]> git.cameronkatri.com Git - bsdgames-darwin.git/blob - larn/movem.c
PR/55693: Andreas Gustafsson: factor(6) lists factors in wrong order
[bsdgames-darwin.git] / larn / movem.c
1 /* $NetBSD: movem.c,v 1.10 2019/02/03 03:19:25 mrg Exp $ */
3 /*
4 * movem.c (move monster) Larn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan.
5 *
6 * Here are the functions in this file:
7 *
8 * movemonst() Routine to move the monsters toward the player
9 * movemt(x,y) Function to move a monster at (x,y) -- must determine where
10 * mmove(x,y,xd,yd) Function to actually perform the monster movement
11 * movsphere() Function to look for and move spheres of annihilation
12 */
13 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
14 #ifndef lint
15 __RCSID("$NetBSD: movem.c,v 1.10 2019/02/03 03:19:25 mrg Exp $");
16 #endif /* not lint */
18 #include "header.h"
19 #include "extern.h"
21 static void movemt(int, int);
22 static void mmove(int, int, int, int);
23 static void movsphere(void);
25 /*
26 * movemonst() Routine to move the monsters toward the player
27 *
28 * This routine has the responsibility to determine which monsters are to
29 * move, and call movemt() to do the move.
30 * Returns no value.
31 */
32 static short w1[9], w1x[9], w1y[9];
33 static int tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, distance;
34 void
35 movemonst(void)
36 {
37 int i, j;
38 if (c[TIMESTOP])
39 return; /* no action if time is stopped */
40 if (c[HASTESELF])
41 if ((c[HASTESELF] & 1) == 0)
42 return;
43 if (spheres)
44 movsphere(); /* move the spheres of annihilation if any */
45 if (c[HOLDMONST])
46 return; /* no action if monsters are held */
48 if (c[AGGRAVATE]) { /* determine window of monsters to move */
49 tmp1 = playery - 5;
50 tmp2 = playery + 6;
51 tmp3 = playerx - 10;
52 tmp4 = playerx + 11;
53 distance = 40; /* depth of intelligent monster movement */
54 } else {
55 tmp1 = playery - 3;
56 tmp2 = playery + 4;
57 tmp3 = playerx - 5;
58 tmp4 = playerx + 6;
59 distance = 17; /* depth of intelligent monster movement */
60 }
62 if (level == 0) { /* if on outside level monsters can move in
63 * perimeter */
64 if (tmp1 < 0)
65 tmp1 = 0;
66 if (tmp2 > MAXY)
67 tmp2 = MAXY;
68 if (tmp3 < 0)
69 tmp3 = 0;
70 if (tmp4 > MAXX)
71 tmp4 = MAXX;
72 } else { /* if in a dungeon monsters can't be on the
73 * perimeter (wall there) */
74 if (tmp1 < 1)
75 tmp1 = 1;
76 if (tmp2 > MAXY - 1)
77 tmp2 = MAXY - 1;
78 if (tmp3 < 1)
79 tmp3 = 1;
80 if (tmp4 > MAXX - 1)
81 tmp4 = MAXX - 1;
82 }
84 for (j = tmp1; j < tmp2; j++) /* now reset monster moved flags */
85 for (i = tmp3; i < tmp4; i++)
86 moved[i][j] = 0;
87 moved[lasthx][lasthy] = 0;
89 if (c[AGGRAVATE] || !c[STEALTH]) { /* who gets moved? split for
90 * efficiency */
91 for (j = tmp1; j < tmp2; j++) /* look thru all locations in
92 * window */
93 for (i = tmp3; i < tmp4; i++)
94 if (mitem[i][j]) /* if there is a monster
95 * to move */
96 if (moved[i][j] == 0) /* if it has not already
97 * been moved */
98 movemt(i, j); /* go and move the
99 * monster */
100 } else { /* not aggravated and not stealth */
101 for (j = tmp1; j < tmp2; j++) /* look thru all locations in
102 * window */
103 for (i = tmp3; i < tmp4; i++)
104 if (mitem[i][j]) /* if there is a monster
105 * to move */
106 if (moved[i][j] == 0) /* if it has not already
107 * been moved */
108 if (stealth[i][j]) /* if it is asleep due
109 * to stealth */
110 movemt(i, j); /* go and move the
111 * monster */
112 }
114 if (mitem[lasthx][lasthy]) { /* now move monster last hit by
115 * player if not already moved */
116 if (moved[lasthx][lasthy] == 0) { /* if it has not already
117 * been moved */
118 movemt(lasthx, lasthy);
119 lasthx = w1x[0];
120 lasthy = w1y[0];
121 }
122 }
123 }
125 /*
126 * movemt(x,y) Function to move a monster at (x,y) -- must determine where
127 * int x,y;
128 *
129 * This routine is responsible for determining where one monster at (x,y) will
130 * move to. Enter with the monsters coordinates in (x,y).
