+ struct html *h;
+ struct tag *t;
+ h = (struct html *)arg;
+ print_gen_doctype(h);
+ t = print_otag(h, TAG_HTML, 0, NULL);
+ print_man(man_meta(m), man_node(m), h);
+ print_tagq(h, t);
+ printf("\n");
+static void
+ struct tag *t;
+ struct htmlpair tag;
+ t = print_otag(h, TAG_HEAD, 0, NULL);
+ print_man_head(m, n, h);
+ print_tagq(h, t);
+ t = print_otag(h, TAG_BODY, 0, NULL);
+ tag.key = ATTR_CLASS;
+ tag.val = "body";
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 1, &tag);
+ print_man_nodelist(m, n, h);
+ print_tagq(h, t);
+static void
+ print_gen_head(h);
+ bufinit(h);
+ buffmt(h, "%s(%d)", m->title, m->msec);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_TITLE, 0, NULL);
+ print_text(h, h->buf);
+static void
+ print_man_node(m, n, h);
+ if (n->next)
+ print_man_nodelist(m, n->next, h);
+static void
+ int child;
+ struct tag *t;
+ child = 1;
+ t = SLIST_FIRST(&h->tags);
+ bufinit(h);
+ switch (n->type) {
+ case (MAN_ROOT):
+ child = man_root_pre(m, n, h);
+ break;
+ case (MAN_TEXT):
+ print_text(h, n->string);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (mans[n->tok].pre)
+ child = (*mans[n->tok].pre)(m, n, h);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (child && n->child)
+ print_man_nodelist(m, n->child, h);
+ print_stagq(h, t);
+ bufinit(h);
+ switch (n->type) {
+ case (MAN_ROOT):
+ man_root_post(m, n, h);
+ break;
+ case (MAN_TEXT):
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (mans[n->tok].post)
+ (*mans[n->tok].post)(m, n, h);
+ break;
+ }
+static int
+a2width(const struct man_node *n, struct roffsu *su)
+ if (MAN_TEXT != n->type)
+ return(0);
+ if (a2roffsu(n->string, su))
+ return(1);
+ return(0);
+static int
+ struct htmlpair tag[2];
+ struct tag *t, *tt;
+ char b[BUFSIZ], title[BUFSIZ];
+ b[0] = 0;
+ if (m->vol)
+ (void)strlcat(b, m->vol, BUFSIZ);
+ (void)snprintf(title, BUFSIZ - 1,
+ "%s(%d)", m->title, m->msec);
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[0], "header");
+ bufcat_style(h, "width", "100%");
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag[1], h);
+ t = print_otag(h, TAG_TABLE, 2, tag);
+ tt = print_otag(h, TAG_TR, 0, NULL);
+ bufinit(h);
+ bufcat_style(h, "width", "10%");
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag[0], h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_TD, 1, tag);
+ print_text(h, title);
+ print_stagq(h, tt);
+ bufinit(h);
+ bufcat_style(h, "width", "80%");
+ bufcat_style(h, "white-space", "nowrap");
+ bufcat_style(h, "text-align", "center");
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag[0], h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_TD, 1, tag);
+ print_text(h, b);
+ print_stagq(h, tt);
+ bufinit(h);
+ bufcat_style(h, "width", "10%");
+ bufcat_style(h, "text-align", "right");
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag[0], h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_TD, 1, tag);
+ print_text(h, title);
+ print_tagq(h, t);
+ return(1);
+static void
+ struct tm tm;
+ struct htmlpair tag[2];
+ struct tag *t, *tt;
+ char b[BUFSIZ];
+ (void)localtime_r(&m->date, &tm);
+ if (0 == strftime(b, BUFSIZ - 1, "%B %e, %Y", &tm))
+ err(EXIT_FAILURE, "strftime");
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[0], "footer");
+ bufcat_style(h, "width", "100%");
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag[1], h);
+ t = print_otag(h, TAG_TABLE, 2, tag);
+ tt = print_otag(h, TAG_TR, 0, NULL);
+ bufinit(h);
+ bufcat_style(h, "width", "50%");
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag[0], h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_TD, 1, tag);
+ print_text(h, b);
+ print_stagq(h, tt);
+ bufinit(h);
+ bufcat_style(h, "width", "50%");
+ bufcat_style(h, "text-align", "right");
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag[0], h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_TD, 1, tag);
+ if (m->source)
+ print_text(h, m->source);
+ print_tagq(h, t);
+static int
+ struct roffsu su;
+ struct htmlpair tag;
+ SCALE_VS_INIT(&su, 1);
+ if (MAN_sp == n->tok) {
+ su.scale = 1;
+ if (n->child)
+ a2roffsu(n->child->string, &su);
+ } else if (MAN_br == n->tok)
+ su.scale = 0;
+ bufcat_su(h, "height", &su);
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag, h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 1, &tag);
+ return(0);
+static int
+ struct htmlpair tag[2];
+ struct roffsu su;
