+ return 1;
+static int
+ struct roff_node *nch;
+ outflags |= MMAN_br | MMAN_nl;
+ if (n->child != NULL) {
+ print_word("The");
+ for (nch = n->child; nch != NULL; nch = nch->next) {
+ font_push('B');
+ print_word(nch->string);
+ font_pop();
+ outflags &= ~MMAN_spc;
+ print_word("()");
+ if (nch->next == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if (nch->prev != NULL || nch->next->next != NULL) {
+ outflags &= ~MMAN_spc;
+ print_word(",");
+ }
+ if (nch->next->next == NULL)
+ print_word("and");
+ }
+ if (n->child != NULL && n->child->next != NULL)
+ print_word("functions return");
+ else
+ print_word("function returns");
+ print_word("the value\\~0 if successful;");
+ } else
+ print_word("Upon successful completion, "
+ "the value\\~0 is returned;");
+ print_word("otherwise the value\\~\\-1 is returned"
+ " and the global variable");
+ font_push('I');
+ print_word("errno");
+ font_pop();
+ print_word("is set to indicate the error.");
+ outflags |= MMAN_nl;
+ return 0;
+static int
+ return 0;