path: root/bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/server.c
diff options
authorCameron Katri <me@cameronkatri.com>2021-05-09 14:20:58 -0400
committerCameron Katri <me@cameronkatri.com>2021-05-09 14:20:58 -0400
commit5fd83771641d15c418f747bd343ba6738d3875f7 (patch)
tree5abf0f78f680d9837dbd93d4d4c3933bb7509599 /bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/server.c
Import macOS userland
adv_cmds-176 basic_cmds-55 bootstrap_cmds-116.100.1 developer_cmds-66 diskdev_cmds-667.40.1 doc_cmds-53.60.1 file_cmds-321.40.3 mail_cmds-35 misc_cmds-34 network_cmds-606.40.1 patch_cmds-17 remote_cmds-63 shell_cmds-216.60.1 system_cmds-880.60.2 text_cmds-106
Diffstat (limited to 'bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/server.c')
1 files changed, 2772 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/server.c b/bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/server.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bbed53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap_cmds/migcom.tproj/server.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2772 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *
+ * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
+ * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
+ * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
+ * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
+ * file.
+ *
+ * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
+ * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
+ * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+ */
+ * Mach Operating System
+ * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
+ * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
+ * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
+ * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
+ *
+ *
+ * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
+ *
+ * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
+ * School of Computer Science
+ * Carnegie Mellon University
+ * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
+ *
+ * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon
+ * the rights to redistribute these changes.
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <mach/message.h>
+#include "write.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "global.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#ifndef max
+#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+#endif /* max */
+void WriteLogDefines(FILE *file, string_t who);
+void WriteIdentificationString(FILE *file);
+static void WriteFieldDecl(FILE *file, argument_t *arg);
+static void
+WriteKPD_Iterator(FILE *file, boolean_t in, boolean_t varying, argument_t *arg, boolean_t bracket)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ char string[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ fprintf(file, "\t{\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t %s\t*ptr;\n", it->itKPDType);
+ fprintf(file, "\t int\ti");
+ if (varying && !in)
+ fprintf(file, ", j");
+ fprintf(file, ";\n\n");
+ if (in)
+ sprintf(string, "In%dP", arg->argRequestPos);
+ else
+ sprintf(string, "OutP");
+ fprintf(file, "\t ptr = &%s->%s[0];\n", string, arg->argMsgField);
+ if (varying) {
+ argument_t *count = arg->argCount;
+ if (in)
+ fprintf(file, "\t for (i = 0; i < In%dP->%s; ptr++, i++) %s\n", count->argRequestPos, count->argMsgField, (bracket) ? "{" : "");
+ else {
+ fprintf(file, "\t j = min(%d, ", it->itKPD_Number);
+ if (akCheck(count->argKind, akbVarNeeded))
+ fprintf(file, "%s);\n", count->argName);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "%s->%s);\n", string, count->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, "\t for (i = 0; i < j; ptr++, i++) %s\n", (bracket) ? "{" : "");
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\t for (i = 0; i < %d; ptr++, i++) %s\n", it->itKPD_Number, (bracket) ? "{" : "");
+static void
+WriteMyIncludes(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ if (ServerHeaderFileName == strNULL || UseSplitHeaders)
+ WriteIncludes(file, FALSE, FALSE);
+ if (ServerHeaderFileName != strNULL)
+ {
+ char *cp;
+ /* Strip any leading path from ServerHeaderFileName. */
+ cp = strrchr(ServerHeaderFileName, '/');
+ if (cp == 0)
+ cp = ServerHeaderFileName;
+ else
+ cp++; /* skip '/' */
+ fprintf(file, "#include \"%s\"\n", cp);
+ }
+ if (ServerHeaderFileName == strNULL || UseSplitHeaders)
+ WriteImplImports(file, stats, FALSE);
+ if (UseEventLogger) {
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigKernelSpecificCode\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#include <mig_debug.h>\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __MigKernelSpecificCode */\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "#if MIG_DEBUG\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#include <mach/mig_log.h>\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* MIG_DEBUG */\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteGlobalDecls(FILE *file)
+ if (BeAnsiC) {
+ fprintf(file, "#define novalue void\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t%s\n", NewCDecl);
+ fprintf(file, "#define novalue void\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#else\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#define novalue int\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* %s */\n", NewCDecl);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ if (RCSId != strNULL)
+ WriteRCSDecl(file, strconcat(SubsystemName, "_server"), RCSId);
+ /* Used for locations in the request message, *not* reply message.
+ Reply message locations aren't dependent on IsKernelServer. */
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigKernelSpecificCode\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#define msgh_request_port\tmsgh_remote_port\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#define MACH_MSGH_BITS_REQUEST(bits)");
+ fprintf(file, "\tMACH_MSGH_BITS_REMOTE(bits)\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#define msgh_reply_port\t\tmsgh_local_port\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#define MACH_MSGH_BITS_REPLY(bits)");
+ fprintf(file, "\tMACH_MSGH_BITS_LOCAL(bits)\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#else\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "#define msgh_request_port\tmsgh_local_port\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#define MACH_MSGH_BITS_REQUEST(bits)");
+ fprintf(file, "\tMACH_MSGH_BITS_LOCAL(bits)\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#define msgh_reply_port\t\tmsgh_remote_port\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#define MACH_MSGH_BITS_REPLY(bits)");
+ fprintf(file, "\tMACH_MSGH_BITS_REMOTE(bits)\n");
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* __MigKernelSpecificCode */\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ if (UseEventLogger)
+ WriteLogDefines(file, "MACH_MSG_LOG_SERVER");
+ fprintf(file, "#define MIG_RETURN_ERROR(X, code)\t{\\\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t\t\t((mig_reply_error_t *)X)->RetCode = code;\\\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t\t\t((mig_reply_error_t *)X)->NDR = NDR_record;\\\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t\t\treturn;\\\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t\t\t}\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteForwardDeclarations(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ statement_t *stat;
+ fprintf(file, "/* Forward Declarations */\n\n");
+ for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext)
+ if (stat->stKind == skRoutine) {
+ fprintf(file, "\nmig_internal novalue _X%s\n", stat->stRoutine->rtName);
+ fprintf(file, "\t(mach_msg_header_t *InHeadP, mach_msg_header_t *OutHeadP);\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteMIGCheckDefines(FILE *file)
+ fprintf(file, "#define\t__MIG_check__Request__%s_subsystem__ 1\n", SubsystemName);
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteNDRDefines(FILE *file)
+ fprintf(file, "#define\t__NDR_convert__Request__%s_subsystem__ 1\n", SubsystemName);
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteProlog(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ WriteIdentificationString(file);
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "/* Module %s */\n", SubsystemName);
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ WriteMIGCheckDefines(file);
+ if (CheckNDR)
+ WriteNDRDefines(file);
+ WriteMyIncludes(file, stats);
+ WriteBogusDefines(file);
+ WriteApplDefaults(file, "Rcv");
+ WriteGlobalDecls(file);
+ if (ServerHeaderFileName == strNULL) {
+ WriteRequestTypes(file, stats);
+ WriteReplyTypes(file, stats);
+ WriteServerReplyUnion(file, stats);
+ }
+static void
+WriteSymTabEntries(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ statement_t *stat;
+ u_int current = 0;
+ for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext)
+ if (stat->stKind == skRoutine) {
+ int num = stat->stRoutine->rtNumber;
+ char *name = stat->stRoutine->rtName;
+ while (++current <= num)
+ fprintf(file,"\t\t\t{ \"\", 0, 0 },\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t{ \"%s\", %d, _X%s },\n", name, SubsystemBase + current - 1, name);
+ }
+ while (++current <= rtNumber)
+ fprintf(file,"\t{ \"\", 0, 0 },\n");
+static void
+WriteRoutineEntries(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ u_int current = 0;
+ statement_t *stat;
+ char *sig_array, *rt_name;
+ int arg_count, descr_count;
+ int offset = 0;
+ size_t serverSubsysNameLen = strlen(ServerSubsys);
+ fprintf(file, "\t{\n");
+ for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext)
+ if (stat->stKind == skRoutine) {
+ routine_t *rt = stat->stRoutine;
+ size_t rtNameLen = strlen(rt->rtName);
+ // Include length of rt->rtName in calculation of necessary buffer size, since that string
+ // is actually written into the buffer along with the Server Subsystem name.
+ sig_array = (char *) malloc(serverSubsysNameLen + rtNameLen + 80);
+ rt_name = (char *) malloc(rtNameLen + 5);
+ while (current++ < rt->rtNumber)
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},\n");
+ // NOTE: if either of the two string constants in the sprintf() function calls below get
+ // much longer, be sure to increase the constant '80' (in the first malloc() call) to ensure
+ // that the allocated buffer is large enough. (Currently, I count 66 characters in the first
+ // string constant, 65 in the second. 80 ought to be enough for now...)
+ if (UseRPCTrap) {
+ sprintf(sig_array, "&%s.arg_descriptor[%d], (mach_msg_size_t)sizeof(__Reply__%s_t)", ServerSubsys, offset, rt->rtName);
+ }
+ else {
+ sprintf(sig_array, "(routine_arg_descriptor_t)0, (mach_msg_size_t)sizeof(__Reply__%s_t)", rt->rtName);
+ }
+ sprintf(rt_name, "_X%s", rt->rtName);
+ descr_count = rtCountArgDescriptors(rt->rtArgs, &arg_count);
+ offset += descr_count;
+ WriteRPCRoutineDescriptor(file, rt, arg_count, (UseRPCTrap) ? descr_count : 0, rt_name, sig_array);
+ fprintf(file, ",\n");
+ free(sig_array);
+ free(rt_name);
+ }
+ while (current++ < rtNumber)
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t}");
+static void
+WriteArgDescriptorEntries(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ statement_t *stat;
+ fprintf(file, ",\n\n\t{\n");
+ for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext)
+ if (stat->stKind == skRoutine) {
+ routine_t *rt = stat->stRoutine;
+ /* For each arg of the routine, write an arg descriptor:
+ */
+ WriteRPCRoutineArgDescriptor(file, rt);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t},\n\n");
+ * Write out the description of this subsystem, for use in direct RPC
+ */
+static void
+WriteSubsystem(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ statement_t *stat;
+ int descr_count = 0;
+ for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext)
+ if (stat->stKind == skRoutine) {
+ routine_t *rt = stat->stRoutine;
+ descr_count += rtCountArgDescriptors(rt->rtArgs, (int *) 0);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ if (ServerHeaderFileName == strNULL) {
+ WriteMigExternal(file);
+ fprintf(file, "boolean_t %s(", ServerDemux);
+ if (BeAnsiC) {
+ fprintf(file, "\n\t\tmach_msg_header_t *InHeadP,");
+ fprintf(file, "\n\t\tmach_msg_header_t *OutHeadP");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, ");\n\n");
+ WriteMigExternal(file);
+ fprintf(file, "mig_routine_t %s_routine(", ServerDemux);
+ if (BeAnsiC) {
+ fprintf(file, "\n\t\tmach_msg_header_t *InHeadP");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, ");\n\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\n/* Description of this subsystem, for use in direct RPC */\n");
+ if (ServerHeaderFileName == strNULL) {
+ fprintf(file, "const struct %s {\n", ServerSubsys);
+ if (UseRPCTrap) {
+ fprintf(file, "\tstruct subsystem *\tsubsystem;\t/* Reserved for system use */\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(file, "\tmig_server_routine_t \tserver;\t/* Server routine */\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\tmach_msg_id_t\tstart;\t/* Min routine number */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tmach_msg_id_t\tend;\t/* Max routine number + 1 */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tunsigned int\tmaxsize;\t/* Max msg size */\n");
+ if (UseRPCTrap) {
+ fprintf(file, "\tvm_address_t\tbase_addr;\t/* Base address */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tstruct rpc_routine_descriptor\t/*Array of routine descriptors */\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(file, "\tvm_address_t\treserved;\t/* Reserved */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tstruct routine_descriptor\t/*Array of routine descriptors */\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t\troutine[%d];\n", rtNumber);
+ if (UseRPCTrap) {
+ fprintf(file, "\tstruct rpc_routine_arg_descriptor\t/*Array of arg descriptors */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\targ_descriptor[%d];\n", descr_count);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "} %s = {\n", ServerSubsys);
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(file, "const struct %s %s = {\n", ServerSubsys, ServerSubsys);
+ }
+ if (UseRPCTrap) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t0,\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s_routine,\n", ServerDemux);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t%d,\n", SubsystemBase);
+ fprintf(file, "\t%d,\n", SubsystemBase + rtNumber);
+ fprintf(file, "\t(mach_msg_size_t)sizeof(union __ReplyUnion__%s),\n", ServerSubsys);
+ if (UseRPCTrap) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t(vm_address_t)&%s,\n", ServerSubsys);
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(file, "\t(vm_address_t)0,\n");
+ }
+ WriteRoutineEntries(file, stats);
+ if (UseRPCTrap)
+ WriteArgDescriptorEntries(file, stats);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "};\n\n");
+static void
+WriteArraySizes(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ u_int current = 0;
+ statement_t *stat;
+ for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext)
+ if (stat->stKind == skRoutine) {
+ routine_t *rt = stat->stRoutine;
+ while (current++ < rt->rtNumber)
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t0,\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t(mach_msg_size_t)sizeof(__Reply__%s_t),\n", rt->rtName);
+ }
+ while (current++ < rtNumber)
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t\t0,\n");
+#endif /* NOT_CURRENTLY_USED */
+WriteServerRequestUnion(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ statement_t *stat;
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "/* union of all requests */\n\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#ifndef __RequestUnion__%s__defined\n", ServerSubsys);
+ fprintf(file, "#define __RequestUnion__%s__defined\n", ServerSubsys);
+ fprintf(file, "union __RequestUnion__%s {\n", ServerSubsys);
+ for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext) {
+ if (stat->stKind == skRoutine) {
+ routine_t *rt;
+ rt = stat->stRoutine;
+ fprintf(file, "\t__Request__%s_t Request_%s;\n", rt->rtName, rt->rtName);
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "};\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* __RequestUnion__%s__defined */\n", ServerSubsys);
+WriteServerReplyUnion(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ statement_t *stat;
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "/* union of all replies */\n\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#ifndef __ReplyUnion__%s__defined\n", ServerSubsys);
+ fprintf(file, "#define __ReplyUnion__%s__defined\n", ServerSubsys);
+ fprintf(file, "union __ReplyUnion__%s {\n", ServerSubsys);
+ for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext) {
+ if (stat->stKind == skRoutine) {
+ routine_t *rt;
+ rt = stat->stRoutine;
+ fprintf(file, "\t__Reply__%s_t Reply_%s;\n", rt->rtName, rt->rtName);
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "};\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* __ReplyUnion__%s__defined */\n", ServerSubsys);
+static void
+WriteDispatcher(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ /*
+ * Write the subsystem stuff.
