-/* $Id: roff.c,v 1.247 2015/01/01 19:28:49 schwarze Exp $ */
+/* $Id: roff.c,v 1.273 2015/08/29 20:26:04 schwarze Exp $ */
- * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 Kristaps Dzonsons <kristaps@bsd.lv>
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2012, 2014 Kristaps Dzonsons <kristaps@bsd.lv>
* Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Ingo Schwarze <schwarze@openbsd.org>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
#include "mandoc.h"
#include "mandoc_aux.h"
+#include "roff.h"
#include "libmandoc.h"
+#include "roff_int.h"
#include "libroff.h"
/* Maximum number of nested if-else conditionals. */
/* Maximum number of string expansions per line, to break infinite loops. */
#define EXPAND_LIMIT 1000
+/* --- data types --------------------------------------------------------- */
enum rofft {
+ ROFF_ab,
+ ROFF_af,
+ ROFF_aln,
+ ROFF_als,
- ROFF_ami,
+ ROFF_ami,
+ ROFF_ami1,
+ ROFF_as1,
+ ROFF_asciify,
+ ROFF_backtrace,
+ ROFF_bd,
+ ROFF_bleedat,
+ ROFF_blm,
+ ROFF_box,
+ ROFF_boxa,
+ ROFF_bp,
+ /* MAN_br, MDOC_br */
+ ROFF_break,
+ ROFF_breakchar,
+ ROFF_brnl,
+ ROFF_brp,
+ ROFF_brpnl,
+ ROFF_c2,
+ ROFF_cf,
+ ROFF_cflags,
+ ROFF_ch,
+ ROFF_char,
+ ROFF_chop,
+ ROFF_class,
+ ROFF_close,
+ ROFF_color,
+ ROFF_composite,
+ ROFF_continue,
+ ROFF_cp,
+ ROFF_cropat,
+ ROFF_cs,
+ ROFF_cu,
+ ROFF_da,
+ ROFF_dch,
+ ROFF_Dd,
- ROFF_dei,
+ ROFF_defcolor,
+ ROFF_dei,
+ ROFF_dei1,
+ ROFF_device,
+ ROFF_devicem,
+ ROFF_di,
+ ROFF_do,
+ ROFF_ds1,
+ ROFF_dwh,
+ ROFF_dt,
+ ROFF_ec,
+ ROFF_ecr,
+ ROFF_ecs,
+ ROFF_em,
+ ROFF_eo,
+ ROFF_errprint,
+ ROFF_ev,
+ ROFF_evc,
+ ROFF_ex,
+ ROFF_fallback,
+ ROFF_fc,
+ ROFF_fchar,
+ ROFF_fcolor,
+ ROFF_fdeferlig,
+ ROFF_feature,
+ /* MAN_fi; ignored in mdoc(7) */
+ ROFF_fkern,
+ ROFF_fl,
+ ROFF_flig,
+ ROFF_fp,
+ ROFF_fps,
+ ROFF_fschar,
+ ROFF_fspacewidth,
+ ROFF_fspecial,
+ /* MAN_ft; ignored in mdoc(7) */
+ ROFF_ftr,
+ ROFF_fzoom,
+ ROFF_gcolor,
+ ROFF_hc,
+ ROFF_hcode,
+ ROFF_hidechar,
+ ROFF_hla,
+ ROFF_hlm,
+ ROFF_hpf,
+ ROFF_hpfa,
+ ROFF_hpfcode,
+ ROFF_hylang,
+ ROFF_hylen,
+ ROFF_hym,
+ ROFF_hypp,
+ ROFF_hys,
+ /* MAN_in; ignored in mdoc(7) */
+ ROFF_index,
+ ROFF_itc,
+ ROFF_kern,
+ ROFF_kernafter,
+ ROFF_kernbefore,
+ ROFF_kernpair,
+ ROFF_lc,
+ ROFF_lc_ctype,
+ ROFF_lds,
+ ROFF_length,
+ ROFF_letadj,
+ ROFF_lf,
+ ROFF_lg,
+ ROFF_lhang,
+ ROFF_linetabs,
+ /* MAN_ll, MDOC_ll */
+ ROFF_lnr,
+ ROFF_lnrf,
+ ROFF_lpfx,
+ ROFF_ls,
+ ROFF_lsm,
+ ROFF_lt,
+ ROFF_mc,
+ ROFF_mediasize,
+ ROFF_minss,
+ ROFF_mk,
+ ROFF_mso,
+ ROFF_na,
+ /* MAN_nf; ignored in mdoc(7) */
+ ROFF_nhychar,
+ ROFF_nm,
+ ROFF_nn,
+ ROFF_nop,
+ ROFF_nrf,
+ ROFF_nroff,
+ ROFF_nx,
+ ROFF_open,
+ ROFF_opena,
+ ROFF_os,
+ ROFF_output,
+ ROFF_padj,
+ ROFF_papersize,
+ ROFF_pc,
+ ROFF_pev,
+ ROFF_pi,
+ ROFF_pm,
+ ROFF_pn,
+ ROFF_pnr,
+ ROFF_po,
+ ROFF_psbb,
+ ROFF_pshape,
+ ROFF_pso,
+ ROFF_ptr,
+ ROFF_pvs,
+ ROFF_rchar,
+ ROFF_rd,
+ ROFF_recursionlimit,
+ ROFF_return,
+ ROFF_rfschar,
+ ROFF_rhang,
+ ROFF_rj,
+ ROFF_rn,
+ ROFF_rnn,
+ ROFF_rs,
+ ROFF_rt,
+ ROFF_schar,
+ ROFF_sentchar,
+ ROFF_shc,
+ ROFF_shift,
+ ROFF_sizes,
+ /* MAN_sp, MDOC_sp */
+ ROFF_spacewidth,
+ ROFF_special,
+ ROFF_spreadwarn,
+ ROFF_ss,
+ ROFF_sty,
+ ROFF_substring,
+ ROFF_sv,
+ ROFF_sy,
+ ROFF_T_,
- ROFF_tr,
- ROFF_Dd,
+ ROFF_tc,
+ ROFF_ti,
+ ROFF_tkf,
+ ROFF_tl,
+ ROFF_tm,
+ ROFF_tm1,
+ ROFF_tmc,
+ ROFF_tr,
+ ROFF_track,
+ ROFF_transchar,
+ ROFF_trf,
+ ROFF_trimat,
+ ROFF_trin,
+ ROFF_trnt,
+ ROFF_troff,
- ROFF_T_,
+ ROFF_uf,
+ ROFF_ul,
+ ROFF_unformat,
+ ROFF_unwatch,
+ ROFF_unwatchn,
+ ROFF_vpt,
+ ROFF_vs,
+ ROFF_warn,
+ ROFF_warnscale,
+ ROFF_watch,
+ ROFF_watchlength,
+ ROFF_watchn,
+ ROFF_wh,
+ ROFF_while,
+ ROFF_write,
+ ROFF_writec,
+ ROFF_writem,
+ ROFF_xflag,
int rstacksz; /* current size limit of rstack */
int rstackpos; /* position in rstack */
int format; /* current file in mdoc or man format */
+ int argc; /* number of args of the last macro */
char control; /* control character */
#define PREDEF(__name, __str) \
{ (__name), (__str) },
+/* --- function prototypes ------------------------------------------------ */
static enum rofft roffhash_find(const char *, size_t);
static void roffhash_init(void);
static void roffnode_cleanscope(struct roff *);
static enum rofferr roff_block(ROFF_ARGS);
static enum rofferr roff_block_text(ROFF_ARGS);
static enum rofferr roff_block_sub(ROFF_ARGS);
+static enum rofferr roff_brp(ROFF_ARGS);
static enum rofferr roff_cblock(ROFF_ARGS);
static enum rofferr roff_cc(ROFF_ARGS);
static void roff_ccond(struct roff *, int, int);
static enum rofferr roff_cond_sub(ROFF_ARGS);
static enum rofferr roff_ds(ROFF_ARGS);
static enum rofferr roff_eqndelim(struct roff *, struct buf *, int);
-static int roff_evalcond(struct roff *r, int,
- const char *, int *);
+static int roff_evalcond(struct roff *r, int, char *, int *);
static int roff_evalnum(struct roff *, int,
const char *, int *, int *, int);
static int roff_evalpar(struct roff *, int,
- const char *, int *, int *);
+ const char *, int *, int *, int);
static int roff_evalstrcond(const char *, int *);
static void roff_free1(struct roff *);
static void roff_freereg(struct roffreg *);
static void roff_freestr(struct roffkv *);
static size_t roff_getname(struct roff *, char **, int, int);
-static int roff_getnum(const char *, int *, int *);
+static int roff_getnum(const char *, int *, int *, int);
static int roff_getop(const char *, int *, char *);
static int roff_getregn(const struct roff *,
const char *, size_t);
-static int roff_getregro(const char *name);
+static int roff_getregro(const struct roff *,
+ const char *name);
static const char *roff_getstrn(const struct roff *,
const char *, size_t);
+static int roff_hasregn(const struct roff *,
+ const char *, size_t);
+static enum rofferr roff_insec(ROFF_ARGS);
static enum rofferr roff_it(ROFF_ARGS);
static enum rofferr roff_line_ignore(ROFF_ARGS);
+static void roff_man_alloc1(struct roff_man *);
+static void roff_man_free1(struct roff_man *);
static enum rofferr roff_nr(ROFF_ARGS);
static enum rofft roff_parse(struct roff *, char *, int *,
int, int);
static enum rofferr roff_EQ(ROFF_ARGS);
static enum rofferr roff_EN(ROFF_ARGS);
static enum rofferr roff_T_(ROFF_ARGS);
+static enum rofferr roff_unsupp(ROFF_ARGS);
static enum rofferr roff_userdef(ROFF_ARGS);
+/* --- constant data ------------------------------------------------------ */
/* See roffhash_find() */
#define ASCII_HI 126
#define ASCII_LO 33
+#define ROFFNUM_SCALE (1 << 0) /* Honour scaling in roff_getnum(). */
+#define ROFFNUM_WHITE (1 << 1) /* Skip whitespace in roff_evalnum(). */
static struct roffmac *hash[HASHWIDTH];
static struct roffmac roffs[ROFF_MAX] = {
+ { "ab", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "ad", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "af", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "aln", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "als", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "am", roff_block, roff_block_text, roff_block_sub, 0, NULL },
- { "ami", roff_block, roff_block_text, roff_block_sub, 0, NULL },
{ "am1", roff_block, roff_block_text, roff_block_sub, 0, NULL },
+ { "ami", roff_block, roff_block_text, roff_block_sub, 0, NULL },
+ { "ami1", roff_block, roff_block_text, roff_block_sub, 0, NULL },
