#include "configfile.h"
#include "html.h"
#include "ui-shared.h"
+#include "ui-stats.h"
+#include "scan-tree.h"
const char *cgit_version = CGIT_VERSION;
+void add_mimetype(const char *name, const char *value)
+ struct string_list_item *item;
+ item = string_list_insert(xstrdup(name), &ctx.cfg.mimetypes);
+ item->util = xstrdup(value);
+struct cgit_filter *new_filter(const char *cmd, int extra_args)
+ struct cgit_filter *f;
+ if (!cmd || !cmd[0])
+ return NULL;
+ f = xmalloc(sizeof(struct cgit_filter));
+ f->cmd = xstrdup(cmd);
+ f->argv = xmalloc((2 + extra_args) * sizeof(char *));
+ f->argv[0] = f->cmd;
+ f->argv[1] = NULL;
+ return f;
+static void process_cached_repolist(const char *path);
+void repo_config(struct cgit_repo *repo, const char *name, const char *value)
+ if (!strcmp(name, "name"))
+ repo->name = xstrdup(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "clone-url"))
+ repo->clone_url = xstrdup(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "desc"))
+ repo->desc = xstrdup(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "owner"))
+ repo->owner = xstrdup(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "defbranch"))
+ repo->defbranch = xstrdup(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "snapshots"))
+ repo->snapshots = ctx.cfg.snapshots & cgit_parse_snapshots_mask(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-log-filecount"))
+ repo->enable_log_filecount = ctx.cfg.enable_log_filecount * atoi(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-log-linecount"))
+ repo->enable_log_linecount = ctx.cfg.enable_log_linecount * atoi(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "max-stats"))
+ repo->max_stats = cgit_find_stats_period(value, NULL);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "module-link"))
+ repo->module_link= xstrdup(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "section"))
+ repo->section = xstrdup(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "readme") && value != NULL) {
+ if (*value == '/')
+ repo->readme = xstrdup(value);
+ else
+ repo->readme = xstrdup(fmt("%s/%s", repo->path, value));
+ } else if (ctx.cfg.enable_filter_overrides) {
+ if (!strcmp(name, "about-filter"))
+ repo->about_filter = new_filter(value, 0);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "commit-filter"))
+ repo->commit_filter = new_filter(value, 0);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "source-filter"))
+ repo->source_filter = new_filter(value, 1);
+ }
void config_cb(const char *name, const char *value)
- if (!strcmp(name, "root-title"))
+ if (!strcmp(name, "section") || !strcmp(name, "repo.group"))
+ ctx.cfg.section = xstrdup(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "repo.url"))
+ ctx.repo = cgit_add_repo(value);
+ else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.path"))
+ ctx.repo->path = trim_end(value, '/');
+ else if (ctx.repo && !prefixcmp(name, "repo."))
+ repo_config(ctx.repo, name + 5, value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "root-title"))
ctx.cfg.root_title = xstrdup(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "root-desc"))
ctx.cfg.root_desc = xstrdup(value);
ctx.cfg.root_readme = xstrdup(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "css"))
ctx.cfg.css = xstrdup(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "favicon"))
+ ctx.cfg.favicon = xstrdup(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "footer"))
+ ctx.cfg.footer = xstrdup(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "head-include"))
+ ctx.cfg.head_include = xstrdup(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "header"))
+ ctx.cfg.header = xstrdup(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "logo"))
ctx.cfg.logo = xstrdup(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "index-header"))
ctx.cfg.virtual_root = "";
} else if (!strcmp(name, "nocache"))
ctx.cfg.nocache = atoi(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "noplainemail"))
+ ctx.cfg.noplainemail = atoi(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "noheader"))
