+#if 0
+ * Pre-treat a text line.
+ * Text lines can consist of equations, which must be handled apart from
+ * the regular text.
+ * Thus, use this function to step through a line checking if it has any
+ * equations embedded in it.
+ * This must handle multiple equations AND equations that do not end at
+ * the end-of-line, i.e., will re-enter in the next roff parse.
+ */
+static int
+mdoc_preptext(struct mdoc *m, int line, char *buf, int offs)
+ char *start, *end;
+ char delim;
+ while ('\0' != buf[offs]) {
+ /* Mark starting position if eqn is set. */
+ start = NULL;
+ if ('\0' != (delim = roff_eqndelim(m->roff)))
+ if (NULL != (start = strchr(buf + offs, delim)))
+ *start++ = '\0';
+ /* Parse text as normal. */
+ if ( ! mdoc_ptext(m, line, buf, offs))
+ return(0);
+ /* Continue only if an equation exists. */
+ if (NULL == start)
+ break;
+ /* Read past the end of the equation. */
+ offs += start - (buf + offs);
+ assert(start == &buf[offs]);
+ if (NULL != (end = strchr(buf + offs, delim))) {
+ *end++ = '\0';
+ while (' ' == *end)
+ end++;
+ }
+ /* Parse the equation itself. */
+ roff_openeqn(m->roff, NULL, line, offs, buf);
+ /* Process a finished equation? */
+ if (roff_closeeqn(m->roff))
+ if ( ! mdoc_addeqn(m, roff_eqn(m->roff)))
+ return(0);
+ offs += (end - (buf + offs));
+ }
+ return(1);