+html_man(void *arg, const struct man *man)
+ struct mhtml mh;
+ memset(&mh, 0, sizeof(struct mhtml));
+ print_man(man_meta(man), man_node(man), &mh, (struct html *)arg);
+ putchar('\n');
+static void
+ struct tag *t, *tt;
+ struct htmlpair tag;
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag, "mandoc");
+ if ( ! (HTML_FRAGMENT & h->oflags)) {
+ print_gen_decls(h);
+ t = print_otag(h, TAG_HTML, 0, NULL);
+ tt = print_otag(h, TAG_HEAD, 0, NULL);
+ print_man_head(man, n, mh, h);
+ print_tagq(h, tt);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_BODY, 0, NULL);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 1, &tag);
+ } else
+ t = print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 1, &tag);
+ print_man_nodelist(man, n, mh, h);
+ print_tagq(h, t);
+static void
+ print_gen_head(h);
+ assert(man->title);
+ assert(man->msec);
+ bufcat_fmt(h, "%s(%s)", man->title, man->msec);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_TITLE, 0, NULL);
+ print_text(h, h->buf);
+static void
+ print_man_node(man, n, mh, h);
+ if (n->next)
+ print_man_nodelist(man, n->next, mh, h);
+static void
+ int child;
+ struct tag *t;
+ child = 1;
+ t = h->tags.head;
+ switch (n->type) {
+ case MAN_ROOT:
+ man_root_pre(man, n, mh, h);
+ break;
+ case MAN_TEXT:
+ /*
+ * If we have a blank line, output a vertical space.
+ * If we have a space as the first character, break
+ * before printing the line's data.
+ */
+ if ('\0' == *n->string) {
+ print_otag(h, TAG_P, 0, NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (' ' == *n->string && MAN_LINE & n->flags)
+ print_otag(h, TAG_BR, 0, NULL);
+ else if (MANH_LITERAL & mh->fl && n->prev)
+ print_otag(h, TAG_BR, 0, NULL);
+ print_text(h, n->string);
+ return;
+ case MAN_EQN:
+ print_eqn(h, n->eqn);
+ break;
+ case MAN_TBL:
+ /*
+ * This will take care of initialising all of the table
+ * state data for the first table, then tearing it down
+ * for the last one.
+ */
+ print_tbl(h, n->span);
+ return;
+ default:
+ /*
+ * Close out scope of font prior to opening a macro
+ * scope.
+ */
+ if (HTMLFONT_NONE != h->metac) {
+ h->metal = h->metac;
+ h->metac = HTMLFONT_NONE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Close out the current table, if it's open, and unset
+ * the "meta" table state. This will be reopened on the
+ * next table element.
+ */
+ if (h->tblt) {
+ print_tblclose(h);
+ t = h->tags.head;
+ }
+ if (mans[n->tok].pre)
+ child = (*mans[n->tok].pre)(man, n, mh, h);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (child && n->child)
+ print_man_nodelist(man, n->child, mh, h);
+ /* This will automatically close out any font scope. */
+ print_stagq(h, t);
+ switch (n->type) {
+ case MAN_ROOT:
+ man_root_post(man, n, mh, h);
+ break;
+ case MAN_EQN:
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (mans[n->tok].post)
+ (*mans[n->tok].post)(man, n, mh, h);
+ break;
+ }
+static int
+a2width(const struct man_node *n, struct roffsu *su)
+ if (MAN_TEXT != n->type)
+ return(0);
+ if (a2roffsu(n->string, su, SCALE_BU))
+ return(1);
+ return(0);
+static void
+ struct htmlpair tag[3];
+ struct tag *t, *tt;
+ char *title;
+ assert(man->title);
+ assert(man->msec);
+ mandoc_asprintf(&title, "%s(%s)", man->title, man->msec);
+ PAIR_SUMMARY_INIT(&tag[0], "Document Header");
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[1], "head");
+ PAIR_INIT(&tag[2], ATTR_WIDTH, "100%");
+ t = print_otag(h, TAG_TABLE, 3, tag);
+ PAIR_INIT(&tag[0], ATTR_WIDTH, "30%");
+ print_otag(h, TAG_COL, 1, tag);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_COL, 1, tag);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_COL, 1, tag);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_TBODY, 0, NULL);
+ tt = print_otag(h, TAG_TR, 0, NULL);
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[0], "head-ltitle");
+ print_otag(h, TAG_TD, 1, tag);
+ print_text(h, title);
+ print_stagq(h, tt);
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[0], "head-vol");
+ PAIR_INIT(&tag[1], ATTR_ALIGN, "center");
+ print_otag(h, TAG_TD, 2, tag);
+ if (NULL != man->vol)
+ print_text(h, man->vol);
+ print_stagq(h, tt);
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[0], "head-rtitle");
+ PAIR_INIT(&tag[1], ATTR_ALIGN, "right");
+ print_otag(h, TAG_TD, 2, tag);
+ print_text(h, title);
+ print_tagq(h, t);
+ free(title);
+static void
+ struct htmlpair tag[3];
+ struct tag *t, *tt;
+ PAIR_SUMMARY_INIT(&tag[0], "Document Footer");
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[1], "foot");
+ PAIR_INIT(&tag[2], ATTR_WIDTH, "100%");
+ t = print_otag(h, TAG_TABLE, 3, tag);
+ PAIR_INIT(&tag[0], ATTR_WIDTH, "50%");
+ print_otag(h, TAG_COL, 1, tag);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_COL, 1, tag);
+ tt = print_otag(h, TAG_TR, 0, NULL);
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[0], "foot-date");
+ print_otag(h, TAG_TD, 1, tag);
+ assert(man->date);
+ print_text(h, man->date);
+ print_stagq(h, tt);
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[0], "foot-os");
+ PAIR_INIT(&tag[1], ATTR_ALIGN, "right");
+ print_otag(h, TAG_TD, 2, tag);
+ if (man->source)
+ print_text(h, man->source);
+ print_tagq(h, t);
+static int