{ "as", roff_ds, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "as1", roff_ds, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "asciify", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "backtrace", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "bd", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "bleedat", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "blm", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "box", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "boxa", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "bp", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "BP", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "break", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "breakchar", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "brnl", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "brp", roff_brp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "brpnl", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "c2", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "cc", roff_cc, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "ce", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "cf", roff_insec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "cflags", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "ch", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "char", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "chop", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "class", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "close", roff_insec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "CL", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "color", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "composite", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "continue", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "cp", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "cropat", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "cs", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "cu", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "da", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "dch", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "Dd", roff_Dd, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "de", roff_block, roff_block_text, roff_block_sub, 0, NULL },
- { "dei", roff_block, roff_block_text, roff_block_sub, 0, NULL },
{ "de1", roff_block, roff_block_text, roff_block_sub, 0, NULL },
+ { "defcolor", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "dei", roff_block, roff_block_text, roff_block_sub, 0, NULL },
+ { "dei1", roff_block, roff_block_text, roff_block_sub, 0, NULL },
+ { "device", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "devicem", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "di", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "do", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "ds", roff_ds, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "ds1", roff_ds, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "dwh", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "dt", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "ec", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "ecr", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "ecs", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "el", roff_cond, roff_cond_text, roff_cond_sub, ROFFMAC_STRUCT, NULL },
+ { "em", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "EN", roff_EN, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "eo", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "EP", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "EQ", roff_EQ, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "errprint", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "ev", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "evc", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "ex", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "fallback", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "fam", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "fc", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "fchar", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "fcolor", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "fdeferlig", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "feature", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "fkern", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "fl", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "flig", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "fp", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "fps", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "fschar", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "fspacewidth", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "fspecial", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "ftr", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "fzoom", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "gcolor", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "hc", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "hcode", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "hidechar", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "hla", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "hlm", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "hpf", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "hpfa", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "hpfcode", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "hw", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "hy", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "hylang", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "hylen", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "hym", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "hypp", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "hys", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "ie", roff_cond, roff_cond_text, roff_cond_sub, ROFFMAC_STRUCT, NULL },
{ "if", roff_cond, roff_cond_text, roff_cond_sub, ROFFMAC_STRUCT, NULL },
{ "ig", roff_block, roff_block_text, roff_block_sub, 0, NULL },
+ { "index", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "it", roff_it, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "itc", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "IX", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "kern", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "kernafter", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "kernbefore", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "kernpair", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "lc", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "lc_ctype", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "lds", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "length", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "letadj", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "lf", roff_insec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "lg", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "lhang", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "linetabs", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "lnr", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "lnrf", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "lpfx", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "ls", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "lsm", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "lt", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "mc", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "mediasize", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "minss", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "mk", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "mso", roff_insec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "na", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "ne", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "nh", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "nhychar", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "nm", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "nn", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "nop", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "nr", roff_nr, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "nrf", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "nroff", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "ns", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "nx", roff_insec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "open", roff_insec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "opena", roff_insec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "os", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "output", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "padj", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "papersize", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "pc", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "pev", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "pi", roff_insec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "PI", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "pl", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "pm", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "pn", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "pnr", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "po", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "ps", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "psbb", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "pshape", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "pso", roff_insec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "ptr", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "pvs", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "rchar", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "rd", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "recursionlimit", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "return", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "rfschar", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "rhang", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "rj", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "rm", roff_rm, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "rn", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "rnn", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "rr", roff_rr, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "rs", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "rt", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "schar", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "sentchar", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "shc", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "shift", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "sizes", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "so", roff_so, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
- { "ta", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
- { "tr", roff_tr, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
- { "Dd", roff_Dd, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "spacewidth", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "special", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "spreadwarn", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "ss", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "sty", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "substring", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "sv", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "sy", roff_insec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "T&", roff_T_, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "ta", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "tc", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "TE", roff_TE, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "TH", roff_TH, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "ti", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "tkf", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "tl", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "tm", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "tm1", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "tmc", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "tr", roff_tr, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "track", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "transchar", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "trf", roff_insec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "trimat", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "trin", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "trnt", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "troff", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ "TS", roff_TS, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
- { "TE", roff_TE, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
- { "T&", roff_T_, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
- { "EQ", roff_EQ, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
- { "EN", roff_EN, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "uf", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "ul", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "unformat", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "unwatch", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "unwatchn", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "vpt", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "vs", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "warn", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "warnscale", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "watch", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "watchlength", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "watchn", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "wh", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "while", roff_unsupp, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "write", roff_insec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "writec", roff_insec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "writem", roff_insec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
+ { "xflag", roff_line_ignore, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ ".", roff_cblock, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
{ NULL, roff_userdef, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL },
static char *roffit_macro; /* nil-terminated macro line */
+/* --- request table ------------------------------------------------------ */
static void
+/* --- stack of request blocks -------------------------------------------- */
* Pop the current node off of the stack of roff instructions currently
* pending.
