- Many back-end fixes have been implemented: argument handling (quoting), <A
- HREF="man.7.html">man</A> improvements, error/warning classes, and many more.
- </P>
- <P>
- Initial <A HREF="tbl.7.html">tbl</A> functionality (see the <Q>TS</Q>, <Q>TE</Q>, and
- <Q>T&</Q> macros in the <A HREF="roff.7.html#x5c265453">roff</A> manual) has been
- merged from <A CLASS="external" HREF="http://tbl.bsd.lv">tbl.bsd.lv</A>. Output is
- still minimal, especially for <SPAN CLASS="flag">-Thtml</SPAN> and <SPAN
- CLASS="flag">-Txhtml</SPAN>, but manages to at least display data. This means that <A
- HREF="mandoc.1.html">mandoc</A> now has built-in support for two troff preprocessors via
- <DEL>libroff</DEL>: soelim and tbl.
+ Corrected some installation issues in version 1.11.1.
+ Further migration to <A HREF="mandoc.3.html">libmandoc</A>.
+ Initial public release (this utility is very much under development) of <A HREF="makewhatis.1.html">makewhatis</A>,
+ initially named mandoc-db.
+ This utility produces keyword databases of manual content
+ <A HREF="http://mdocml.bsd.lv/mandoc-cgi/index.html">mandoc-cgi</A>, which features semantic querying of manual content.