+ /*p->ps->pdfbytes = 0;*/
+ p->ps->psmargcur = 0;
+ p->ps->flags = PS_MARGINS;
+ p->ps->pscol = p->ps->left;
+ p->ps->psrow = p->ps->header;
+ ps_setfont(p, TERMFONT_NONE);
+ (*p->headf)(p, p->argf);
+ (*p->endline)(p);
+ p->ps->pscol = p->ps->left;
+ p->ps->psrow = p->ps->footer;
+ (*p->footf)(p, p->argf);
+ (*p->endline)(p);
+ p->ps->flags &= ~PS_MARGINS;
+ assert(0 == p->ps->flags);
+ assert(p->ps->psmarg);
+ assert('\0' != p->ps->psmarg[0]);
+ /*
+ * Print header and initialise page state. Following this,
+ * stuff gets printed to the screen, so make sure we're sane.
+ */
+ t = time(NULL);
+ if (TERMTYPE_PS == p->type) {
+ ps_printf(p, "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n");
+ ps_printf(p, "%%%%CreationDate: %s", ctime(&t));
+ ps_printf(p, "%%%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit\n");
+ ps_printf(p, "%%%%Orientation: Portrait\n");
+ ps_printf(p, "%%%%Pages: (atend)\n");
+ ps_printf(p, "%%%%PageOrder: Ascend\n");
+ ps_printf(p, "%%%%DocumentMedia: "
+ "Default %zu %zu 0 () ()\n",
+ (size_t)AFM2PNT(p, p->ps->width),
+ (size_t)AFM2PNT(p, p->ps->height));
+ ps_printf(p, "%%%%DocumentNeededResources: font");
+ for (i = 0; i < (int)TERMFONT__MAX; i++)
+ ps_printf(p, " %s", fonts[i].name);
+ ps_printf(p, "\n%%%%EndComments\n");
+ } else {
+ ps_printf(p, "%%PDF-1.1\n");
+ pdf_obj(p, 1);
+ ps_printf(p, "<<\n");
+ ps_printf(p, ">>\n");
+ ps_printf(p, "endobj\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < (int)TERMFONT__MAX; i++) {
+ pdf_obj(p, (size_t)i + 3);
+ ps_printf(p, "<<\n");
+ ps_printf(p, "/Type /Font\n");
+ ps_printf(p, "/Subtype /Type1\n");
+ ps_printf(p, "/Name /F%d\n", i);
+ ps_printf(p, "/BaseFont /%s\n", fonts[i].name);
+ ps_printf(p, ">>\n");
+ }
+ }
+ p->ps->pdfbody = (size_t)TERMFONT__MAX + 3;
+ p->ps->pscol = p->ps->left;
+ p->ps->psrow = p->ps->top;
+ p->ps->flags |= PS_NEWPAGE;
+ ps_setfont(p, TERMFONT_NONE);
+static void
+ps_pletter(struct termp *p, int c)
+ int f;
+ /*
+ * If we haven't opened a page context, then output that we're
+ * in a new page and make sure the font is correctly set.
+ */
+ if (PS_NEWPAGE & p->ps->flags) {
+ if (TERMTYPE_PS == p->type) {
+ ps_printf(p, "%%%%Page: %zu %zu\n",
+ p->ps->pages + 1, p->ps->pages + 1);
+ ps_printf(p, "/%s %zu selectfont\n",
+ fonts[(int)p->ps->lastf].name,
+ p->ps->scale);
+ } else {
+ pdf_obj(p, p->ps->pdfbody +
+ p->ps->pages * 4);
+ ps_printf(p, "<<\n");
+ ps_printf(p, "/Length %zu 0 R\n",
+ p->ps->pdfbody + 1 + p->ps->pages * 4);
+ ps_printf(p, ">>\nstream\n");
+ }
+ p->ps->pdflastpg = p->ps->pdfbytes;
+ p->ps->flags &= ~PS_NEWPAGE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we're not in a PostScript "word" context, then open one
+ * now at the current cursor.
+ */
+ if ( ! (PS_INLINE & p->ps->flags)) {
+ if (TERMTYPE_PS != p->type) {
+ ps_printf(p, "BT\n/F%d %zu Tf\n",
+ (int)p->ps->lastf, p->ps->scale);
+ ps_printf(p, "%.3f %.3f Td\n(",
+ AFM2PNT(p, p->ps->pscol),
+ AFM2PNT(p, p->ps->psrow));
+ } else
+ ps_printf(p, "%.3f %.3f moveto\n(",
+ AFM2PNT(p, p->ps->pscol),
+ AFM2PNT(p, p->ps->psrow));
+ p->ps->flags |= PS_INLINE;
+ }
+ assert( ! (PS_NEWPAGE & p->ps->flags));