+ if (MAN_BODY == n->type) {
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-left", &su);
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[0], "sec-body");
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag[1], h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 2, tag);
+ return(1);
+ } else if (MAN_BLOCK == n->type) {
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[0], "sec-block");
+ if (n->prev && MAN_SH == n->prev->tok)
+ if (NULL == n->prev->body->child) {
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 1, tag);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ SCALE_VS_INIT(&su, 1);
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-top", &su);
+ if (NULL == n->next)
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-bottom", &su);
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag[1], h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 2, tag);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[0], "sec-head");
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 1, tag);
+ return(1);
+static int
+ const struct man_node *nn;
+ struct tag *t;
+ int i;
+ struct htmlpair tagi, tagb, *tagp;
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tagi, "italic");
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tagb, "bold");
+ for (i = 0, nn = n->child; nn; nn = nn->next, i++) {
+ switch (n->tok) {
+ case (MAN_BI):
+ tagp = i % 2 ? &tagi : &tagb;
+ break;
+ case (MAN_IB):
+ tagp = i % 2 ? &tagb : &tagi;
+ break;
+ case (MAN_RI):
+ tagp = i % 2 ? &tagi : NULL;
+ break;
+ case (MAN_IR):
+ tagp = i % 2 ? NULL : &tagi;
+ break;
+ case (MAN_BR):
+ tagp = i % 2 ? NULL : &tagb;
+ break;
+ case (MAN_RB):
+ tagp = i % 2 ? &tagb : NULL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (i)
+ h->flags |= HTML_NOSPACE;
+ if (tagp) {
+ t = print_otag(h, TAG_SPAN, 1, tagp);
+ print_man_node(m, nn, h);
+ print_tagq(h, t);
+ } else
+ print_man_node(m, nn, h);
+ }
+ return(0);
+static int
+ struct htmlpair tag;
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag, "small bold");
+ print_otag(h, TAG_SPAN, 1, &tag);
+ return(1);
+static int
+ struct htmlpair tag;
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag, "small");
+ print_otag(h, TAG_SPAN, 1, &tag);
+ return(1);
+static int
+ struct htmlpair tag[3];
+ struct roffsu su;
+ SCALE_VS_INIT(&su, 1);
+ if (MAN_BODY == n->type) {
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[0], "ssec-body");
+ if (n->parent->next && n->child) {
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-bottom", &su);
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag[1], h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 2, tag);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 1, tag);
+ return(1);
+ } else if (MAN_BLOCK == n->type) {
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[0], "ssec-block");
+ if (n->prev && MAN_SS == n->prev->tok)
+ if (n->prev->body->child) {
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-top", &su);
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag[1], h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 2, tag);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 1, tag);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-left", &su);
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag[0], "ssec-head");
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag[1], h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 2, tag);
+ return(1);
+static int
+ struct htmlpair tag;
+ struct roffsu su;
+ int i;
+ if (MAN_BLOCK != n->type)
+ return(1);
+ i = 0;
+ if (MAN_ROOT == n->parent->tok) {
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-left", &su);
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (n->next && n->next->child) {
+ SCALE_VS_INIT(&su, 1);
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-bottom", &su);
+ i++;
+ }
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag, h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, i ? 1 : 0, &tag);
+ return(1);
+static int
+ struct roffsu su;
+ struct htmlpair tag;
+ const struct man_node *nn;
+ int width;
+ /*
+ * This scattering of 1-BU margins and pads is to make sure that
+ * when text overruns its box, the subsequent text isn't flush
+ * up against it. However, the rest of the right-hand box must
+ * also be adjusted in consideration of this 1-BU space.