+ */
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ WriteSubsystem(file, stats);
+ /*
+ * Then, the server routine
+ */
+ fprintf(file, "mig_external boolean_t %s\n", ServerDemux);
+ if (BeAnsiC) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t(mach_msg_header_t *InHeadP, mach_msg_header_t *OutHeadP)\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t%s\n", NewCDecl);
+ fprintf(file, "\t(mach_msg_header_t *InHeadP, mach_msg_header_t *OutHeadP)\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#else\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t(InHeadP, OutHeadP)\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tmach_msg_header_t *InHeadP, *OutHeadP;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* %s */\n", NewCDecl);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "{\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t/*\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t * typedef struct {\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t * \tmach_msg_header_t Head;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t * \tNDR_record_t NDR;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t * \tkern_return_t RetCode;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t * } mig_reply_error_t;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tmig_routine_t routine;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutHeadP->msgh_bits = ");
+ fprintf(file, "MACH_MSGH_BITS(MACH_MSGH_BITS_REPLY(InHeadP->msgh_bits), 0);\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutHeadP->msgh_remote_port = InHeadP->msgh_reply_port;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t/* Minimal size: routine() will update it if different */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutHeadP->msgh_size = (mach_msg_size_t)sizeof(mig_reply_error_t);\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutHeadP->msgh_local_port = MACH_PORT_NULL;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutHeadP->msgh_id = InHeadP->msgh_id + 100;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutHeadP->msgh_reserved = 0;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tif ((InHeadP->msgh_id > %d) || (InHeadP->msgh_id < %d) ||\n", SubsystemBase + rtNumber - 1, SubsystemBase);
+ fprintf(file, "\t ((routine = %s.routine[InHeadP->msgh_id - %d].stub_routine) == 0)) {\n", ServerSubsys, SubsystemBase);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t((mig_reply_error_t *)OutHeadP)->NDR = NDR_record;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t((mig_reply_error_t *)OutHeadP)->RetCode = MIG_BAD_ID;\n");
+ if (UseEventLogger) {
+ fprintf(file, "#if MIG_DEBUG\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t\t&InHeadP->msgh_id, __FILE__, __LINE__);\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* MIG_DEBUG */\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t\treturn FALSE;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t}\n");
+ /* Call appropriate routine */
+ fprintf(file, "\t(*routine) (InHeadP, OutHeadP);\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\treturn TRUE;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "}\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ /*
+ * Then, the <subsystem>_server_routine routine
+ */
+ fprintf(file, "mig_external mig_routine_t %s_routine\n", ServerDemux);
+ if (BeAnsiC) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t(mach_msg_header_t *InHeadP)\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t%s\n", NewCDecl);
+ fprintf(file, "\t(mach_msg_header_t *InHeadP)\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#else\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t(InHeadP)\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tmach_msg_header_t *InHeadP;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* %s */\n", NewCDecl);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "{\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tint msgh_id;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsgh_id = InHeadP->msgh_id - %d;\n", SubsystemBase);
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tif ((msgh_id > %d) || (msgh_id < 0))\n", rtNumber - 1);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\treturn 0;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\treturn %s.routine[msgh_id].stub_routine;\n", ServerSubsys);
+ fprintf(file, "}\n");
+ /* symtab */
+ if (GenSymTab) {
+ fprintf(file,"\nmig_symtab_t _%sSymTab[] = {\n",SubsystemName);
+ WriteSymTabEntries(file,stats);
+ fprintf(file,"};\n");
+ fprintf(file,"int _%sSymTabBase = %d;\n",SubsystemName,SubsystemBase);
+ fprintf(file,"int _%sSymTabEnd = %d;\n",SubsystemName,SubsystemBase+rtNumber);
+ }
+ * Returns the return type of the server-side work function.
+ * Suitable for "extern %s serverfunc()".
+ */
+static char *
+ServerSideType(routine_t *rt)
+ return rt->rtRetCode->argType->itTransType;
+#endif /* NOT_CURRENTLY_USED */
+static void
+WriteRetCode(FILE *file, argument_t *ret)
+ ipc_type_t *it = ret->argType;
+ if (akCheck(ret->argKind, akbVarNeeded)) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s %s;\n", it->itTransType, ret->argVarName);
+ }
+static void
+WriteLocalVarDecl(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ ipc_type_t *btype = it->itElement;
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s %s[%d]", btype->itTransType, arg->argVarName, btype->itNumber ? it->itNumber/btype->itNumber : 0);
+ else if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it)) {
+ if (btype->itTransType != strNULL)
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s %s[%d]", btype->itTransType, arg->argVarName, it->itKPD_Number);
+ else
+ /* arrays of ool or oolport */
+ fprintf(file, "\tvoid *%s[%d]", arg->argVarName, it->itKPD_Number);
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s %s", it->itTransType, arg->argVarName);
+static void
+WriteServerArgDecl(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ fprintf(file, "%s %s%s", arg->argType->itTransType, arg->argByReferenceServer ? "*" : "", arg->argVarName);
+#endif /* NOT_CURRENTLY_USED */
+ * Writes the local variable declarations which are always
+ * present: InP, OutP, the server-side work function.
+ */
+static void
+WriteVarDecls(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ int i;
+ fprintf(file, "\tRequest *In0P = (Request *) InHeadP;\n");
+ for (i = 1; i <= rt->rtMaxRequestPos; i++)
+ fprintf(file, "\tRequest *In%dP;\n", i);
+ fprintf(file, "\tReply *OutP = (Reply *) OutHeadP;\n");
+ /* if reply is variable, we may need msgh_size_delta and msgh_size */
+ if (rt->rtNumReplyVar > 1)
+ fprintf(file, "\tunsigned int msgh_size;\n");
+ if (rt->rtMaxReplyPos > 0)
+ fprintf(file, "\tunsigned int msgh_size_delta;\n");
+ if (rt->rtNumReplyVar > 1 || rt->rtMaxReplyPos > 0)
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ if (rt->rtServerImpl) {
+ fprintf(file, "\tmach_msg_max_trailer_t *TrailerP;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigTypeCheck\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tunsigned int trailer_size __attribute__((unused));\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __MigTypeCheck */\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "#ifdef\t__MIG_check__Request__%s_t__defined\n", rt->rtName);
+ fprintf(file, "\tkern_return_t check_result;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __MIG_check__Request__%s_t__defined */\n", rt->rtName);
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteReplyInit(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ if (rt->rtNumReplyVar > 1 || rt->rtMaxReplyPos)
+ /* WritheAdjustMsgSize() has been executed at least once! */
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP = (Reply *) OutHeadP;\n");
+ if (!rt->rtSimpleReply) /* complex reply message */
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->Head.msgh_bits |= MACH_MSGH_BITS_COMPLEX;\n");
+ if (rt->rtNumReplyVar == 0) {
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->Head.msgh_size = ");
+ rtMinReplySize(file, rt, "Reply");
+ fprintf(file, ";\n");
+ }
+ else if (rt->rtNumReplyVar > 1)
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->Head.msgh_size = msgh_size;\n");
+ /* the case rt->rtNumReplyVar = 1 is taken care of in WriteAdjustMsgSize() */
+static void
+WriteRetCArgCheckError(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (!(In0P->Head.msgh_bits & MACH_MSGH_BITS_COMPLEX) &&\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t (In0P->Head.msgh_size == (mach_msg_size_t)sizeof(mig_reply_error_t)))\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t{\n");
+static void
+WriteRetCArgFinishError(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ argument_t *retcode = rt->rtRetCArg;
+ fprintf(file, "\treturn;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t}\n");
+ retcode->argMsgField = "KERN_SUCCESS";
+static void
+WriteCheckHead(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigTypeCheck\n");
+ if (rt->rtNumRequestVar > 0)
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsgh_size = In0P->Head.msgh_size;\n");
+ if (rt->rtSimpleRequest) {
+ /* Expecting a simple message. */
+ fprintf(file, "\tif ((In0P->Head.msgh_bits & MACH_MSGH_BITS_COMPLEX) ||\n");
+ if (rt->rtNumRequestVar > 0) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t (msgh_size < ");
+ rtMinRequestSize(file, rt, "__Request");
+ fprintf(file, ") || (msgh_size > (mach_msg_size_t)sizeof(__Request)))\n");
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\t (In0P->Head.msgh_size != (mach_msg_size_t)sizeof(__Request)))\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Expecting a complex message. */
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (");
+ if (rt->rtRetCArg != argNULL)
+ fprintf(file, "(");
+ fprintf(file, "!(In0P->Head.msgh_bits & MACH_MSGH_BITS_COMPLEX) ||\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t (In0P->msgh_body.msgh_descriptor_count != %d) ||\n", rt->rtRequestKPDs);
+ if (rt->rtNumRequestVar > 0) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t (msgh_size < ");
+ rtMinRequestSize(file, rt, "__Request");
+ fprintf(file, ") || (msgh_size > (mach_msg_size_t)sizeof(__Request))");
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\t (In0P->Head.msgh_size != (mach_msg_size_t)sizeof(__Request))");
+ if (rt->rtRetCArg == argNULL)
+ fprintf(file, ")\n");
+ else {
+ fprintf(file, ") &&\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t ((In0P->Head.msgh_bits & MACH_MSGH_BITS_COMPLEX) ||\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t In0P->Head.msgh_size != (mach_msg_size_t)sizeof(mig_reply_error_t) ||\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t ((mig_reply_error_t *)In0P)->RetCode == KERN_SUCCESS))\n");
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t\treturn MIG_BAD_ARGUMENTS;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __MigTypeCheck */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+WriteRequestNDRConvertIntRepArgCond(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ routine_t *rt = arg->argRoutine;
+ fprintf(file, "defined(__NDR_convert__int_rep__Request__%s_t__%s__defined)", rt->rtName, arg->argMsgField);
+WriteRequestNDRConvertCharRepArgCond(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ routine_t *rt = arg->argRoutine;
+ if (akIdent(arg->argKind) != akeCount && akIdent(arg->argKind) != akeCountInOut)
+ fprintf(file, "defined(__NDR_convert__char_rep__Request__%s_t__%s__defined)", rt->rtName, arg->argMsgField);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "0");
