1 ____ __ _ ____ __ __ ___ ___ ___
2 ___ / | / /__ _/ /_ / |/ __\ / _ |
3 __ / |/ // _\/_ _/ / ' / \_ \ / / /
4 _ / /| // __/ / /_ / , | __/ // / ,/
5 /_/ |__/_\__/__\__//___/__\__//___'
8 A _Real_ Operating System for _Real_ Hackers.
11 Anagrams for NetBSD core team:
19 Anagrams for NetBSD core team:
26 Anagrams for NetBSD-core:
33 Anagrams for NetBSD-core:
40 http://www.imrryr.org/NetBSD/logo
43 I didn't get where I am today without using NetBSD
46 My other computer runs NetBSD
49 NetBSD - a devil of an operating system.
52 NetBSD - A Mycroft in every port.
55 NetBSD - a server in every port.
58 NetBSD - because Unix isn't just #include <linux.h>, i386, ELF, ...!
61 NetBSD - big, isn't it?
64 NetBSD - daemonic power
67 NetBSD: Flying into the heart of the Sun. And the i386, and alpha,
68 and mac, and powerpc, and...
71 NetBSD - free yourself from all Stallmanist thought!
76 NetBSD - hackers tested, mom approved
79 NetBSD - here today and in the middle of 2038 tomorrow.
82 NetBSD - Mach 3 stealthOS, undetectable by media radar.
85 NetBSD - more is more.
88 NetBSD: No Windows or Gates, but lots of doors, portals and tunnels.
91 NetBSD - penguin flesh never tasted so good.
94 NetBSD - posix me harder.
97 NetBSD: Post No Bills.
100 NetBSD - safe ports in a storm.
103 NetBSD - Scalability Does Matter.
106 NetBSD - Serious Other, or Serious Operating system. Your choice.
109 NetBSD - the Berkeley redemption.
112 NetBSD - the cathedral versus the bizarre.
118 NetBSD - the devil finds work for idle cycles.
121 NetBSD - the devil made me do it.
124 NetBSD - the devil's advocate.
127 NetBSD - the devil's not just in vaudeville.
130 NetBSD - the power to suave.
133 NetBSD - the power to swerve (penguins, worse than cane toads).
136 NetBSD: The Source is out there.
139 NetBSD - we have nothing to declare but our benchmarks.
142 NetBSD - we put the Net in NetBSD.
145 NetBSD - We're not in canvas anymore, toto
148 NetBSD - where do you want to go Tuesday?
151 NetBSD - your basement or mine?
154 NetBSD: A drinking group with a serious computing problem.
156 NetBSD: Agnostics in the Platform Religious Wars.
159 NetBSD: An Operating System For Everyone
162 NetBSD: Are you old enough to run it?
165 NetBSD: Beyond Windows
168 NetBSD: CD-ROMs? We don't need no stinkin' CD-ROMs!
171 NetBSD: Choose Your Own Slogan
174 NetBSD: Compatible with the Real World.
177 NetBSD: Dave Barry is working on our motto
180 NetBSD: demonic power.
183 NetBSD: Designed to be {secure, reliable, portable, CORRECT}
186 NetBSD: Download one, get ${NUMPORTS}-1 for free.
189 NetBSD: Everyone else is doin' it. But we're doin' it right.
192 NetBSD, Feed The Computer.
195 NetBSD: Flexible and free!
198 NetBSD: For The Network Generation
207 NetBSD home page: Ultra-heavy use of blink text, hot colours, and
208 Flash plug-ins. All shockwave, all the time. Background music
209 ought to be a mixture of Phillip Glass overlaid on top of
211 -- Mason Loring Bliss
213 NetBSD: I Wanna Be Sedated
216 NetBSD: If you look through Windows
219 NetBSD: If your server could choose, it would choose NetBSD
222 NetBSD, In Stalls Anywhere
225 NetBSD is full. Go away.
226 -- Chris Baird <cjb@brushtail.apana.org.au>
228 NetBSD is much like a tipi: No windows, no gates, and an apache inside.
230 NetBSD is PAR -- Powerful, Advanced, Reliable. Is your OS up to PAR?
233 NetBSD is the bomb. (ok, bad idea)
236 NetBSD: It spanks the knickers off those other operating systems
239 NetBSD: It keeps on going...and going...and going...
242 NetBSD: it'll be there when you're ready for it
245 NetBSD: it's not free beer, but it's free
247 NetBSD: Its not Windows.
