cost, floor(Player.p_gold / Menu[1].cost));
+ cost = (numitems = floor(infloat())) * Menu[1].cost;
+ if (numitems == 0.0)
+ break;
+ else
+ if (cost > Player.p_gold || numitems < 0)
+ ++cheat;
+ else
+ if (numitems < Player.p_shield)
+ else {
+ cheat = 0;
+ Player.p_gold -= cost;
+ if (drandom() < 0.02)
+ dishonest = TRUE;
+ else
+ Player.p_shield = numitems;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '3':
+ printw("A book costs %.0f gp. How many do you want (%.0f max) ? ",
+ Menu[2].cost, floor(Player.p_gold / Menu[2].cost));
+ cost = (numitems = floor(infloat())) * Menu[2].cost;
+ if (cost > Player.p_gold || numitems < 0)
+ ++cheat;
+ else {
+ cheat = 0;
+ Player.p_gold -= cost;
+ if (drandom() < 0.02)
+ dishonest = TRUE;
+ else
+ if (drandom() * numitems > Player.p_level / 10.0
+ && numitems != 1) {
+ printw("\nYou blew your mind!\n");
+ Player.p_brains /= 5;
+ } else {
+ Player.p_brains += floor(numitems) * ROLL(20, 8);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '4':
+ printw("Swords are %.0f gp per +1. How many + do you want (%.0f max) ? ",
+ Menu[3].cost, floor(Player.p_gold / Menu[3].cost));
+ cost = (numitems = floor(infloat())) * Menu[3].cost;
+ if (numitems == 0.0)
+ break;
+ else
+ if (cost > Player.p_gold || numitems < 0)
+ ++cheat;
+ else
+ if (numitems < Player.p_sword)
+ else {
+ cheat = 0;
+ Player.p_gold -= cost;
+ if (drandom() < 0.02)
+ dishonest = TRUE;
+ else
+ Player.p_sword = numitems;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '5':
+ printw("A charm costs %.0f gp. How many do you want (%.0f max) ? ",
+ Menu[4].cost, floor(Player.p_gold / Menu[4].cost));
+ cost = (numitems = floor(infloat())) * Menu[4].cost;
+ if (cost > Player.p_gold || numitems < 0)
+ ++cheat;
+ else {
+ cheat = 0;
+ Player.p_gold -= cost;
+ if (drandom() < 0.02)
+ dishonest = TRUE;
+ else
+ Player.p_charms += numitems;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '6':
+ printw("Quicksilver is %.0f gp per +1. How many + do you want (%.0f max) ? ",
+ Menu[5].cost, floor(Player.p_gold / Menu[5].cost));
+ cost = (numitems = floor(infloat())) * Menu[5].cost;
+ if (numitems == 0.0)
+ break;
+ else
+ if (cost > Player.p_gold || numitems < 0)
+ ++cheat;
+ else
+ if (numitems < Player.p_quksilver)
+ else {
+ cheat = 0;
+ Player.p_gold -= cost;
+ if (drandom() < 0.02)
+ dishonest = TRUE;
+ else
+ Player.p_quksilver = numitems;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '7':
+ if (Player.p_blessing) {
+ addstr("You already have a blessing.");
+ break;
+ }
+ printw("A blessing requires a %.0f gp donation. Still want one ? ", blessingcost);
+ ch = getanswer("NY", FALSE);
+ if (ch == 'Y') {
+ if (Player.p_gold < blessingcost)
+ ++cheat;
+ else {
+ cheat = 0;
+ Player.p_gold -= blessingcost;
+ if (drandom() < 0.02)
+ dishonest = TRUE;
+ else
+ Player.p_blessing = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
- break;
+ break;
- case '6':
- printw("Quicksilver is %.0f gp per +1. How many + do you want (%.0f max) ? ",
- Menu[5].cost, floor(Player.p_gold / Menu[5].cost));
- cost = (numitems = floor(infloat())) * Menu[5].cost;
+ case 'S': /* sell gems */
+ mvprintw(15, 0, "A gem is worth %.0f gp. How many do you want to sell (%.0f max) ? ",
+ (double) N_GEMVALUE, Player.p_gems);
+ numitems = floor(infloat());
- if (numitems == 0.0)
- break;
- else if (cost > Player.p_gold || numitems < 0)
+ if (numitems > Player.p_gems || numitems < 0)
- else if (numitems < Player.p_quksilver)
- else
- {
+ else {
cheat = 0;
- Player.p_gold -= cost;
- if (drandom() < 0.02)
- dishonest = TRUE;
- else
- Player.p_quksilver = numitems;
- }
- break;
- case '7':
- if (Player.p_blessing)
- {
- addstr("You already have a blessing.");
- break;
- }
- printw("A blessing requires a %.0f gp donation. Still want one ? ", blessingcost);
- ch = getanswer("NY", FALSE);
- if (ch == 'Y')
- if (Player.p_gold < blessingcost)
- ++cheat;
- else
- {
- cheat = 0;
- Player.p_gold -= blessingcost;
- if (drandom() < 0.02)
- dishonest = TRUE;
- else
- Player.p_blessing = TRUE;
- }
- break;
+ Player.p_gems -= numitems;
+ Player.p_gold += numitems * N_GEMVALUE;
- break;
- case 'S': /* sell gems */
- mvprintw(15, 0, "A gem is worth %.0f gp. How many do you want to sell (%.0f max) ? ",
- (double) N_GEMVALUE, Player.p_gems);
- numitems = floor(infloat());
+ }
- if (numitems > Player.p_gems || numitems < 0)
- ++cheat;
+ if (cheat == 1)
+ mvaddstr(17, 0, "Come on, merchants aren't stupid. Stop cheating.\n");
- {
- cheat = 0;
- Player.p_gems -= numitems;
- Player.p_gold += numitems * N_GEMVALUE;
- }
- }
- if (cheat == 1)
- mvaddstr(17, 0, "Come on, merchants aren't stupid. Stop cheating.\n");
- else if (cheat == 2)
- {
- mvaddstr(17, 0, "You had your chance. This merchant happens to be\n");
- printw("a %.0f level magic user, and you made %s mad!\n",
- ROLL(Circle * 20.0, 40.0), (drandom() < 0.5) ? "him" : "her");
- altercoordinates(0.0, 0.0, A_FAR);
- Player.p_energy /= 2.0;
- ++Player.p_sin;
- more(23);
- return;
- }
- else if (dishonest)
- {
- mvaddstr(17, 0, "The merchant stole your money!");
- refresh();
- altercoordinates(Player.p_x - Player.p_x / 10.0,
- Player.p_y - Player.p_y / 10.0, A_SPECIFIC);
- sleep(2);
- return;
- }
+ if (cheat == 2) {
+ mvaddstr(17, 0, "You had your chance. This merchant happens to be\n");
+ printw("a %.0f level magic user, and you made %s mad!\n",
+ ROLL(Circle * 20.0, 40.0), (drandom() < 0.5) ? "him" : "her");
+ altercoordinates(0.0, 0.0, A_FAR);
+ Player.p_energy /= 2.0;
+ ++Player.p_sin;
+ more(23);
+ return;
+ } else
+ if (dishonest) {
+ mvaddstr(17, 0, "The merchant stole your money!");
+ refresh();
+ altercoordinates(Player.p_x - Player.p_x / 10.0,
+ Player.p_y - Player.p_y / 10.0, A_SPECIFIC);
+ sleep(2);
+ return;
+ }
-/ FUNCTION NAME: displaystats()
-/ FUNCTION: print out important player statistics
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ ARGUMENTS: none
-/ MODULES CALLED: descrstatus(), descrlocation(), mvprintw()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: Users, Player
-/ Important player statistics are printed on the screen.
