# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.13 2020/02/27 21:38:27 schwarze Exp $ REGRESS_TARGETS = badNAME before empty emptyNAME first nohead order REGRESS_TARGETS += orderNAME paragraph parbefore parborder punctNAME REGRESS_TARGETS += subbefore tag transp LINT_TARGETS = badNAME before empty emptyNAME first nohead order LINT_TARGETS += orderNAME parbefore parborder punctNAME subbefore HTML_TARGETS = paragraph tag # groff-1.22.3 defects: # - .Pp before .Sh NAME causes a blank line before the header line # - .Ss before .Sh NAME puts the subsection header before the header line # - missing .Sh NAME causes loss of the header and footer lines # - .Sh DESCRIPTION Xo aborts the parser SKIP_GROFF = parbefore subbefore first empty .include