r->last = p;
+/* --- roff parser state data management ---------------------------------- */
static void
roff_free1(struct roff *r)
+/* --- syntax tree state data management ---------------------------------- */
+static void
+roff_man_free1(struct roff_man *man)
+ if (man->first != NULL)
+ roff_node_delete(man, man->first);
+ free(man->meta.msec);
+ free(man->meta.vol);
+ free(man->meta.os);
+ free(man->meta.arch);
+ free(man->meta.title);
+ free(man->meta.name);
+ free(man->meta.date);
+static void
+roff_man_alloc1(struct roff_man *man)
+ memset(&man->meta, 0, sizeof(man->meta));
+ man->first = mandoc_calloc(1, sizeof(*man->first));
+ man->first->type = ROFFT_ROOT;
+ man->last = man->first;
+ man->last_es = NULL;
+ man->flags = 0;
+ man->macroset = MACROSET_NONE;
+ man->lastsec = man->lastnamed = SEC_NONE;
+ man->next = ROFF_NEXT_CHILD;
+roff_man_reset(struct roff_man *man)
+ roff_man_free1(man);
+ roff_man_alloc1(man);
+roff_man_free(struct roff_man *man)
+ roff_man_free1(man);
+ free(man);
+struct roff_man *
+roff_man_alloc(struct roff *roff, struct mparse *parse,
+ const char *defos, int quick)
+ struct roff_man *man;
+ man = mandoc_calloc(1, sizeof(*man));
+ man->parse = parse;
+ man->roff = roff;
+ man->defos = defos;
+ man->quick = quick;
+ roff_man_alloc1(man);
+ return(man);
+/* --- syntax tree handling ----------------------------------------------- */
+struct roff_node *
+roff_node_alloc(struct roff_man *man, int line, int pos,
+ enum roff_type type, int tok)
+ struct roff_node *n;
+ n = mandoc_calloc(1, sizeof(*n));
+ n->line = line;
+ n->pos = pos;
+ n->tok = tok;
+ n->type = type;
+ n->sec = man->lastsec;
+ if (man->flags & MDOC_SYNOPSIS)
+ n->flags |= MDOC_SYNPRETTY;
+ else
+ n->flags &= ~MDOC_SYNPRETTY;
+ if (man->flags & MDOC_NEWLINE)
+ n->flags |= MDOC_LINE;
+ man->flags &= ~MDOC_NEWLINE;
+ return(n);
+roff_node_append(struct roff_man *man, struct roff_node *n)
+ switch (man->next) {
+ man->last->next = n;
+ n->prev = man->last;
+ n->parent = man->last->parent;
+ break;
+ man->last->child = n;
+ n->parent = man->last;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ n->parent->nchild++;
+ n->parent->last = n;
+ /*
+ * Copy over the normalised-data pointer of our parent. Not
+ * everybody has one, but copying a null pointer is fine.
+ */
+ switch (n->type) {
+ case ROFFT_BODY:
+ if (n->end != ENDBODY_NOT)
+ break;
+ case ROFFT_TAIL:
+ case ROFFT_HEAD:
+ n->norm = n->parent->norm;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (man->macroset == MACROSET_MDOC)
+ mdoc_valid_pre(man, n);
+ switch (n->type) {
+ case ROFFT_HEAD:
+ assert(n->parent->type == ROFFT_BLOCK);
+ n->parent->head = n;
+ break;
+ case ROFFT_BODY:
+ if (n->end)
+ break;
+ assert(n->parent->type == ROFFT_BLOCK);
+ n->parent->body = n;
+ break;
+ case ROFFT_TAIL:
+ assert(n->parent->type == ROFFT_BLOCK);
+ n->parent->tail = n;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ man->last = n;
+roff_word_alloc(struct roff_man *man, int line, int pos, const char *word)
+ struct roff_node *n;
+ n = roff_node_alloc(man, line, pos, ROFFT_TEXT, TOKEN_NONE);
+ n->string = roff_strdup(man->roff, word);
+ roff_node_append(man, n);
+ if (man->macroset == MACROSET_MDOC)
+ mdoc_valid_post(man);
+ else
+ man_valid_post(man);
+ man->next = ROFF_NEXT_SIBLING;
+roff_word_append(struct roff_man *man, const char *word)
+ struct roff_node *n;
+ char *addstr, *newstr;
+ n = man->last;
+ addstr = roff_strdup(man->roff, word);
+ mandoc_asprintf(&newstr, "%s %s", n->string, addstr);
+ free(addstr);
+ free(n->string);
+ n->string = newstr;
+ man->next = ROFF_NEXT_SIBLING;
+roff_elem_alloc(struct roff_man *man, int line, int pos, int tok)
+ struct roff_node *n;
+ n = roff_node_alloc(man, line, pos, ROFFT_ELEM, tok);
+ roff_node_append(man, n);
+ man->next = ROFF_NEXT_CHILD;
+struct roff_node *
+roff_block_alloc(struct roff_man *man, int line, int pos, int tok)
+ struct roff_node *n;
+ n = roff_node_alloc(man, line, pos, ROFFT_BLOCK, tok);
+ roff_node_append(man, n);
+ man->next = ROFF_NEXT_CHILD;
+ return(n);
+struct roff_node *
+roff_head_alloc(struct roff_man *man, int line, int pos, int tok)
