path: root/QuickActions/Tweak.x
diff options
authorCameron Katri <>2021-12-27 01:08:28 -0500
committerCameron Katri <>2021-12-27 01:08:28 -0500
commit15240ea1e0dc4fc86a3f36cffe5b9c14ff0b2c93 (patch)
treeb88d424cbcdce6487a2e85dfd380bc4eb7fd682e /QuickActions/Tweak.x
parent6c781fd0b08f0fe3ccd2d3e0d79c9739c2f288c8 (diff)
I lost track of all the changes
Diffstat (limited to 'QuickActions/Tweak.x')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/QuickActions/Tweak.x b/QuickActions/Tweak.x
index f5f4e39..64b69eb 100644
--- a/QuickActions/Tweak.x
+++ b/QuickActions/Tweak.x
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ void openApplication(NSString *bundleID)
%property (nonatomic) BOOL rightOpen;
%property (nonatomic) BOOL collapseLeft;
%property (nonatomic) BOOL collapseRight;
+%property (nonatomic,retain) DNDStateService *stateService;
-(id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)arg1 delegate:(id)arg2
@@ -53,8 +54,12 @@ void openApplication(NSString *bundleID)
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:@"com.cameronkatri.quickactions"];
- NSArray *leftButtons = (NSArray*)[defaults objectForKey:@"leftButtons"];
- NSArray *rightButtons = (NSArray*)[defaults objectForKey:@"rightButtons"];
+ NSArray *leftButtons = [defaults arrayForKey:@"leftButtons"];
+ if (leftButtons == nil)
+ leftButtons = @[@""];
+ NSArray *rightButtons = [defaults arrayForKey:@"rightButtons"];
+ if (rightButtons == nil)
+ rightButtons = @[@""];
self.leftButtons = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.rightButtons = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
@@ -62,7 +67,9 @@ void openApplication(NSString *bundleID)
self.collapseLeft = [leftButtons count] > 1 ? true : false;
self.leftOpen = !self.collapseLeft;
- if ([leftButtons count] == 1) {
+ if ([leftButtons count] == 0) {
+ [self.flashlightButton setHidden:1];
+ } else if ([leftButtons count] == 1) {
[self.flashlightButton setBundleID:leftButtons[0]];
} else if ([leftButtons count] > 1) {
[self.flashlightButton setImage:nil];
@@ -83,7 +90,9 @@ void openApplication(NSString *bundleID)
self.collapseRight = [rightButtons count] > 1 ? true : false;
self.rightOpen = !self.collapseRight;
- if ([rightButtons count] == 1) {
+ if ([rightButtons count] == 0) {
+ [self.cameraButton setHidden:1];
+ } else if ([rightButtons count] == 1) {
[self.cameraButton setBundleID:rightButtons[0]];
} else if ([rightButtons count] > 1) {
[self.cameraButton setImage:nil];
@@ -101,6 +110,11 @@ void openApplication(NSString *bundleID)
+ // [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(updateDND:) name:@"SBQuietModeStatusChangedNotification" object:nil];
+ // [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(updateDND:) name:@"QuickActionsUpdateDND" object:nil];
+ self.stateService = (DNDStateService *)[objc_getClass("DNDStateService") serviceForClientIdentifier:@""];
+ [self.stateService addStateUpdateListener:self withCompletionHandler:nil];
return o;
@@ -110,7 +124,7 @@ void openApplication(NSString *bundleID)
CGRect cameraFrame = [[self cameraButton] frame];
if (self.rightOpen) {
return CGRectMake(cameraFrame.origin.x,
- cameraFrame.origin.y - ((cameraFrame.size.height * 3/4) * ((button.type + 1) / 2)),
+ cameraFrame.origin.y - ((cameraFrame.size.height * 3/4) * (button.type - 1)),
cameraFrame.size.width, cameraFrame.size.height);
} else {
return cameraFrame;
