/* Header: them.c,v 86/12/12 17:05:41 lwall Exp */ /* Log: them.c,v * Revision 86/12/12 17:05:41 lwall * Baseline for net release. * * Revision 86/10/20 12:32:38 lwall * Wasn't clearing FRIENDLY flag on pirate creation. * * Revision 86/10/20 12:15:33 lwall * Was trying to create pirates from cloaked pirates. * * Revision 86/10/17 10:03:44 lwall * Fixed Romulan writing spaces while cloaked. * * Revision 86/10/16 10:53:39 lwall * Added Damage. Fixed random bugs. * * Revision 7.0 86/10/08 15:14:15 lwall * Split into separate files. Added amoebas and pirates. * */ #include "EXTERN.h" #include "warp.h" #include "bang.h" #include "object.h" #include "move.h" #include "score.h" #include "term.h" #include "us.h" #include "util.h" #include "weapon.h" #include "INTERN.h" #include "them.h" void them_init() { ; } void their_smarts() { Reg1 OBJECT *curkl; Reg2 OBJECT *obj; Reg3 int prob; Reg4 int count; Reg5 int y; Reg6 int x; if (numcrushes && (obj=movers)->type == Crusher) { if (numamoebas) { y = obj->posy; x = (obj->posx+(obj->image=='<'?1:-1)+XSIZE00)%XSIZE; if (amb[y][x] == '~') { obj->velx = 0; /* stop and munch amoeba */ modify_amoeba(y,x,1,' ',(int)rand_mod(5+ambsize/10)+1); if (occupant[y][x] == nuke) /* except go for nucleus */ obj->velx = (obj->image=='<' ? 1 : -1); } else if (!obj->velx) { if (!rand_mod(4)) obj->image = rand_mod(2) ? '<' : '>'; obj->velx = obj->image == '<' ? 1 : -1; } } obj->vely += (rand_mod(222) - 111) / 100; if (!(rand_mod(100))) { setimage(obj, (obj->velx *= -1) < 0 ? '>' : '<'); } } if (numamoebas) { if (!rand_mod(3)) nuke->velx = nuke->vely = 0; if (nuke->strategy && ambsize < 90 && !rand_mod(200-smarts)) modify_amoeba(0,0,0,'~',(int)rand_mod(10)); if (ambsize > 200 || (ambsize > 100 && !rand_mod(15))) modify_amoeba(yamblast,xamblast,2,' ',(ambsize-100)/5); } for (curkl = enemies; curkl->type == Enemy; curkl = curkl->next) { if ((curkl->flags & (CLOAKS|FRIENDLY)) == CLOAKS && (curkl->image != ' ') && (curkl->energy > 300 || massacre) ) { setimage(curkl, ' '); } if (madgorns) prob = 3; else if (curkl->vely || curkl->velx) prob = massacre?10:20; else if ((curkl->flags & (PIRATE|FRIENDLY)) == PIRATE) { /* pirates want to sit sometimes */ if (curkl->strategy) { if ((obj = lookimg(curkl->posy, curkl->posx, '@')) || (obj = lookimg(curkl->posy, curkl->posx, 'B')) ) { make_plink(obj->posy, obj->posx); if (!--curkl->strategy) { /* clock ran down */ if (obj->image == '@') { obj->image = '*'; numinhab--; if (obj->flags & STATIC) mvaddch(obj->posy+1,obj->posx*2,obj->image); if (curkl->energy < 20000) curkl->energy += 5000; } prob = 2; /* our work here is done */ } else if (obj->image == 'B') { btorp -= rand_mod(50); if (btorp < 0) btorp = 0; obj->energy -= rand_mod(500); if (obj->energy < 0) obj->energy = 0; prob = 10000; /* stay here */ } else prob = 10000; } else { /* it went away--go elsewhere */ prob = 4; curkl->strategy = 0; } } else if (lookimg(curkl->posy, curkl->posx, '@') || lookimg(curkl->posy, curkl->posx, 'B')) { curkl->strategy = rand_mod(15)+5; prob = 10000; } else prob = 4; } else if (curkl->image == 'M') { /* Mudd wants to sit sometimes */ if ((obj = lookimg(curkl->posy, curkl->posx, 'E')) || (obj = lookimg(curkl->posy, curkl->posx, 'B')) ) { if (obj->image == 'B') { btorp -= rand_mod(40); if (btorp < 0) btorp = 0; obj->energy -= rand_mod(100); if (obj->energy < 0) obj->energy = 0; } else if (!obj->vely && !obj->velx) { etorp -= rand_mod(10); if (etorp < 0) etorp = 0; obj->energy -= rand_mod(20); if (obj->energy < 0) obj->energy = 0; } prob = 10000; /* stay here */ } else /* it went away--go elsewhere */ prob = 4; } else if (curkl->flags & FRIENDLY) { if (curkl->energy < 10000 && lookimg(curkl->posy, curkl->posx, '@') ) { curkl->energy += 100; prob = 20; /* do some loading */ } else prob = 4; } else if (curkl->image == '&') { if (curkl->flags & COUNTDOWN) { if (curkl->strategy) curkl->strategy--; else curkl->flags &= ~COUNTDOWN; prob = 100; /* someone's feeding us, so sit still */ } else prob = 4; } else prob = 4; /* don't sit still too long */ count = 11; for (;;) { if (--count <= 0) /* no opening, just ram something */ break; #ifdef lint prob = prob; #endif if (!