+ */
+ if (MAN_BODY == n->type) {
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-left", &su);
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag, h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 1, &tag);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ nn = MAN_BLOCK == n->type ?
+ n->head->child : n->parent->head->child;
+ width = 0;
+ if (MAN_IP == n->tok && NULL != nn)
+ if (NULL != (nn = nn->next)) {
+ for ( ; nn->next; nn = nn->next)
+ /* Do nothing. */ ;
+ width = a2width(nn, &su);
+ }
+ if (MAN_TP == n->tok && NULL != nn)
+ width = a2width(nn, &su);
+ if (MAN_BLOCK == n->type) {
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-left", &su);
+ SCALE_VS_INIT(&su, 1);
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-top", &su);
+ bufcat_style(h, "clear", "both");
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag, h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 1, &tag);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ bufcat_su(h, "min-width", &su);
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-left", &su);
+ SCALE_HS_INIT(&su, 1);
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-right", &su);
+ bufcat_style(h, "clear", "left");
+ if (n->next && n->next->child)
+ bufcat_style(h, "float", "left");
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag, h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 1, &tag);
+ /* With a length string, manually omit the last child. */
+ if ( ! width)
+ return(1);
+ if (MAN_IP == n->tok)
+ for (nn = n->child; nn->next; nn = nn->next)
+ print_man_node(m, nn, h);
+ if (MAN_TP == n->tok)
+ for (nn = n->child->next; nn; nn = nn->next)
+ print_man_node(m, nn, h);
+ return(0);
+static int
+ const struct man_node *nn;
+ struct htmlpair tag;
+ struct roffsu su;
+ if (MAN_HEAD == n->type)
+ return(0);
+ nn = MAN_BLOCK == n->type ?
+ n->head->child : n->parent->head->child;
+ if (NULL != nn)
+ (void)a2width(nn, &su);
+ if (MAN_BLOCK == n->type) {
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-left", &su);
+ SCALE_VS_INIT(&su, 1);
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-top", &su);
+ bufcat_style(h, "clear", "both");
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag, h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 1, &tag);
+ return(1);
+ }
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-left", &su);
+ bufcat_su(h, "text-indent", &su);
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag, h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 1, &tag);
+ return(1);
+static int
+ struct htmlpair tag;
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag, "bold");
+ print_otag(h, TAG_SPAN, 1, &tag);
+ return(1);
+static int
+ struct htmlpair tag;
+ PAIR_CLASS_INIT(&tag, "italic");
+ print_otag(h, TAG_SPAN, 1, &tag);
+ return(1);
+static int
+ return(0);
+static int
+ struct htmlpair tag;
+ struct roffsu su;
+ if (MAN_HEAD == n->type)
+ return(0);
+ else if (MAN_BODY == n->type)
+ return(1);
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-left", &su);
+ if (n->head->child) {
+ SCALE_VS_INIT(&su, 1);
+ a2width(n->head->child, &su);
+ bufcat_su(h, "margin-top", &su);
+ }
+ PAIR_STYLE_INIT(&tag, h);
+ print_otag(h, TAG_DIV, 1, &tag);
+ return(1);