+the GNU roff (groff) git repository
+the 4.3BSD-Net/2 groff CHANGES file (Oct 1990 to March 1991)
+the 4.3BSD-Net/2 groff ChangeLog file (July 1990 to March 1991)
+the man-db CVS and git repositories (since April 2001)
+the man-db NEWS file (April 1995 to Dec 2016)
+the man-db ChangeLog-2013 file (Nov 1994 to Dec 2013)
+release tarballs man-1.5g (July 1998) to man-1.5p (Jan 2005),
+man-1.6 (June 2005), and man-1.6a to man-1.6g (Dec 2010)