+WriteRequestNDRConvertFloatRepArgCond(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ routine_t *rt = arg->argRoutine;
+ if (akIdent(arg->argKind) != akeCount && akIdent(arg->argKind) != akeCountInOut)
+ fprintf(file, "defined(__NDR_convert__float_rep__Request__%s_t__%s__defined)", rt->rtName, arg->argMsgField);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "0");
+WriteRequestNDRConvertIntRepArgDecl(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ WriteNDRConvertArgDecl(file, arg, "int_rep", "Request");
+WriteRequestNDRConvertCharRepArgDecl(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ if (akIdent(arg->argKind) != akeCount && akIdent(arg->argKind) != akeCountInOut)
+ WriteNDRConvertArgDecl(file, arg, "char_rep", "Request");
+WriteRequestNDRConvertFloatRepArgDecl(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ if (akIdent(arg->argKind) != akeCount && akIdent(arg->argKind) != akeCountInOut)
+ WriteNDRConvertArgDecl(file, arg, "float_rep", "Request");
+WriteRequestNDRConvertArgUse(FILE *file, argument_t *arg, char *convert)
+ routine_t *rt = arg->argRoutine;
+ argument_t *count = arg->argCount;
+ char argname[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ if ((akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeCount || akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeCountInOut) &&
+ (arg->argParent && akCheck(arg->argParent->argKind, akbSendNdr)))
+ return;
+ if (arg->argKPD_Type == MACH_MSG_OOL_DESCRIPTOR) {
+ if (count && !arg->argSameCount && !strcmp(convert, "int_rep")) {
+ fprintf(file, "#if defined(__NDR_convert__int_rep__Request__%s_t__%s__defined)\n", rt->rtName, count->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t__NDR_convert__int_rep__Request__%s_t__%s(&In%dP->%s, In%dP->NDR.int_rep);\n", rt->rtName, count->argMsgField, count->argRequestPos, count->argMsgField, count->argRequestPos);
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __NDR_convert__int_rep__Request__%s_t__%s__defined */\n", rt->rtName, count->argMsgField);
+ }
+ sprintf(argname, "(%s)(In%dP->%s.address)", FetchServerType(arg->argType), arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField);
+ }
+ else {
+ sprintf(argname, "&In%dP->%s", arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "#if defined(__NDR_convert__%s__Request__%s_t__%s__defined)\n", convert, rt->rtName, arg->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t__NDR_convert__%s__Request__%s_t__%s(%s, In0P->NDR.%s", convert, rt->rtName, arg->argMsgField, argname, convert);
+ if (count)
+ fprintf(file, ", In%dP->%s", count->argRequestPos, count->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, ");\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __NDR_convert__%s__Request__%s_t__%s__defined */\n", convert, rt->rtName, arg->argMsgField);
+WriteRequestNDRConvertIntRepOneArgUse(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ routine_t *rt = arg->argRoutine;
+ fprintf(file, "#if defined(__NDR_convert__int_rep__Request__%s_t__%s__defined)\n", rt->rtName, arg->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (In0P->NDR.int_rep != NDR_record.int_rep)\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t__NDR_convert__int_rep__Request__%s_t__%s(&In%dP->%s, In%dP->NDR.int_rep);\n", rt->rtName, arg->argMsgField, arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField, arg->argRequestPos);
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __NDR_convert__int_rep__Request__%s_t__%s__defined */\n", rt->rtName, arg->argMsgField);
+WriteRequestNDRConvertIntRepArgUse(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ WriteRequestNDRConvertArgUse(file, arg, "int_rep");
+WriteRequestNDRConvertCharRepArgUse(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ if (akIdent(arg->argKind) != akeCount && akIdent(arg->argKind) != akeCountInOut)
+ WriteRequestNDRConvertArgUse(file, arg, "char_rep");
+WriteRequestNDRConvertFloatRepArgUse(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ if (akIdent(arg->argKind) != akeCount && akIdent(arg->argKind) != akeCountInOut)
+ WriteRequestNDRConvertArgUse(file, arg, "float_rep");
+static void
+WriteCalcArgSize(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *ptype = arg->argType;
+ if (PackMsg == FALSE) {
+ fprintf(file, "%d", ptype->itTypeSize + ptype->itPadSize);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (IS_OPTIONAL_NATIVE(ptype))
+ fprintf(file, "(In%dP->__Present__%s ? _WALIGNSZ_(%s) : 0)" , arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField, ptype->itServerType);
+ else {
+ ipc_type_t *btype = ptype->itElement;
+ argument_t *count = arg->argCount;
+ int multiplier = btype->itTypeSize;
+ if (btype->itTypeSize % itWordAlign != 0)
+ fprintf(file, "_WALIGN_");
+ fprintf(file, "(");
+ if (multiplier > 1)
+ fprintf(file, "%d * ", multiplier);
+ fprintf(file, "In%dP->%s", count->argRequestPos, count->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, ")");
+ }
+static void
+WriteCheckArgSize(FILE *file, routine_t *rt, argument_t *arg, const char *comparator)
+ ipc_type_t *ptype = arg->argType;
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (((msgh_size - ");
+ rtMinRequestSize(file, rt, "__Request");
+ fprintf(file, ") ");
+ if (PackMsg == FALSE) {
+ fprintf(file, "%s %d)", comparator, ptype->itTypeSize + ptype->itPadSize);
+ } else if (IS_OPTIONAL_NATIVE(ptype)) {
+ fprintf(file, "%s (In%dP->__Present__%s ? _WALIGNSZ_(%s) : 0))" , comparator, arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField, ptype->itServerType);
+ } else {
+ ipc_type_t *btype = ptype->itElement;
+ argument_t *count = arg->argCount;
+ int multiplier = btype->itTypeSize;
+ if (multiplier > 1)
+ fprintf(file, "/ %d ", multiplier);
+ fprintf(file, "< In%dP->%s) ||\n", count->argRequestPos, count->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, "\t (msgh_size %s ", comparator);
+ rtMinRequestSize(file, rt, "__Request");
+ fprintf(file, " + ");
+ WriteCalcArgSize(file, arg);
+ fprintf(file, ")");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, ")\n\t\treturn MIG_BAD_ARGUMENTS;\n");
+static void
+WriteCheckMsgSize(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ routine_t *rt = arg->argRoutine;
+ if (arg->argCount && !arg->argSameCount)
+ WriteRequestNDRConvertIntRepOneArgUse(file, arg->argCount);
+ if (arg->argRequestPos == rt->rtMaxRequestPos) {
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigTypeCheck\n");
+ /* verify that the user-code-provided count does not exceed the maximum count allowed by the type. */
+ fprintf(file, "\t" "if ( In%dP->%s > %d )\n", arg->argCount->argRequestPos, arg->argCount->argMsgField, arg->argType->itNumber);
+ fputs("\t\t" "return MIG_BAD_ARGUMENTS;\n", file);
+ /* ...end... */
+ WriteCheckArgSize(file, rt, arg, "!=");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __MigTypeCheck */\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ /* If there aren't any more variable-sized arguments after this,
+ then we must check for exact msg-size and we don't need to
+ update msgh_size. */
+ boolean_t LastVarArg = arg->argRequestPos+1 == rt->rtNumRequestVar;
+ /* calculate the actual size in bytes of the data field. note
+ that this quantity must be a multiple of four. hence, if
+ the base type size isn't a multiple of four, we have to
+ round up. note also that btype->itNumber must
+ divide btype->itTypeSize (see itCalculateSizeInfo). */
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsgh_size_delta = ");
+ WriteCalcArgSize(file, arg);
+ fprintf(file, ";\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigTypeCheck\n");
+ /* verify that the user-code-provided count does not exceed the maximum count allowed by the type. */
+ fprintf(file, "\t" "if ( In%dP->%s > %d )\n", arg->argCount->argRequestPos, arg->argCount->argMsgField, arg->argType->itNumber);
+ fputs("\t\t" "return MIG_BAD_ARGUMENTS;\n", file);
+ /* ...end... */
+ /* Don't decrement msgh_size until we've checked that
+ it won't underflow. */
+ WriteCheckArgSize(file, rt, arg, LastVarArg ? "!=" : "<");
+ if (!LastVarArg)
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsgh_size -= msgh_size_delta;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __MigTypeCheck */\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static char *
+InArgMsgField(argument_t *arg, char *str)
+ static char buffer[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ char who[20] = {0};
+ /*
+ * Inside the kernel, the request and reply port fields
+ * really hold ipc_port_t values, not mach_port_t values.
+ * Hence we must cast the values.
+ */
+ if (!(arg->argFlags & flRetCode)) {
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbServerImplicit))
+ sprintf(who, "TrailerP->");
+ else
+ sprintf(who, "In%dP->", arg->argRequestPos);
+ }
+ if (IsKernelServer &&
+ ((akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeRequestPort) ||
+ (akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeReplyPort)))
+ sprintf(buffer, "(ipc_port_t) %s%s%s", who, str, (arg->argSuffix != strNULL) ? arg->argSuffix : arg->argMsgField);
+ else
+ sprintf(buffer, "%s%s%s", who, str, (arg->argSuffix != strNULL) ? arg->argSuffix : arg->argMsgField);
+ return buffer;
+static void
+WriteExtractArgValue(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ string_t recast;
+ if (IsKernelServer && it->itPortType && streql(it->itServerType, "ipc_port_t")
+ && akIdent(arg->argKind) != akeRequestPort
+ && akIdent(arg->argKind) != akeReplyPort)
+ recast = "(mach_port_t)";
+ else
+ recast = "";
+ if (it->itInTrans != strNULL)
+ WriteCopyType(file, it, FALSE, "%s", "/* %s */ %s(%s%s)", arg->argVarName, it->itInTrans, recast, InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ else
+ WriteCopyType(file, it, FALSE, "%s", "/* %s */ %s%s", arg->argVarName, recast, InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ * argKPD_Extract discipline for Port types.
+ */
+static void
+WriteExtractKPD_port(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ char *recast = "";
+ WriteKPD_Iterator(file, TRUE, it->itVarArray, arg, FALSE);
+ /* translation function do not apply to complex types */
+ if (IsKernelServer)
+ recast = "(mach_port_t)";
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t%s[i] = %sptr->name;\n", arg->argVarName, recast);
+ fprintf(file, "\t}\n");
+ * argKPD_Extract discipline for out-of-line types.
+ */
+static void
+WriteExtractKPD_ool(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ WriteKPD_Iterator(file, TRUE, it->itVarArray, arg, FALSE);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t%s[i] = ptr->address;\n", arg->argVarName);
+ fprintf(file, "\t}\n");
+ * argKPD_Extract discipline for out-of-line Port types.
+ */
+static void
+WriteExtractKPD_oolport(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ WriteKPD_Iterator(file, TRUE, it->itVarArray, arg, FALSE);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t%s[i] = ptr->address;\n", arg->argVarName);
+ fprintf(file, "\t}\n");
+ if (arg->argPoly != argNULL && akCheckAll(arg->argPoly->argKind, akbSendRcv)) {
+ argument_t *poly = arg->argPoly;
+ char *pref = poly->argByReferenceServer ? "*" : "";
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s%s = In%dP->%s[0].disposition;\n", pref, poly->argVarName, arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField);
+ }
+static void
+WriteInitializeCount(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *ptype = arg->argParent->argType;
+ ipc_type_t *btype = ptype->itElement;
+ identifier_t newstr;
+ /*
+ * Initialize 'count' argument for variable-length inline OUT parameter
+ * with maximum allowed number of elements.