- mvprintw(0, 0, "%s%s\n", Player.p_name, descrlocation(&Player, FALSE));
- mvprintw(1, 0, "Level :%7.0f Energy :%9.0f(%9.0f) Mana :%9.0f Users:%3d\n",
- Player.p_level, Player.p_energy, Player.p_maxenergy + Player.p_shield,
- Player.p_mana, Users);
- mvprintw(2, 0, "Quick :%3.0f(%3.0f) Strength:%9.0f(%9.0f) Gold :%9.0f %s\n",
- Player.p_speed, Player.p_quickness + Player.p_quksilver, Player.p_might,
- Player.p_strength + Player.p_sword, Player.p_gold, descrstatus(&Player));
+ mvprintw(0, 0, "%s%s\n", Player.p_name, descrlocation(&Player, FALSE));
+ mvprintw(1, 0, "Level :%7.0f Energy :%9.0f(%9.0f) Mana :%9.0f Users:%3d\n",
+ Player.p_level, Player.p_energy, Player.p_maxenergy + Player.p_shield,
+ Player.p_mana, Users);
+ mvprintw(2, 0, "Quick :%3.0f(%3.0f) Strength:%9.0f(%9.0f) Gold :%9.0f %s\n",
+ Player.p_speed, Player.p_quickness + Player.p_quksilver, Player.p_might,
+ Player.p_strength + Player.p_sword, Player.p_gold, descrstatus(&Player));
-/ FUNCTION NAME: allstatslist()
-/ FUNCTION: show player items
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ ARGUMENTS: none
-/ MODULES CALLED: mvprintw(), descrtype()
-/ Print out some player statistics of lesser importance.
-static char *flags[] = /* to print value of some bools */
- {
- "False",
- " True"
- };
- mvprintw( 8, 0, "Type: %s\n", descrtype(&Player, FALSE));
- mvprintw(10, 0, "Experience: %9.0f", Player.p_experience);
- mvprintw(11, 0, "Brains : %9.0f", Player.p_brains);
- mvprintw(12, 0, "Magic Lvl : %9.0f", Player.p_magiclvl);
- mvprintw(13, 0, "Sin : %9.5f", Player.p_sin);
- mvprintw(14, 0, "Poison : %9.5f", Player.p_poison);
- mvprintw(15, 0, "Gems : %9.0f", Player.p_gems);
- mvprintw(16, 0, "Age : %9d", Player.p_age);
- mvprintw(10, 40, "Holy Water: %9d", Player.p_holywater);
- mvprintw(11, 40, "Amulets : %9d", Player.p_amulets);
- mvprintw(12, 40, "Charms : %9d", Player.p_charms);
- mvprintw(13, 40, "Crowns : %9d", Player.p_crowns);
- mvprintw(14, 40, "Shield : %9.0f", Player.p_shield);
- mvprintw(15, 40, "Sword : %9.0f", Player.p_sword);
- mvprintw(16, 40, "Quickslver: %9.0f", Player.p_quksilver);
- mvprintw(18, 0, "Blessing: %s Ring: %s Virgin: %s Palantir: %s",
- flags[Player.p_blessing], flags[Player.p_ring.ring_type != R_NONE],
- flags[Player.p_virgin], flags[Player.p_palantir]);
+ static const char *const flags[] = /* to print value of some bools */
+ {
+ "False",
+ " True"
+ };
+ mvprintw(8, 0, "Type: %s\n", descrtype(&Player, FALSE));
+ mvprintw(10, 0, "Experience: %9.0f", Player.p_experience);
+ mvprintw(11, 0, "Brains : %9.0f", Player.p_brains);
+ mvprintw(12, 0, "Magic Lvl : %9.0f", Player.p_magiclvl);
+ mvprintw(13, 0, "Sin : %9.5f", Player.p_sin);
+ mvprintw(14, 0, "Poison : %9.5f", Player.p_poison);
+ mvprintw(15, 0, "Gems : %9.0f", Player.p_gems);
+ mvprintw(16, 0, "Age : %9ld", Player.p_age);
+ mvprintw(10, 40, "Holy Water: %9d", Player.p_holywater);
+ mvprintw(11, 40, "Amulets : %9d", Player.p_amulets);
+ mvprintw(12, 40, "Charms : %9d", Player.p_charms);
+ mvprintw(13, 40, "Crowns : %9d", Player.p_crowns);
+ mvprintw(14, 40, "Shield : %9.0f", Player.p_shield);
+ mvprintw(15, 40, "Sword : %9.0f", Player.p_sword);
+ mvprintw(16, 40, "Quickslver: %9.0f", Player.p_quksilver);
+ mvprintw(18, 0, "Blessing: %s Ring: %s Virgin: %s Palantir: %s",
+ flags[(int)Player.p_blessing],
+ flags[Player.p_ring.ring_type != R_NONE],
+ flags[(int)Player.p_virgin],
+ flags[(int)Player.p_palantir]);
-/ FUNCTION NAME: descrtype()
-/ FUNCTION: return a string specifying player type
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ struct player playerp - pointer to structure for player
-/ bool shortflag - set if short form is desired
-/ RETURN VALUE: pointer to string describing player type
-/ MODULES CALLED: strcpy()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: Databuf[]
-/ GLOBAL OUTPUTS: Databuf[]
-/ Return a string describing the player type.
-/ King, council, valar, supercedes other types.
-/ The first character of the string is '*' if the player
-/ has a crown.
-/ If 'shortflag' is TRUE, return a 3 character string.
