- As usual, many general fixes and improvements have also occurred. In particular, a great
- deal of redundancy and superfluous code has been removed with the merging of the backend
- libraries.
+ In documentation news, the <A HREF="mdoc.7.html">mdoc</A> and <A HREF="man.7.html">man</A> manuals have been made
+ considerably more readable by adding <I>MACRO OVERVIEW</I> sections, by moving the gory details of the <I>LANGUAGE
+ SYNTAX</I> to the <A HREF="roff.7.html">roff</A> manual, and by moving the very technical <I>MACRO SYNTAX</I> sections
+ down to the bottom of the page.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Furthermore, for <A HREF="tbl.7.html">tbl</A>, the -<B>Tascii</B> mode horizontal spacing of tables was rewritten
+ completely. It is now compatible with <A HREF="http://www.gnu.org/software/groff/" CLASS="external">groff</A>, both
+ with and without frames and rulers. Nesting of indented blocks is now supported in <A HREF="man.7.html">man</A>, and
+ several bugs were fixed regarding indentation and alignment. The page headers in <A HREF="mdoc.7.html">mdoc</A> are now
+ nicer for very long titles.