+ */
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded))
+ newstr = arg->argMsgField;
+ else
+ newstr = (identifier_t)strconcat("OutP->", arg->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s = ", newstr);
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(ptype))
+ fprintf(file, "%d;\n", ptype->itKPD_Number);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "%d;\n", btype->itNumber? ptype->itNumber/btype->itNumber : 0);
+ /*
+ * If the user passed in a count, then we use the minimum.
+ * We can't let the user completely override our maximum,
+ * or the user might convince the server to overwrite the buffer.
+ */
+ if (arg->argCInOut != argNULL) {
+ char *msgfield = InArgMsgField(arg->argCInOut, "");
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (%s < %s)\n", msgfield, newstr);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t%s = %s;\n", newstr, msgfield);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteAdjustRequestMsgPtr(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *ptype = arg->argType;
+ if (PackMsg == FALSE) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t*In%dPP = In%dP = (__Request *) ((pointer_t) In%dP);\n\n", arg->argRequestPos+1, arg->argRequestPos+1, arg->argRequestPos);
+ return;
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t*In%dPP = In%dP = (__Request *) ((pointer_t) In%dP + msgh_size_delta - ", arg->argRequestPos+1, arg->argRequestPos+1, arg->argRequestPos);
+ if (IS_OPTIONAL_NATIVE(ptype))
+ fprintf(file, "_WALIGNSZ_(%s)", ptype->itUserType);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "%d", ptype->itTypeSize + ptype->itPadSize);
+ fprintf(file, ");\n\n");
+static void
+WriteCheckRequestTrailerArgs(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ argument_t *arg;
+ if (rt->rtServerImpl)
+ WriteCheckTrailerHead(file, rt, FALSE);
+ for (arg = rt->rtArgs; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext) {
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbServerImplicit))
+ WriteCheckTrailerSize(file, FALSE, arg);
+ }
+static void
+WriteExtractArg(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv|akbVarNeeded)) {
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendKPD))
+ (*arg->argKPD_Extract)(file, arg);
+ else
+ WriteExtractArgValue(file, arg);
+ }
+ if ((akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeCount) &&
+ akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd)) {
+ ipc_type_t *ptype = arg->argParent->argType;
+ /*
+ * the count will be initialized to 0 in the case of
+ * unbounded arrays (MigInLine = TRUE): this is because
+ * the old interface used to pass to the target procedure
+ * the maximum in-line size (it was 2048 bytes)
+ */
+ IS_MIG_INLINE_EMUL(ptype) ||
+ (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(ptype) && ptype->itVarArray))
+ WriteInitializeCount(file, arg);
+ }
+static void
+WriteServerCallArg(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ boolean_t NeedClose = FALSE;
+ u_int elemsize = 0;
+ string_t at = (arg->argByReferenceServer ||
+ it->itNativePointer) ? "&" : "";
+ string_t star = (arg->argByReferenceServer) ? " *" : "";
+ string_t msgfield =
+ (arg->argSuffix != strNULL) ? arg->argSuffix : arg->argMsgField;
+ if ((it->itInTrans != strNULL) &&
+ akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv) &&
+ !akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded)) {
+ fprintf(file, "%s%s(", at, it->itInTrans);
+ NeedClose = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded|akbServerArg))
+ fprintf(file, "%s%s", at, arg->argVarName);
+ else if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv|akbSendKPD)) {
+ if (!it->itInLine)
+ /* recast the void *, although it is not necessary */
+ fprintf(file, "(%s%s)%s(%s)", it->itTransType, star, at, InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ else
+ if (IsKernelServer && streql(it->itServerType, "ipc_port_t"))
+ /* recast the port to the kernel internal form value */
+ fprintf(file, "(ipc_port_t%s)%s(%s)", star, at, InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "%s%s", at, InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ }
+ else if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv)) {
+ fprintf(file, "(%s ? ", InArgMsgField(arg, "__Present__"));
+ fprintf(file, "%s%s.__Real__%s : %s)", at, InArgMsgField(arg, ""), arg->argMsgField, it->itBadValue);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeCount && arg->argParent) {
+ char *suffix = arg->argParent->argSuffix;
+ ipc_type_t *elemType = arg->argParent->argType->itElement;
+ /* temporarily squash any name suffix such as ".address" (we'll be adding our own) */
+ arg->argParent->argSuffix = NULL;
+ switch (arg->argParent->argKPD_Type) {
+ /* count of the number of descriptors */
+ fprintf(file, "%s%s.count", at, InArgMsgField(arg->argParent, ""));
+ break;
+ /* descriptor buffer size / element size */
+ if (!(arg->argByReferenceServer || it->itNativePointer)) {
+ fprintf(file, "%s%s.size", at, InArgMsgField(arg->argParent, ""));
+ elemsize = ((elemType->itNumber * elemType->itSize) + 7) / 8;
+ if (elemsize > 1) {
+ fprintf(file, " / %d", elemsize);
+ }
+ } else {
+ fprintf(file, "%s%s", at, InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(file, "%s%s", at, InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ break;
+ }
+ arg->argParent->argSuffix = suffix;
+ } else {
+ fprintf(file, "%s%s", at, InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd|akbReturnKPD)) {
+ if (!it->itInLine)
+ /* recast the void *, although it is not necessary */
+ fprintf(file, "(%s%s)%s(OutP->%s)", it->itTransType, star, at, msgfield);
+ else
+ if (IsKernelServer && streql(it->itServerType, "ipc_port_t"))
+ /* recast the port to the kernel internal form value */
+ fprintf(file, "(mach_port_t%s)%s(OutP->%s)", star, at, msgfield);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "%sOutP->%s", at, msgfield);
+ }
+ else if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd))
+ fprintf(file, "%sOutP->%s", at, msgfield);
+ if (NeedClose)
+ fprintf(file, ")");
+ * Shrunk version of WriteServerCallArg, to implement the RetCode functionality:
+ * we have received a mig_reply_error_t, therefore we want to call the target
+ * routine with all 0s except for the error code (and the implicit data).
+ * We know that we are a SimpleRoutine.
+ */
+static void
+WriteConditionalCallArg(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ boolean_t NeedClose = FALSE;
+ if ((it->itInTrans != strNULL) &&
+ akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv) &&
+ !akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded)) {
+ fprintf(file, "%s(", it->itInTrans);
+ NeedClose = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv)) {
+ if (akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeRequestPort ||
+ akCheck(arg->argKind, akbServerImplicit))
+ fprintf(file, "%s", InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ else if (akIdent(arg->argKind) == akeRetCode)
+ fprintf(file, "((mig_reply_error_t *)In0P)->RetCode");
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "(%s)(0)", it->itTransType);
+ }
+ if (NeedClose)
+ fprintf(file, ")");
+static void
+WriteDestroyArg(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ /*
+ * Deallocate IN/INOUT out-of-line args if specified by "auto" flag.
+ *
+ * We also have to deallocate in the cases where the target routine
+ * is given a itInLine semantic whereas the underlying transmission
+ * was out-of-line
+ */
+ if ((argIsIn(arg) && akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendKPD|akbReturnKPD) &&
+ arg->argKPD_Type == MACH_MSG_OOL_DESCRIPTOR &&
+ (arg->argFlags & flAuto))
+ ||
+ ) {
+ /*
+ * Deallocate only if out-of-line.
+ */
+ argument_t *count = arg->argCount;
+ ipc_type_t *btype = it->itElement;
+ int multiplier = btype->itNumber ? btype->itSize / (8 * btype->itNumber) : 0;
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fprintf(file, "#if __MigKernelSpecificCode\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tvm_map_copy_discard(%s);\n", InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ fprintf(file, "#else\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\tmig_deallocate((vm_offset_t) %s, ", InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ if (it->itVarArray) {
+ char *suffix = arg->argSuffix;
+ /*
+ * temporarily squash any name suffix such as ".address"
+ * (we'll be adding our own)
+ */
+ arg->argSuffix = NULL;
+ switch (arg->argKPD_Type) {
+ if (multiplier > 1) {
+ fprintf(file, "%d * ", multiplier);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "%s.count);\n", InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ break;
+ fprintf(file, "%s.size);\n", InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (multiplier > 1) {
+ fprintf(file, "%d * ", multiplier);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "%s);\n", InArgMsgField(count, ""));
+ break;
+ }
+ arg->argSuffix = suffix;
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "%d);\n", (it->itNumber * it->itSize + 7) / 8);
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* __MigKernelSpecificCode */\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s = (void *) 0;\n", InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ fprintf(file, "\tIn%dP->%s.%s = (mach_msg_size_t) 0;\n", arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField, (RPCPortArray(arg) ? "count" : "size"));
+ }
+ else {
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded))
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s(%s);\n", it->itDestructor, arg->argVarName);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s(%s);\n", it->itDestructor, InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ }
+static void
+WriteDestroyPortArg(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ /*
+ * If a translated port argument occurs in the body of a request
+ * message, and the message is successfully processed, then the
+ * port right should be deallocated. However, the called function
+ * didn't see the port right; it saw the translation. So we have
+ * to release the port right for it.
+ *
+ * The test over it->itInTrans will exclude any complex type
+ * made out of ports
+ */
+ if ((it->itInTrans != strNULL) &&
+ (it->itOutName == MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND)) {
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (IP_VALID((ipc_port_t)%s))\n", InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ fprintf(file, "\t\tipc_port_release_send((ipc_port_t)%s);\n", InArgMsgField(arg, ""));
+ }
+ * Check whether WriteDestroyPortArg would generate any code for arg.
+ */
+CheckDestroyPortArg(argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ if ((it->itInTrans != strNULL) &&
+ (it->itOutName == MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+WriteServerCall(FILE *file, routine_t *rt, void (*func)(FILE *, argument_t *))
+ argument_t *arg = rt->rtRetCode;
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ boolean_t NeedClose = FALSE;
+ fprintf(file, "\t");
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded))
+ fprintf(file, "%s = ", arg->argMsgField);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "OutP->%s = ", arg->argMsgField);
+ if (it->itOutTrans != strNULL) {
+ fprintf(file, "%s(", it->itOutTrans);
+ NeedClose = TRUE;
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "%s(", rt->rtServerName);
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, func, akbServerArg, ", ", "");
+ if (NeedClose)
+ fprintf(file, ")");
+ fprintf(file, ");\n");
+static void
+WriteCheckReturnValue(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ argument_t *arg = rt->rtRetCode;
+ char string[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded))
+ sprintf(string, "%s", arg->argMsgField);
+ else
+ sprintf(string, "OutP->%s", arg->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (%s != KERN_SUCCESS) {\n", string);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\tMIG_RETURN_ERROR(OutP, %s);\n", string);
+ fprintf(file, "\t}\n");
+ * WriteInitKPD_port, WriteInitKPD_ool, WriteInitKPD_oolport
+ * initializes the OutP KPD fields (this job cannot be done once
+ * the target routine has been called, otherwise informations
+ * would be lost)
+ */
+ * argKPD_Init discipline for Port types.
