- if ((i = mandoc_strntoi(p, sz, 16)) < 0)
- return('\0');
- /*
- * Security warning:
- * Never extend the range of accepted characters
- * to overlap with the ASCII range, 0x00-0x7F
- * without re-auditing the callers of this function.
- * Some callers might relay on the fact that we never
- * return ASCII characters for their escaping decisions.
- *
- * XXX Code is missing here to exclude bogus ranges.
- */
- return(i > 0x80 && i <= 0x10FFFF ? i : '\0');
+ i = mandoc_strntoi(p, sz, 16);
+ assert(i >= 0 && i <= 0x10FFFF);
+ return(i);