@@ -163,6 +177,18 @@ void openApplication(NSString *bundleID)
buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
+ NSUserDefaults *defaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:@"com.cameronkatri.quickactions"];
+ CGRect frame = self.flashlightButton.frame;
+ frame.origin.x += [defaults floatForKey:@"LeftOffsetX"];
+ frame.origin.y -= [defaults floatForKey:@"LeftOffsetY"];
+ self.flashlightButton.frame = frame;
+ frame = self.cameraButton.frame;
+ frame.origin.x -= [defaults floatForKey:@"RightOffsetX"];
+ frame.origin.y -= [defaults floatForKey:@"RightOffsetY"];
+ self.cameraButton.frame = frame;
UIImageSymbolConfiguration *imageConfig = [UIImageSymbolConfiguration configurationWithTextStyle:UIFontTextStyleTitle1];
UIImage *image = [UIImage systemImageNamed:@"ellipsis" withConfiguration:imageConfig];
if ([self.leftButtons count] > 1) {
@@ -177,11 +203,15 @@ void openApplication(NSString *bundleID)
for (CSQuickActionsButton *button in [self leftButtons]) {
[button setEdgeInsets:insets];
button.frame = [self leftFrameForButton:button];
+ [button setHidden:!self.rightOpen];
for (CSQuickActionsButton *button in [self rightButtons]) {
[button setEdgeInsets:insets];
button.frame = [self rightFrameForButton:button];
+ [button setHidden:!self.rightOpen];
+ [self updateDND:nil];
-(void)handleButtonPress:(CSQuickActionsButton *)button
@@ -189,31 +219,54 @@ void openApplication(NSString *bundleID)
[button setSelected:false];
if (button.type == 0 && self.collapseRight) {
+ self.rightOpen = !self.rightOpen;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.25
- for (CSQuickActionsButton *button in [self rightButtons]) {
- button.frame = [self rightFrameForButton:button];
- }
+ for (CSQuickActionsButton *button in [self rightButtons]) {
+ button.frame = [self rightFrameForButton:button];
+ if (self.rightOpen)
+ [button setHidden:0];
+ }
- completion:NULL];
- self.rightOpen = !self.rightOpen;
+ completion:^(BOOL finished) {
+ for (CSQuickActionsButton *button in [self rightButtons])
+ [button setHidden:!self.rightOpen];
+ }];
} else if (button.type == 1 && self.collapseLeft) {
+ self.leftOpen = !self.leftOpen;
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.25
- animations:^(void){
- for (CSQuickActionsButton *button in [self leftButtons]) {
- button.frame = [self leftFrameForButton:button];
- }
+ animations:^(void) {
+ for (CSQuickActionsButton *button in [self leftButtons]) {
+ button.frame = [self leftFrameForButton:button];
+ if (self.leftOpen)
+ [button setHidden:0];
+ }
- completion:NULL];
- self.leftOpen = !self.leftOpen;
- } else if (button.bundleID) {
+ completion:^(BOOL finished) {
+ for (CSQuickActionsButton *button in [self leftButtons])
+ [button setHidden:!self.leftOpen];
+ }];
+ } else if ([button.bundleID isEqualToString:@""]) {
+ [self.delegate _toggleFlashlight];
+ } else if ([button.bundleID isEqualToString:@""]) {
+ [self.delegate _launchCamera];
+ } else if ([button.bundleID isEqualToString:@""]) {
+ [self setDoNotDisturb:!self.isDNDActive];
+ } else if (button.bundleID)
- } else
+ else {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* This will make the CC module be correct */
+ [self.delegate _resetIdleTimer];
+ [self.delegate sendAction:[CSAction actionWithType:5]];
@@ -235,6 +288,68 @@ void openApplication(NSString *bundleID)
+ if ([self.flashlightButton.bundleID isEqualToString:@""])
+ [self.flashlightButton setSelected:arg];