+ struct roff_node *n;
+ n = roff_node_alloc(man, line, pos, ROFFT_HEAD, tok);
+ roff_node_append(man, n);
+ man->next = ROFF_NEXT_CHILD;
+ return(n);
+struct roff_node *
+roff_body_alloc(struct roff_man *man, int line, int pos, int tok)
+ struct roff_node *n;
+ n = roff_node_alloc(man, line, pos, ROFFT_BODY, tok);
+ roff_node_append(man, n);
+ man->next = ROFF_NEXT_CHILD;
+ return(n);
+roff_addeqn(struct roff_man *man, const struct eqn *eqn)
+ struct roff_node *n;
+ n = roff_node_alloc(man, eqn->ln, eqn->pos, ROFFT_EQN, TOKEN_NONE);
+ n->eqn = eqn;
+ if (eqn->ln > man->last->line)
+ n->flags |= MDOC_LINE;
+ roff_node_append(man, n);
+ man->next = ROFF_NEXT_SIBLING;
+roff_addtbl(struct roff_man *man, const struct tbl_span *tbl)
+ struct roff_node *n;
+ if (man->macroset == MACROSET_MAN)
+ man_breakscope(man, TOKEN_NONE);
+ n = roff_node_alloc(man, tbl->line, 0, ROFFT_TBL, TOKEN_NONE);
+ n->span = tbl;
+ roff_node_append(man, n);
+ if (man->macroset == MACROSET_MDOC)
+ mdoc_valid_post(man);
+ else
+ man_valid_post(man);
+ man->next = ROFF_NEXT_SIBLING;
+roff_node_unlink(struct roff_man *man, struct roff_node *n)
+ /* Adjust siblings. */
+ if (n->prev)
+ n->prev->next = n->next;
+ if (n->next)
+ n->next->prev = n->prev;
+ /* Adjust parent. */
+ if (n->parent != NULL) {
+ n->parent->nchild--;
+ if (n->parent->child == n)
+ n->parent->child = n->next;
+ if (n->parent->last == n)
+ n->parent->last = n->prev;
+ }
+ /* Adjust parse point. */
+ if (man == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (man->last == n) {
+ if (n->prev == NULL) {
+ man->last = n->parent;
+ man->next = ROFF_NEXT_CHILD;
+ } else {
+ man->last = n->prev;
+ man->next = ROFF_NEXT_SIBLING;
+ }
+ }
+ if (man->first == n)
+ man->first = NULL;
+roff_node_free(struct roff_node *n)
+ if (n->args != NULL)
+ mdoc_argv_free(n->args);
+ if (n->type == ROFFT_BLOCK || n->type == ROFFT_ELEM)
+ free(n->norm);
+ free(n->string);
+ free(n);
+roff_node_delete(struct roff_man *man, struct roff_node *n)
+ while (n->child != NULL)
+ roff_node_delete(man, n->child);
+ assert(n->nchild == 0);
+ roff_node_unlink(man, n);
+ roff_node_free(n);
+deroff(char **dest, const struct roff_node *n)
+ char *cp;
+ size_t sz;
+ if (n->type != ROFFT_TEXT) {
+ for (n = n->child; n != NULL; n = n->next)
+ deroff(dest, n);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Skip leading whitespace and escape sequences. */
+ cp = n->string;
+ while (*cp != '\0') {
+ if ('\\' == *cp) {
+ cp++;
+ mandoc_escape((const char **)&cp, NULL, NULL);
+ } else if (isspace((unsigned char)*cp))
+ cp++;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Skip trailing whitespace. */
+ for (sz = strlen(cp); sz; sz--)
+ if ( ! isspace((unsigned char)cp[sz-1]))
+ break;
+ /* Skip empty strings. */
+ if (sz == 0)
+ return;
+ if (*dest == NULL) {
+ *dest = mandoc_strndup(cp, sz);
+ return;
+ }
+ mandoc_asprintf(&cp, "%s %*s", *dest, (int)sz, cp);
+ free(*dest);
+ *dest = cp;
+/* --- main functions of the roff parser ---------------------------------- */
* In the current line, expand escape sequences that tend to get
* used in numerical expressions and conditional requests.
/* Advance to the end of the name. */
+ naml = 0;
arg_complete = 1;
- for (naml = 0; maxl == 0 || naml < maxl; naml++, cp++) {
+ while (maxl == 0 || naml < maxl) {
if (*cp == '\0') {
mandoc_msg(MANDOCERR_ESC_BAD, r->parse,
ln, (int)(stesc - buf->buf), stesc);
+ if (*cp++ != '\\' || stesc[1] != 'w') {
+ naml++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (mandoc_escape(&cp, NULL, NULL)) {
+ naml++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
case 'B':
npos = 0;
ubuf[0] = arg_complete &&
- roff_evalnum(r, ln, stnam, &npos, NULL, 0) &&
+ roff_evalnum(r, ln, stnam, &npos,
stnam + npos + 1 == cp ? '1' : '0';
ubuf[1] = '\0';
esc = mandoc_escape((const char **)&p, NULL, NULL);
if (esc == ESCAPE_ERROR)
+ while (*p == '-')
+ p++;
} else if (p == start) {
* First, if a scope is open and we're not a macro, pass the
- * text through the macro's filter. If a scope isn't open and
- * we're not a macro, just let it through.
