/* $NetBSD: rogue.h,v 1.10 1999/09/12 09:02:23 jsm Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * Timothy C. Stoehr. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)rogue.h 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93 */ /* * rogue.h * * This source herein may be modified and/or distributed by anybody who * so desires, with the following restrictions: * 1.) This notice shall not be removed. * 2.) Credit shall not be taken for the creation of this source. * 3.) This code is not to be traded, sold, or used for personal * gain or profit. */ #define boolean char #define NOTHING ((unsigned short) 0) #define OBJECT ((unsigned short) 01) #define MONSTER ((unsigned short) 02) #define STAIRS ((unsigned short) 04) #define HORWALL ((unsigned short) 010) #define VERTWALL ((unsigned short) 020) #define DOOR ((unsigned short) 040) #define FLOOR ((unsigned short) 0100) #define TUNNEL ((unsigned short) 0200) #define TRAP ((unsigned short) 0400) #define HIDDEN ((unsigned short) 01000) #define ARMOR ((unsigned short) 01) #define WEAPON ((unsigned short) 02) #define SCROL ((unsigned short) 04) #define POTION ((unsigned short) 010) #define GOLD ((unsigned short) 020) #define FOOD ((unsigned short) 040) #define WAND ((unsigned short) 0100) #define RING ((unsigned short) 0200) #define AMULET ((unsigned short) 0400) #define ALL_OBJECTS ((unsigned short) 0777) #define LEATHER 0 #define RINGMAIL 1 #define SCALE 2 #define CHAIN 3 #define BANDED 4 #define SPLINT 5 #define PLATE 6 #define ARMORS 7 #define BOW 0 #define DART 1 #define ARROW 2 #define DAGGER 3 #define SHURIKEN 4 #define MACE 5 #define LONG_SWORD 6 #define TWO_HANDED_SWORD 7 #define WEAPONS 8 #define MAX_PACK_COUNT 24 #define PROTECT_ARMOR 0 #define HOLD_MONSTER 1 #define ENCH_WEAPON 2 #define ENCH_ARMOR 3 #define IDENTIFY 4 #define TELEPORT 5 #define SLEEP 6 #define SCARE_MONSTER 7 #define REMOVE_CURSE 8 #define CREATE_MONSTER 9 #define AGGRAVATE_MONSTER 10 #define MAGIC_MAPPING 11 #define CON_MON 12 #define SCROLS 13 #define INCREASE_STRENGTH 0 #define RESTORE_STRENGTH 1 #define HEALING 2 #define EXTRA_HEALING 3 #define POISON 4 #define RAISE_LEVEL 5 #define BLINDNESS 6 #define HALLUCINATION 7 #define DETECT_MONSTER 8 #define DETECT_OBJECTS 9 #define CONFUSION 10 #define LEVITATION 11 #define HASTE_SELF 12 #define SEE_INVISIBLE 13 #define POTIONS 14 #define TELE_AWAY 0 #define SLOW_MONSTER 1 #define INVISIBILITY 2 #define POLYMORPH 3 #define HASTE_MONSTER 4 #define MAGIC_MISSILE 5 #define CANCELLATION 6 #define DO_NOTHING 7 #define DRAIN_LIFE 8 #define COLD 9 #define FIRE 10 #define WANDS 11 #define STEALTH 0 #define R_TELEPORT 1 #define REGENERATION 2 #define SLOW_DIGEST 3 #define ADD_STRENGTH 4 #define SUSTAIN_STRENGTH 5 #define DEXTERITY 6 #define ADORNMENT 7 #define R_SEE_INVISIBLE 8 #define MAINTAIN_ARMOR 9 #define SEARCHING 10 #define RINGS 11 #define RATION 0 #define FRUIT 1 #define NOT_USED ((unsigned short) 0) #define BEING_WIELDED ((unsigned short) 01) #define BEING_WORN ((unsigned short) 02) #define ON_LEFT_HAND ((unsigned short) 04) #define ON_RIGHT_HAND ((unsigned short) 010) #define ON_EITHER_HAND ((unsigned short) 014) #define BEING_USED ((unsigned short) 017) #define NO_TRAP -1 #define TRAP_DOOR 0 #define BEAR_TRAP 1 #define TELE_TRAP 2 #define DART_TRAP 3 #define SLEEPING_GAS_TRAP 4 #define RUST_TRAP 5 #define TRAPS 6 #define STEALTH_FACTOR 3 #define R_TELE_PERCENT 8 #define UNIDENTIFIED ((unsigned short) 00) /* MUST BE ZERO! */ #define IDENTIFIED ((unsigned short) 01) #define CALLED ((unsigned short) 02) #define DROWS 24 #define DCOLS 80 #define NMESSAGES 5 #define MAX_TITLE_LENGTH 30 #define MAXSYLLABLES 40 #define MAX_METAL 14 #define WAND_MATERIALS 