]> git.cameronkatri.com Git - bsdgames-darwin.git/blob - fortune/datfiles/fortunes.sp.ok
Per [1] the speed of light in a vaccum is exactly 299792458 m/s.
[bsdgames-darwin.git] / fortune / datfiles / fortunes.sp.ok
1 A.A.A.A.A
2 A.D
3 AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccckkkkkk
5 AI
9 ASHes
10 ATN
11 Abbie
12 Adamite
13 Ade
14 Adlai
15 Admas
16 Adolf
17 Aelius
18 Aesop
19 Aha
20 Ahrimanes
21 Albran
22 Aldous
23 Aleliunas
24 Ali
25 Alito
26 Allan
27 Alo
28 Alvy
29 Amana
30 Amerigo
31 Amica
32 Amityville
33 Amnesia
34 Amp
35 Amrom
36 Anatol
37 Androids
38 Ankh
39 Anoint
40 Antonym
41 Apocryphia
42 Applebome
43 Apr
44 Aquadextrous
45 Aquarians
46 Ardis
47 Arlo
48 Arpa
49 Ashleigh
50 Asimov
51 Aspasia
52 Aspin
53 Assateague
54 Assoc
55 Asterix
56 Atlee
57 Auden
58 Audobon
59 Avogardo
60 Aww
61 B'nai
66 BBW
68 BEW
69 BH
75 BMR
77 BPO
78 BST
82 Ba
83 Baba
84 Bacall
85 Bachtrian
86 Bagbiter
87 Bagdikian's
88 Bai
89 Baines
90 Banach
91 Banectomy
92 Barach's
93 Barbie
94 Barf
95 Bargewater
96 Baruch's
97 Basie's
98 Bathquake
99 Batman
100 Baumol
101 Bax
102 Beagle
103 Beal
104 Beatty
105 Beckett
106 Beckmann
107 Begathon
108 Begatting
109 Begone
110 Behan
111 Beifeld's
112 Belloc
113 Benares
114 Benchley
115 Berke
116 Bernighan
117 Bertold
118 Bertolt
119 Bierce
120 Biff
121 Billericay
122 Bionic
123 Bizoos
124 Blaise
125 Blish
126 Blore
127 Blore's
128 Blount
129 Bluestone
130 Bodenheim
131 Bok
132 Bokonon
133 Bolub's
134 Bombeck's
135 Boob's
136 Boola
137 Boothe
138 Bootle
139 Boren's
140 Borge
141 Boynton
142 Brahma
143 Bramah
144 Brandwein
145 Brecht
146 Brickman
147 Brith
148 Broido
149 Brontosaurus
150 Brunner
151 Brutus
152 Bryne's
153 Buckminster
154 Bucky
155 Bucy's
156 Buhr
157 Bullwinkle
158 Bumstead
159 Burggoven
160 Burkowski
161 Busmanship
162 C&O
163 C.I.A
164 C.R.T
166 CChheecckk
167 CDS
169 CI
170 CLBR
173 CM
176 CONtractor
177 CPPR
178 CPU
179 CPUs
180 CRN
181 CS
182 CTA
183 CVP
184 Caen
185 Cahn's
186 Caissons
187 Calio's
188 Camillo
189 Camptown
190 Capt
191 Carmel
192 Carotene
193 Carotene's
194 Carperpetuation
195 Carrol
196 Cary
197 Casablanca
198 Caspar
199 Cat:man
200 Cavour
201 Celibacy
202 Centauri
203 Cerebron
204 Cerebus
205 Channing
206 Chapin
207 Charnock's
208 Chateaubriand
209 Chatterley's
210 Cheatham
211 Checkuary
212 Cheez
213 Chem
214 Chesterson
215 Chevins
216 Chichester
217 Chism's
218 Chisolm's
219 Chloroplast's
220 Chok
221 Chung's
222 Churchy
223 Ciardi
224 Cinemuck
225 Claghorn
226 Clair
227 Clapton
228 Clarkson
229 Cleyre
230 Clopton
231 Cogito
232 Cointment
233 Collis
234 Colton
235 Colvard's
236 Commie
237 Computerdom
238 Connell
239 Connellan
240 Constipation
241 Contrariwise
242 Corky
243 Cory
244 Cosmo
245 Crabgrass
246 Cray
247 Creemy
248 Cripps