250 NetBSD: It's...uh...well...have you heard of linux?
253 NetBSD: lets get it right
256 NetBSD: Linux without the hype.
259 NetBSD: making all computer hardware a commodity.
262 NetBSD: Making your net work, and its free to boot!
265 NetBSD: May the Source be with you
268 NetBSD: Microsoft ask you where you want to go, NetBSD gets you there
274 NetBSD: Multi-platform OS
276 NetBSD: My Computer Runs!
279 NetBSD: My Computer Works!
282 NetBSD, Net Improvement.
288 NetBSD, Net Some Nines.
291 NetBSD: Network Power Unleashed.
294 NetBSD: Network Your World.
297 NetBSD: Networking Space
303 NetBSD: Not all of the First Ones have gone away.
309 NetBSD: Not your mother's OS (unless you are P. Seebach)
312 NetBSD: Oh my god! They support my hardware! You hackers!
315 NetBSD: Perpetual performance!
318 NetBSD: Power Your Net.
321 NetBSD: preferred by Rocket Scientists and Moms!
327 NetBSD: Professionalpower!
330 NetBSD: "Progress on your system is closer than it appears."
332 NetBSD: Re: NetBSD Slogans
333 -- Mirian Crzig Lennox
335 NetBSD: Resistance is futile! You will be supported.
338 NetBSD: Resistance is NOT futile!
344 NetBSD: Servers' choice!
347 NetBSD: serves you right.
350 NetBSD short theme, for stickers and tattoos: NetBSD... Bitchin'!
351 -- Mason Loring Bliss
353 NetBSD, SIMMs Like Good Code
356 NetBSD: Someday, we won't burn your toast
359 NetBSD: Stable and strong!
362 NetBSD: Stop, Drop, and Load
365 NetBSD, Tap The Power
368 NetBSD: The choice of hundreds worldwide
371 NetBSD: The Final Frontier
374 NetBSD: The free OS with a money back guarantee!
377 NetBSD: the free unix for the rest of us
380 NetBSD: The Last Bastion of the true UNIX Religion.
383 NetBSD: The OS WORM - Write Once, Run Many
386 NetBSD: The Power of Code
387 -- Mason Loring Bliss
389 NetBSD: The power to Connect
392 NetBSD: The power to serve, also
395 NetBSD: The power to serve, on the platform of your choice
398 NetBSD: the second best thing you can get for free
400 NetBSD: the server is up
403 NetBSD: The Worlds Most Portable Operating System
405 NetBSD: To serve the power.
408 NetBSD: true inheritors of the UNIX(tm) legacy.
411 NetBSD: Twice the Bits-Clean of other Leading OSes
414 NetBSD: Two guys with a vax
417 NetBSD: u_long uptime;
420 NetBSD: unshackling hardware designers and users from the bondage
424 NetBSD: Use the ENTIRE computer!
427 NetBSD: userland included
430 NetBSD: We Come In Peace.
433 NetBSD: We come in peace. We offer reliability.
436 NetBSD: We do it right.
439 NetBSD: We don't negotiate with terrorists.
442 NetBSD: We put the "Net" in "BSD", and took out the "Free"
450 NetBSD: We're so committed to it being free, we won't sell it to you
454 NetBSD: What do you want to serve today?
457 NetBSD: When Linux ports to that platform, they will discover -
461 NetBSD: Where do you want to have the power to serve, tomorrow?
464 NetBSD: Who do you Serve? And who do you Trust?
467 NetBSD: Write Once, Run Everywhere. Java optional.
470 NetBSD: You can't handle it.
473 Of course it runs NetBSD.
475 Portable. Supportable. NetBSD.
478 Software is like sex - it should be free
481 We're BSD. If you want System V, you know where to get it.
484 Where would you have rather been today, tomorrow? NetBSD.
487 With many thanks to the core team and UCB CSRG.
490 NetBSD: Abandon all hype, oh ye who enter here.
492 NetBSD: Ports to * boards.
495 NetBSD: Masterly with distinction. Striking also.
498 NetBSD: Pink fluffy chunks or green bits - the choice is yours.
501 NetBSD: Empowering the VAX generation.
504 NetBSD: A pmap for every occasion.
507 NetBSD: No hype required.
510 NetBSD: My other computer also runs NetBSD.