+ */
+static void
+WriteInitKPD_port(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ char *subindex = "";
+ boolean_t close = FALSE;
+ char firststring[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ char string[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it)) {
+ WriteKPD_Iterator(file, FALSE, FALSE, arg, TRUE);
+ (void)sprintf(firststring, "\t*ptr");
+ (void)sprintf(string, "\tptr->");
+ subindex = "[i]";
+ close = TRUE;
+ }
+ else {
+ (void)sprintf(firststring, "OutP->%s", arg->argMsgField);
+ (void)sprintf(string, "OutP->%s.", arg->argMsgField);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "#if\tUseStaticTemplates\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s = %s;\n", firststring, arg->argTTName);
+ fprintf(file, "#else\t/* UseStaticTemplates */\n");
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it) && it->itVarArray)
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sname = MACH_PORT_NULL;\n", string);
+ if (arg->argPoly == argNULL) {
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fprintf(file, "#if __MigKernelSpecificCode\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sdisposition = %s;\n", string, it->itOutNameStr);
+ fprintf(file, "#else\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sdisposition = %s;\n", string, it->itInNameStr);
+ if (IsKernelServer)
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* __MigKernelSpecificCode */\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "#if !(defined(KERNEL) && defined(__LP64__))\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t%spad1 = 0;\n", string);
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t%spad2 = 0;\n", string);
+ fprintf(file, "\t%stype = MACH_MSG_PORT_DESCRIPTOR;\n", string);
+ fprintf(file, "#if defined(KERNEL)\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t%spad_end = 0;\n", string);
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* UseStaticTemplates */\n");
+ if (close)
+ fprintf(file, "\t }\n\t}\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ * argKPD_Init discipline for out-of-line types.
+ */
+static void
+WriteInitKPD_ool(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ char firststring[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ char string[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ boolean_t VarArray;
+ u_int howmany, howbig;
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it)) {
+ WriteKPD_Iterator(file, FALSE, FALSE, arg, TRUE);
+ (void)sprintf(firststring, "\t*ptr");
+ (void)sprintf(string, "\tptr->");
+ VarArray = it->itElement->itVarArray;
+ howmany = it->itElement->itNumber;
+ howbig = it->itElement->itSize;
+ }
+ else {
+ (void)sprintf(firststring, "OutP->%s", arg->argMsgField);
+ (void)sprintf(string, "OutP->%s.", arg->argMsgField);
+ VarArray = it->itVarArray;
+ howmany = it->itNumber;
+ howbig = it->itSize;
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "#if\tUseStaticTemplates\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s = %s;\n", firststring, arg->argTTName);
+ fprintf(file, "#else\t/* UseStaticTemplates */\n");
+ if (!VarArray)
+ fprintf(file, "\t%ssize = %d;\n", string, (howmany * howbig + 7)/8);
+ if (arg->argDeallocate != d_MAYBE)
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sdeallocate = %s;\n", string, (arg->argDeallocate == d_YES) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
+ fprintf(file, "\t%scopy = %s;\n", string, (arg->argFlags & flPhysicalCopy) ? "MACH_MSG_PHYSICAL_COPY" : "MACH_MSG_VIRTUAL_COPY");
+ fprintf(file, "\t%salignment = MACH_MSG_ALIGN_%d;\n", string, arg->argMsgField, (howbig < 8) ? 1 : howbig / 8);
+ fprintf(file, "\t%spad1 = 0;\n", string);
+ fprintf(file, "\t%stype = MACH_MSG_OOL_DESCRIPTOR;\n", string);
+ fprintf(file, "#if defined(KERNEL) && !defined(__LP64__)\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t%spad_end = 0;\n", string);
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* UseStaticTemplates */\n");
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it))
+ fprintf(file, "\t }\n\t}\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ * argKPD_Init discipline for out-of-line Port types.
+ */
+static void
+WriteInitKPD_oolport(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ boolean_t VarArray;
+ ipc_type_t *howit;
+ u_int howmany;
+ char firststring[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ char string[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it)) {
+ WriteKPD_Iterator(file, FALSE, FALSE, arg, TRUE);
+ (void)sprintf(firststring, "\t*ptr");
+ (void)sprintf(string, "\tptr->");
+ VarArray = it->itElement->itVarArray;
+ howmany = it->itElement->itNumber;
+ howit = it->itElement;
+ }
+ else {
+ (void)sprintf(firststring, "OutP->%s", arg->argMsgField);
+ (void)sprintf(string, "OutP->%s.", arg->argMsgField);
+ VarArray = it->itVarArray;
+ howmany = it->itNumber;
+ howit = it;
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "#if\tUseStaticTemplates\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s = %s;\n", firststring, arg->argTTName);
+ fprintf(file, "#else\t/* UseStaticTemplates */\n");
+ if (!VarArray)
+ fprintf(file, "\t%scount = %d;\n", string, howmany);
+ if (arg->argPoly == argNULL) {
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigKernelSpecificCode\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sdisposition = %s;\n", string, howit->itOutNameStr);
+ fprintf(file, "#else\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sdisposition = %s;\n", string, howit->itInNameStr);
+ if (IsKernelServer)
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* __MigKernelSpecificCode */\n");
+ }
+ if (arg->argDeallocate != d_MAYBE)
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sdeallocate = %s;\n", string, (arg->argDeallocate == d_YES) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
+ fprintf(file, "\t%stype = MACH_MSG_OOL_PORTS_DESCRIPTOR;\n", string);
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* UseStaticTemplates */\n");
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it))
+ fprintf(file, "\t }\n\t}\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+static void
+WriteInitKPDValue(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ (*arg->argKPD_Init)(file, arg);
+static void
+WriteAdjustMsgCircular(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file,"#if\t__MigKernelSpecificCode\n");
+ if (arg->argType->itOutName == MACH_MSG_TYPE_POLYMORPHIC)
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (%s == MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_RECEIVE)\n", arg->argPoly->argVarName);
+ /*
+ * The carried port right can be accessed in OutP->XXXX. Normally
+ * the server function stuffs it directly there. If it is InOut,
+ * then it has already been copied into the reply message.
+ * If the server function deposited it into a variable (perhaps
+ * because the reply message is variable-sized) then it has already
+ * been copied into the reply message.
+ *
+ * The old MiG does not check for circularity in the case of
+ * array of ports. So do I ...
+ */
+ fprintf(file, "\t if (IP_VALID((ipc_port_t) In0P->Head.msgh_reply_port) &&\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t IP_VALID((ipc_port_t) OutP->%s.name) &&\n", arg->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, "\t ipc_port_check_circularity((ipc_port_t) OutP->%s.name, (ipc_port_t) In0P->Head.msgh_reply_port))\n", arg->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\tOutP->Head.msgh_bits |= MACH_MSGH_BITS_CIRCULAR;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* __MigKernelSpecificCode */\n");
+ * argKPD_Pack discipline for Port types.
+ */
+static void
+WriteKPD_port(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ char *subindex = "";
+ char *recast = "";
+ boolean_t close = FALSE;
+ char string[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ ipc_type_t *real_it;
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded)) {
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it)) {
+ WriteKPD_Iterator(file, FALSE, it->itVarArray, arg, TRUE);
+ (void)sprintf(string, "\tptr->");
+ subindex = "[i]";
+ close = TRUE;
+ real_it = it->itElement;
+ }
+ else {
+ (void)sprintf(string, "OutP->%s.", arg->argMsgField);
+ real_it = it;
+ }
+ if (IsKernelServer && streql(real_it->itTransType, "ipc_port_t"))
+ recast = "(mach_port_t)";
+ if (it->itOutTrans != strNULL && !close)
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sname = (mach_port_t)%s(%s);\n", string, it->itOutTrans, arg->argVarName);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sname = %s%s%s;\n", string, recast, arg->argVarName, subindex);
+ if (arg->argPoly != argNULL && akCheckAll(arg->argPoly->argKind, akbReturnSnd)) {
+ argument_t *poly = arg->argPoly;
+ if (akCheck(arg->argPoly->argKind, akbVarNeeded))
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sdisposition = %s;\n", string, poly->argVarName);
+ else if (close)
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sdisposition = OutP->%s;\n", string, poly->argSuffix);
+ }
+ if (close)
+ fprintf(file, "\t }\n\t}\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ }
+ else if (arg->argPoly != argNULL && akCheckAll(arg->argPoly->argKind, akbReturnSnd|akbVarNeeded))
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->%s.disposition = %s;\n", arg->argMsgField, arg->argPoly->argVarName);
+ /*
+ * If this is a KernelServer, and the reply message contains
+ * a receive right, we must check for the possibility of a
+ * port/message circularity. If queueing the reply message
+ * would cause a circularity, we mark the reply message
+ * with the circular bit.
+ */
+ if (IsKernelServer && !(IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it)) &&
+ ((arg->argType->itOutName == MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_RECEIVE) ||
+ (arg->argType->itOutName == MACH_MSG_TYPE_POLYMORPHIC)))
+ WriteAdjustMsgCircular(file, arg);
+ * argKPD_Pack discipline for out-of-line types.
+ */
+static void
+WriteKPD_ool(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ char string[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ boolean_t VarArray;
+ argument_t *count;
+ u_int howbig;
+ char *subindex;
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it)) {
+ WriteKPD_Iterator(file, FALSE, it->itVarArray, arg, TRUE);
+ (void)sprintf(string, "\tptr->");
+ VarArray = it->itElement->itVarArray;
+ count = arg->argSubCount;
+ howbig = it->itElement->itSize;
+ subindex = "[i]";
+ }
+ else {
+ (void)sprintf(string, "OutP->%s.", arg->argMsgField);
+ VarArray = it->itVarArray;
+ count = arg->argCount;
+ howbig = it->itSize;
+ subindex = "";
+ }
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded))
+ fprintf(file, "\t%saddress = (void *)%s%s;\n", string, arg->argMsgField, subindex);
+ if (arg->argDealloc != argNULL)
+ if (akCheck(arg->argDealloc->argKind, akbVarNeeded) || IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it))
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sdeallocate = %s;\n", string, arg->argDealloc->argVarName);
+ if (VarArray) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t%ssize = ", string);
+ if (akCheck(count->argKind, akbVarNeeded))
+ fprintf(file, "%s%s", count->argName, subindex);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "OutP->%s%s", count->argMsgField, subindex);
+ if (count->argMultiplier > 1 || howbig > 8)
+ fprintf(file, " * %d;\n", count->argMultiplier * howbig / 8);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, ";\n");
+ }
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it)) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t }\n");
+ if (it->itVarArray && !it->itElement->itVarArray) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t for (i = j; i < %d; ptr++, i++)\n", it->itKPD_Number);
+ /* since subordinate arrays aren't variable, they are initialized from template:
+ here we must no-op 'em */
+ fprintf(file, "\t\tptr->size = 0;\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t}\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ * argKPD_Pack discipline for out-of-line Port types.
+ */
+static void
+WriteKPD_oolport(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ boolean_t VarArray;
+ argument_t *count;
+ char *subindex, string[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it)) {
+ WriteKPD_Iterator(file, FALSE, it->itVarArray, arg, TRUE);
+ (void)sprintf(string, "\tptr->");
+ VarArray = it->itElement->itVarArray;
+ count = arg->argSubCount;
+ subindex = "[i]";
+ }
+ else {
+ (void)sprintf(string, "OutP->%s.", arg->argMsgField);
+ VarArray = it->itVarArray;
+ count = arg->argCount;
+ subindex = "";
+ }
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVarNeeded))
+ fprintf(file, "\t%saddress = (void *)%s%s;\n", string, arg->argMsgField, subindex);
+ if (arg->argDealloc != argNULL)
+ if (akCheck(arg->argDealloc->argKind, akbVarNeeded) || IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it))
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sdeallocate = %s;\n", string, arg->argDealloc->argVarName);
+ if (VarArray) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t%scount = ", string);
+ if (akCheck(count->argKind, akbVarNeeded))
+ fprintf(file, "%s%s;\n", count->argName, subindex);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "OutP->%s%s;\n", count->argMsgField, subindex);
+ }
+ if (arg->argPoly != argNULL && akCheckAll(arg->argPoly->argKind, akbReturnSnd))
+ if (akCheck(arg->argPoly->argKind, akbVarNeeded) || IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it))
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sdisposition = %s;\n", string, arg->argPoly->argVarName);
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it)) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t }\n");
+ if (it->itVarArray && !it->itElement->itVarArray) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t for (i = j; i < %d; ptr++, i++)\n", it->itKPD_Number);
+ /* since subordinate arrays aren't variable, they are initialized from template:
+ here we must no-op 'em */
+ fprintf(file, "\t%scount = 0;\n", string);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t}\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ * argKPD_TypeCheck discipline for Port types.