249 Croll
250 Croll's
251 Cuomo
252 Churchill
253 Cuticle
254 Cyberiad
255 Cybernetic
256 D'Arcy
257 D'Azevedo
258 D.C
259 DAC
261 DAV
262 DCL
263 DCS
264 DECzilla
265 DELI
267 DEVO
268 DFA
270 DMPK
272 DP
273 Dabba
274 Daft
275 Dagobah
276 Dagwood
277 Dalglish
278 Damian
279 Danforth
280 Darrow
281 Darryl
282 Darth
283 Das
284 Davisson
285 DeVries
286 DeVries's
287 Decot
288 Defactualization
289 Deloria
290 DesCartes
291 Deteriorata
292 Devine
293 Devo
294 Diamondback
295 Diddly
296 Dijkstra
297 Dingell
298 Dirksen
299 Disco
300 Disraeli
301 Dobb's
302 Doc
303 Dolph
304 Donatus
305 Doo
306 Doonesbury
307 Drabek
308 Drescher
309 Dristan
310 Dropt
311 Ducharme's
312 Duckie
313 Dum
314 Dunne
315 Durance
316 Durant
317 Dykstra
318 Dyson
319 E.T
323 EMPC
324 ENIACs
325 EPI
326 EXCE
327 Eagleson
328 Eagleson's
329 Ebenezum
330 Ebert
331 Eckstein
332 Edman
333 Edpress
334 Eggnog
335 Ehrman's
336 Elbert
337 Electrocution
338 Ellery
339 Elliot
340 Elroy
341 Elven
342 Elvis
343 Elvish
344 Emmons
345 Emo
346 Emu
347 Enm
348 Ennui
349 Epperson's
350 Erogenous
351 Ertz
352 Es
353 Esser
354 Euell
355 Eustace
356 Exupery
358 FF
359 FINO
360 FROB
369 Fafhrd
370 Fainali
371 Fakir
372 Falkland
373 Fandal
374 Farrow
375 Fatherland
376 Feiffer
377 Feiner
378 Femme
379 Fenelon
380 Ferm
381 Fidel
382 Fiebig
383 Fiedler
384 Filkharmonics
385 Fillmore
386 Finagle
387 Finagle's
388 Finagling
389 Firesign
390 Firth
391 Flagg
392 Flannagan's
393 Flaubert
394 Flinstone
395 Flon's
396 Flugg's
397 Flummery
398 Foghorn
399 Follen
400 Forbiddie
401 Forssman
402 Fortue
403 Fosdick
404 Foxx
405 Fran
406 Francois
407 Frayn
408 Friedrich
409 Frisbee
410 Frisbeetarianism
411 Frito
412 Frobnicate
413 Frobnitz
414 Frobnitzem
415 Frodo
416 Froot
417 Fruitcakes
418 Fuch's
419 Fudd
420 Fudd's
421 Fuoss
422 Furbling
423 Furst
424 Fylstra
425 GC
426 GC7500439
429 GOTO
430 GRAMmer
432 GUGUs
434 GUMM
435 GUMMed
436 Ga
437 Galbraith
438 Galilei
439 Galileo
440 Galvani
441 Galvani's
442 Gamekeeping
443 Gandalf
444 Gandhi
445 Gastly
446 Gaultier
447 Gauvreay
448 Geis
449 Genderplex
450 Gerat
451 Gerrold's
452 Ghostbusters
453 Giddens
454 Gigo
455 Gilda
456 Gilpkerio
457 Gimlet
458 Gimmie
459 Glaser
460 Gnagloot
461 Godel's
462 Godot
463 Godzilla
464 Goestheveezl
465 Golda
466 Goldenstern's
467 Goldwyn
468 Gondoliers
469 Goodbye
470 Goodgulf
471 Gopete
472 Gorbachev
473 Gorden
474 Gorey
475 Gotama
476 Gotlieb
477 Goto
478 Gotta
479 Goulden
480 Goy's
481 Grabel's
482 Graffiti
483 Graffito
484 Greenstein
485 Gregorian
486 Grelb's
487 Gries
488 Grishman
489 Groucho
490 Guardsman
491 Guiseppe
492 Gumps
493 Gurmlish
494 H.S
495 HCF
496 HED
497 HEE
498 HOAX
501 HR
502 Hackensack
503 Hadassah
504 Haeckel
505 Hahahahahahahahaha
506 Haig
507 Hain't
508 Haleleuia