131 * Returns no value.
132 */
133 static int tmpitem, xl, xh, yl, yh;
134 static void
135 movemt(int i, int j)
136 {
137 int k, m, z, tmp, xtmp, ytmp, monst;
138 switch (monst = mitem[i][j]) { /* for half speed monsters */
139 case TROGLODYTE:
140 case HOBGOBLIN:
141 case METAMORPH:
142 case XVART:
144 case ICELIZARD:
145 if ((gltime & 1) == 1)
146 return;
147 };
149 if (c[SCAREMONST]) { /* choose destination randomly if scared */
150 if ((xl = i + rnd(3) - 2) < 0)
151 xl = 0;
152 if (xl >= MAXX)
153 xl = MAXX - 1;
154 if ((yl = j + rnd(3) - 2) < 0)
155 yl = 0;
156 if (yl >= MAXY)
157 yl = MAXY - 1;
158 if ((tmp = item[xl][yl]) != OWALL)
159 if (mitem[xl][yl] == 0)
160 if ((mitem[i][j] != VAMPIRE) || (tmpitem != OMIRROR))
161 if (tmp != OCLOSEDDOOR)
162 mmove(i, j, xl, yl);
163 return;
164 }
165 if (monster[monst].intelligence > 10 - c[HARDGAME]) { /* if smart monster */
166 /* intelligent movement here -- first setup screen array */
167 xl = tmp3 - 2;
168 yl = tmp1 - 2;
169 xh = tmp4 + 2;
170 yh = tmp2 + 2;
171 vxy(&xl, &yl);
172 vxy(&xh, &yh);
173 for (k = yl; k < yh; k++)
174 for (m = xl; m < xh; m++) {
175 switch (item[m][k]) {
176 case OWALL:
177 case OPIT:
178 case OTRAPARROW:
179 case ODARTRAP:
181 case OTRAPDOOR:
183 smm: screen[m][k] = 127;
184 break;
185 case OMIRROR:
186 if (mitem[m][k] == VAMPIRE)
187 goto smm;
189 default:
190 screen[m][k] = 0;
191 break;
192 };
193 }
194 screen[playerx][playery] = 1;
196 /*
197 * now perform proximity ripple from playerx,playery to
198 * monster
199 */
200 xl = tmp3 - 1;
201 yl = tmp1 - 1;
202 xh = tmp4 + 1;
203 yh = tmp2 + 1;
204 vxy(&xl, &yl);
205 vxy(&xh, &yh);
206 for (tmp = 1; tmp < distance; tmp++) /* only up to 20 squares
207 * away */
208 for (k = yl; k < yh; k++)
209 for (m = xl; m < xh; m++)
210 if (screen[m][k] == tmp) /* if find proximity n
211 * advance it */
212 for (z = 1; z < 9; z++) { /* go around in a circle */
213 if (screen[xtmp = m + diroffx[z]][ytmp = k + diroffy[z]] == 0)
214 screen[xtmp][ytmp] = tmp + 1;
215 if (xtmp == i && ytmp == j)
216 goto out;
217 }
219 out: if (tmp < distance) /* did find connectivity */
220 /* now select lowest value around playerx,playery */
221 for (z = 1; z < 9; z++) /* go around in a circle */
222 if (screen[xl = i + diroffx[z]][yl = j + diroffy[z]] == tmp)
223 if (!mitem[xl][yl]) {
224 mmove(i, j, w1x[0] = xl, w1y[0] = yl);
225 return;
226 }
227 }
228 /* dumb monsters move here */
229 xl = i - 1;
230 yl = j - 1;
231 xh = i + 2;
232 yh = j + 2;
233 if (i < playerx)
234 xl++;
235 else if (i > playerx)
236 --xh;
237 if (j < playery)
238 yl++;
239 else if (j > playery)
240 --yh;
241 for (k = 0; k < 9; k++)