+ if ([self.cameraButton.bundleID isEqualToString:@""])
+ [self.cameraButton setSelected:arg];
+ for (CSQuickActionsButton *button in [self leftButtons])
+ if ([button.bundleID isEqualToString:@""])
+ [button setSelected:arg];
+ for (CSQuickActionsButton *button in [self rightButtons])
+ if ([button.bundleID isEqualToString:@""])
+ [button setSelected:arg];
+ DNDModeAssertionService *assertionService = (DNDModeAssertionService *)[objc_getClass("DNDModeAssertionService") serviceForClientIdentifier:@""];
+ if (state) {
+ DNDModeAssertionDetails *newAssertion = [objc_getClass("DNDModeAssertionDetails") userRequestedAssertionDetailsWithIdentifier:@"" modeIdentifier:@"" lifetime:nil];
+ [assertionService takeModeAssertionWithDetails:newAssertion error:NULL];
+ } else {
+ [assertionService invalidateAllActiveModeAssertionsWithError:NULL];
+ }
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"SBQuietModeStatusChangedNotification" object:nil];
+ // DNDStateService *stateService = (DNDStateService *)[objc_getClass("DNDStateService") serviceForClientIdentifier:@""];
+ return [[self.stateService queryCurrentStateWithError:nil] isActive];
+-(void)updateDND:(NSNotification *)notif
+ BOOL active = [self isDNDActive];
+ if ([self.flashlightButton.bundleID isEqualToString:@""])
+ [self.flashlightButton setSelected:active];
+ if ([self.cameraButton.bundleID isEqualToString:@""])
+ [self.cameraButton setSelected:active];
+ for (CSQuickActionsButton *button in [self leftButtons])
+ if ([button.bundleID isEqualToString:@""])
+ [button setSelected:active];
+ for (CSQuickActionsButton *button in [self rightButtons])
+ if ([button.bundleID isEqualToString:@""])
+ [button setSelected:active];
+-(void)stateService:(id)arg1 didReceiveDoNotDisturbStateUpdate:(id)arg2
+ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
+ [self updateDND:nil];
+ });
%hook CSQuickActionsButton
@@ -250,7 +365,28 @@ void openApplication(NSString *bundleID)
- [self setImage:[UIImage _applicationIconImageForBundleIdentifier:bundleID format:0 scale:[UIScreen mainScreen].scale]];
+ if ([bundleID isEqualToString:@""]) {
+ [self setImage:[self _imageWithName:@"OrbCamera"]];
+ [self setLatching:FALSE];
+ } else if ([bundleID isEqualToString:@""]) {
+ [self setImage:[self _imageWithName:@"OrbFlashlightOff"]];
+ [self setSelectedImage:[self _imageWithName:@"OrbFlashlightOff"]];
+ [self setLatching:TRUE];
+ } else if (([bundleID isEqualToString:@""])) {
+ UIImageSymbolConfiguration *imageConfig = [UIImageSymbolConfiguration configurationWithTextStyle:UIFontTextStyleTitle2];
+ [self setImage:[UIImage systemImageNamed:@"moon.fill" withConfiguration:imageConfig]];
+ [self setSelectedImage:[UIImage systemImageNamed:@"moon.fill" withConfiguration:imageConfig]];
+ ((UIImageView *)[self valueForKey:@"_contentView"]).contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
+ [self setLatching:TRUE];
+ } else {
+ [self setImage:[UIImage _applicationIconImageForBundleIdentifier:bundleID format:0 scale:[UIScreen mainScreen].scale]];
+ [self setLatching:FALSE];
+ }
+ %orig(YES);
@@ -274,4 +410,14 @@ void openApplication(NSString *bundleID)
+// %hook DNDNotificationsService
+// -(void)stateService:(id)arg1 didReceiveDoNotDisturbStateUpdate:(id)arg2{
+// %orig;
+// [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"QuickActionsUpdateDND" object:nil];
+// }
+// %end
// vim: filetype=logos