509 Hanukka
510 Hara
511 Harary
512 Harbride
513 Harlequin
514 Harpoon
515 Harrisberger's
516 Harrold
517 Hartke
518 Havelock
519 Hawkeye
520 Hawkwind
521 Haynie
522 Hegel
523 Heineken
524 Heinlein
525 Hellman
526 Hellman's
527 Henny
528 Henrick
529 Henrik
530 Hepler
531 Herford
532 Higgeldy
533 Hilaire
534 Hillary's
535 Hinckley
536 Hipcrime
537 Hippogriff
538 Hitchhiker's
539 Hlade's
540 Hoare
541 Hoare's
542 Hoban
543 Hoffenstein
544 Hofstadter
545 Hofstadter's
546 Holton
547 Homespun
548 Hoppe
549 Horngren's
550 Housman
551 Huntingdon
552 Hurewitz's
553 I.R.S
554 IBP
555 ID's
556 II.a
558 Iacocca
559 Ian
560 Ibson
561 Iear
562 Iears
563 Ignatowski
564 Ignisecond
565 Il
566 Iles
567 Iles's
568 Ingliy
569 Ingmar
570 Inlaws
571 Irsin
572 Isaak
573 Isiah
574 Iso
575 Issac
576 Issawi
577 Issawi's
578 Ist
579 Italo
580 Ium
581 JELL
582 JFK
583 Jackals
584 Jacquin's
585 Jael
586 Jaka
587 Jarry
588 Jaspar
589 Jawaharlal
590 Jef
591 Jehan
592 Jell
593 Jenerally
594 Jenkinson's
595 Jenks
596 Jenning's
597 Jonathon
598 Jone's
599 Jonesboro
600 Jordache
601 Josh
602 Juliana
603 Jun
604 Jung
605 Justin
608 KPH
609 Kabotschniks
610 Kan
611 Kandel
612 Kari
613 Kasner
614 Kasspe
615 Kauffmann
616 Kaul
617 Keate
618 Kehlog
619 Keir
620 Kellen
621 Kempson
622 Kenobi
623 Kerwin
624 Kesey
625 Kiernan
626 Kinkler's
627 Kistomerces
628 Kitman
629 Kitzenger
630 Kleptomaniac
631 Klingons
632 Klone
633 Knebel
634 Knuth
635 Ko
636 Kool
637 Korda
638 Kr
639 Krispies
640 Krogt
641 Ks
642 Kulawiec
643 L.A
648 LSD
649 LaRouchefoucauld
650 Lackland's
651 Lactomangulation
652 Ladybug
653 Laetrile
654 Lafferty
655 Lampson
656 Landburgher
657 Langsam's
658 Lankhmar
659 Lankhmar's
660 Lapham
661 Lapwarmer
662 Lardner
663 Larkinson's
664 Lassie
665 Laverne
666 Lazlo's
667 LeGuin
668 Lebowitz
669 Leedom
670 Lehrer
671 Leibe
672 Leiber
673 Leibowitz
674 Leibowitz's
675 Leith
676 Lem
677 Lenore
678 Les
679 Lettvin
680 Levant
681 Leverett
682 Libra
683 Lichty
684 Lieberman's
685 Liebling
686 Liebowitz
687 Lilla
688 Linkletter
689 Lippmann
690 Liza
691 Logg's
692 Logicians
693 Longworth
694 Lookit
695 Lovin
696 Lowery's
697 Ltd
698 Lubarsky's
699 Luce
700 Ludcke
701 Luddites
702 Luigi
703 Lumsden
704 Luten
705 Lyndon
706 Lysistrata
707 M&Ms
708 M.T.A
711 MC
712 MDL
714 MHz
715 MOS
716 MSCP
717 MW
718 MX
720 Mabbitt
721 MacDowell
722 MacKay
723 MacNelley
724 MacNiece
725 Macaroons
726 Macy's
727 Madelyn
728 Magee
729 Magnocartic
730 Mahabharata
731 Mahatma
732 Mai
733 Malek's
734 Mammel
735 Mandrell
736 Manhandling
737 Mankiewicz
738 Marley
739 Marshalltown
740 Maryel
741 Mascheroni
742 Maslow
743 Mathis
744 Maud
745 Maugham
746 Maxey
747 Maxson
748 McCloctnik
749 McEvoy
750 McLuhan
751 McNulty
752 Medawar
753 Meese
754 Meir
755 Melott
756 Mem'ry