242 w1[k] = 10000;
244 for (k = xl; k < xh; k++)
245 for (m = yl; m < yh; m++) { /* for each square compute
246 * distance to player */
247 tmp = k - i + 4 + 3 * (m - j);
248 tmpitem = item[k][m];
249 if (tmpitem != OWALL || (k == playerx && m == playery))
250 if (mitem[k][m] == 0)
251 if ((mitem[i][j] != VAMPIRE) || (tmpitem != OMIRROR))
252 if (tmpitem != OCLOSEDDOOR) {
253 w1[tmp] = (playerx - k) * (playerx - k) + (playery - m) * (playery - m);
254 w1x[tmp] = k;
255 w1y[tmp] = m;
256 }
257 }
259 tmp = 0;
260 for (k = 1; k < 9; k++)
261 if (w1[tmp] > w1[k])
262 tmp = k;
264 if (w1[tmp] < 10000)
265 if ((i != w1x[tmp]) || (j != w1y[tmp]))
266 mmove(i, j, w1x[tmp], w1y[tmp]);
267 }
269 /*
270 * mmove(x,y,xd,yd) Function to actually perform the monster movement
271 * int x,y,xd,yd;
272 *
273 * Enter with the from coordinates in (x,y) and the destination coordinates
274 * in (xd,yd).
275 */
276 static void
277 mmove(int aa, int bb, int cc, int dd)
278 {
279 int tmp, i, flag;
280 const char *who = NULL;
282 flag = 0; /* set to 1 if monster hit by arrow trap */
283 if ((cc == playerx) && (dd == playery)) {
284 hitplayer(aa, bb);
285 moved[aa][bb] = 1;
286 return;
287 }
288 i = item[cc][dd];
289 if ((i == OPIT) || (i == OTRAPDOOR))
290 switch (mitem[aa][bb]) {
291 case SPIRITNAGA:
293 case WRAITH:
294 case VAMPIRE:
297 case DEMONLORD:
298 case DEMONLORD + 1:
299 case DEMONLORD + 2:
300 case DEMONLORD + 3:
301 case DEMONLORD + 4:
302 case DEMONLORD + 5:
303 case DEMONLORD + 6:
305 break;
307 default:
308 mitem[aa][bb] = 0; /* fell in a pit or trapdoor */
309 };
310 tmp = mitem[cc][dd] = mitem[aa][bb];
311 if (i == OANNIHILATION) {
312 if (tmp >= DEMONLORD + 3) { /* demons dispel spheres */
313 cursors();
314 lprintf("\nThe %s dispels the sphere!", monster[tmp].name);
315 rmsphere(cc, dd); /* delete the sphere */
316 } else
317 i = tmp = mitem[cc][dd] = 0;
318 }
319 stealth[cc][dd] = 1;
320 if ((hitp[cc][dd] = hitp[aa][bb]) < 0)
321 hitp[cc][dd] = 1;
322 mitem[aa][bb] = 0;
323 moved[cc][dd] = 1;
324 if (tmp == LEPRECHAUN)
325 switch (i) {
326 case OGOLDPILE:
327 case OMAXGOLD:
328 case OKGOLD:
329 case ODGOLD:
330 case ODIAMOND:
331 case ORUBY:
332 case OEMERALD:
333 case OSAPPHIRE:
334 item[cc][dd] = 0; /* leprechaun takes gold */
335 };
337 if (tmp == TROLL) /* if a troll regenerate him */
338 if ((gltime & 1) == 0)
339 if (monster[tmp].hitpoints > hitp[cc][dd])
340 hitp[cc][dd]++;
342 if (i == OTRAPARROW) { /* arrow hits monster */
343 who = "An arrow";
344 if ((hitp[cc][dd] -= rnd(10) + level) <= 0) {
345 mitem[cc][dd] = 0;
346 flag = 2;
347 } else
348 flag = 1;
349 }
350 if (i == ODARTRAP) { /* dart hits monster */