-char *
-descrtype(playerp, shortflag)
-struct player *playerp;
-bool shortflag;
+const char *
+descrtype(struct player *playerp, phbool shortflag)
-register int type; /* for caluculating result subscript */
-static char *results[] = /* description table */
- {
- " Magic User", " MU",
- " Fighter", " F ",
- " Elf", " E ",
- " Dwarf", " D ",
- " Halfling", " H ",
- " Experimento", " EX",
- " Super", " S ",
- " King", " K ",
- " Council of Wise", " CW",
- " Ex-Valar", " EV",
- " Valar", " V ",
- " ? ", " ? "
- };
- type = playerp->p_type;
- switch (playerp->p_specialtype)
+ int type; /* for caluculating result subscript */
+ static const char *const results[] =/* description table */
+ " Magic User", " MU",
+ " Fighter", " F ",
+ " Elf", " E ",
+ " Dwarf", " D ",
+ " Halfling", " H ",
+ " Experimento", " EX",
+ " Super", " S ",
+ " King", " K ",
+ " Council of Wise", " CW",
+ " Ex-Valar", " EV",
+ " Valar", " V ",
+ " ? ", " ? "
+ };
+ type = playerp->p_type;
+ switch (playerp->p_specialtype) {
case SC_NONE:
- type = playerp->p_type;
- break;
+ type = playerp->p_type;
+ break;
case SC_KING:
- type = 7;
- break;
+ type = 7;
+ break;
- type = 8;
- break;
+ type = 8;
+ break;
- type = 9;
- break;
+ type = 9;
+ break;
case SC_VALAR:
- type = 10;
- break;
+ type = 10;
+ break;
- type *= 2; /* calculate offset */
+ type *= 2; /* calculate offset */
- if (type > 20)
- /* error */
- type = 22;
+ if (type > 20)
+ /* error */
+ type = 22;
- if (shortflag)
- /* use short descriptions */
- ++type;
+ if (shortflag)
+ /* use short descriptions */
+ ++type;
- if (playerp->p_crowns > 0)
- {
- strcpy(Databuf, results[type]);
- Databuf[0] = '*';
- return(Databuf);
- }
- else
- return(results[type]);
+ if (playerp->p_crowns > 0) {
+ strcpy(Databuf, results[type]);
+ Databuf[0] = '*';
+ return (Databuf);
+ } else
+ return (results[type]);
-/ FUNCTION NAME: findname()
-/ FUNCTION: find location in player file of given name
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ char *name - name of character to look for
-/ struct player *playerp - pointer of structure to fill
-/ RETURN VALUE: location of player if found, -1 otherwise
-/ MODULES CALLED: fread(), fseek(), strcmp()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: Wizard, *Playersfp
-/ Search the player file for the player of the given name.
-/ If player is found, fill structure with player data.
-findname(name, playerp)
-register char *name;
-register struct player *playerp;
+findname(const char *name, struct player *playerp)
-long loc = 0; /* location in the file */
- fseek(Playersfp, 0L, 0);
- while (fread((char *) playerp, SZ_PLAYERSTRUCT, 1, Playersfp) == 1)
- {
- if (strcmp(playerp->p_name, name) == 0)
- {
- if (playerp->p_status != S_NOTUSED || Wizard)
- /* found it */
- return(loc);
- }
+ long loc = 0; /* location in the file */
+ fseek(Playersfp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
+ while (fread((char *) playerp, SZ_PLAYERSTRUCT, 1, Playersfp) == 1) {
+ if (strcmp(playerp->p_name, name) == 0) {
+ if (playerp->p_status != S_NOTUSED || Wizard)
+ /* found it */
+ return (loc);
+ }
- return(-1);
+ return (-1);
-/ FUNCTION NAME: allocrecord()
-/ FUNCTION: find space in the player file for a new character
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ ARGUMENTS: none
-/ RETURN VALUE: location of free space in file
-/ MODULES CALLED: initplayer(), writerecord(), fread(), fseek()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: Other, *Playersfp
-/ Search the player file for an unused entry. If none are found,
-/ make one at the end of the file.
-long loc = 0L; /* location in file */
+ long loc = 0L; /* location in file */
- fseek(Playersfp, 0L, 0);
- while (fread((char *) &Other, SZ_PLAYERSTRUCT, 1, Playersfp) == 1)
- {
- if (Other.p_status == S_NOTUSED)
- /* found an empty record */
- return(loc);
- else
+ fseek(Playersfp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
+ while (fread((char *) &Other, SZ_PLAYERSTRUCT, 1, Playersfp) == 1) {
+ if (Other.p_status == S_NOTUSED)
+ /* found an empty record */
+ return (loc);
+ else
- /* make a new record */
- initplayer(&Other);
- Player.p_status = S_OFF;
- writerecord(&Other, loc);
+ /* make a new record */
+ initplayer(&Other);
+ Player.p_status = S_OFF;
+ writerecord(&Other, loc);
- return(loc);
+ return (loc);
-/ FUNCTION NAME: freerecord()
-/ FUNCTION: free up a record on the player file
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 2/7/86
-/ struct player playerp - pointer to structure to free
-/ long loc - location in file to free
-/ MODULES CALLED: writerecord()
-/ Mark structure as not used, and update player file.
-freerecord(playerp, loc)
-struct player *playerp;
-long loc;
+freerecord(struct player *playerp, long loc)
- playerp->p_name[0] = CH_MARKDELETE;
- playerp->p_status = S_NOTUSED;
- writerecord(playerp, loc);
+ playerp->p_name[0] = CH_MARKDELETE;
+ playerp->p_status = S_NOTUSED;
+ writerecord(playerp, loc);
-/ FUNCTION NAME: leavegame()
-/ FUNCTION: leave game
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ ARGUMENTS: none
-/ MODULES CALLED: freerecord(), writerecord(), cleanup()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: Player, Fileloc
-/ Mark player as inactive, and cleanup.
-/ Do not save players below level 1.
- if (Player.p_level < 1.0)
- /* delete character */
- freerecord(&Player, Fileloc);
- else
- {
- Player.p_status = S_OFF;
- writerecord(&Player, Fileloc);
+ if (Player.p_level < 1.0)
+ /* delete character */
+ freerecord(&Player, Fileloc);
+ else {
+ Player.p_status = S_OFF;
+ writerecord(&Player, Fileloc);
- cleanup(TRUE);
+ cleanup(TRUE);
-/ FUNCTION NAME: death()
-/ FUNCTION: death routine
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ char *how - pointer to string describing cause of death
-/ MODULES CALLED: freerecord(), enterscore(), more(), exit(), fread(),
-/ fseek(), execl(), fopen(), floor(), wmove(), drandom(), wclear(), strcmp(),
-/ fwrite(), fflush(), printw(), strcpy(), fclose(), waddstr(), cleanup(),
-/ fprintf(), wrefresh(), getanswer(), descrtype()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: Curmonster, Wizard, Player, *stdscr, Fileloc, *Monstfp
-/ Kill off current player.
-/ Handle rings, and multiple lives.
-/ Print an appropriate message.
-/ Update scoreboard, lastdead, and let other players know about
-/ the demise of their comrade.