757 Mencken
758 Mencken's
759 Mengot
760 Mensa
761 Merrick
762 Meskimen's
763 Meta
764 Metz
765 Mewling
766 Meyrowitz
767 Mia
768 Michener
769 Mikado
770 Miksch's
771 Milkbone
772 Millay
773 Millihelen
774 Millions
775 Millman
776 Milpitas
777 Minas
778 Minnelli
779 Mitgong
780 Moby
781 Mohandas
782 Mollison's
783 Mom
784 Mongo
785 Montagu
786 Mophobia
787 Moping
788 Mordor
789 Morganstern
790 Morrisey
791 Mosher's
792 Mudgeeraba
793 Mudhead
794 Muhammad
795 Muppet
796 Murdoch
797 Mustgo
798 Myung
800 NYT
801 Nader
802 Naeser's
803 Naiman
804 Napoleon
805 Narnia
806 Nasrudin
807 Natasha
808 Nate
809 Nather
810 Neantical
811 Neizant
812 Neo
813 Nerd
814 Neronic
815 Nesbitt
816 Nevil
817 Newlan's
818 Ngdanga
819 Ni
820 Nicklaus
821 Nicol
822 Niels
823 Nikita
824 Niklaus
825 Ningauble
826 Noelie
827 Nome
828 Nora's
829 Novocain
830 Nutley
831 O'Casey
832 O'Hara
833 O'Henry
834 O'Longhlin
835 O'Neil
836 O'Rourke
837 O'Toole's
838 O.K
841 OR'd
842 OS
844 Obi
845 Ogborn
846 Olivier
847 Omar
848 Omnibiblious
849 Onan
850 Ontopsychological
851 Ontopsychology
852 Ope
853 Ophelia
854 Orac
855 Orben
856 Orson
857 Ozman's
858 P.B.A
859 P.M
860 P.O
861 PBC
863 PDP
864 PDQ
865 PDSK
866 PL
867 POPI
869 PRL
871 PVLC
872 Paar
873 Padlipsky
874 Paley
875 Pandanga
876 Pardo's
877 Parnas
878 Parnell
879 Parrafin
880 Patageometry
881 Pecor's
882 Pedaeration
883 Pegler
884 Pensacoola
885 Penzance
886 Pereant
887 Perlis
888 Petr
889 Pharaoh
890 Philbin
891 Philogyny
892 Phooey
893 Picninnies
894 Piggeldy
895 Pilgermann
896 Pirsig
897 Plaese
898 Platypus
899 Pluribus
900 Pocataligo
901 Pocatello
902 Podunk
903 Pohl's
904 Poincair
905 Polanski
906 Porcus
907 Postpetroleum
908 Poul
909 Presley
910 Preudhomme's
911 Prochnow
912 Prue
913 Psblurtex
914 Publilius
915 Pumpernickel
916 Putluck
917 Pynchon
918 QT
921 Quidquid
922 Quigley's
923 Quincey
924 Quincunx
925 Quinton
926 Quux
927 Qvid
928 RAMs
929 RASC
930 RFD
931 ROMs
932 RPG
933 RSSC
934 RTAB
936 RWOC
937 RXS
938 Ra
939 Radner
940 Raisa
941 Raisinets
942 Ransford
943 Raskin
944 Reba
945 Redd
946 Regan
947 Reggie
948 Reisner's
949 Relaxen
950 Ren
951 Renner
952 Renning's
953 Richardian
954 Richie
955 Rigby
956 Rilke
957 Robb
958 Robespierre
959 Roche
960 Rochefoucauld
961 Roddick
962 Rogerians
963 Roguelet's
964 Roguies
965 Rolex
966 Romas
967 Romulans
968 Rooney
969 Rosten
970 Rotherham
971 Rouchefoucauld
972 Roumania
973 Roxbury
974 Royko
975 Rubenstein
976 Rubik's
977 Rudin's
978 Ruffed
979 Rukn
980 Rupert
981 Russel
982 Russon
983 S.U.N.Y
985 SCCS
988 SLC
990 SNA
991 SPSW
992 SRSD
993 Safford
994 Safire's
995 Sagan
996 Sagittarians
997 Salome
998 Salvor
999 Santoro
1000 Sappho
1001 Sargon
1002 Sartre
1003 Sauron
1004 Sayre
1005 Schapiro's
1006 Schickel
1007 Schickele