+ */
+static void
+WriteTCheckKPD_port(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ char *tab = "";
+ char string[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ boolean_t close = FALSE;
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it)) {
+ WriteKPD_Iterator(file, TRUE, FALSE, arg, TRUE);
+ (void)sprintf(string, "ptr->");
+ tab = "\t";
+ close = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ (void)sprintf(string, "In%dP->%s.", arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sif (%stype != MACH_MSG_PORT_DESCRIPTOR", tab, string);
+ /*
+ * We can't check disposition on varArray
+ * (because some of the entries could be empty).
+ */
+ if (!it->itVarArray) {
+ if (arg->argPoly != argNULL) {
+ switch (it->itOutName) {
+ fprintf(file, " || \n\t%s %sdisposition != MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_RECEIVE", tab, string);
+ break;
+ fprintf(file, " || (\n\t%s %sdisposition != MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND_ONCE", tab, string);
+ fprintf(file, " && \n\t%s %sdisposition != MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE)", tab, string);
+ break;
+ fprintf(file, " || (\n\t%s %sdisposition != MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND", tab, string);
+ fprintf(file, " && \n\t%s %sdisposition != MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND", tab, string);
+ fprintf(file, " && \n\t%s %sdisposition != MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND)", tab, string);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(file, " ||\n\t%s %sdisposition != %s", tab, string, it->itOutNameStr);
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(file, ")\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\treturn MIG_TYPE_ERROR;\n");
+ if (close)
+ fprintf(file, "\t }\n\t}\n");
+ * argKPD_TypeCheck discipline for out-of-line types.
+ */
+static void
+WriteTCheckKPD_ool(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ char *tab, string[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ boolean_t test;
+ u_int howmany, howbig;
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it)) {
+ WriteKPD_Iterator(file, TRUE, FALSE, arg, TRUE);
+ tab = "\t\t\t";
+ sprintf(string, "ptr->");
+ howmany = it->itElement->itNumber;
+ howbig = it->itElement->itSize;
+ test = !it->itVarArray && !it->itElement->itVarArray;
+ }
+ else {
+ tab = "";
+ sprintf(string, "In%dP->%s.", arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField);
+ howmany = it->itNumber;
+ howbig = it->itSize;
+ test = !it->itVarArray;
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sif (%stype != MACH_MSG_OOL_DESCRIPTOR", tab, string);
+ if (test) {
+ /* if VarArray we may use no-op; if itElement->itVarArray size might change */
+ fprintf(file, " ||\n\t%s %ssize != %d", tab, string, (howmany * howbig + 7)/8);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, ")\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t%s" "return MIG_TYPE_ERROR;\n", tab);
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it))
+ fprintf(file, "\t }\n\t}\n");
+ * argKPD_TypeCheck discipline for out-of-line Port types.
+ */
+static void
+WriteTCheckKPD_oolport(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ char *tab, string[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ boolean_t test;
+ u_int howmany;
+ char *howstr;
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it)) {
+ WriteKPD_Iterator(file, TRUE, FALSE, arg, TRUE);
+ tab = "\t";
+ sprintf(string, "ptr->");
+ howmany = it->itElement->itNumber;
+ test = !it->itVarArray && !it->itElement->itVarArray;
+ howstr = it->itElement->itOutNameStr;
+ }
+ else {
+ tab = "";
+ sprintf(string, "In%dP->%s.", arg->argRequestPos, arg->argMsgField);
+ howmany = it->itNumber;
+ test = !it->itVarArray;
+ howstr = it->itOutNameStr;
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t%sif (%stype != MACH_MSG_OOL_PORTS_DESCRIPTOR", tab, string);
+ if (test)
+ /* if VarArray we may use no-op; if itElement->itVarArray size might change */
+ fprintf(file, " ||\n\t%s %scount != %d", tab, string, howmany);
+ if (arg->argPoly == argNULL)
+ fprintf(file, " ||\n\t%s %sdisposition != %s", tab, string, howstr);
+ fprintf(file, ")\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\treturn MIG_TYPE_ERROR;\n");
+ if (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it))
+ fprintf(file, "\t }\n\t}\n");
+ * Writes code to check that the type of each of the arguments
+ * in the reply message is what is expected. Called by
+ * WriteRoutine for each in && typed argument in the request message.
+ *************************************************************/
+static void
+WriteTypeCheck(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigTypeCheck\n");
+ (*arg->argKPD_TypeCheck)(file, arg);
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __MigTypeCheck */\n");
+static void
+WritePackArgValueNormal(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ if (IS_VARIABLE_SIZED_UNTYPED(it) || it->itNoOptArray) {
+ if (it->itString) {
+ /*
+ * Copy variable-size C string with mig_strncpy.
+ * Save the string length (+ 1 for trailing 0)
+ * in the argument`s count field.
+ */
+ fprintf(file, "#ifdef USING_MIG_STRNCPY_ZEROFILL\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (mig_strncpy_zerofill != NULL) {\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\tOutP->%s = (%s) mig_strncpy_zerofill(OutP->%s, %s, %d);\n", arg->argCount->argMsgField, arg->argCount->argType->itTransType, arg->argMsgField, arg->argVarName, it->itNumber);
+ fprintf(file, "\t} else {\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* USING_MIG_STRNCPY_ZEROFILL */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\tOutP->%s = (%s) mig_strncpy(OutP->%s, %s, %d);\n", arg->argCount->argMsgField, arg->argCount->argType->itTransType, arg->argMsgField, arg->argVarName, it->itNumber);
+ fprintf(file, "#ifdef USING_MIG_STRNCPY_ZEROFILL\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t}\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* USING_MIG_STRNCPY_ZEROFILL */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->%sOffset = 0;\n", arg->argMsgField);
+ }
+ else if (it->itNoOptArray)
+ fprintf(file, "\t(void)memcpy((char *) OutP->%s, (const char *) %s, %d);\n", arg->argMsgField, arg->argVarName, it->itTypeSize);
+ else {
+ argument_t *count = arg->argCount;
+ ipc_type_t *btype = it->itElement;
+ identifier_t newstr;
+ /* Note btype->itNumber == count->argMultiplier */
+ fprintf(file, "\t(void)memcpy((char *) OutP->%s, (const char *) %s, ", arg->argMsgField, arg->argVarName);
+ if (btype->itTypeSize > 1)
+ fprintf(file, "%d * ", btype->itTypeSize);
+ /* count is a akbVarNeeded if arg is akbVarNeeded */
+ if (akCheck(count->argKind, akbVarNeeded))
+ newstr = count->argVarName;
+ else
+ newstr = (identifier_t)strconcat("OutP->", count->argMsgField);
+ fprintf(file, "%s);\n", newstr);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (it->itOutTrans != strNULL)
+ WriteCopyType(file, it, TRUE, "OutP->%s", "/* %s */ %s(%s)", arg->argMsgField, it->itOutTrans, arg->argVarName);
+ else
+ WriteCopyType(file, it, TRUE, "OutP->%s", "/* %s */ %s", arg->argMsgField, arg->argVarName);
+ if (arg->argPadName != NULL && it->itPadSize != 0) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t for (int i = 0; i < %d; i++)\n", it->itPadSize);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t OutP->%s[i] = 0;\n", arg->argPadName);
+ }
+static void
+WritePackArgValueVariable(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *it = arg->argType;
+ /*
+ * only itString are treated here so far
+ */
+ if (it->itString) {
+ /*
+ * Emit logic to call strlen to calculate the size of the argument, and ensure that it fits within the 32-bit result field
+ * in the Reply, when targeting a 64-bit architecture. If a 32-bit architecture is the target, we emit code to just call
+ * strlen() directly (since it'll return a 32-bit value that is guaranteed to fit).
+ */
+ fputs("#ifdef __LP64__\n", file);
+ fprintf(file, "\t{\n"
+ "\t\t" "size_t strLength = strlen(OutP->%s) + 1;\n", arg->argMsgField);
+ fputs( "\t\t" "if (strLength > 0xffffffff)\n"
+ "\t\t\t" "MIG_RETURN_ERROR(OutP, MIG_BAD_ARGUMENTS);\n", file);
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t" "OutP->%s = (mach_msg_type_number_t) strLength;\n"
+ "\t}\n", arg->argCount->argMsgField);
+ fputs("#else\n", file);
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->%s = (mach_msg_type_number_t) strlen(OutP->%s) + 1;\n", arg->argCount->argMsgField, arg->argMsgField);
+ fputs("#endif /* __LP64__ */\n", file);
+ }
+static void
+WriteCopyArgValue(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ WriteCopyType(file, arg->argType, TRUE, "/* %d */ OutP->%s", "In%dP->%s", arg->argRequestPos, (arg->argSuffix != strNULL) ? arg->argSuffix : arg->argMsgField);
+static void
+WriteInitArgValue(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->%s = %s;\n\n", arg->argMsgField, arg->argVarName);
+ * Calculate the size of a variable-length message field.
+ */
+static void
+WriteArgSize(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ ipc_type_t *ptype = arg->argType;
+ int bsize = ptype->itElement->itTypeSize;
+ argument_t *count = arg->argCount;
+ /* If the base type size of the data field isn`t a multiple of 4,
+ we have to round up. */
+ if (bsize % itWordAlign != 0)
+ fprintf(file, "_WALIGN_");
+ /* Here, we generate ((value + %d) & ~%d). We have to put two (( at the
+ * the beginning.
+ */
+ fprintf(file, "((");
+ if (bsize > 1)
+ fprintf(file, "%d * ", bsize);
+ if (ptype->itString || !akCheck(count->argKind, akbVarNeeded))
+ /* get count from descriptor in message */
+ fprintf(file, "OutP->%s", count->argMsgField);
+ else
+ /* get count from argument */
+ fprintf(file, "%s", count->argVarName);
+ /*
+ * If the base type size is not a multiple of sizeof(natural_t),
+ * we have to round up.
+ */
+ if (bsize % sizeof(natural_t) != 0)
+ fprintf(file, " + %d) & ~%d)", (int)sizeof(natural_t)-1, (int)sizeof(natural_t)-1);
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "))");
+ * Adjust message size and advance reply pointer.
+ * Called after packing a variable-length argument that
+ * has more arguments following.
+ */
+static void
+WriteAdjustMsgSize(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ routine_t *rt = arg->argRoutine;
+ ipc_type_t *ptype = arg->argType;
+ /* There are more Out arguments. We need to adjust msgh_size
+ and advance OutP, so we save the size of the current field
+ in msgh_size_delta. */
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsgh_size_delta = ");
+ WriteArgSize(file, arg);
+ fprintf(file, ";\n");
+ if (rt->rtNumReplyVar == 1) {
+ /* We can still address the message header directly. Fill
+ in the size field. */
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->Head.msgh_size = ");
+ rtMinReplySize(file, rt, "Reply");
+ fprintf(file, " + msgh_size_delta;\n");
+ }
+ else if (arg->argReplyPos == 0) {
+ /* First variable-length argument. The previous msgh_size value
+ is the minimum reply size. */
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsgh_size = ");
+ rtMinReplySize(file, rt, "Reply");
+ fprintf(file, " + msgh_size_delta;\n");
+ }
+ else
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsgh_size += msgh_size_delta;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP = (Reply *) ((pointer_t) OutP + msgh_size_delta - %d);\n", ptype->itTypeSize + ptype->itPadSize);
+ * Calculate the size of the message. Called after the
+ * last argument has been packed.
+ */
+static void
+WriteFinishMsgSize(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ /* No more Out arguments. If this is the only variable Out
+ argument, we can assign to msgh_size directly. */
+ if (arg->argReplyPos == 0) {
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->Head.msgh_size = ");
+ rtMinReplySize(file, arg->argRoutine, "Reply");
+ fprintf(file, " + (");
+ WriteArgSize(file, arg);
+ fprintf(file, ");\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(file, "\tmsgh_size += ");
+ WriteArgSize(file, arg);
+ fprintf(file, ";\n");
+ }
+ * Handle reply arguments - fill in message types and copy arguments
+ * that need to be copied.
