- MANDOCERR_UPPERCASE, /* text should be uppercase */
- MANDOCERR_SECOOO, /* sections out of conventional order */
- MANDOCERR_SECREP, /* section name repeats */
- MANDOCERR_PROLOGOOO, /* out of order prologue */
- MANDOCERR_PROLOGREP, /* repeated prologue entry */
- MANDOCERR_LISTFIRST, /* list type must come first */
- MANDOCERR_BADSTANDARD, /* bad standard */
- MANDOCERR_BADLIB, /* bad library */
- MANDOCERR_BADTAB, /* tab in non-literal context */
- MANDOCERR_BADESCAPE, /* bad escape sequence */
- MANDOCERR_BADQUOTE, /* unterminated quoted string */
- MANDOCERR_NOWIDTHARG, /* argument requires the width argument */
- /* FIXME: merge with MANDOCERR_IGNARGV. */
- MANDOCERR_WIDTHARG, /* superfluous width argument */
- MANDOCERR_IGNARGV, /* ignoring argument */
- MANDOCERR_BADDATE, /* bad date argument */
- MANDOCERR_BADWIDTH, /* bad width argument */
+ /* related to the prologue */
+ MANDOCERR_NOTITLE, /* no title in document */
+ MANDOCERR_UPPERCASE, /* document title should be all caps */