1008 Schlattwhapper
1009 Schmivalry
1010 Schmonsequences
1011 Schnuffel
1012 Schrodinger's
1013 Schryer
1014 Schure
1015 Schwambach
1016 Schwiggle
1017 Schwine
1018 Scrubb
1019 Se
1020 Seager
1021 Seeger
1022 Seldon
1023 Seleznick's
1024 Sep
1025 Septober
1026 Serendipity
1027 Serling
1028 Serocki's
1029 Sevenoaks
1030 Shalt
1031 Shamus
1032 Sheil
1033 Shel
1034 Sherany
1035 Shmoedipus
1036 Shoaff
1037 Shoales
1038 Shuman
1039 Si
1040 Sigismund
1041 Silurian
1042 Silverstein
1043 Simard
1044 Sixtus
1045 Sjoberg
1046 Skyler
1047 Slinkies
1048 Slurm
1049 Smit
1050 Smollet
1051 Smurfies
1052 Snacktrek
1053 Sniglets
1054 Snowman
1055 Snowmass
1056 Socio
1057 Sodd's
1058 Sorhed
1059 SoupCon
1060 Sox
1061 Spam
1062 Speer's
1063 Spirtle
1064 Spisani
1065 Spock
1066 Sta
1067 Stallman
1068 Stanislaw
1069 Steelypips
1070 Steinbach's
1071 Steinem
1072 Stoffel
1073 Stoppard
1074 Stormtroopers
1075 Stretchy
1076 Stult's
1077 Suden
1078 Sulu
1079 Sumeria
1080 Summatra
1081 Sunward
1082 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocius
1083 Svevo
1084 Swaller
1085 Swinburne
1086 Swipple's
1087 Syrus
1088 T'ai
1089 T'umps
1090 T.H
1091 TAA
1092 TDB
1093 TLC
1094 TSO
1095 TSP
1096 Tabby
1097 Taber
1098 Taber's
1099 Tai
1100 Tanenbaum
1101 Tannenbaum
1102 Tarradiddles
1103 Teddywookie
1104 Terence
1105 Tertullian
1106 Teruillian
1107 Thames
1108 Theatre
1109 Thieu
1110 Thom
1111 Thoul't
1112 Threepio
1113 Throop
1114 Thurber
1115 Thyself
1116 Tierra
1117 Tijuana
1118 Tikkanen
1119 Titas
1120 Tobias
1121 Tock
1122 Tomlin
1123 Tonka
1124 Toto
1125 Touche
1126 Toup
1127 Toven
1128 Tribbles
1129 Tricia
1130 Trimble
1131 Troney
1132 Trotsky
1133 Trudeau
1134 Truscott
1135 Tse
1136 Tsu
1137 Tue
1138 Turgenev
1139 Turnaucka's
1140 Tussman's
1141 Tut's
1142 Twas
1143 Tweedledee
1144 Tweedledum
1145 Twodor
1146 Twodor's
1147 U.S
1148 U.S.S.R
1149 UDA50
1150 UFO's
1151 URK
1152 UT
1153 UTCS
1154 Ubi
1155 Un
1156 Una
1157 Und
1158 Updike
1159 Urey
1161 VAX
1162 VAX's
1163 VAXen
1164 VAXs
1165 VCR
1166 VCR's
1168 VLSI
1169 VMS
1170 VODKA
1171 VSOP
1173 Vannevar
1174 Vate
1175 Vax
1176 Veeck
1177 Velilind's
1178 Veni
1179 Venn
1180 Vespucci
1181 Vespuccia
1182 Vic
1183 Vidal
1184 Vidi
1185 Vila
1186 Vinchy
1187 Vinci
1188 Virt
1189 Vittorini
1190 Vo
1191 Vocab
1192 Vogon
1193 Volkswagon
1194 Voltarine
1195 Vonada
1196 Vonnegut
1197 Vonnegut's
1198 Vries
1199 Vroomfondel
1200 Vulgate
1201 WBT
1204 WORLD's
1205 WXRT
1206 Waben
1207 Wald
1208 Walinsky
1209 Walla
1210 Warhol
1211 Wat
1212 Watford
1213 Watterson
1214 Weil
1215 Weiler's
1216 Weiner's
1217 Weisert
1218 Wernher
1219 Westbrook
1220 Westbury
1221 Westheimer's
1222 Westmoreland
1223 Wethern's
1224 Whaddya
1225 Whipsnade
1226 Wiker's
1227 Wilde
1228 Winchell
1229 Winie