+ */
+static void
+WriteReplyArgs(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ argument_t *arg;
+ argument_t *lastVarArg;
+ /*
+ * 1. The Kernel Processed Data
+ */
+ for (arg = rt->rtArgs; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext)
+ if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd|akbReturnKPD))
+ (*arg->argKPD_Pack)(file, arg);
+ /*
+ * 2. The Data Stream
+ */
+ lastVarArg = argNULL;
+ for (arg = rt->rtArgs; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext) {
+ /*
+ * Adjust message size and advance message pointer if
+ * the last request argument was variable-length and the
+ * request position will change.
+ */
+ if (lastVarArg != argNULL &&
+ lastVarArg->argReplyPos < arg->argReplyPos) {
+ WriteAdjustMsgSize(file, lastVarArg);
+ lastVarArg = argNULL;
+ }
+ if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd|akbReturnBody|akbVarNeeded))
+ WritePackArgValueNormal(file, arg);
+ else if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd|akbReturnBody|akbVariable))
+ WritePackArgValueVariable(file, arg);
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReplyCopy))
+ WriteCopyArgValue(file, arg);
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReplyInit))
+ WriteInitArgValue(file, arg);
+ /*
+ * Remember whether this was variable-length.
+ */
+ if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, akbReturnSnd|akbReturnBody|akbVariable))
+ lastVarArg = arg;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Finish the message size.
+ */
+ if (lastVarArg != argNULL)
+ WriteFinishMsgSize(file, lastVarArg);
+static void
+WriteFieldDecl(FILE *file, argument_t *arg)
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendKPD) ||
+ akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnKPD))
+ WriteFieldDeclPrim(file, arg, FetchKPDType);
+ else
+ WriteFieldDeclPrim(file, arg, FetchServerType);
+static void
+InitKPD_Disciplines(argument_t *args)
+ argument_t *arg;
+ extern void KPD_noop(FILE *file, argument_t *arg);
+ extern void KPD_error(FILE *file, argument_t *arg);
+ extern void WriteTemplateKPD_port(FILE *file, argument_t *arg, boolean_t in);
+ extern void WriteTemplateKPD_ool(FILE *file, argument_t *arg, boolean_t in);
+ extern void WriteTemplateKPD_oolport(FILE *file, argument_t *arg, boolean_t in);
+ /*
+ * WriteInitKPD_port, WriteKPD_port, WriteExtractKPD_port,
+ * WriteInitKPD_ool, WriteKPD_ool, WriteExtractKPD_ool,
+ * WriteInitKPD_oolport, WriteKPD_oolport, WriteExtractKPD_oolport
+ * are local to this module (which is the reason why this initialization
+ * takes place here rather than in utils.c).
+ * Common routines for user and server will be established SOON, and
+ * all of them (including the initialization) will be transfert to
+ * utils.c
+ * All the KPD disciplines are defaulted to be KPD_error().
+ * Note that akbSendKPD and akbReturnKPd are not exclusive,
+ * because of inout type of parameters.
+ */
+ for (arg = args; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext)
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendKPD|akbReturnKPD))
+ switch (arg->argKPD_Type) {
+ if akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendKPD) {
+ arg->argKPD_Extract =
+ (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(arg->argType)) ? WriteExtractKPD_port : WriteExtractArgValue;
+ arg->argKPD_TypeCheck = WriteTCheckKPD_port;
+ }
+ if akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnKPD) {
+ arg->argKPD_Template = WriteTemplateKPD_port;
+ arg->argKPD_Init = WriteInitKPD_port;
+ arg->argKPD_Pack = WriteKPD_port;
+ }
+ break;
+ if akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendKPD) {
+ arg->argKPD_Extract =
+ (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(arg->argType)) ? WriteExtractKPD_ool : WriteExtractArgValue;
+ arg->argKPD_TypeCheck = WriteTCheckKPD_ool;
+ }
+ if akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnKPD) {
+ arg->argKPD_Template = WriteTemplateKPD_ool;
+ arg->argKPD_Init = WriteInitKPD_ool;
+ arg->argKPD_Pack = WriteKPD_ool;
+ }
+ break;
+ if akCheck(arg->argKind, akbSendKPD) {
+ arg->argKPD_Extract =
+ (IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(arg->argType)) ? WriteExtractKPD_oolport : WriteExtractArgValue;
+ arg->argKPD_TypeCheck = WriteTCheckKPD_oolport;
+ }
+ if akCheck(arg->argKind, akbReturnKPD) {
+ arg->argKPD_Template = WriteTemplateKPD_oolport;
+ arg->argKPD_Init = WriteInitKPD_oolport;
+ arg->argKPD_Pack = WriteKPD_oolport;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("MiG internal error: type of kernel processed data unknown\n");
+ exit(1);
+ } /* end of switch */
+static void WriteStringTerminatorCheck(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ // generate code to verify that the length of a C string is not greater than the size of the
+ // buffer in which it is stored.
+ argument_t *argPtr;
+ int msg_limit_calculated = FALSE;
+ int found_string_argument = FALSE;
+ int variable_length_args_present = (rt->rtMaxRequestPos > 0);
+ // scan through arguments to see if there are any strings
+ for (argPtr = rt->rtArgs; argPtr != NULL; argPtr = argPtr->argNext) {
+ if ((argPtr->argKind & akbRequest) && argPtr->argType->itString) {
+ found_string_argument = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found_string_argument) {
+ // create a new scope, for local variables
+ fputs("#if __MigTypeCheck\n" "\t" "{" "\n", file);
+ for (argPtr = rt->rtArgs; argPtr != NULL; argPtr = argPtr->argNext) {
+ if ((argPtr->argKind & akbRequest) && argPtr->argType->itString) {
+ //fprintf(stderr, "### found itString: variable name = %s, max length = %d\n", argPtr->argName, argPtr->argType->itNumber);
+ if (!msg_limit_calculated) {
+ msg_limit_calculated = TRUE; // only need to do this once
+ fputs("\t\t" "char * msg_limit = ((char *) In0P) + In0P->Head.msgh_size;\n", file);
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fputs("#if __MigKernelSpecificCode\n", file);
+ fputs("\t\t" "size_t strnlen_limit;" "\n", file);
+ fputs("#else\n", file);
+ }
+ fputs("\t\t" "size_t memchr_limit;" "\n", file);
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fputs("#endif /* __MigKernelSpecificCode */" "\n", file);
+ }
+ fputc('\n', file);
+ }
+ // I would really prefer to use strnlen() here, to ensure that the byte scanning logic does not extend beyond
+ // the end of the buffer, but it's not necessarily guaranteed to be available. Instead, I'll use memchr(),
+ // and let it look for the terminating null byte.
+ // (later...)
+ // It turns out that the kernel does not have memchr() available, but strnlen() IS available, so we'll just
+ // have to emit some conditional code to use the appropriate runtime environment scanning function.
+ //
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fputs("#if __MigKernelSpecificCode\n", file);
+ fputs("\t\t" "strnlen_limit = min((msg_limit - ", file);
+ // If there are variable-length arguments within the message, the proper (adjusted)
+ // pointers must be used to access those strings
+ fprintf(file, "In%dP->%s), %d);" "\n", (variable_length_args_present ? argPtr->argRequestPos : 0), argPtr->argName, argPtr->argType->itNumber);
+ fputs("\t\t" "if (", file);
+ fprintf(file, "( strnlen(In%dP->%s, strnlen_limit) >= %d + 1 )", (variable_length_args_present ? argPtr->argRequestPos : 0), argPtr->argName, argPtr->argType->itNumber);
+ fputs(")" "\n" "\t\t\t" "return MIG_BAD_ARGUMENTS; // string length exceeds buffer length!" "\n", file);
+ fputs("#else\n", file);
+ }
+ // If there are variable-length arguments within the message, the proper (adjusted)
+ // pointers must be used to access those strings
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t" "memchr_limit = min((msg_limit - In%dP->%s), %d);" "\n", (variable_length_args_present ? argPtr->argRequestPos : 0), argPtr->argName, argPtr->argType->itNumber);
+ fputs("\t\t" "if (", file);
+ fprintf(file, "( memchr(In%dP->%s, '\\0', memchr_limit) == NULL )", (variable_length_args_present ? argPtr->argRequestPos : 0), argPtr->argName);
+ fputs(")" "\n" "\t\t\t" "return MIG_BAD_ARGUMENTS; // string length exceeds buffer length!" "\n", file);
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fputs("#endif /* __MigKernelSpecificCode */" "\n", file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fputs("\t" "}" "\n" "#endif" "\t" "/* __MigTypeCheck */" "\n\n", file); // terminate new scope
+ }
+ return;
+static void
+WriteOOLSizeCheck(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ /* Emit code to validate the actual size of ool data vs. the reported size */
+ argument_t *argPtr;
+ boolean_t openedTypeCheckConditional = FALSE;
+ // scan through arguments to see if there are any ool data blocks
+ for (argPtr = rt->rtArgs; argPtr != NULL; argPtr = argPtr->argNext) {
+ if (akCheck(argPtr->argKind, akbSendKPD)) {
+ ipc_type_t *it = argPtr->argType;
+ boolean_t multiple_kpd = IS_MULTIPLE_KPD(it);
+ char string[MAX_STR_LEN];
+ boolean_t test;
+ argument_t *argCountPtr;
+ char *tab;
+ if (argPtr->argKPD_Type == MACH_MSG_OOL_DESCRIPTOR) {
+ if (multiple_kpd) {
+ if ( !openedTypeCheckConditional ) {
+ openedTypeCheckConditional = TRUE;
+ fputs("#if __MigTypeCheck\n", file);
+ }
+ WriteKPD_Iterator(file, TRUE, FALSE, argPtr, TRUE);
+ tab = "\t";
+ sprintf(string, "ptr->");
+ test = !it->itVarArray && !it->itElement->itVarArray;
+ it = it->itElement; // point to element descriptor, so size calculation is correct
+ argCountPtr = argPtr->argSubCount;
+ } else {
+ tab = "";
+ sprintf(string, "In%dP->%s.", argPtr->argRequestPos, argPtr->argMsgField);
+ test = !it->itVarArray;
+ argCountPtr = argPtr->argCount;
+ }
+ if (!test) {
+ int multiplier = (argCountPtr->argMultiplier > 1 || it->itSize > 8) ? argCountPtr->argMultiplier * it->itSize / 8 : 1;
+ if ( !openedTypeCheckConditional ) {
+ openedTypeCheckConditional = TRUE;
+ fputs("#if __MigTypeCheck\n", file);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s" "if (%ssize ", tab, string);
+ if (multiplier > 1)
+ fprintf(file, "/ %d ", multiplier);
+ fprintf(file,"!= In%dP->%s%s", argCountPtr->argRequestPos, argCountPtr->argVarName, multiple_kpd ? "[i]" : "");
+ if (it->itOOL_Number) {
+ fprintf(file," || In%dP->%s%s > %d", argCountPtr->argRequestPos,
+ argCountPtr->argVarName, multiple_kpd ? "[i]" : "", it->itOOL_Number);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,")\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t%s" "return MIG_TYPE_ERROR;\n", tab);
+ }
+ if (multiple_kpd)
+ fprintf(file, "\t }\n\t}\n");
+ } else if (argPtr->argKPD_Type == MACH_MSG_OOL_PORTS_DESCRIPTOR) {
+ if (multiple_kpd) {
+ if ( !openedTypeCheckConditional ) {
+ openedTypeCheckConditional = TRUE;
+ fputs("#if __MigTypeCheck\n", file);
+ }
+ WriteKPD_Iterator(file, TRUE, FALSE, argPtr, TRUE);
+ tab = "\t";
+ sprintf(string, "ptr->");
+ test = !it->itVarArray && !it->itElement->itVarArray;
+ it = it->itElement; // point to element descriptor, so size calculation is correct
+ argCountPtr = argPtr->argSubCount;
+ } else {
+ tab = "";
+ sprintf(string, "In%dP->%s.", argPtr->argRequestPos, argPtr->argMsgField);
+ test = !it->itVarArray;
+ argCountPtr = argPtr->argCount;
+ }
+ if (!test) {
+ if ( !openedTypeCheckConditional ) {
+ openedTypeCheckConditional = TRUE;
+ fputs("#if __MigTypeCheck\n", file);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\t%s" "if (%scount ", tab, string);
+ fprintf(file,"!= In%dP->%s%s", argCountPtr->argRequestPos, argCountPtr->argVarName, multiple_kpd ? "[i]" : "");
+ if (it->itOOL_Number) {
+ fprintf(file," || In%dP->%s%s > %d", argCountPtr->argRequestPos,
+ argCountPtr->argVarName, multiple_kpd ? "[i]" : "", it->itOOL_Number);
+ }