+ ctx.cfg.noheader = atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "snapshots"))
ctx.cfg.snapshots = cgit_parse_snapshots_mask(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-filter-overrides"))
+ ctx.cfg.enable_filter_overrides = atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-index-links"))
ctx.cfg.enable_index_links = atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-log-filecount"))
ctx.cfg.enable_log_filecount = atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-log-linecount"))
ctx.cfg.enable_log_linecount = atoi(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "enable-tree-linenumbers"))
+ ctx.cfg.enable_tree_linenumbers = atoi(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "max-stats"))
+ ctx.cfg.max_stats = cgit_find_stats_period(value, NULL);
else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-size"))
ctx.cfg.cache_size = atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-root"))
ctx.cfg.cache_root_ttl = atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-repo-ttl"))
ctx.cfg.cache_repo_ttl = atoi(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-scanrc-ttl"))
+ ctx.cfg.cache_scanrc_ttl = atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-static-ttl"))
ctx.cfg.cache_static_ttl = atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "cache-dynamic-ttl"))
ctx.cfg.cache_dynamic_ttl = atoi(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "about-filter"))
+ ctx.cfg.about_filter = new_filter(value, 0);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "commit-filter"))
+ ctx.cfg.commit_filter = new_filter(value, 0);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "embedded"))
+ ctx.cfg.embedded = atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "max-message-length"))
ctx.cfg.max_msg_len = atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "max-repodesc-length"))
ctx.cfg.max_repodesc_len = atoi(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "max-repo-count"))
+ ctx.cfg.max_repo_count = atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "max-commit-count"))
ctx.cfg.max_commit_count = atoi(value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "scan-path"))
+ if (!ctx.cfg.nocache && ctx.cfg.cache_size)
+ process_cached_repolist(value);
+ else
+ scan_tree(value, repo_config);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "source-filter"))
+ ctx.cfg.source_filter = new_filter(value, 1);
else if (!strcmp(name, "summary-log"))
ctx.cfg.summary_log = atoi(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "summary-branches"))
ctx.cfg.robots = xstrdup(value);
else if (!strcmp(name, "clone-prefix"))
ctx.cfg.clone_prefix = xstrdup(value);
- else if (!strcmp(name, "repo.group"))
- ctx.cfg.repo_group = xstrdup(value);
- else if (!strcmp(name, "repo.url"))
- ctx.repo = cgit_add_repo(value);
- else if (!strcmp(name, "repo.name"))
- ctx.repo->name = xstrdup(value);
- else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.path"))
- ctx.repo->path = trim_end(value, '/');
- else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.clone-url"))
- ctx.repo->clone_url = xstrdup(value);
- else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.desc"))
- ctx.repo->desc = xstrdup(value);
- else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.owner"))
- ctx.repo->owner = xstrdup(value);
- else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.defbranch"))
- ctx.repo->defbranch = xstrdup(value);
- else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.snapshots"))
- ctx.repo->snapshots = ctx.cfg.snapshots & cgit_parse_snapshots_mask(value); /* XXX: &? */
- else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.enable-log-filecount"))
- ctx.repo->enable_log_filecount = ctx.cfg.enable_log_filecount * atoi(value);
- else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.enable-log-linecount"))
- ctx.repo->enable_log_linecount = ctx.cfg.enable_log_linecount * atoi(value);
- else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.module-link"))
- ctx.repo->module_link= xstrdup(value);