(rand_mod(prob))) /* turn randomly occasionally */ goto accell; y=(curkl->posy+curkl->vely+YSIZE00)%YSIZE; /* find prospective */ x=(curkl->posx+curkl->velx+XSIZE00)%XSIZE; /* new position */ if (numamoebas) { if (curkl == nuke) { if (amb[y][x] != '~') goto accell; /* never move nucleus from protoplasm */ } else { if (amb[y][x] == '~' && rand_mod(2)) { yamblast = y; xamblast = x; goto accell; } } } obj = occupant[y][x]; if (!obj) break; /* is anyone there? */ switch (obj->type) { case Star: if (obj->image == '@' && (curkl->flags & PIRATE)) { if (curkl->image != 'P' && curkl->image != ' ') { if (curkl->flags & FRIENDLY) { curkl->flags &= ~FRIENDLY; curkl->energy += 1000; possiblescore += curkl->mass; inumfriends--; numfriends--; inumenemies++; numenemies++; } curkl->image = 'P'; } break; /* go ahead and ram the star */ } goto accell; /* try not to ram stars */ case Torp: if (!obj->vely && !obj->velx && (rand_mod(100) <= smarts) && (obj->image == 'o' || obj->image == 'O' || obj->image == 'X')) goto accell; /* try not to ram "friendly" torps */ break; case Web: if (curkl->image != 'T') goto accell; /* non-Tholians shouldn't ram web */ if (count <= 5) break; /* Tholians retrace web if desperate */ if (obj->image == (curkl->vely? (curkl->velx? (curkl->velx==curkl->vely? '\\' : '/' ) : '|' ) : '-' ) ) goto accell; /* Tholians try not to retrace web */ break; /* No problem with crossing web */ } break; /* okay to move over object */ accell: /* determine maximum velocity */ if (massacre && curkl->image != 'T') { curkl->vely = rand_mod(7) - 3; curkl->velx = rand_mod(7) - 3; } else if (curkl->image == '&') { if (rand_mod(2)) { curkl->vely = rand_mod(3) - 1; curkl->velx = rand_mod(3) - 1; } else { curkl->vely = curkl->strategy & 3; if (curkl->vely & 2) curkl->vely = -1; curkl->velx = (curkl->strategy >> 2) & 3; if (curkl->velx & 2) curkl->velx = -1; } } else if (curkl->energy >= 2500 && curkl->image != 'T') { curkl->vely = rand_mod(5) - 2; curkl->velx = rand_mod(5) - 2; } else { curkl->vely = rand_mod(3) - 1; curkl->velx = rand_mod(3) - 1; } } if (count != 10) { if (curkl->image == ' ') { setimage(curkl, curkl->flags & PIRATE ? 'P' : 'R'); } if (!count) { curkl->vely = 0; curkl->velx = 0; } } if (curkl->image == 'G' && (base||ent) && !rand_mod((103-smarts)*10) ) { int xxx,yyy; for (xxx = -1; xxx<=1; xxx++) for (yyy = -1; yyy<=1; yyy++) if ((xxx||yyy) && rand_mod(2)) fire_torp(curkl,yyy,xxx); } else if (curkl->image == 'T' && (curkl->velx || curkl->vely)) { Make_object(Web, curkl->vely? (curkl->velx? (curkl->velx==curkl->vely? '\\' : '/' ) : '|' ) : '-', curkl->posy,curkl->posx,0,0,32767L,32767L,&root); if (obj && obj->type == Web) { unmake_object(obj); occupant[y][x] = Null(OBJECT*); } } } /* klingon-style fighting */ if (numamoebas) attack(nuke); attack(base); if (ent && (!cloaked || ent->image=='E' || ent->image=='e')) attack(ent); } void modify_amoeba(y,x,where,ch,quant) Reg1 int y; Reg2 int x; int where; Reg6 int ch; Reg7 int quant; { Reg3 int dy; Reg4 int dx; Reg5 int count = 15; if (!numamoebas) return; if (!where || (where==1 && rand_mod(2))) { y = nuke->posy; x = nuke->posx; } if (nuke->strategy && rand_mod(3)) { dy = nuke->strategy & 3; if (dy & 2) dy = -1; dx = (nuke->strategy >> 2) & 3; if (dx & 2) dx = -1; if (ch == ' ') { /* take from the tail */ dy = -dy; dx = -dx; } if (!rand_mod(100)) nuke->strategy = rand_mod(256); } else { dy = rand_mod(3) - 1; dx = rand_mod(3) - 1; } if (!dy && !dx) return; do { if (--count < 0) return; y = (y + dy + YSIZE00) % YSIZE; x = (x + dx + XSIZE00) % XSIZE; } while (amb[y][x] != ' '); if (ch == ' ') { y = (y - dy + YSIZE00) % YSIZE; x = (x - dx + XSIZE00) % XSIZE; } if (ambsize > 100 && quant > 2) { quant >>= (ambsize/100); } if ((nuke->energy += quant << 6) > 32767) nuke->energy = 32767; count = quant << 3; /* endless loop catcher */ while (count-- > 0 && quant > 0) { if (amb[y][x] != ch) { quant--; amb[y][x] = ch; if (ch == '~') { ambsize++; yblasted[y] |= 2; xblasted[x] |= 2; blasted = TRUE; } else ambsize--; if (!occupant[y][x]) mvaddch(y+1,x*2,ch); } y = (y + rand_mod(3) + YSIZE99) % YSIZE; x = (x + rand_mod(3) + XSIZE99) % XSIZE; } }