- * Finally, if there's an equation scope open, divert it into it
- * no matter our state.
+ * text through the macro's filter.
+ * Equations process all content themselves.
+ * Tables process almost all content themselves, but we want
+ * to warn about macros before passing it there.
- if (r->last && ! ctl) {
+ if (r->last != NULL && ! ctl) {
t = r->last->tok;
e = (*roffs[t].text)(r, t, buf, ln, pos, pos, offs);
if (e != ROFF_CONT)
- if (r->eqn)
+ if (r->eqn != NULL)
return(eqn_read(&r->eqn, ln, buf->buf, ppos, offs));
- if ( ! ctl) {
- if (r->tbl)
- return(tbl_read(r->tbl, ln, buf->buf, pos));
+ if (r->tbl != NULL && ( ! ctl || buf->buf[pos] == '\0'))
+ return(tbl_read(r->tbl, ln, buf->buf, ppos));
+ if ( ! ctl)
return(roff_parsetext(buf, pos, offs));
- }
/* Skip empty request lines. */
if (r->tbl != NULL && (t == ROFF_MAX || t == ROFF_TS)) {
mandoc_msg(MANDOCERR_TBLMACRO, r->parse,
ln, pos, buf->buf + spos);
- return(ROFF_IGN);
+ if (t == ROFF_TS)
+ return(ROFF_IGN);
+ while (buf->buf[pos] != '\0' && buf->buf[pos] != ' ')
+ pos++;
+ while (buf->buf[pos] != '\0' && buf->buf[pos] == ' ')
+ pos++;
+ return(tbl_read(r->tbl, ln, buf->buf, pos));
+/* --- handling of request blocks ----------------------------------------- */
static enum rofferr
if (tok == ROFF_de1)
tok = ROFF_de;
+ else if (tok == ROFF_dei1)
+ tok = ROFF_dei;
else if (tok == ROFF_am1)
tok = ROFF_am;
+ else if (tok == ROFF_ami1)
+ tok = ROFF_ami;
/* Parse the macro name argument. */
return(rr ? ROFF_CONT : ROFF_IGN);
+/* --- handling of numeric and conditional expressions -------------------- */
* Parse a single signed integer number. Stop at the first non-digit.
* If there is at least one digit, return success and advance the
* Ignore overflows, treat them just like the C language.
static int
-roff_getnum(const char *v, int *pos, int *res)
+roff_getnum(const char *v, int *pos, int *res, int flags)
- int myres, n, p;
+ int myres, scaled, n, p;
if (NULL == res)
res = &myres;
p = *pos;
n = v[p] == '-';
- if (n)
+ if (n || v[p] == '+')
+ if (flags & ROFFNUM_WHITE)
+ while (isspace((unsigned char)v[p]))
+ p++;
for (*res = 0; isdigit((unsigned char)v[p]); p++)
*res = 10 * *res + v[p] - '0';
if (p == *pos + n)
if (n)
*res = -*res;
- *pos = p;
- return 1;
+ /* Each number may be followed by one optional scaling unit. */
+ switch (v[p]) {
+ case 'f':
+ scaled = *res * 65536;
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ scaled = *res * 240;
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ scaled = *res * 240 / 2.54;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ case 'P':
+ scaled = *res * 40;
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ case 'n':
+ scaled = *res * 24;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ scaled = *res * 10 / 3;
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ scaled = *res;
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ scaled = *res * 6 / 25;
+ break;
+ default:
+ scaled = *res;
+ p--;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (flags & ROFFNUM_SCALE)
+ *res = scaled;
+ *pos = p + 1;
+ return(1);
* or string condition.
static int
-roff_evalcond(struct roff *r, int ln, const char *v, int *pos)
+roff_evalcond(struct roff *r, int ln, char *v, int *pos)
+ char *cp, *name;
+ size_t sz;
int number, savepos, wanttrue;
if ('!' == v[*pos]) {
case 'e':
- case 'r':
case 't':
case 'v':
+ case 'r':
+ cp = name = v + ++*pos;
+ sz = roff_getname(r, &cp, ln, *pos);
+ *pos = cp - v;
+ return((sz && roff_hasregn(r, name, sz)) == wanttrue);
savepos = *pos;
- if (roff_evalnum(r, ln, v, pos, &number, 0))
+ if (roff_evalnum(r, ln, v, pos, &number, ROFFNUM_SCALE))
return((number > 0) == wanttrue);
else if (*pos == savepos)
return(roff_evalstrcond(v, pos) == wanttrue);
+static enum rofferr
+ mandoc_msg(MANDOCERR_REQ_INSEC, r->parse,
+ ln, ppos, roffs[tok].name);
+ return(ROFF_IGN);
+static enum rofferr
+ mandoc_msg(MANDOCERR_REQ_UNSUPP, r->parse,
+ ln, ppos, roffs[tok].name);
+ return(ROFF_IGN);
static enum rofferr
if (buf->buf[pos] == '\\' && buf->buf[pos + 1] == '{') {
r->last->endspan = -1;
pos += 2;
+ while (buf->buf[pos] == ' ')
+ pos++;
goto out;
const char *name;
size_t namesz;
+ /* Ignore groff compatibility mode for now. */
+ if (tok == ROFF_ds1)
+ tok = ROFF_ds;
+ else if (tok == ROFF_as1)
+ tok = ROFF_as;
* The first word is the name of the string.
