* Official mandoc TODO.
-* $Id: TODO,v 1.253 2018/05/08 21:42:34 schwarze Exp $
+* $Id: TODO,v 1.254 2018/05/25 20:23:51 schwarze Exp $
Many issues are annotated for difficulty as follows:
--- HTML issues --------------------------------------------------------
-- duplicate names generate duplicate href="#..." anchor attributes
- possibly use "#..._<N>" suffixes?
- Jakub Klinkovsky <j dot l dot k at gmx dot com> 3 Oct 2017 21:23:36 +0200
- see also the thread: gre(4): Rename duplicate sections
- up to 20 Apr 2018 15:27:33 +0200
- loc * exist * algo * size * imp ***
+- @media queries to reduce indentation on low-res displays
+ some mails in the Viewport for man.openbsd.org thread
+ e.g. Adam Thompson 24 May 2018 15:09:00 -0500
- wrap Sh and Ss content into <div>
Laura Morales <lauretas at mail dot com> 21 Apr 2018 18:10:48 +0200