- else if (ctx.repo && !strcmp(name, "repo.readme") && value != NULL) {
- if (*value == '/')
- ctx.repo->readme = xstrdup(value);
- else
- ctx.repo->readme = xstrdup(fmt("%s/%s", ctx.repo->path, value));
- } else if (!strcmp(name, "include"))
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "local-time"))
+ ctx.cfg.local_time = atoi(value);
+ else if (!prefixcmp(name, "mimetype."))
+ add_mimetype(name + 9, value);
+ else if (!strcmp(name, "include"))
parse_configfile(value, config_cb);
static void querystring_cb(const char *name, const char *value)
+ if (!value)
+ value = "";
if (!strcmp(name,"r")) {
ctx.qry.repo = xstrdup(value);
ctx.repo = cgit_get_repoinfo(value);
} else if (!strcmp(name, "p")) {
ctx.qry.page = xstrdup(value);
} else if (!strcmp(name, "url")) {
+ if (*value == '/')
+ value++;
+ ctx.qry.url = xstrdup(value);
} else if (!strcmp(name, "qt")) {
ctx.qry.grep = xstrdup(value);
ctx.qry.path = trim_end(value, '/');
} else if (!strcmp(name, "name")) {
ctx.qry.name = xstrdup(value);
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "mimetype")) {
+ ctx.qry.mimetype = xstrdup(value);
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "s")){
+ ctx.qry.sort = xstrdup(value);
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "showmsg")) {
+ ctx.qry.showmsg = atoi(value);
+ } else if (!strcmp(name, "period")) {
+ ctx.qry.period = xstrdup(value);
+char *xstrdupn(const char *str)
+ return (str ? xstrdup(str) : NULL);
static void prepare_context(struct cgit_context *ctx)
memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx));
ctx->cfg.cache_repo_ttl = 5;
ctx->cfg.cache_root = CGIT_CACHE_ROOT;
ctx->cfg.cache_root_ttl = 5;
+ ctx->cfg.cache_scanrc_ttl = 15;
ctx->cfg.cache_static_ttl = -1;
ctx->cfg.css = "/cgit.css";
- ctx->cfg.logo = "/git-logo.png";
+ ctx->cfg.logo = "/cgit.png";
+ ctx->cfg.local_time = 0;
+ ctx->cfg.enable_tree_linenumbers = 1;
+ ctx->cfg.max_repo_count = 50;
ctx->cfg.max_commit_count = 50;
ctx->cfg.max_lock_attempts = 5;
- ctx->cfg.max_msg_len = 60;
- ctx->cfg.max_repodesc_len = 60;
+ ctx->cfg.max_msg_len = 80;
+ ctx->cfg.max_repodesc_len = 80;
+ ctx->cfg.max_stats = 0;
ctx->cfg.module_link = "./?repo=%s&page=commit&id=%s";
ctx->cfg.renamelimit = -1;
ctx->cfg.robots = "index, nofollow";
ctx->cfg.root_title = "Git repository browser";
ctx->cfg.root_desc = "a fast webinterface for the git dscm";
ctx->cfg.script_name = CGIT_SCRIPT_NAME;
+ ctx->cfg.section = "";
+ ctx->cfg.summary_branches = 10;
+ ctx->cfg.summary_log = 10;
+ ctx->cfg.summary_tags = 10;
+ ctx->env.cgit_config = xstrdupn(getenv("CGIT_CONFIG"));
+ ctx->env.http_host = xstrdupn(getenv("HTTP_HOST"));
+ ctx->env.https = xstrdupn(getenv("HTTPS"));
+ ctx->env.no_http = xstrdupn(getenv("NO_HTTP"));
+ ctx->env.path_info = xstrdupn(getenv("PATH_INFO"));
+ ctx->env.query_string = xstrdupn(getenv("QUERY_STRING"));
+ ctx->env.request_method = xstrdupn(getenv("REQUEST_METHOD"));
+ ctx->env.script_name = xstrdupn(getenv("SCRIPT_NAME"));
+ ctx->env.server_name = xstrdupn(getenv("SERVER_NAME"));
+ ctx->env.server_port = xstrdupn(getenv("SERVER_PORT"));
ctx->page.mimetype = "text/html";
ctx->page.charset = PAGE_ENCODING;
ctx->page.filename = NULL;
+ ctx->page.size = 0;
ctx->page.modified = time(NULL);
ctx->page.expires = ctx->page.modified;
+ ctx->page.etag = NULL;
+ memset(&ctx->cfg.mimetypes, 0, sizeof(struct string_list));
+ if (ctx->env.script_name)
+ ctx->cfg.script_name = ctx->env.script_name;
+ if (ctx->env.query_string)
+ ctx->qry.raw = ctx->env.query_string;
+ if (!ctx->env.cgit_config)
+ ctx->env.cgit_config = CGIT_CONFIG;
struct refmatch {
char *find_default_branch(struct cgit_repo *repo)
struct refmatch info;
+ char *ref;
info.req_ref = repo->defbranch;
info.first_ref = NULL;
info.match = 0;
for_each_branch_ref(find_current_ref, &info);
if (info.match)
- return info.req_ref;
+ ref = info.req_ref;
- return info.first_ref;
+ ref = info.first_ref;
+ if (ref)
+ ref = xstrdup(ref);
+ return ref;
static int prepare_repo_cmd(struct cgit_context *ctx)
ctx->page.title = fmt("%s - %s", ctx->repo->name, ctx->repo->desc);
if (!ctx->qry.head) {