1230 Winsor
1231 Wir
1232 Wirrten
1233 Wirth
1234 Withington
1235 Wombat's
1236 XIIdigitation
1237 XINU
1238 Xercies
1239 YEH
1240 Yabba
1241 Yellowstone
1242 Yessir
1243 Yinkel
1244 Yo
1245 Yoda
1246 Yoda's
1247 Yorba
1248 Yoric
1249 Youngman
1250 Yuletide
1251 Yutang
1252 ZIPPY
1253 ZORAC
1254 Zanuck
1255 Zappa
1256 Zarathud
1257 Zarathustra
1258 Zelkowitz
1259 Zeno's
1260 Zern
1261 Zilla
1262 Zippy
1263 Zonker
1264 Zorkmids
1265 Zorro
1266 Zow
1267 Zwanzig
1268 Zwart
1269 Zymurgy's
1270 a.m
1271 aafte
1272 abhors
1273 absorbin
1274 absurdum
1275 acacia
1276 accurancy
1277 accursed
1278 accusator
1279 acne
1280 acupuncture
1281 adhoc
1282 adj
1283 adv
1284 airbags
1285 alimentary
1286 alkafluence
1287 alleygaroo
1288 alrighty
1289 altum
1290 amnesia
1291 anal
1292 anat
1293 anchorman
1294 ane
1295 animalculous
1296 anomali
1297 anxivs
1298 anymore
1299 anytime
1300 apauling
1301 appelations
1302 approx
1303 arabic
1304 arias
1305 arse
1306 ary
1307 asparaginylalanylthreonylleucylarginylalanylphenylalanylalanylalanylglycylva
1308 aspartylleucylleucylarginylglutaminylisoleucylalanylseryltyrosylglycylarginyl
1309 astrology
1310 ath
1311 atrium
1312 ause
1313 ausgraben
1314 avoirdupois
1315 awai
1316 ay
1317 bac
1318 backlit
1319 bagbiting
1320 bagel
1321 bahz
1322 bai
1323 bamboozled
1324 banquette
1325 barf
1326 bayonetted
1327 bazingas
1328 bedecked
1329 bedpans
1330 befriends
1331 bequeathin
1332 bertillion
1333 bethumped
1334 bi
1335 bibles
1336 bingo
1337 bisexual
1338 blackguard
1339 blinkenlights
1340 blockhead
1341 blound
1342 blowenfusen
1343 bogosity
1344 bonehead
1345 bonked
1346 boola
1347 bossy
1348 bounteous
1349 bowlin
1350 boyfriend
1351 bra
1352 brilgue
1353 brilig
1354 brussels
1355 bucky
1356 burgled
1357 burneth
1358 ca
1359 caliente
1360 calor
1361 capillarized
1362 carabineri
1363 carbolized
1364 cardio
1365 castrating
1366 ch
1367 chemotherapy
1368 cheque
1369 cheval
1370 chezlogs
1371 childproof
1372 chromosome
1373 chronodimensional
1374 chroots
1375 claus
1376 cm
1377 cmptr
1378 cn
1379 cnt
1380 cockamamie
1381 cogito
1382 colloq
1383 congresspersons
1384 conks
1385 copacetic
1386 corkenpoppen
1387 corpuscle
1388 crabgrass
1389 crapshoot
1390 criminology
1391 croquet
1392 crossoffs
1393 crossword
1394 crowbar
1395 crunchy
1396 crustaceans
1397 crusty
1398 cummings
1399 curiae
1400 cuticle
1401 cybernetic
1402 da
1403 damnfoolproof
1404 dandruff
1405 dans
1406 darkish
1407 darkroom
1408 das
1409 dataspec
1410 dduupplleexx
1411 de
1412 defamed
1413 defuse
1414 demagogism
1415 demigodic
1416 demo
1417 deppart
1418 der
1419 dermis
1420 destitution
1421 dev
1422 dextrose
1423 diddie
1424 dinette
1425 dis
1426 disco
1427 discotheques
1428 dishes
1429 dishrags
1430 dishwashing
1431 dixerunt