30 #define GEMS 14 #define GOLD_PERCENT 46 #define MAX_OPT_LEN 40 struct id { short value; char *title; char *real; unsigned short id_status; }; /* The following #defines provide more meaningful names for some of the * struct object fields that are used for monsters. This, since each monster * and object (scrolls, potions, etc) are represented by a struct object. * Ideally, this should be handled by some kind of union structure. */ #define m_damage damage #define hp_to_kill quantity #define m_char ichar #define first_level is_protected #define last_level is_cursed #define m_hit_chance class #define stationary_damage identified #define drop_percent which_kind #define trail_char d_enchant #define slowed_toggle quiver #define moves_confused hit_enchant #define nap_length picked_up #define disguise what_is #define next_monster next_object struct obj { /* comment is monster meaning */ unsigned long m_flags; /* monster flags */ const char *damage; /* damage it does */ short quantity; /* hit points to kill */ short ichar; /* 'A' is for aquatar */ short kill_exp; /* exp for killing it */ short is_protected; /* level starts */ short is_cursed; /* level ends */ short class; /* chance of hitting you */ short identified; /* 'F' damage, 1,2,3... */ unsigned short which_kind; /* item carry/drop % */ short o_row, o_col, o; /* o is how many times stuck at o_row, o_col */ short row, col; /* current row, col */ short d_enchant; /* room char when detect_monster */ short quiver; /* monster slowed toggle */ short trow, tcol; /* target row, col */ short hit_enchant; /* how many moves is confused */ unsigned short what_is; /* imitator's charactor (?!%: */ short picked_up; /* sleep from wand of sleep */ unsigned short in_use_flags; struct obj *next_object; /* next monster */ }; typedef struct obj object; #define INIT_AW (object*)0 #define INIT_RINGS (object*)0 #define INIT_HP 12 #define INIT_STR 16 #define INIT_EXPLEVEL 1 #define INIT_EXP 0 #define INIT_PACK {0} #define INIT_GOLD 0 #define INIT_CHAR '@' #define INIT_MOVES 1250 struct fightr { object *armor; object *weapon; object *left_ring, *right_ring; short hp_current; short hp_max; short str_current; short str_max; object pack; long gold; short exp; long exp_points; short row, col; short fchar; short moves_left; }; typedef struct fightr fighter; struct dr { short oth_room; short oth_row, oth_col; short door_row, door_col; }; typedef struct dr door; struct rm { short bottom_row, right_col, left_col, top_row; door doors[4]; unsigned short is_room; }; typedef struct rm room; #define MAXROOMS 9 #define BIG_ROOM 10 #define NO_ROOM -1 #define PASSAGE -3 /* cur_room value */ #define AMULET_LEVEL 26 #define R_NOTHING ((unsigned short) 01) #define R_ROOM ((unsigned short) 02) #define R_MAZE ((unsigned short) 04) #define R_DEADEND ((unsigned short) 010) #define R_CROSS ((unsigned short) 020) #define MAX_EXP_LEVEL 21 #define MAX_EXP 10000001L #define MAX_GOLD 999999 #define MAX_ARMOR 99 #define MAX_HP 999 #define MAX_STRENGTH 99 #define LAST_DUNGEON 99 #define STAT_LEVEL 01 #define STAT_GOLD 02 #define STAT_HP 04 #define STAT_STRENGTH 010 #define STAT_ARMOR 020 #define STAT_EXP 040 #define STAT_HUNGER 0100 #define STAT_LABEL 0200 #define STAT_ALL 0377 #define PARTY_TIME 10 /* one party somewhere in each 10 level span */ #define MAX_TRAPS 10 /* maximum traps per level */ #define HIDE_PERCENT 12 struct tr { short trap_type; short trap_row, trap_col; }; typedef struct tr trap; extern fighter rogue; extern room rooms[]; extern trap traps[]; extern unsigned short dungeon[DROWS][DCOLS]; extern object level_objects; extern struct id id_scrolls[]; extern struct id id_potions[]; extern struct id id_wands[]; extern