* If it is empty or terminated by an escape sequence,
static int
roff_evalpar(struct roff *r, int ln,
- const char *v, int *pos, int *res)
+ const char *v, int *pos, int *res, int flags)
if ('(' != v[*pos])
- return(roff_getnum(v, pos, res));
+ return(roff_getnum(v, pos, res, flags));
- if ( ! roff_evalnum(r, ln, v, pos, res, 1))
+ if ( ! roff_evalnum(r, ln, v, pos, res, flags | ROFFNUM_WHITE))
static int
roff_evalnum(struct roff *r, int ln, const char *v,
- int *pos, int *res, int skipwhite)
+ int *pos, int *res, int flags)
int mypos, operand2;
char operator;
pos = &mypos;
- if (skipwhite)
+ if (flags & ROFFNUM_WHITE)
while (isspace((unsigned char)v[*pos]))
- if ( ! roff_evalpar(r, ln, v, pos, res))
+ if ( ! roff_evalpar(r, ln, v, pos, res, flags))
while (1) {
- if (skipwhite)
+ if (flags & ROFFNUM_WHITE)
while (isspace((unsigned char)v[*pos]))
if ( ! roff_getop(v, pos, &operator))
- if (skipwhite)
+ if (flags & ROFFNUM_WHITE)
while (isspace((unsigned char)v[*pos]))
- if ( ! roff_evalpar(r, ln, v, pos, &operand2))
+ if ( ! roff_evalpar(r, ln, v, pos, &operand2, flags))
- if (skipwhite)
+ if (flags & ROFFNUM_WHITE)
while (isspace((unsigned char)v[*pos]))
+/* --- register management ------------------------------------------------ */
roff_setreg(struct roff *r, const char *name, int val, char sign)
* were to turn up, another special value would have to be chosen.
static int
-roff_getregro(const char *name)
+roff_getregro(const struct roff *r, const char *name)
switch (*name) {
+ case '$': /* Number of arguments of the last macro evaluated. */
+ return(r->argc);
case 'A': /* ASCII approximation mode is always off. */
case 'g': /* Groff compatibility mode is always on. */
int val;
if ('.' == name[0] && '\0' != name[1] && '\0' == name[2]) {
- val = roff_getregro(name + 1);
+ val = roff_getregro(r, name + 1);
if (-1 != val)
return (val);
int val;
if ('.' == name[0] && 2 == len) {
- val = roff_getregro(name + 1);
+ val = roff_getregro(r, name + 1);
if (-1 != val)
return (val);
+static int
+roff_hasregn(const struct roff *r, const char *name, size_t len)
+ struct roffreg *reg;
+ int val;
+ if ('.' == name[0] && 2 == len) {
+ val = roff_getregro(r, name + 1);
+ if (-1 != val)
+ return(1);
+ }
+ for (reg = r->regtab; reg; reg = reg->next)
+ if (len == reg->key.sz &&
+ 0 == strncmp(name, reg->key.p, len))
+ return(1);
+ return(0);
static void
roff_freereg(struct roffreg *reg)
if (sign == '+' || sign == '-')
- if (roff_evalnum(r, ln, val, NULL, &iv, 0))
+ if (roff_evalnum(r, ln, val, NULL, &iv, ROFFNUM_SCALE))
roff_setreg(r, key, iv, sign);
+/* --- handler functions for roff requests -------------------------------- */
static enum rofferr
static enum rofferr
- char *cp;
- size_t len;
int iv;
/* Parse the number of lines. */
- cp = buf->buf + pos;
- len = strcspn(cp, " \t");
- cp[len] = '\0';
- if ((iv = mandoc_strntoi(cp, len, 10)) <= 0) {
+ if ( ! roff_evalnum(r, ln, buf->buf, &pos, &iv, 0)) {
mandoc_msg(MANDOCERR_IT_NONUM, r->parse,
ln, ppos, buf->buf + 1);
- cp += len + 1;
- /* Arm the input line trap. */
+ while (isspace((unsigned char)buf->buf[pos]))
+ pos++;
+ /*
+ * Arm the input line trap.
+ * Special-casing "an-trap" is an ugly workaround to cope
+ * with DocBook stupidly fiddling with man(7) internals.
+ */
roffit_lines = iv;
- roffit_macro = mandoc_strdup(cp);
+ roffit_macro = mandoc_strdup(iv != 1 ||
+ strcmp(buf->buf + pos, "an-trap") ?