1432 dm
1433 doderez
1434 doggerel
1435 doggy
1436 doloop
1437 dost
1438 doth
1439 dotty
1440 drivel
1441 drop't
1442 dummkopfen
1443 dumpster
1444 dunkt
1445 e.g
1446 ecamier
1447 ee
1448 eggnog
1449 ein
1450 enobled
1451 enui
1452 er
1453 ergo
1454 erogeny
1455 es
1456 est
1457 etus
1458 ev'ry
1459 exhalation
1460 extemporanea
1461 extracurricular
1462 eyestalks
1463 fainali
1464 fallaron
1465 fella
1466 fertsneet
1467 figgy
1468 fiks
1469 filees
1470 filename
1471 filors
1472 fix'd
1473 fixin's
1474 flang
1475 flatfoot
1476 floss
1477 fo
1478 foghorns
1479 folkloric
1480 foo
1481 forcaster
1482 fornia
1483 fornication
1484 forsooth
1485 fractal
1486 freezin
1487 frillant
1488 frob
1489 frob'nitsm
1490 frobbing
1491 frolicked
1492 fruh
1493 fruitcake
1494 fruitcakes
1495 frumious
1496 funhouse
1497 galore
1498 gamekeeper
1499 ganz
1500 garnishment
1501 gd
1502 gefingerpoken
1503 genocide
1504 gesteckt
1505 gewerken
1506 gharsley
1507 giftlist
1508 gimble
1509 gimmick
1510 girlfriend
1511 gleekzorp
1512 gleknow
1513 glowworm
1514 glycylalanylaspartylalanylleucylglutamylleucylglycylisoleucylprolyphenylalanyl
1515 glycyltyrosylthreonyltyrosylleucylleucylserylarginylalanylglycylvalylthreonyl
1516 gobbets
1517 gonna
1518 goodbye
1519 goto
1520 gougebosquex
1521 goyim
1522 goyish
1523 goyisha
1524 graffito
1525 grok
1526 grouse
1527 gry
1528 gt
1529 guave
1530 guttersnipe
1531 gylcylalanylglutamylasparaginylarginyalanylalanylleucylprolylleucylaspartagi
1532 gyre
1533 gyrent
1534 haben
1535 hain't
1536 hairstyles
1537 hammmer
1538 handcraftsmanship
1539 handwaving
1540 hanky
1541 harmonium
1542 headgear
1543 hectare
1544 heinous
1545 hermit
1546 hev
1547 hexagram
1548 highbrow
1549 hippogriff
1550 honorific
1551 honour
1552 hoo
1553 hooved
1554 horgrave
1555 hormonal
1556 hors
1557 hotshot
1558 houseplant
1559 housewares
1560 hullabaloo
1561 humour
1562 hyper
1563 i'm
1564 i.e
1565 ibi
1566 icepacks
1567 ideogram
1568 ideograms
1569 iear
1570 iers
1571 ifthen
1572 ihn
1573 ihuxw
1574 impo
1575 incivility
1576 incomprehensive
1577 incorrige
1578 infiniteloop
1579 inkahol
1580 innumerate
1581 inprectoo
1582 inputdir
1583 inquit
1584 inrushing
1585 insa
1586 interferon
1587 ironmongery
1588 itn
1589 ius
1590 jast
1591 jb
1592 jeered
1593 judex
1594 jukebox
1595 ka
1596 kar
1597 karat
1598 karma
1599 kase
1600 keepen
1601 kiloliks
1602 kitsch
1603 klows
1604 kludge
1605 kludgy
1606 klutz
1607 knock'd
1608 koan
1609 kohirnt
1610 konsonant
1611 konsonants
1612 kontinue
1613 kudn't
1614 kwirt
1615 l'Amour
1616 ladybug
1617 lampshades
1618 lank
1619 lanylglycylalanylisoleucylserylglycylserylalanylisoleucylvalyllysylisoleucyli
1620 latine
1621 lawnmower
1622 le
1623 lerts
1624 les
1625 letez
