+ puts(" </select>");
+ /* Write architecture selector. */
+ printf( " <select name=\"arch\">\n"
+ " <option value=\"default\"");
+ if (NULL == req->q.arch)
+ printf(" selected=\"selected\"");
+ puts(">All Architectures</option>");
+ for (i = 0; i < arch_MAX; i++) {
+ printf(" <option value=\"%s\"", arch_names[i]);
+ if (NULL != req->q.arch &&
+ 0 == strcmp(arch_names[i], req->q.arch))
+ printf(" selected=\"selected\"");
+ printf(">%s</option>\n", arch_names[i]);
+ }
+ puts(" </select>");
+ /* Write manpath selector. */
+ if (req->psz > 1) {
+ puts(" <select name=\"manpath\">");
+ for (i = 0; i < (int)req->psz; i++) {
+ printf(" <option ");
+ if (strcmp(req->q.manpath, req->p[i]) == 0)
+ printf("selected=\"selected\" ");
+ printf("value=\"");
+ html_print(req->p[i]);
+ printf("\">");
+ html_print(req->p[i]);
+ puts("</option>");
+ }
+ puts(" </select>");
+ }
+ puts(" </fieldset>\n"
+ "</form>");
+static int
+validate_urifrag(const char *frag)
+ while ('\0' != *frag) {
+ if ( ! (isalnum((unsigned char)*frag) ||
+ '-' == *frag || '.' == *frag ||
+ '/' == *frag || '_' == *frag))
+ return 0;
+ frag++;
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int
+validate_manpath(const struct req *req, const char* manpath)
+ size_t i;
+ for (i = 0; i < req->psz; i++)
+ if ( ! strcmp(manpath, req->p[i]))
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static int
+validate_filename(const char *file)
+ if ('.' == file[0] && '/' == file[1])
+ file += 2;
+ return ! (strstr(file, "../") || strstr(file, "/..") ||
+ (strncmp(file, "man", 3) && strncmp(file, "cat", 3)));
+static void
+pg_index(const struct req *req)
+ resp_begin_html(200, NULL);
+ resp_searchform(req, FOCUS_QUERY);
+ printf("<p>\n"
+ "This web interface is documented in the\n"
+ "<a class=\"Xr\" href=\"/%s%sman.cgi.8\">man.cgi(8)</a>\n"
+ "manual, and the\n"
+ "<a class=\"Xr\" href=\"/%s%sapropos.1\">apropos(1)</a>\n"
+ "manual explains the query syntax.\n"
+ "</p>\n",
+ scriptname, *scriptname == '\0' ? "" : "/",
+ scriptname, *scriptname == '\0' ? "" : "/");
+ resp_end_html();
+static void
+pg_noresult(const struct req *req, const char *msg)
+ resp_begin_html(200, NULL);
+ resp_searchform(req, FOCUS_QUERY);
+ puts("<p>");
+ puts(msg);
+ puts("</p>");
+ resp_end_html();
+static void
+pg_error_badrequest(const char *msg)
+ resp_begin_html(400, "Bad Request");
+ puts("<h1>Bad Request</h1>\n"
+ "<p>\n");
+ puts(msg);
+ printf("Try again from the\n"
+ "<a href=\"/%s\">main page</a>.\n"
+ "</p>", scriptname);
+ resp_end_html();
+static void
+ resp_begin_html(500, "Internal Server Error");
+ puts("<p>Internal Server Error</p>");
+ resp_end_html();