-char *how;
+death(const char *how)
-FILE *fp; /* for updating various files */
-int ch; /* input */
-static char *deathmesg[] =
+ FILE *fp; /* for updating various files */
+ int ch; /* input */
+ static const char *const deathmesg[] =
/* add more messages here, if desired */
- "You have been wounded beyond repair. ",
- "You have been disemboweled. ",
- "You've been mashed, mauled, and spit upon. (You're dead.)\n",
- "You died! ",
- "You're a complete failure -- you've died!!\n",
- "You have been dealt a fatal blow! "
+ "You have been wounded beyond repair. ",
+ "You have been disemboweled. ",
+ "You've been mashed, mauled, and spit upon. (You're dead.)\n",
+ "You died! ",
+ "You're a complete failure -- you've died!!\n",
+ "You have been dealt a fatal blow! "
- clear();
+ clear();
- if (strcmp(how, "Stupidity") != 0)
- {
- if (Player.p_level > 9999.0)
- /* old age */
- addstr("Characters must be retired upon reaching level 10000. Sorry.");
- else if (Player.p_lives > 0)
- /* extra lives */
- {
- addstr("You should be more cautious. You've been killed.\n");
- printw("You only have %d more chance(s).\n", --Player.p_lives);
- more(3);
- Player.p_energy = Player.p_maxenergy;
- return;
- }
- else if (Player.p_specialtype == SC_VALAR)
- {
- addstr("You had your chances, but Valar aren't totally\n");
- addstr("immortal. You are now left to wither and die . . .\n");
- more(3);
- Player.p_brains = Player.p_level / 25.0;
- Player.p_energy = Player.p_maxenergy /= 5.0;
- Player.p_quksilver = Player.p_sword = 0.0;
- Player.p_specialtype = SC_COUNCIL;
- return;
- }
- else if (Player.p_ring.ring_inuse &&
- (Player.p_ring.ring_type == R_DLREG || Player.p_ring.ring_type == R_NAZREG))
- /* good ring in use - saved from death */
- {
- mvaddstr(4, 0, "Your ring saved you from death!\n");
- refresh();
- Player.p_ring.ring_type = R_NONE;
- Player.p_energy = Player.p_maxenergy / 12.0 + 1.0;
- if (Player.p_crowns > 0)
- --Player.p_crowns;
- return;
- }
- else if (Player.p_ring.ring_type == R_BAD
- || Player.p_ring.ring_type == R_SPOILED)
- /* bad ring in possession; name idiot after player */
- {
- mvaddstr(4, 0,
- "Your ring has taken control of you and turned you into a monster!\n");
- fseek(Monstfp, 13L * SZ_MONSTERSTRUCT, 0);
- fread((char *) &Curmonster, SZ_MONSTERSTRUCT, 1, Monstfp);
- strcpy(Curmonster.m_name, Player.p_name);
- fseek(Monstfp, 13L * SZ_MONSTERSTRUCT, 0);
- fwrite((char *) &Curmonster, SZ_MONSTERSTRUCT, 1, Monstfp);
- fflush(Monstfp);
- }
+ if (strcmp(how, "Stupidity") != 0) {
+ if (Player.p_level > 9999.0)
+ /* old age */
+ addstr("Characters must be retired upon reaching level 10000. Sorry.");
+ else
+ if (Player.p_lives > 0)
+ /* extra lives */
+ {
+ addstr("You should be more cautious. You've been killed.\n");
+ printw("You only have %d more chance(s).\n", --Player.p_lives);
+ more(3);
+ Player.p_energy = Player.p_maxenergy;
+ return;
+ } else
+ if (Player.p_specialtype == SC_VALAR) {
+ addstr("You had your chances, but Valar aren't totally\n");
+ addstr("immortal. You are now left to wither and die . . .\n");
+ more(3);
+ Player.p_brains = Player.p_level / 25.0;
+ Player.p_energy = Player.p_maxenergy /= 5.0;
+ Player.p_quksilver = Player.p_sword = 0.0;
+ Player.p_specialtype = SC_COUNCIL;
+ return;
+ } else
+ if (Player.p_ring.ring_inuse &&
+ (Player.p_ring.ring_type == R_DLREG || Player.p_ring.ring_type == R_NAZREG))
+ /* good ring in use - saved
+ * from death */
+ {
+ mvaddstr(4, 0, "Your ring saved you from death!\n");
+ refresh();
+ Player.p_ring.ring_type = R_NONE;
+ Player.p_energy = Player.p_maxenergy / 12.0 + 1.0;
+ if (Player.p_crowns > 0)
+ --Player.p_crowns;
+ return;
+ } else
+ if (Player.p_ring.ring_type == R_BAD
+ || Player.p_ring.ring_type == R_SPOILED)
+ /* bad ring in
+ * possession; name
+ * idiot after player */
+ {
+ mvaddstr(4, 0,
+ "Your ring has taken control of you and turned you into a monster!\n");
+ fseek(Monstfp, 13L * SZ_MONSTERSTRUCT, SEEK_SET);
+ fread((char *) &Curmonster, SZ_MONSTERSTRUCT, 1, Monstfp);
+ strcpy(Curmonster.m_name, Player.p_name);
+ fseek(Monstfp, 13L * SZ_MONSTERSTRUCT, SEEK_SET);
+ fwrite((char *) &Curmonster, SZ_MONSTERSTRUCT, 1, Monstfp);
+ fflush(Monstfp);
+ }
+ enterscore(); /* update score board */
- enterscore(); /* update score board */
- /* put info in last dead file */
- fp = fopen(_PATH_LASTDEAD, "w");
- fprintf(fp,"%s (%s, run by %s, level %.0f, killed by %s)",
- Player.p_name, descrtype(&Player, TRUE),
- Player.p_login, Player.p_level, how);
- fclose(fp);
- /* let other players know */
- fp = fopen(_PATH_MESS, "w");
- fprintf(fp, "%s was killed by %s.", Player.p_name, how);
- fclose(fp);
+ /* put info in last dead file */
+ fp = fopen(_PATH_LASTDEAD, "w");
+ fprintf(fp, "%s (%s, run by %s, level %.0f, killed by %s)",
+ Player.p_name, descrtype(&Player, TRUE),
+ Player.p_login, Player.p_level, how);
+ fclose(fp);
- freerecord(&Player, Fileloc);
+ /* let other players know */
+ fp = fopen(_PATH_MESS, "w");
+ fprintf(fp, "%s was killed by %s.", Player.p_name, how);
+ fclose(fp);
- clear();
- move(10, 0);
- addstr(deathmesg[(int) ROLL(0.0, (double) sizeof(deathmesg) / sizeof(char *))]);
- addstr("Care to give it another try ? ");
- ch = getanswer("NY", FALSE);
+ freerecord(&Player, Fileloc);
- if (ch == 'Y')
- {
- cleanup(FALSE);
- execl(_PATH_GAMEPROG, "phantasia", "-s",
- (Wizard ? "-S": (char *) NULL), 0);
- exit(0);
+ clear();
+ move(10, 0);
+ addstr(deathmesg[(int) ROLL(0.0, (double) sizeof(deathmesg) / sizeof(char *))]);
+ addstr("Care to give it another try ? ");
+ ch = getanswer("NY", FALSE);
+ if (ch == 'Y') {
+ cleanup(FALSE);
+ execl(_PATH_GAMEPROG, "phantasia", "-s",
+ (Wizard ? "-S" : (char *) NULL), (char *) NULL);
+ exit(0);
- cleanup(TRUE);
+ cleanup(TRUE);
-/ FUNCTION NAME: writerecord()
-/ FUNCTION: update structure in player file
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ struct player *playerp - pointer to structure to write out
-/ long place - location in file to updata
-/ MODULES CALLED: fseek(), fwrite(), fflush()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: *Playersfp
-/ Update location in player file with given structure.
