- mdocml is a suite of tools compiling “-mdoc”, the roff macro
- package for BSD manual pages. The mission of mdocml is to deprecate groff, the GNU roff implementation, for
- displaying BSD mdoc pages.
+ mdocml is a suite of tools compiling -mdoc, the roff macro package
+ of choice for BSD manual pages, and -man, the predominant historical package for UNIX
+ manuals. The mission of mdocml is to deprecate groff, the GNU roff implementation, for
+ displaying -mdoc pages whilst providing token support for -man.
Why? groff amounts to over 5 MB of source code, most of which is C++ and all of which is GPL. It runs
slowly, produces uncertain output, and varies in operation from system to system. mdocml strives to fix
this (respectively small, C, ISC-licensed, fast and regular).
- The core of mdocml is the libmdoc library, a validating scanner-parser producing
- intermediate-form output from -mdoc input. libmdoc is a simple, fast library operating on memory
- buffers, so it can be used for a variety of front-ends (terminal-based, CGI and so on). The primary
- front-end is mandoc(1), which formats -mdoc manuals for display on the
- terminal.
- The mandoc(1) utility is intended to deprecate usage of groff for displaying mdoc manuals on the
- terminal.
- Please submit patches! Although a significant implementation exists, work
- remains for the backend library and especially the front-end utilities. See the contact information below to submit patches and bug reports.
- Sources correctly build and install on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD and Linux operating systems, tested
- variously on i386, AMD64, Alpha and others.
- The most current version is @VERSION@, dated
- @VDATE@.
- Snapshot source
- CVS sources are checkedout and snapshotted with version updates. These may be found in the /snapshots/ directory.
- % cd /tmp
- % ftp -V -o- http://mdocml.bsd.lv/snapshots/mdocml.tar.gz | tar -zvxf -
- % cd mdocml
- % make all
- % make regress
- # make install
- # pkg_delete mdocml
- # cd /usr/ports/textproc/
- # rm -rf mdocml
- # ftp -V -o- http://mdocml.bsd.lv/ports-openbsd/mdocml.tar.gz | tar -zvxf -
- # cd mdocml
- # make build
- # make install
- NetBSD pkgsrc
- # pkg_delete mdocml
- # cd /usr/pkgsrc/textproc/
- # rm -rf mdocml
- # ftp -V -o- http://mdocml.bsd.lv/ports-netbsd/mdocml.tar.gz | tar -zvxf -
- # cd mdocml
- # make build
- # make install
- FreeBSD port
- # pkg_delete mdocml
- # cd /usr/ports/textproc/
- # rm -rf mdocml
- # ftp -V -o- http://mdocml.bsd.lv/ports-freebsd/mdocml.tar.gz | tar -zvxf -
- # cd mdocml
- # make build
- # make install
- Please contact Kristaps, kris...@kth.se, with questions, bug reports, patches, and so on.
- If you'd like to submit patches, please contact us beforehand in case larger changes are pending but not
- checked in. If making a bug report, please make sure it's repeatable on the most current snapshot.
+ The core of mdocml is composed of the libmdoc, libman, and libroff validating compiler libraries. All
+ are simple, fast libraries operating on memory buffers, so they may be used for a variety of front-ends
+ (terminal-based, CGI and so on). The front-end is mandoc, which formats
+ manuals for display.
+ Sources correctly build and install on DragonFly BSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, GNU/Linux, and many
+ other operating systems, tested variously on i386, AMD64, alpha, and others. The most current version
+ is @VERSION@, dated @VDATE@. A full ChangeLog (txt) is written with each release.
+ For all issues related to mdocml, contact Kristaps Dzonsons, kris...@bsd.lv.
+ You may also subscribe to several mailing lists (these require subscription, which is moderated). An
+ archive is not yet available on-line, although you may request one once subscribed.
many minor bug-fixes and formatting issues resolved
+ 19-06-2010:
+ version 1.10.2
+ Small release featuring text-decoration in -Tps output, a few
+ minor relaxations of errors, and some optimisations.
+ 07-06-2010:
+ version 1.10.1
+ This primarily focusses on the Bl and It macros described in mdoc. Multi-line column support is now fully compatible with
+ groff, as are implicit list entries for columns. Removed manuals.7 in favour of http://manpages.bsd.lv. The way we
+ handle the SYNOPSIS section (see the SYNOPSIS documentation in MANUAL STRUCTURE) has also
+ been considerably simplified compared to groff's method. Furthermore, the -Owidth=width output option has been added to -Tascii (see mandoc). Lastly, initial
+ PostScript output has been added with the -Tps option to mandoc. It's brutally simple at the moment: fixed-font, with
+ no font decorations.
+ 29-05-2010:
+ version 1.10.0
+ Release consisting of the results from the m2k10 hackathon and up-merge from OpenBSD.
+ This requires a significant note of thanks to Ingo Schwarze (OpenBSD) and Joerg
+ Sonnenberger (NetBSD) for their hard work, and again to Joerg for hosting m2k10.
+ Highlights (mostly cribbed from Ingo's m2k10 report) follow in no particular order:
end-of-sentence (EOS) detection in free-form and macro lines;
correct handling of tab-separated columnar lists in -mdoc;
improved main calling routines to optionally use mmap() for better
+ performance;
cleaned up exiting when invoked as -Tlint or over
+ multiple files with -fign-errors;
error and warning message handling re-written to be unified for libroff, libmdoc, and libman;
handling of badly-nested explicit-scoped macros;
improved free-form text parsing in libman and libmdoc;
significant GNU troff compatibility improvements in -Tascii, largely in terms of spacing;
a regression framework for making sure the many fragilities of GNU troff
+ aren't trampled in subsequent work;
support for -Tascii breaking at hyphens
+ encountered in free-form text;
and many more minor fixes and improvements (no really, consult cvsweb and see
+ for yourself!).
+ 13-05-2010:
+ version 1.9.25
+ Fixed handling of \*(Ba escape. Backed out -fno-ign-chars (pointless complexity). Fixed erroneous
+ breaking of literal lines. Fixed SYNOPSIS breaking lines before non-initial
+ macros. Changed default section ordering. Most importantly, the framework for
+ end-of-sentence double-spacing is in place, now implemented for the
+ end-of-sentence, end-of-line rule. This is a stable roll-back point
+ before the mandoc hackathon in Rostock!
+ 09-05-2010:
+ version 1.9.24
+ Rolled back break-at-hyphen. -DUGLY is now the
+ default (no feature splits!). Free-form text is not de-chunked any more: lines
+ are passed whole-sale into the front-end, including whitespace. Added mailing
+ lists. Lastly, mdocml is the focus of two Google Summer of Code
+ projects this year: mandoc -Tps
+ (NetBSD) and BSD-licensed
+ Text-Processing Tools (FreeBSD).