- ctx->qry.head = xstrdup(find_default_branch(ctx->repo));
+ ctx->qry.nohead = 1;
+ ctx->qry.head = find_default_branch(ctx->repo);
ctx->repo->defbranch = ctx->qry.head;
if (get_sha1(ctx->qry.head, sha1)) {
tmp = xstrdup(ctx->qry.head);
ctx->qry.head = ctx->repo->defbranch;
+ ctx->page.status = 404;
+ ctx->page.statusmsg = "not found";
cmd = cgit_get_cmd(ctx);
if (!cmd) {
ctx->page.title = "cgit error";
- ctx->repo = NULL;
+int cmp_repos(const void *a, const void *b)
+ const struct cgit_repo *ra = a, *rb = b;
+ return strcmp(ra->url, rb->url);
+char *build_snapshot_setting(int bitmap)
+ const struct cgit_snapshot_format *f;
+ char *result = xstrdup("");
+ char *tmp;
+ int len;
+ for (f = cgit_snapshot_formats; f->suffix; f++) {
+ if (f->bit & bitmap) {
+ tmp = result;
+ result = xstrdup(fmt("%s%s ", tmp, f->suffix));
+ free(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ len = strlen(result);
+ if (len)
+ result[len - 1] = '\0';
+ return result;
+char *get_first_line(char *txt)
+ char *t = xstrdup(txt);
+ char *p = strchr(t, '\n');
+ if (p)
+ *p = '\0';
+ return t;
+void print_repo(FILE *f, struct cgit_repo *repo)
+ fprintf(f, "repo.url=%s\n", repo->url);
+ fprintf(f, "repo.name=%s\n", repo->name);
+ fprintf(f, "repo.path=%s\n", repo->path);
+ if (repo->owner)
+ fprintf(f, "repo.owner=%s\n", repo->owner);
+ if (repo->desc) {
+ char *tmp = get_first_line(repo->desc);
+ fprintf(f, "repo.desc=%s\n", tmp);
+ free(tmp);
+ }
+ if (repo->readme)
+ fprintf(f, "repo.readme=%s\n", repo->readme);
+ if (repo->defbranch)
+ fprintf(f, "repo.defbranch=%s\n", repo->defbranch);
+ if (repo->module_link)
+ fprintf(f, "repo.module-link=%s\n", repo->module_link);
+ if (repo->section)
+ fprintf(f, "repo.section=%s\n", repo->section);
+ if (repo->clone_url)
+ fprintf(f, "repo.clone-url=%s\n", repo->clone_url);
+ fprintf(f, "repo.enable-log-filecount=%d\n",
+ repo->enable_log_filecount);
+ fprintf(f, "repo.enable-log-linecount=%d\n",
+ repo->enable_log_linecount);
+ if (repo->about_filter && repo->about_filter != ctx.cfg.about_filter)
+ fprintf(f, "repo.about-filter=%s\n", repo->about_filter->cmd);
+ if (repo->commit_filter && repo->commit_filter != ctx.cfg.commit_filter)
+ fprintf(f, "repo.commit-filter=%s\n", repo->commit_filter->cmd);
+ if (repo->source_filter && repo->source_filter != ctx.cfg.source_filter)
+ fprintf(f, "repo.source-filter=%s\n", repo->source_filter->cmd);
+ if (repo->snapshots != ctx.cfg.snapshots) {
+ char *tmp = build_snapshot_setting(repo->snapshots);
+ fprintf(f, "repo.snapshots=%s\n", tmp);
+ free(tmp);
+ }
+ if (repo->max_stats != ctx.cfg.max_stats)
+ fprintf(f, "repo.max-stats=%s\n",
+ cgit_find_stats_periodname(repo->max_stats));
+ fprintf(f, "\n");
+void print_repolist(FILE *f, struct cgit_repolist *list, int start)
+ int i;
+ for(i = start; i < list->count; i++)
+ print_repo(f, &list->repos[i]);
+/* Scan 'path' for git repositories, save the resulting repolist in 'cached_rc'
+ * and return 0 on success.
+ */
+static int generate_cached_repolist(const char *path, const char *cached_rc)
+ char *locked_rc;
+ int idx;
+ FILE *f;
+ locked_rc = xstrdup(fmt("%s.lock", cached_rc));
+ f = fopen(locked_rc, "wx");
+ if (!f) {
+ /* Inform about the error unless the lockfile already existed,
+ * since that only means we've got concurrent requests.
+ */
+ if (errno != EEXIST)
+ fprintf(stderr, "[cgit] Error opening %s: %s (%d)\n",
+ locked_rc, strerror(errno), errno);
+ return errno;
+ }
+ idx = cgit_repolist.count;
+ scan_tree(path, repo_config);
+ print_repolist(f, &cgit_repolist, idx);
+ if (rename(locked_rc, cached_rc))
+ fprintf(stderr, "[cgit] Error renaming %s to %s: %s (%d)\n",
+ locked_rc, cached_rc, strerror(errno), errno);
+ fclose(f);
+ return 0;
+static void process_cached_repolist(const char *path)
+ struct stat st;
+ char *cached_rc;
+ time_t age;
+ cached_rc = xstrdup(fmt("%s/rc-%8x", ctx.cfg.cache_root,
+ hash_str(path)));
+ if (stat(cached_rc, &st)) {
+ /* Nothing is cached, we need to scan without forking. And
+ * if we fail to generate a cached repolist, we need to
+ * invoke scan_tree manually.