-writerecord(playerp, place)
-register struct player *playerp;
-long place;
+writerecord(struct player *playerp, long place)
- fseek(Playersfp, place, 0);
- fwrite((char *) playerp, SZ_PLAYERSTRUCT, 1, Playersfp);
- fflush(Playersfp);
+ fseek(Playersfp, place, SEEK_SET);
+ fwrite((char *) playerp, SZ_PLAYERSTRUCT, 1, Playersfp);
+ fflush(Playersfp);
-/ FUNCTION NAME: explevel()
-/ FUNCTION: calculate level based upon experience
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ double experience - experience to calculate experience level from
-/ RETURN VALUE: experience level
-/ MODULES CALLED: pow(), floor()
-/ Experience level is a geometric progression. This has been finely
-/ tuned over the years, and probably should not be changed.
-double experience;
+explevel(double experience)
- if (experience < 1.1e7)
- return(floor(pow((experience / 1000.0), 0.4875)));
- else
- return(floor(pow((experience / 1250.0), 0.4865)));
+ if (experience < 1.1e7)
+ return (floor(pow((experience / 1000.0), 0.4875)));
+ else
+ return (floor(pow((experience / 1250.0), 0.4865)));
-/ FUNCTION NAME: truncstring()
-/ FUNCTION: truncate trailing blanks off a string
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ char *string - pointer to null terminated string
-/ MODULES CALLED: strlen()
-/ Put nul characters in place of spaces at the end of the string.
-register char *string;
+truncstring(char *string)
-register int length; /* length of string */
+ int length; /* length of string */
- length = strlen(string);
- while (string[--length] == ' ')
- string[length] = '\0';
+ length = strlen(string);
+ while (string[--length] == ' ')
+ string[length] = '\0';
-/ FUNCTION NAME: altercoordinates()
-/ FUNCTION: Alter x, y coordinates and set/check location flags
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/16/85
-/ double xnew, ynew - new x, y coordinates
-/ int operation - operation to perform with coordinates
-/ MODULES CALLED: fabs(), floor(), drandom(), distance()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: Circle, Beyond, Player
-/ GLOBAL OUTPUTS: Marsh, Circle, Beyond, Throne, Player, Changed
-/ This module is called whenever the player's coordinates are altered.
-/ If the player is beyond the point of no return, he/she is forced
-/ to stay there.
-altercoordinates(xnew, ynew, operation)
-double xnew;
-double ynew;
-int operation;
+altercoordinates(double xnew, double ynew, int operation)
- switch (operation)
- {
- case A_FORCED: /* move with no checks */
- break;
+ switch (operation) {
+ case A_FORCED: /* move with no checks */
+ break;
- case A_NEAR: /* pick random coordinates near */
- xnew = Player.p_x + ROLL(1.0, 5.0);
- ynew = Player.p_y - ROLL(1.0, 5.0);
- /* fall through for check */
+ case A_NEAR: /* pick random coordinates near */
+ xnew = Player.p_x + ROLL(1.0, 5.0);
+ ynew = Player.p_y - ROLL(1.0, 5.0);
+ /* fall through for check */
case A_SPECIFIC: /* just move player */
- if (Beyond && fabs(xnew) < D_BEYOND && fabs(ynew) < D_BEYOND)
- /*
- * cannot move back from point of no return
- * pick the largest coordinate to remain unchanged
- */
+ if (Beyond && fabs(xnew) < D_BEYOND && fabs(ynew) < D_BEYOND)
+ /*
+ * cannot move back from point of no return
+ * pick the largest coordinate to remain unchanged
+ */
- if (fabs(xnew) > fabs(ynew))
- xnew = SGN(Player.p_x) * MAX(fabs(Player.p_x), D_BEYOND);
- else
- ynew = SGN(Player.p_y) * MAX(fabs(Player.p_y), D_BEYOND);
+ if (fabs(xnew) > fabs(ynew))
+ xnew = SGN(Player.p_x) * MAX(fabs(Player.p_x), D_BEYOND);
+ else
+ ynew = SGN(Player.p_y) * MAX(fabs(Player.p_y), D_BEYOND);
- break;
+ break;
- case A_FAR: /* pick random coordinates far */
- xnew = Player.p_x + SGN(Player.p_x) * ROLL(50 * Circle, 250 * Circle);
- ynew = Player.p_y + SGN(Player.p_y) * ROLL(50 * Circle, 250 * Circle);
- break;
+ case A_FAR: /* pick random coordinates far */
+ xnew = Player.p_x + SGN(Player.p_x) * ROLL(50 * Circle, 250 * Circle);
+ ynew = Player.p_y + SGN(Player.p_y) * ROLL(50 * Circle, 250 * Circle);
+ break;
- /* now set location flags and adjust coordinates */
- Circle = CIRCLE(Player.p_x = floor(xnew), Player.p_y = floor(ynew));
- /* set up flags based upon location */
- Throne = Marsh = Beyond = FALSE;
+ /* now set location flags and adjust coordinates */
+ Circle = CIRCLE(Player.p_x = floor(xnew), Player.p_y = floor(ynew));
+ /* set up flags based upon location */
+ Throne = Marsh = Beyond = FALSE;
- if (Player.p_x == 0.0 && Player.p_y == 0.0)
- Throne = TRUE;
- else if (Circle < 35 && Circle >= 20)
- Marsh = TRUE;
- else if (MAX(fabs(Player.p_x), fabs(Player.p_y)) >= D_BEYOND)
- Beyond = TRUE;
+ if (Player.p_x == 0.0 && Player.p_y == 0.0)
+ Throne = TRUE;
+ else
+ if (Circle < 35 && Circle >= 20)
+ Marsh = TRUE;
+ else
+ if (MAX(fabs(Player.p_x), fabs(Player.p_y)) >= D_BEYOND)
+ Beyond = TRUE;
- Changed = TRUE;
+ Changed = TRUE;
-/ FUNCTION NAME: readrecord()
-/ FUNCTION: read a player structure from file
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ struct player *playerp - pointer to structure to fill
-/ int loc - location of record to read
-/ MODULES CALLED: fread(), fseek()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: *Playersfp
-/ Read structure information from player file.
