FN-NOARG(1) General Commands Manual FN-NOARG(1) NNAAMMEE FFnn--nnooaarrgg - function name macro without arguments DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN with arguments: _i_n_t aabbss(_i_n_t _i) _l_o_n_g llaabbss(_l_o_n_g _i) void function arguments: _i_n_t rraanndd() _l_o_n_g rraannddoomm() _u___i_n_t_3_2___t aarrcc44rraannddoomm() no name arguments: _i_n_t no type arguments: aabbss(_i_n_t _i) no type and void function arguments: rraanndd() rraannddoomm() aarrcc44rraannddoomm() no arguments at all: end of test document OpenBSD July 12, 2012 OpenBSD