+ */
+ if (generate_cached_repolist(path, cached_rc))
+ scan_tree(path, repo_config);
+ return;
+ }
+ parse_configfile(cached_rc, config_cb);
+ /* If the cached configfile hasn't expired, lets exit now */
+ age = time(NULL) - st.st_mtime;
+ if (age <= (ctx.cfg.cache_scanrc_ttl * 60))
+ return;
+ /* The cached repolist has been parsed, but it was old. So lets
+ * rescan the specified path and generate a new cached repolist
+ * in a child-process to avoid latency for the current request.
+ */
+ if (fork())
+ return;
+ exit(generate_cached_repolist(path, cached_rc));
static void cgit_parse_args(int argc, const char **argv)
int i;
+ int scan = 0;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--cache=", 8)) {
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--nocache")) {
ctx.cfg.nocache = 1;
+ if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--nohttp")) {
+ ctx.env.no_http = "1";
+ }
if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--query=", 8)) {
ctx.qry.raw = xstrdup(argv[i]+8);
if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--ofs=", 6)) {
ctx.qry.ofs = atoi(argv[i]+6);
+ if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--scan-tree=", 12) ||
+ !strncmp(argv[i], "--scan-path=", 12)) {
+ /* HACK: the global snapshot bitmask defines the
+ * set of allowed snapshot formats, but the config
+ * file hasn't been parsed yet so the mask is
+ * currently 0. By setting all bits high before
+ * scanning we make sure that any in-repo cgitrc
+ * snapshot setting is respected by scan_tree().
+ * BTW: we assume that there'll never be more than
+ * 255 different snapshot formats supported by cgit...
+ */
+ ctx.cfg.snapshots = 0xFF;
+ scan++;
+ scan_tree(argv[i] + 12, repo_config);
+ }
+ }
+ if (scan) {
+ qsort(cgit_repolist.repos, cgit_repolist.count,
+ sizeof(struct cgit_repo), cmp_repos);
+ print_repolist(stdout, &cgit_repolist, 0);
+ exit(0);
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
- const char *cgit_config_env = getenv("CGIT_CONFIG");
+ const char *path;
+ char *qry;
int err, ttl;
cgit_repolist.count = 0;
cgit_repolist.repos = NULL;
- parse_configfile(cgit_config_env ? cgit_config_env : CGIT_CONFIG,
- config_cb);
- ctx.repo = NULL;
- if (getenv("SCRIPT_NAME"))
- ctx.cfg.script_name = xstrdup(getenv("SCRIPT_NAME"));
- if (getenv("QUERY_STRING"))
- ctx.qry.raw = xstrdup(getenv("QUERY_STRING"));
cgit_parse_args(argc, argv);
+ parse_configfile(ctx.env.cgit_config, config_cb);
+ ctx.repo = NULL;
http_parse_querystring(ctx.qry.raw, querystring_cb);
+ /* If virtual-root isn't specified in cgitrc, lets pretend
+ * that virtual-root equals SCRIPT_NAME.
+ */
+ if (!ctx.cfg.virtual_root)
+ ctx.cfg.virtual_root = ctx.cfg.script_name;
+ /* If no url parameter is specified on the querystring, lets
+ * use PATH_INFO as url. This allows cgit to work with virtual
+ * urls without the need for rewriterules in the webserver (as
+ * long as PATH_INFO is included in the cache lookup key).
+ */
+ path = ctx.env.path_info;
+ if (!ctx.qry.url && path) {
+ if (path[0] == '/')
+ path++;
+ ctx.qry.url = xstrdup(path);
+ if (ctx.qry.raw) {
+ qry = ctx.qry.raw;
+ ctx.qry.raw = xstrdup(fmt("%s?%s", path, qry));
+ free(qry);
+ } else
+ ctx.qry.raw = xstrdup(ctx.qry.url);
+ cgit_parse_url(ctx.qry.url);
+ }
ttl = calc_ttl();
ctx.page.expires += ttl*60;
+ if (ctx.env.request_method && !strcmp(ctx.env.request_method, "HEAD"))
+ ctx.cfg.nocache = 1;
if (ctx.cfg.nocache)
ctx.cfg.cache_size = 0;
err = cache_process(ctx.cfg.cache_size, ctx.cfg.cache_root,
ctx.qry.raw, ttl, process_request, &ctx);
if (err)
- cache_log("[cgit] error %d - %s\n",
- err, strerror(err));
+ cgit_print_error(fmt("Error processing page: %s (%d)",
+ strerror(err), err));
return err;