-readrecord(playerp, loc)
-register struct player *playerp;
-long loc;
+readrecord(struct player *playerp, long loc)
- fseek(Playersfp, loc, 0);
- fread((char *) playerp, SZ_PLAYERSTRUCT, 1, Playersfp);
+ fseek(Playersfp, loc, SEEK_SET);
+ fread((char *) playerp, SZ_PLAYERSTRUCT, 1, Playersfp);
-/ FUNCTION NAME: adjuststats()
-/ FUNCTION: adjust player statistics
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ ARGUMENTS: none
-/ MODULES CALLED: death(), floor(), drandom(), explevel(), movelevel()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: Player, *Statptr
-/ GLOBAL OUTPUTS: Circle, Player, Timeout
-/ Handle adjustment and maximums on various player characteristics.
-double dtemp; /* for temporary calculations */
+ double dtemp; /* for temporary calculations */
- if (explevel(Player.p_experience) > Player.p_level)
- /* move one or more levels */
+ if (explevel(Player.p_experience) > Player.p_level)
+ /* move one or more levels */
- movelevel();
- if (Player.p_level > 5.0)
- Timeout = TRUE;
+ movelevel();
+ if (Player.p_level > 5.0)
+ Timeout = TRUE;
- if (Player.p_specialtype == SC_VALAR)
- /* valar */
- Circle = Player.p_level / 5.0;
- /* calculate effective quickness */
- dtemp = ((Player.p_gold + Player.p_gems / 2.0) - 1000.0) / Statptr->c_goldtote
- - Player.p_level;;
- dtemp = MAX(0.0, dtemp); /* gold slows player down */
- Player.p_speed = Player.p_quickness + Player.p_quksilver - dtemp;
- /* calculate effective strength */
- if (Player.p_poison > 0.0)
- /* poison makes player weaker */
+ if (Player.p_specialtype == SC_VALAR)
+ /* valar */
+ Circle = Player.p_level / 5.0;
+ /* calculate effective quickness */
+ dtemp = ((Player.p_gold + Player.p_gems / 2.0) - 1000.0) / Statptr->c_goldtote
+ - Player.p_level;
+ dtemp = MAX(0.0, dtemp);/* gold slows player down */
+ Player.p_speed = Player.p_quickness + Player.p_quksilver - dtemp;
+ /* calculate effective strength */
+ if (Player.p_poison > 0.0)
+ /* poison makes player weaker */
- dtemp = 1.0 - Player.p_poison * Statptr->c_weakness / 800.0;
- dtemp = MAX(0.1, dtemp);
- }
- else
- dtemp = 1.0;
- Player.p_might = dtemp * Player.p_strength + Player.p_sword;
- /* insure that important things are within limits */
- Player.p_quksilver = MIN(99.0, Player.p_quksilver);
- Player.p_mana = MIN(Player.p_mana,
- Player.p_level * Statptr->c_maxmana + 1000.0);
- Player.p_brains = MIN(Player.p_brains,
- Player.p_level * Statptr->c_maxbrains + 200.0);
- Player.p_charms = MIN(Player.p_charms, Player.p_level + 10.0);
- /*
- * some implementations have problems with floating point compare
- * we work around it with this stuff
- */
- Player.p_gold = floor(Player.p_gold) + 0.1;
- Player.p_gems = floor(Player.p_gems) + 0.1;
- Player.p_mana = floor(Player.p_mana) + 0.1;
- if (Player.p_ring.ring_type != R_NONE)
- /* do ring things */
+ dtemp = 1.0 - Player.p_poison * Statptr->c_weakness / 800.0;
+ dtemp = MAX(0.1, dtemp);
+ } else
+ dtemp = 1.0;
+ Player.p_might = dtemp * Player.p_strength + Player.p_sword;
+ /* insure that important things are within limits */
+ Player.p_quksilver = MIN(99.0, Player.p_quksilver);
+ Player.p_mana = MIN(Player.p_mana,
+ Player.p_level * Statptr->c_maxmana + 1000.0);
+ Player.p_brains = MIN(Player.p_brains,
+ Player.p_level * Statptr->c_maxbrains + 200.0);
+ Player.p_charms = MIN(Player.p_charms, Player.p_level + 10.0);
+ /*
+ * some implementations have problems with floating point compare
+ * we work around it with this stuff
+ */
+ Player.p_gold = floor(Player.p_gold) + 0.1;
+ Player.p_gems = floor(Player.p_gems) + 0.1;
+ Player.p_mana = floor(Player.p_mana) + 0.1;
+ if (Player.p_ring.ring_type != R_NONE)
+ /* do ring things */
- /* rest to max */
- Player.p_energy = Player.p_maxenergy + Player.p_shield;
+ /* rest to max */
+ Player.p_energy = Player.p_maxenergy + Player.p_shield;
+ if (Player.p_ring.ring_duration <= 0)
+ /* clean up expired rings */
+ switch (Player.p_ring.ring_type) {
+ case R_BAD: /* ring drives player crazy */
+ Player.p_ring.ring_type = R_SPOILED;
+ Player.p_ring.ring_duration = (short) ROLL(10.0, 25.0);
+ break;
- if (Player.p_ring.ring_duration <= 0)
- /* clean up expired rings */
- switch (Player.p_ring.ring_type)
- {
- case R_BAD: /* ring drives player crazy */
- Player.p_ring.ring_type = R_SPOILED;
- Player.p_ring.ring_duration = (short) ROLL(10.0, 25.0);
- break;
- case R_NAZREG: /* ring disappears */
- Player.p_ring.ring_type = R_NONE;
- break;
- case R_SPOILED: /* ring kills player */
- death("A cursed ring");
- break;
- case R_DLREG: /* this ring doesn't expire */
- Player.p_ring.ring_duration = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
+ case R_NAZREG: /* ring disappears */
+ Player.p_ring.ring_type = R_NONE;
+ break;
- if (Player.p_age / N_AGE > Player.p_degenerated)
- /* age player slightly */
+ case R_SPOILED: /* ring kills player */
+ death("A cursed ring");
+ break;
+ case R_DLREG: /* this ring doesn't expire */
+ Player.p_ring.ring_duration = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Player.p_age / N_AGE > Player.p_degenerated)
+ /* age player slightly */
- ++Player.p_degenerated;
- if (Player.p_quickness > 23.0)
- Player.p_quickness *= 0.99;
- Player.p_strength *= 0.97;
- Player.p_brains *= 0.95;
- Player.p_magiclvl *= 0.97;
- Player.p_maxenergy *= 0.95;
- Player.p_quksilver *= 0.95;
- Player.p_sword *= 0.93;
- Player.p_shield *= 0.93;
+ ++Player.p_degenerated;
+ if (Player.p_quickness > 23.0)
+ Player.p_quickness *= 0.99;
+ Player.p_strength *= 0.97;
+ Player.p_brains *= 0.95;
+ Player.p_magiclvl *= 0.97;
+ Player.p_maxenergy *= 0.95;
+ Player.p_quksilver *= 0.95;
+ Player.p_sword *= 0.93;
+ Player.p_shield *= 0.93;
-/ FUNCTION NAME: initplayer()
-/ FUNCTION: initialize a character
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ struct player *playerp - pointer to structure to init
-/ MODULES CALLED: floor(), drandom()
-/ Put a bunch of default values in the given structure.