+ buf->buf + pos : "br");
if (NULL == r->tbl)
mandoc_msg(MANDOCERR_BLK_NOTOPEN, r->parse,
ln, ppos, "TE");
- else
- tbl_end(&r->tbl);
+ else if ( ! tbl_end(&r->tbl)) {
+ free(buf->buf);
+ buf->buf = mandoc_strdup(".sp");
+ buf->sz = 4;
+ return(ROFF_REPARSE);
+ }
+static enum rofferr
+ buf->buf[pos - 1] = '\0';
+ return(ROFF_CONT);
static enum rofferr
r->control = 0;
if (*p != '\0')
- mandoc_msg(MANDOCERR_ARGCOUNT, r->parse, ln, ppos, NULL);
+ mandoc_vmsg(MANDOCERR_ARG_EXCESS, r->parse,
+ ln, p - buf->buf, "cc ... %s", p);
p = buf->buf + pos;
if (*p == '\0') {
- mandoc_msg(MANDOCERR_ARGCOUNT, r->parse, ln, ppos, NULL);
+ mandoc_msg(MANDOCERR_REQ_EMPTY, r->parse, ln, ppos, "tr");
ssz = (size_t)(p - second);
} else if (*second == '\0') {
- mandoc_msg(MANDOCERR_ARGCOUNT, r->parse,
- ln, (int)(p - buf->buf), NULL);
+ mandoc_vmsg(MANDOCERR_TR_ODD, r->parse,
+ ln, first - buf->buf, "tr %s", first);
second = " ";
static enum rofferr
- char *name;
+ char *name, *cp;
name = buf->buf + pos;
mandoc_vmsg(MANDOCERR_SO, r->parse, ln, ppos, "so %s", name);
if (*name == '/' || strstr(name, "../") || strstr(name, "/..")) {
mandoc_vmsg(MANDOCERR_SO_PATH, r->parse, ln, ppos,
".so %s", name);
- return(ROFF_ERR);
+ buf->sz = mandoc_asprintf(&cp,
+ ".sp\nSee the file %s.\n.sp", name) + 1;
+ free(buf->buf);
+ buf->buf = cp;
+ *offs = 0;
+ return(ROFF_REPARSE);
*offs = pos;
+/* --- user defined strings and macros ------------------------------------ */
static enum rofferr
- const char *arg[9];
+ const char *arg[9], *ap;
char *cp, *n1, *n2;
int i;
+ size_t asz, rsz;
* Collect pointers to macro argument strings
* and NUL-terminate them.
+ r->argc = 0;
cp = buf->buf + pos;
- for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
- arg[i] = *cp == '\0' ? "" :
- mandoc_getarg(r->parse, &cp, ln, &pos);
+ for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
+ if (*cp == '\0')
+ arg[i] = "";
+ else {
+ arg[i] = mandoc_getarg(r->parse, &cp, ln, &pos);
+ r->argc = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
* Expand macro arguments.
- buf->sz = 0;
- n1 = cp = mandoc_strdup(r->current_string);
- while ((cp = strstr(cp, "\\$")) != NULL) {
- i = cp[2] - '1';
- if (0 > i || 8 < i) {
- /* Not an argument invocation. */
- cp += 2;
+ buf->sz = strlen(r->current_string) + 1;
+ n1 = cp = mandoc_malloc(buf->sz);
+ memcpy(n1, r->current_string, buf->sz);
+ while (*cp != '\0') {
+ /* Scan ahead for the next argument invocation. */
+ if (*cp++ != '\\')
+ continue;
+ if (*cp++ != '$')
+ continue;
+ i = *cp - '1';
+ if (0 > i || 8 < i)
+ cp -= 2;
+ /*
+ * Determine the size of the expanded argument,
+ * taking escaping of quotes into account.
+ */
+ asz = 0;
+ for (ap = arg[i]; *ap != '\0'; ap++) {
+ asz++;
+ if (*ap == '"')
+ asz += 3;
+ }
+ if (asz != 3) {
+ /*
+ * Determine the size of the rest of the
+ * unexpanded macro, including the NUL.
+ */
+ rsz = buf->sz - (cp - n1) - 3;
+ /*
+ * When shrinking, move before
+ * releasing the storage.
+ */
+ if (asz < 3)
+ memmove(cp + asz, cp + 3, rsz);
+ /*
+ * Resize the storage for the macro
+ * and readjust the parse pointer.
+ */
+ buf->sz += asz - 3;
+ n2 = mandoc_realloc(n1, buf->sz);
+ cp = n2 + (cp - n1);
+ n1 = n2;
+ /*
+ * When growing, make room
+ * for the expanded argument.
+ */
+ if (asz > 3)
+ memmove(cp + asz, cp + 3, rsz);
+ }
+ /* Copy the expanded argument, escaping quotes. */
+ n2 = cp;
+ for (ap = arg[i]; *ap != '\0'; ap++) {
+ if (*ap == '"') {
+ memcpy(n2, "\\(dq", 4);
+ n2 += 4;
+ } else
+ *n2++ = *ap;
- *cp = '\0';
- buf->sz = mandoc_asprintf(&n2, "%s%s%s",
- n1, arg[i], cp + 3) + 1;
- cp = n2 + (cp - n1);
- free(n1);
- n1 = n2;
* Replace the macro invocation
* by the expanded macro.
buf->buf = n1;
- if (buf->sz == 0)
- buf->sz = strlen(buf->buf) + 1;
+ *offs = 0;
return(buf->sz > 1 && buf->buf[buf->sz - 2] == '\n' ?
+/* --- accessors and utility functions ------------------------------------ */
const struct tbl_span *
roff_span(const struct roff *r)