struct id id_rings[]; extern struct id id_weapons[]; extern struct id id_armors[]; extern object mon_tab[]; extern object level_monsters; #define MONSTERS 26 #define HASTED 01L #define SLOWED 02L #define INVISIBLE 04L #define ASLEEP 010L #define WAKENS 020L #define WANDERS 040L #define FLIES 0100L #define FLITS 0200L #define CAN_FLIT 0400L /* can, but usually doesn't, flit */ #define CONFUSED 01000L #define RUSTS 02000L #define HOLDS 04000L #define FREEZES 010000L #define STEALS_GOLD 020000L #define STEALS_ITEM 040000L #define STINGS 0100000L #define DRAINS_LIFE 0200000L #define DROPS_LEVEL 0400000L #define SEEKS_GOLD 01000000L #define FREEZING_ROGUE 02000000L #define RUST_VANISHED 04000000L #define CONFUSES 010000000L #define IMITATES 020000000L #define FLAMES 040000000L #define STATIONARY 0100000000L /* damage will be 1,2,3,... */ #define NAPPING 0200000000L /* can't wake up for a while */ #define ALREADY_MOVED 0400000000L #define SPECIAL_HIT (RUSTS|HOLDS|FREEZES|STEALS_GOLD|STEALS_ITEM|STINGS|DRAINS_LIFE|DROPS_LEVEL) #define WAKE_PERCENT 45 #define FLIT_PERCENT 40 #define PARTY_WAKE_PERCENT 75 #define HYPOTHERMIA 1 #define STARVATION 2 #define POISON_DART 3 #define QUIT 4 #define WIN 5 #define KFIRE 6 #define UPWARD 0 #define UPRIGHT 1 #define RIGHT 2 #define DOWNRIGHT 3 #define DOWN 4 #define DOWNLEFT 5 #define LEFT 6 #define UPLEFT 7 #define DIRS 8 #define ROW1 7 #define ROW2 15 #define COL1 26 #define COL2 52 #define MOVED 0 #define MOVE_FAILED -1 #define STOPPED_ON_SOMETHING -2 #define CANCEL '\033' #define LIST '*' #define HUNGRY 300 #define WEAK 150 #define FAINT 20 #define STARVE 0 #define MIN_ROW 1 struct rogue_time { short year; /* >= 1987 */ short month; /* 1 - 12 */ short day; /* 1 - 31 */ short hour; /* 0 - 23 */ short minute; /* 0 - 59 */ short second; /* 0 - 59 */ }; #ifdef CURSES struct _win_st { short _cury, _curx; short _maxy, _maxx; }; typedef struct _win_st WINDOW; extern int LINES, COLS; extern WINDOW *curscr; extern char *CL; #else #include #endif /* * external routine declarations. */ #include #include #include #include object *alloc_object __P((void)); object *check_duplicate __P((object *, object *)); const char *get_ench_color __P((void)); object *get_letter_object __P((int)); object *get_thrown_at_monster __P((object *, short, short *, short *)); object *get_zapped_monster __P((short, short *, short *)); object *gr_monster __P((object *, int)); object *gr_object __P((void)); char *md_getenv __P((const char *)); const char * md_gln __P((void)); char *md_malloc __P((int)); const char *mon_name __P((const object *)); const char *name_of __P((const object *)); object *object_at __P((object *, short, short)); object *pick_up __P((int, int, short *)); void add_exp __P((int, boolean)); void add_mazes __P((void)); void add_traps __P((void)); void aggravate __P((void)); void aim_monster __P((object *)); void bounce __P((short, short, short, short, short)); void byebye __P((int)); void c_object_for_wizard __P((void)); void call_it __P((void)); boolean can_move __P((int, int, int, int)); boolean can_turn __P((int, int)); void center __P((short, const char *)); void check_gold_seeker __P((object *)); boolean check_hunger __P((boolean)); boolean check_imitator __P((object *)); void check_message __P((void)); int check_up __P((void)); void clean_up __P((const char *)) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void clear_level __P((void)); void cnfs __P((void)); int coin_toss __P((void)); int connect_rooms __P((short, short)); void cough_up __P((object *)); void create_monster __P((void)); int damage_for_strength __P((void)); void darken_room __P((short)); void disappear __P((object *)); void do_args __P((int, char **)); void do_opts __P((void)); void do_put_on __P((object *, boolean)); void do_shell __P((void)); void do_wear __P((object *)); void do_wield __P((object *)); void dr_course __P((object *, boolean, short, short)); void drain_life __P((void)); void draw_magic_map __P((void)); void draw_simple_passage __P((short, short, short, short, short)); void drop __P((void)); int drop_check __P((void)); void drop_level __P((void)); void eat __P((void)); void edit_opts __P((void)); void env_get_value __P((char **, char *, boolean)); void error_save __P((int)) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void fight __P((int)); void fill_it __P((int, boolean)); void fill_out_level __P((void)); boolean flame_broil __P((object *)); int flit __P((object *)); void flop_weapon __P((object *, short, short)); void free_object __P((object *)); void free_stuff __P((object *)); void freeze __P((object *)); int get_armor_class __P((const object *)); int get_com_id __P((int *, short)); int get_damage __P((const char *, boolean)); void get_desc __P((const object *, char *)); int get_dir __P((short, short, short, short)); void get_dir_rc __P((short, short *, short *, short)); char get_dungeon_char __P((short, short)); int get_exp_level __P((long)); void get_food __P((object *, boolean)); int get_hit_chance __P((const object *)); int get_input_line __P((const char *, const char *, char *, const char *, boolean, boolean)); char get_mask_char __P((unsigned short)); int get_number __P((const char *)); boolean get_oth_room __P((short, short *, short *)); int get_rand __P((int, int)); short get_room_number __P((int, int)); int get_value __P((const object *)); int get_w_damage __P((const object *)); void get_wand_and_ring_materials __P((void)); int get_weapon_damage __P((const object *)); char gmc __P((object *)); char gmc_row_col __P((int, int)); void go_blind __P((void)); boolean gold_at __P((int, int)); void gr_armor __P((object *)); char gr_dir __P((void)); char gr_obj_char __P((void)); void gr_potion __P((object *)); void gr_ring __P((object *, boolean)); short gr_room __P((void)); void gr_row_col __P((short *, short *, unsigned short)); void gr_scroll __P((object *)); void gr_wand __P((object *)); void gr_weapon __P((object *, int)); void hallucinate __P((void)); boolean has_amulet __P((void)); boolean has_been_touched __P((const struct rogue_time *, const struct rogue_time *)); void heal __P((void)); void hide_boxed_passage __P((int, int, int, int, int)); void hold_monster __P((void)); int hp_raise __P((void)); void id_all __P((void)); void id_com __P((void)); void id_trap __P((void)); void id_type __P((void)); void idntfy __P((void)); boolean imitating __P((int, int)); int init __P((int, char **)); void init_str __P((char **, const char *)); void insert_score __P((char [][], char [][], const char *, short, short, const object *, int)); void inv_armor_weapon __P((boolean)); void inv_rings __P((void)); void inventory __P((const object *, unsigned short)); boolean is_all_connected __P((void)); boolean is_digit __P((int)); boolean is_direction __P((short, short *)); boolean is_pack_letter __P((short *, unsigned short *)); boolean is_passable __P((int, int)); boolean is_vowel __P((short)); void kick_into_pack __P((void)); void killed_by __P((const object *, short)) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); long lget_number __P((const char *)); void light_passage __P((int, int)); void light_up_room __P((int)); boolean m_confuse __P((object *)); void make_level __P((void)); void make_maze __P((short, short, short, short, short, short)); void make_party __P((void)); void make_room __P((short, short, short, short)); void make_scroll_titles __P((void)); boolean mask_pack __P((const object *, unsigned short)); boolean mask_room __P((short, short *, short *, unsigned short)); void md_cbreak_no_echo_nonl __P((boolean)); boolean md_df __P((const char *)); void md_exit __P((int)) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void md_gct __P((struct rogue_time *)); char *md_gdtcf __P((void)); int md_get_file_id __P((const char *)); void md_gfmt __P((const char *, struct rogue_time *)); int md_gseed __P((void)); void md_heed_signals __P((void)); void md_ignore_signals __P((void)); int md_link_count __P((const char *)); void md_lock __P((boolean)); void md_shell __P((const char *)); void md_sleep __P((int)); void md_slurp __P((void)); void md_tstp __P((void)); void message __P((const char *, boolean)); void mix_colors __P((void)); void mix_colors __P((void)); void mix_random_rooms __P((void)); int mon_can_go __P((const object *, int, int)); int mon_damage __P((object *, short)); void mon_hit __P((object *)); boolean mon_sees __P((const object *, int, int)); int move_confused __P((object *)); void move_mon_to __P((object *, int, int)); void move_onto __P((void)); int mtry __P((object *, int, int)); void multiple_move_rogue __P((short)); void mv_1_monster __P((object *, int, int)); void mv_aquatars __P((void)); void mv_mons __P((void)); int name_cmp __P((char *, const char *)); short next_avail_ichar __P((void)); boolean next_to_something __P((int, int)); void nickize __P((char *, const char *, const char *)); int no_room_for_monster __P((int)); int one_move_rogue __P((short, short)); void onintr __P((int)); void opt_erase __P((int)); void opt_go __P((int)); void opt_show __P((int)); short pack_count __P((const object *)); short pack_letter __P((const char *, unsigned short)); void pad __P((const char *, short)); void party_monsters __P((int, int)); short party_objects __P((int)); void place_at __P((object *, int, int)); void plant_gold __P((int, int, boolean)); void play_level __P((void)); void player_init __P((void)); void player_init __P((void)); void potion_heal __P((int)); int pr_com_id __P((int)); int pr_motion_char __P((int)); void print_stats __P((int)); void put_amulet __P((void)); void put_door __P((room *, short, short *, short *)); void put_gold __P((void)); void put_m_at __P((int, int, object *)); void put_mons __P((void)); void put_objects __P((void)); void put_on_ring __P((void)); void put_player __P((short)); void put_scores __P((const object *, short)) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void put_stairs __P((void)); void quaff __P((void)); void quit __P((boolean)); int r_index __P((const char *, int, boolean)); void r_read __P((FILE *, char *, int)); void r_write __P((FILE *, const char *, int)); void rand_around __P((short, short *, short *)); int rand_percent __P((int)); void rand_place __P((object *)); void read_pack __P((object *, FILE *, boolean)); void read_scroll __P((void)); void read_string __P((char *, FILE *)); void recursive_deadend __P((short, const short *, short, short)); boolean reg_move __P((void)); void relight __P((void)); void remessage __P((short)); void remove_ring __P((void)); void rest __P((int)); void restore __P((const char *)); int rgetchar __P((void)); void ring_stats __P((boolean)); int rogue_can_see __P((int, int)); void rogue_damage __P((short, object *, short)); void rogue_hit __P((object *, boolean)); int rogue_is_around __P((int, int)); long rrandom __P((void)); void rust __P((object *)); void rw_dungeon __P((FILE *, boolean)); void rw_id __P((struct id *, FILE *, int, boolean)); void rw_rooms __P((FILE *, boolean)); void s_con_mon __P((object *)); int same_col __P((int, int)); int same_row __P((int, int)); void save_game __P((void)); void save_into_file __P((const char *)); void save_screen __P((void)); void search __P((short, boolean)); boolean seek_gold __P((object *)); void sell_pack __P((void)); void sf_error __P((void)) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void show_average_hp __P((void)); void show_monsters __P((void)); void show_objects __P((void)); void show_traps __P((void)); void single_inv __P((short)); void sound_bell __P((void)); void special_hit __P((object *)); void srrandom __P((int)); void start_window __P((void)); void start_window __P((void)); void steal_gold __P((object *)); void steal_item __P((object *)); void sting __P((object *)); void stop_window __P((void)); void stop_window __P((void)); void take_a_nap __P((void)); void take_from_pack __P((object *, object *)); void take_off __P((void)); void tele __P((void)); void tele_away __P((object *)); void throw __P((void)); boolean throw_at_monster __P((object *, object *)); int to_hit __P((const object *)); short trap_at __P((int, int)); void trap_player __P((int, int)); boolean try_to_cough __P((short, short, object *)); void turn_passage __P((short, boolean)); void un_put_on __P((object *)); void unblind __P((void)); void unconfuse __P((void)); void uncurse_all __P((void)); void unhallucinate __P((void)); void unwear __P((object *)); void unwield __P((object *)); void vanish __P((object *, short, object *)); void visit_rooms __P((int)); void wait_for_ack __P((void)); void wake_room __P((short, boolean, short, short)); void wake_up __P((object *)); void wanderer __P((void)); void wdrain_life __P((object *)); void wear __P((void)); void wield __P((void)); void win __P((void)) __attribute__((__noreturn__)); void wizardize __P((void)); void write_pack __P((const object *, FILE *)); void write_string __P((char *, FILE *)); long xxx __P((boolean)); void xxxx __P((char *, short)); void zap_monster __P((object *, unsigned short)); void zapp __P((void)); object *add_to_pack __P((object *, object *, int)); struct id *get_id_table __P((const object *)); unsigned short gr_what_is __P((void)); extern boolean ask_quit; extern boolean being_held; extern boolean cant_int; extern boolean con_mon; extern boolean detect_monster; extern boolean did_int; extern boolean interrupted; extern boolean is_wood[]; extern boolean jump; extern boolean maintain_armor; extern boolean mon_disappeared; extern boolean msg_cleared; extern boolean no_skull; extern boolean passgo; extern boolean r_see_invisible; extern boolean r_teleport; extern boolean save_is_interactive; extern boolean score_only; extern boolean see_invisible; extern boolean sustain_strength; extern boolean trap_door; extern boolean wizard; extern char hit_message[]; extern char hunger_str[]; extern char login_name[]; extern const char *byebye_string; extern const char *curse_message; extern const char *error_file; extern char *fruit; extern const char *const m_names[]; extern const char *more; extern const char *new_level_message; extern char *nick_name; extern const char *press_space; extern char *save_file; extern const char *you_can_move_again; extern const long level_points[]; extern short add_strength; extern short auto_search; extern short bear_trap; extern short blind; extern short confused; extern short cur_level; extern short cur_room; extern short e_rings; extern short extra_hp; extern short foods; extern short halluc; extern short haste_self; extern short less_hp; extern short levitate; extern short m_moves; extern short max_level; extern short party_room; extern short r_rings; extern short regeneration; extern short ring_exp; extern short stealthy; extern gid_t gid; extern gid_t egid;