-register struct player *playerp;
+initplayer(struct player *playerp)
- playerp->p_experience =
- playerp->p_level =
- playerp->p_strength =
- playerp->p_sword =
- playerp->p_might =
- playerp->p_energy =
- playerp->p_maxenergy =
- playerp->p_shield =
- playerp->p_quickness =
- playerp->p_quksilver =
- playerp->p_speed =
- playerp->p_magiclvl =
- playerp->p_mana =
- playerp->p_brains =
- playerp->p_poison =
- playerp->p_gems =
- playerp->p_sin =
- playerp->p_1scratch =
- playerp->p_2scratch = 0.0;
- playerp->p_gold = ROLL(50.0, 75.0) + 0.1; /* give some gold */
- playerp->p_x = ROLL(-125.0, 251.0);
- playerp->p_y = ROLL(-125.0, 251.0); /* give random x, y */
- /* clear ring */
- playerp->p_ring.ring_type = R_NONE;
- playerp->p_ring.ring_duration = 0;
- playerp->p_ring.ring_inuse = FALSE;
- playerp->p_age = 0L;
- playerp->p_degenerated = 1; /* don't degenerate initially */
- playerp->p_type = C_FIGHTER; /* default */
- playerp->p_specialtype = SC_NONE;
- playerp->p_lives =
- playerp->p_crowns =
- playerp->p_charms =
- playerp->p_amulets =
- playerp->p_holywater =
- playerp->p_lastused = 0;
- playerp->p_status = S_NOTUSED;
- playerp->p_tampered = T_OFF;
- playerp->p_istat = I_OFF;
- playerp->p_palantir =
- playerp->p_blessing =
- playerp->p_virgin =
- playerp->p_blindness = FALSE;
- playerp->p_name[0] =
- playerp->p_password[0] =
- playerp->p_login[0] = '\0';
+ playerp->p_experience =
+ playerp->p_level =
+ playerp->p_strength =
+ playerp->p_sword =
+ playerp->p_might =
+ playerp->p_energy =
+ playerp->p_maxenergy =
+ playerp->p_shield =
+ playerp->p_quickness =
+ playerp->p_quksilver =
+ playerp->p_speed =
+ playerp->p_magiclvl =
+ playerp->p_mana =
+ playerp->p_brains =
+ playerp->p_poison =
+ playerp->p_gems =
+ playerp->p_sin =
+ playerp->p_1scratch =
+ playerp->p_2scratch = 0.0;
+ playerp->p_gold = ROLL(50.0, 75.0) + 0.1; /* give some gold */
+ playerp->p_x = ROLL(-125.0, 251.0);
+ playerp->p_y = ROLL(-125.0, 251.0); /* give random x, y */
+ /* clear ring */
+ playerp->p_ring.ring_type = R_NONE;
+ playerp->p_ring.ring_duration = 0;
+ playerp->p_ring.ring_inuse = FALSE;
+ playerp->p_age = 0L;
+ playerp->p_degenerated = 1; /* don't degenerate initially */
+ playerp->p_type = C_FIGHTER; /* default */
+ playerp->p_specialtype = SC_NONE;
+ playerp->p_lives =
+ playerp->p_crowns =
+ playerp->p_charms =
+ playerp->p_amulets =
+ playerp->p_holywater =
+ playerp->p_lastused = 0;
+ playerp->p_status = S_NOTUSED;
+ playerp->p_tampered = T_OFF;
+ playerp->p_istat = I_OFF;
+ playerp->p_palantir =
+ playerp->p_blessing =
+ playerp->p_virgin =
+ playerp->p_blindness = FALSE;
+ playerp->p_name[0] =
+ playerp->p_password[0] =
+ playerp->p_login[0] = '\0';
-/ FUNCTION NAME: readmessage()
-/ FUNCTION: read message from other players
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ ARGUMENTS: none
-/ MODULES CALLED: fseek(), fgets(), wmove(), waddstr(), wclrtoeol()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: *stdscr, Databuf[], *Messagefp
-/ If there is a message from other players, print it.
- move(3, 0);
- clrtoeol();
- fseek(Messagefp, 0L, 0);
- if (fgets(Databuf, SZ_DATABUF, Messagefp) != NULL)
- addstr(Databuf);
+ move(3, 0);
+ clrtoeol();
+ fseek(Messagefp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
+ if (fgets(Databuf, SZ_DATABUF, Messagefp) != NULL)
+ addstr(Databuf);
-/ FUNCTION NAME: error()
-/ FUNCTION: process evironment error
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ char *whichfile - pointer to name of file which caused error
-/ MODULES CALLED: wclear(), cleanup()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: errno, *stdscr, printw(), printf(), Windows
-/ Print message about offending file, and exit.
- char *whichfile;
- int (*funcp) __P((const char *, ...));
- if (Windows)
- {
- funcp = printw;
- clear();
- }
- else
- funcp = printf;
- (*funcp)("An unrecoverable error has occurred reading %s. (errno = %d)\n", whichfile, errno);
- (*funcp)("Please run 'setup' to determine the problem.\n");
- cleanup(TRUE);
+error(const char *whichfile)
+ int (*funcp)(const char *,...);
+ if (Windows) {
+ funcp = printw;
+ clear();
+ } else
+ funcp = printf;
+ (*funcp) ("An unrecoverable error has occurred reading %s. (%s)\n", whichfile, strerror(errno));
+ (*funcp) ("Please run 'setup' to determine the problem.\n");
+ cleanup(TRUE);
-/ FUNCTION NAME: distance()
-/ FUNCTION: calculate distance between two points
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ double x1, y1 - x, y coordinates of first point
-/ double x2, y2 - x, y coordinates of second point
-/ RETURN VALUE: distance between the two points
-/ This function is provided because someone's hypot() library function
-/ fails if x1 == x2 && y1 == y2.