+ fprintf(file,")\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t%s" "return MIG_TYPE_ERROR;\n", tab);
+ }
+ if (multiple_kpd)
+ fprintf(file, "\t }\n\t}\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( openedTypeCheckConditional )
+ fputs("#endif" "\t" "/* __MigTypeCheck */" "\n\n", file);
+WriteCheckRequest(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ int i;
+ /* initialize the disciplines for the handling of KPDs */
+ InitKPD_Disciplines(rt->rtArgs);
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#if ( __MigTypeCheck ");
+ if (CheckNDR)
+ fprintf(file, "|| __NDR_convert__ ");
+ fprintf(file, ")\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#if __MIG_check__Request__%s_subsystem__\n", SubsystemName);
+ fprintf(file, "#if !defined(__MIG_check__Request__%s_t__defined)\n", rt->rtName);
+ fprintf(file, "#define __MIG_check__Request__%s_t__defined\n", rt->rtName);
+ if (CheckNDR && akCheck(rt->rtNdrCode->argKind, akbRequest)) {
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteRequestNDRConvertIntRepArgDecl, akbSendNdr, "", "");
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteRequestNDRConvertCharRepArgDecl, akbSendNdr, "", "");
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteRequestNDRConvertFloatRepArgDecl, akbSendNdr, "", "");
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "mig_internal kern_return_t __MIG_check__Request__%s_t(__attribute__((__unused__)) __Request__%s_t *In0P", rt->rtName, rt->rtName);
+ for (i = 1; i <= rt->rtMaxRequestPos; i++)
+ fprintf(file, ", __attribute__((__unused__)) __Request__%s_t **In%dPP", rt->rtName, i);
+ fprintf(file, ")\n{\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n\ttypedef __Request__%s_t __Request;\n", rt->rtName);
+ for (i = 1; i <= rt->rtMaxRequestPos; i++)
+ fprintf(file, "\t__Request *In%dP;\n", i);
+ if (rt->rtNumRequestVar > 0) {
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigTypeCheck\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tunsigned int msgh_size;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* __MigTypeCheck */\n");
+ }
+ if (rt->rtMaxRequestPos > 0)
+ fprintf(file, "\tunsigned int msgh_size_delta;\n");
+ if (rt->rtNumRequestVar > 0 || rt->rtMaxRequestPos > 0)
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ WriteCheckHead(file, rt);
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteTypeCheck, akbSendKPD, "\n", "\n");
+ {
+ argument_t *arg, *lastVarArg;
+ lastVarArg = argNULL;
+ for (arg = rt->rtArgs; arg != argNULL; arg = arg->argNext) {
+ if (lastVarArg != argNULL &&
+ lastVarArg->argRequestPos < arg->argRequestPos) {
+ WriteAdjustRequestMsgPtr(file, lastVarArg);
+ lastVarArg = argNULL;
+ }
+ if (akCheckAll(arg->argKind, akbSendRcv|akbSendBody)) {
+ if (akCheck(arg->argKind, akbVariable)) {
+ WriteCheckMsgSize(file, arg);
+ lastVarArg = arg;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (CheckNDR && akCheck(rt->rtNdrCode->argKind, akbRequest)) {
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t");
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteRequestNDRConvertIntRepArgCond, akbSendNdr, " || \\\n\t", "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (In0P->NDR.int_rep != NDR_record.int_rep) {\n");
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteRequestNDRConvertIntRepArgUse, akbSendNdr, "", "");
+ fprintf(file, "\t}\n#endif\t/* defined(__NDR_convert__int_rep...) */\n\n");
+ WriteOOLSizeCheck(file, rt);
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t");
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteRequestNDRConvertCharRepArgCond, akbSendNdr, " || \\\n\t", "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (In0P->NDR.char_rep != NDR_record.char_rep) {\n");
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteRequestNDRConvertCharRepArgUse, akbSendNdr, "", "");
+ fprintf(file, "\t}\n#endif\t/* defined(__NDR_convert__char_rep...) */\n\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t");
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteRequestNDRConvertFloatRepArgCond, akbSendNdr, " || \\\n\t", "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (In0P->NDR.float_rep != NDR_record.float_rep) {\n");
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteRequestNDRConvertFloatRepArgUse, akbSendNdr, "", "");
+ fprintf(file, "\t}\n#endif\t/* defined(__NDR_convert__float_rep...) */\n\n");
+ } else {
+ WriteOOLSizeCheck(file, rt);
+ }
+ WriteStringTerminatorCheck(file, rt);
+ fprintf(file, "\treturn MACH_MSG_SUCCESS;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "}\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* !defined(__MIG_check__Request__%s_t__defined) */\n", rt->rtName);
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* __MIG_check__Request__%s_subsystem__ */\n", SubsystemName);
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* ( __MigTypeCheck ");
+ if (CheckNDR)
+ fprintf(file, "|| __NDR_convert__ ");
+ fprintf(file, ") */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+WriteCheckRequestCall(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ int i;
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#if\tdefined(__MIG_check__Request__%s_t__defined)\n", rt->rtName);
+ fprintf(file, "\tcheck_result = __MIG_check__Request__%s_t((__Request *)In0P", rt->rtName);
+ for (i = 1; i <= rt->rtMaxRequestPos; i++)
+ fprintf(file, ", (__Request **)&In%dP", i);
+ fprintf(file, ");\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tif (check_result != MACH_MSG_SUCCESS)\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t\t{ MIG_RETURN_ERROR(OutP, check_result); }\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* defined(__MIG_check__Request__%s_t__defined) */\n", rt->rtName);
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+WriteCheckRequests(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ statement_t *stat;
+ for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext)
+ if (stat->stKind == skRoutine)
+ WriteCheckRequest(file, stat->stRoutine);
+static void
+WriteRoutine(FILE *file, routine_t *rt)
+ /* Declare the server work function: */
+ if (ServerHeaderFileName == strNULL)
+ WriteServerRoutine(file, rt);
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "/* %s %s */\n", rtRoutineKindToStr(rt->rtKind), rt->rtName);
+ fprintf(file, "mig_internal novalue _X%s\n", rt->rtName);
+ if (BeAnsiC) {
+ fprintf(file, "\t(mach_msg_header_t *InHeadP, mach_msg_header_t *OutHeadP)\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t%s\n", NewCDecl);
+ fprintf(file, "\t(mach_msg_header_t *InHeadP, mach_msg_header_t *OutHeadP)\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#else\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t(InHeadP, OutHeadP)\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\tmach_msg_header_t *InHeadP, *OutHeadP;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#endif\t/* %s */\n", NewCDecl);
+ }
+ fprintf(file, "{\n");
+ WriteStructDecl(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteFieldDecl, akbRequest, "Request", rt->rtSimpleRequest, TRUE, rt->rtServerImpl, FALSE);
+ fprintf(file, "\ttypedef __Request__%s_t __Request;\n", rt->rtName);
+ fprintf(file, "\ttypedef __Reply__%s_t Reply __attribute__((unused));\n\n", rt->rtName);
+ /*
+ * Define a Minimal Reply structure to be used in case of errors
+ */
+ fprintf(file, "\t/*\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t * typedef struct {\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t * \tmach_msg_header_t Head;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t * \tNDR_record_t NDR;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t * \tkern_return_t RetCode;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t * } mig_reply_error_t;\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\t */\n");
+ fprintf(file, "\n");
+ WriteVarDecls(file, rt);
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fprintf(file, "#if\t__MigKernelSpecificCode\n");
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteTemplateDeclOut, akbReturnKPD, "\n", "\n");
+ fprintf(file, "#else\n");
+ }
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteTemplateDeclIn, akbReturnKPD, "\n", "\n");
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fprintf(file, "#endif /* __MigKernelSpecificCode */\n");
+ }
+ WriteRetCode(file, rt->rtRetCode);
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteLocalVarDecl, akbVarNeeded | akbServerArg, ";\n", ";\n\n");
+ WriteApplMacro(file, "Rcv", "Declare", rt);
+ WriteApplMacro(file, "Rcv", "Before", rt);
+ if (rt->rtRetCArg != argNULL && !rt->rtSimpleRequest) {
+ WriteRetCArgCheckError(file, rt);
+ if (rt->rtServerImpl)
+ WriteCheckTrailerHead(file, rt, FALSE);
+ WriteServerCall(file, rt, WriteConditionalCallArg);
+ WriteRetCArgFinishError(file, rt);
+ }
+ WriteCheckRequestCall(file, rt);
+ WriteCheckRequestTrailerArgs(file, rt);
+ /*
+ * Initialize the KPD records in the Reply structure with the
+ * templates. We do this beforehand because the call to the procedure
+ * will overwrite some of the values (after the call it would be impossible
+ * to initialize the KPD records from the static Templates, because we
+ * would lose data).
+ */
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteInitKPDValue, akbReturnKPD, "\n", "\n");
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteExtractArg, akbNone, "", "");
+ if (UseEventLogger)
+ WriteLogMsg(file, rt, LOG_SERVER, LOG_REQUEST);
+ WriteServerCall(file, rt, WriteServerCallArg);
+ WriteReverseList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteDestroyArg, akbDestroy, "", "");
+ /*
+ * For one-way routines, it doesn`t make sense to check the return
+ * code, because we return immediately afterwards. However,
+ * kernel servers may want to deallocate port arguments - and the
+ * deallocation must not be done if the return code is not KERN_SUCCESS.
+ */
+ if (rt->rtOneWay || rt->rtNoReplyArgs) {
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fprintf(file,"#if\t__MigKernelSpecificCode\n");
+ if (rtCheckMaskFunction(rt->rtArgs, akbSendKPD, CheckDestroyPortArg)) {
+ WriteCheckReturnValue(file, rt);
+ }
+ WriteReverseList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteDestroyPortArg, akbSendKPD, "", "");
+ fprintf(file,"#endif /* __MigKernelSpecificCode */\n");
+ }
+ /* although we have an empty reply, we still have to make sure that
+ some fields such as NDR get properly initialized */
+ if (!rt->rtOneWay)
+ WriteList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteInitArgValue, akbReplyInit, "\n", "\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ WriteCheckReturnValue(file, rt);
+ if (IsKernelServer) {
+ fprintf(file,"#if\t__MigKernelSpecificCode\n");
+ WriteReverseList(file, rt->rtArgs, WriteDestroyPortArg, akbSendKPD, "", "");
+ fprintf(file,"#endif /* __MigKernelSpecificCode */\n");
+ }
+ WriteReplyArgs(file, rt);
+ WriteReplyInit(file, rt);
+ if (!rt->rtSimpleReply)
+ fprintf(file, "\tOutP->msgh_body.msgh_descriptor_count = %d;\n", rt->rtReplyKPDs);
+ }
+ if (UseEventLogger)
+ WriteLogMsg(file, rt, LOG_SERVER, LOG_REPLY);
+ WriteApplMacro(file, "Rcv", "After", rt);
+ fprintf(file, "}\n");
+WriteServer(FILE *file, statement_t *stats)
+ statement_t *stat;
+ WriteProlog(file, stats);
+ if (BeAnsiC)
+ WriteForwardDeclarations(file, stats);
+ for (stat = stats; stat != stNULL; stat = stat->stNext)
+ switch (stat->stKind) {
+ case skRoutine:
+ WriteCheckRequest(file, stat->stRoutine);
+ WriteRoutine(file, stat->stRoutine);
+ break;
+ case skIImport:
+ case skImport:
+ case skSImport:
+ case skDImport:
+ case skUImport:
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatal("WriteServer(): bad statement_kind_t (%d)",
+ (int) stat->stKind);
+ }
+ WriteDispatcher(file, stats);