351 who = "A dart";
352 if ((hitp[cc][dd] -= rnd(6)) <= 0) {
353 mitem[cc][dd] = 0;
354 flag = 2;
355 } else
356 flag = 1;
357 }
358 if (i == OTELEPORTER) { /* monster hits teleport trap */
359 flag = 3;
360 fillmonst(mitem[cc][dd]);
361 mitem[cc][dd] = 0;
362 }
363 if (c[BLINDCOUNT])
364 return; /* if blind don't show where monsters are */
365 if (know[cc][dd] & 1) {
366 if (flag)
367 cursors();
368 switch (flag) {
369 case 1:
370 lprintf("\n%s hits the %s", who, monster[tmp].name);
371 beep();
372 break;
373 case 2:
374 lprintf("\n%s hits and kills the %s",
375 who, monster[tmp].name);
376 beep();
377 break;
378 case 3:
379 lprintf("\nThe %s gets teleported", monster[tmp].name);
380 beep();
381 break;
382 }
383 }
384 /*
385 * if (yrepcount>1) { know[aa][bb] &= 2; know[cc][dd] &= 2; return;
386 * }
387 */
388 if (know[aa][bb] & 1)
389 show1cell(aa, bb);
390 if (know[cc][dd] & 1)
391 show1cell(cc, dd);
392 }
394 /*
395 * movsphere() Function to look for and move spheres of annihilation
396 *
397 * This function works on the sphere linked list, first duplicating the list
398 * (the act of moving changes the list), then processing each sphere in order
399 * to move it. They eat anything in their way, including stairs, volcanic
400 * shafts, potions, etc, except for upper level demons, who can dispel
401 * spheres.
402 * No value is returned.
403 */
404 #define SPHMAX 20 /* maximum number of spheres movsphere can
405 * handle */
406 static void
407 movsphere(void)
408 {
409 int x, y, dir, len;
410 struct sphere *sp, *sp2;
411 struct sphere sph[SPHMAX];
413 /* first duplicate sphere list */
414 for (sp = 0, x = 0, sp2 = spheres; sp2; sp2 = sp2->p) /* look through sphere
415 * list */
416 if (sp2->lev == level) { /* only if this level */
417 sph[x] = *sp2;
418 sph[x++].p = 0; /* copy the struct */
419 if (x > 1)
420 sph[x - 2].p = &sph[x - 1]; /* link pointers */
421 }
422 if (x)
423 sp = sph; /* if any spheres, point to them */
424 else
425 return; /* no spheres */
427 for (sp = sph; sp; sp = sp->p) { /* look through sphere list */
428 x = sp->x;
429 y = sp->y;
430 if (item[x][y] != OANNIHILATION)
431 continue; /* not really there */
432 if (--(sp->lifetime) < 0) { /* has sphere run out of gas? */
433 rmsphere(x, y); /* delete sphere */
434 continue;
435 }
436 switch (rnd((int) max(7, c[INTELLIGENCE] >> 1))) { /* time to move the
437 * sphere */
438 case 1:
439 case 2: /* change direction to a random one */
440 sp->dir = rnd(8);
442 default: /* move in normal direction */
443 dir = sp->dir;
444 len = sp->lifetime;
445 rmsphere(x, y);
446 newsphere(x + diroffx[dir], y + diroffy[dir], dir, len);
447 };
448 }
449 }