-distance(x1, x2, y1, y2)
-double x1, x2, y1, y2;
+distance(double x_1, double x_2, double y_1, double y_2)
-double deltax, deltay;
+ double deltax, deltay;
- deltax = x1 - x2;
- deltay = y1 - y2;
- return(sqrt(deltax * deltax + deltay * deltay));
+ deltax = x_1 - x_2;
+ deltay = y_1 - y_2;
+ return (sqrt(deltax * deltax + deltay * deltay));
-/ FUNCTION NAME: ill_sig()
-/ FUNCTION: exit upon trapping an illegal signal
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 12/4/85
-/ int whichsig - signal which occured to cause jump to here
-/ MODULES CALLED: wclear(), printw(), cleanup()
-/ GLOBAL INPUTS: *stdscr
-/ When an illegal signal is caught, print a message, and cleanup.
-int whichsig;
+ill_sig(int whichsig)
- clear();
- if (!(whichsig == SIGINT || whichsig == SIGQUIT))
- printw("Error: caught signal # %d.\n", whichsig);
- cleanup(TRUE);
+ clear();
+ if (!(whichsig == SIGINT || whichsig == SIGQUIT))
+ printw("Error: caught signal # %d.\n", whichsig);
+ cleanup(TRUE);
-/ FUNCTION NAME: descrstatus()
-/ FUNCTION: return a string describing the player status
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 3/3/86
-/ struct player playerp - pointer to player structure to describe
-/ RETURN VALUE: string describing player's status
-/ Return verbal description of player status.
-/ If player status is S_PLAYING, check for low energy and blindness.
-char *
-register struct player *playerp;
+const char *
+descrstatus(struct player *playerp)
- switch (playerp->p_status)
- {
+ switch (playerp->p_status) {
- if (playerp->p_energy < 0.2 * (playerp->p_maxenergy + playerp->p_shield))
- return("Low Energy");
- else if (playerp->p_blindness)
- return("Blind");
- else
- return("In game");
+ if (playerp->p_energy < 0.2 * (playerp->p_maxenergy + playerp->p_shield))
+ return ("Low Energy");
+ else
+ if (playerp->p_blindness)
+ return ("Blind");
+ else
+ return ("In game");
- return("Cloaked");
+ return ("Cloaked");
- return("In Battle");
+ return ("In Battle");
- return("Encounter");
+ return ("Encounter");
- return("Trading");
+ return ("Trading");
case S_OFF:
- return("Off");
+ return ("Off");
case S_HUNGUP:
- return("Hung up");
+ return ("Hung up");
- return("");
+ return ("");
-/ FUNCTION NAME: drandom()
-/ FUNCTION: return a random floating point number from 0.0 < 1.0
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 2/7/86
-/ ARGUMENTS: none
-/ MODULES CALLED: random()
-/ Convert random integer from library routine into a floating
-/ point number, and divide by the largest possible random number.
-/ We mask large integers with 32767 to handle sites that return
-/ 31 bit random integers.
- if (sizeof(int) != 2)
- /* use only low bits */
- return((double) (random() & 0x7fff) / 32768.0);
- else
- return((double) random() / 32768.0);
+ if (sizeof(int) != 2)
+ /* use only low bits */
+ return ((double) (random() & 0x7fff) / 32768.0);
+ else
+ return ((double) random() / 32768.0);
-/ FUNCTION NAME: collecttaxes()
-/ FUNCTION: collect taxes from current player
-/ AUTHOR: E. A. Estes, 2/7/86
-/ double gold - amount of gold to tax
-/ double gems - amount of gems to tax
-/ MODULES CALLED: fread(), fseek(), fopen(), floor(), fwrite(), fclose()
-/ Pay taxes on gold and gems. If the player does not have enough
-/ gold to pay taxes on the added gems, convert some gems to gold.
-/ Add taxes to tax data base; add remaining gold and gems to
-/ player's cache.
-collecttaxes(gold, gems)
-double gold;
-double gems;
+collecttaxes(double gold, double gems)
-FILE *fp; /* to update Goldfile */
-double dtemp; /* for temporary calculations */
-double taxes; /* tax liability */
+ FILE *fp; /* to update Goldfile */
+ double dtemp; /* for temporary calculations */
+ double taxes; /* tax liability */
- /* add to cache */
- Player.p_gold += gold;
- Player.p_gems += gems;
+ /* add to cache */
+ Player.p_gold += gold;
+ Player.p_gems += gems;
- /* calculate tax liability */
- taxes = N_TAXAMOUNT / 100.0 * (N_GEMVALUE * gems + gold);
+ /* calculate tax liability */
+ taxes = N_TAXAMOUNT / 100.0 * (N_GEMVALUE * gems + gold);
- if (Player.p_gold < taxes)
- /* not enough gold to pay taxes, must convert some gems to gold */
+ if (Player.p_gold < taxes)
+ /* not enough gold to pay taxes, must convert some gems to
+ * gold */
- dtemp = floor(taxes / N_GEMVALUE + 1.0); /* number of gems to convert */
- if (Player.p_gems >= dtemp)
- /* player has enough to convert */
- {
- Player.p_gems -= dtemp;
- Player.p_gold += dtemp * N_GEMVALUE;
- }
- else
- /* take everything; this should never happen */
- {
- Player.p_gold += Player.p_gems * N_GEMVALUE;
- Player.p_gems = 0.0;
- taxes = Player.p_gold;
- }
- }
+ dtemp = floor(taxes / N_GEMVALUE + 1.0); /* number of gems to
+ * convert */
- Player.p_gold -= taxes;
+ if (Player.p_gems >= dtemp)
+ /* player has enough to convert */
+ {
+ Player.p_gems -= dtemp;
+ Player.p_gold += dtemp * N_GEMVALUE;
+ } else
+ /* take everything; this should never happen */
+ {
+ Player.p_gold += Player.p_gems * N_GEMVALUE;
+ Player.p_gems = 0.0;
+ taxes = Player.p_gold;
+ }
+ }
+ Player.p_gold -= taxes;
- if ((fp = fopen(_PATH_GOLD, "r+")) != NULL)
- /* update taxes */
+ if ((fp = fopen(_PATH_GOLD, "r+")) != NULL)
+ /* update taxes */
- dtemp = 0.0;
- fread((char *) &dtemp, sizeof(double), 1, fp);
- dtemp += floor(taxes);
- fseek(fp, 0L, 0);
- fwrite((char *) &dtemp, sizeof(double), 1, fp);
- fclose(fp);
+ dtemp = 0.0;
+ fread((char *) &dtemp, sizeof(double), 1, fp);
+ dtemp += floor(taxes);
+ fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
+ fwrite((char *) &dtemp, sizeof(double), 1, fp);
+ fclose(fp);