1626 leucylphenylalanylisoleucylcysteinylprolylprolylaspartylalanylaspartylaspartyl
1627 lexicographer
1628 libricilleux
1629 liegt
1630 lightbulb
1631 limerick
1632 lin
1633 linguini
1634 lithtth
1635 lobotomy
1636 locutions
1637 logick
1638 logout
1639 logy
1640 logzerneg
1641 lojikl
1642 lurketh
1643 lyaspartylglutaminylvalyllysylalanylalanylisoleucylaspartylalanylglycylalanyla
1644 lysdexia
1645 lythreonylprolyalanylglutaminylcysteinylphenylalanylglutamylmethionylleucyala
1646 m'I
1647 ma'am
1648 magtape
1649 maindz
1650 mainframe
1651 mal
1652 margarita
1653 masochist
1654 masturbation
1655 mausers
1656 megs
1657 meik
1658 meltdown
1659 memoraboble
1660 memori
1661 memorizin
1662 meowing
1663 merinos
1664 meta
1665 methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylluecylphenyialanylalanylglutamin
1666 methionyllysylalanylalanylthreonylarginylserine
1667 midterm
1668 millions
1669 mimsy
1670 min
1671 minx
1672 mit
1673 mittengrabben
1674 mizk
1675 mobocracy
1676 modifaiing
1677 mohmen
1678 moldy
1679 mome
1680 mon
1681 mousetraps
1682 musculus
1683 myxbl
1684 n'oeuvres
1685 nah
1686 nanocentury
1687 nanohenry
1688 naugahyde
1689 nell
1690 net.fat
1691 net.flame
1692 net.jobs
1693 net.news
1694 net.that
1695 net.this
1696 ni
1697 nicht
1698 nightie
1699 nog
1700 nogiftlist
1701 nohow
1702 nonrefusable
1703 nostra
1704 nth
1705 nunnery
1706 nylasparaginyllysylglycylisoleucylaspartylglutamylphenylalanyltyrosylalanylglu
1707 nylaspartylvalylprolylvalylglutaminylglutamylserylalanylprolyphenylalanylargi
1708 nylglutaminylalanylalanylleucylarginylhistidylasparaginylvalylalanylprolyiso
1709 nylhistidylleucylvalylalanyllysylleucylysylglutamyltyrosylasparaginylalanylala
1710 nylleucylisoleucylarginylglutaminyllysylhistidylprolythreonylisoleucylprolyli
1711 nylprolylprolylleucylglutaminylglycylphenylalanylglycylisoleucylserylalanylpro
1712 obits
1713 obius
1714 obnegleich
1715 obscurantist
1716 okay
1717 ol;lkld;f;g;dd;po
1718 oln
1719 omelette
1720 omerade
1721 omnibiblious
1722 omnivorous
1723 ompzidaize
1724 oodsou
1725 ooh
1726 orxogrefkl
1727 ould
1728 outcumbents
1729 outgrabe
1730 outta
1731 ov
1732 oves
1733 p'o
1734 p.m
1735 padanga
1736 pallbearer
1737 panky
1738 pantaloons
1739 paperboy
1740 paroxysmally
1741 penis
1742 pense
1743 perfum'd
1744 phenylalanylyalylthreonylleucylglycylaspartylprolylglycylisoleucylglutamylglu
1745 philogyny
1746 pl
1747 pl.n
1748 planaria
1749 platypus
1750 pleH
1751 po
1752 pointy
1753 poiuyt
1754 poly
1755 polytetien
1756 polytheism
1757 poo
1758 popcorn
1759 porrf
1760 posibl
1761 posthole
1762 potty
1763 poz
1764 ppo
1765 prawns
1766 pre
1767 prepoceros
1768 pretzel
1769 prgrmmng
1770 priestess
1771 primordial
1772 proceedeth
1773 proletarian
1774 propounded
1775 protheththing
1776 protien
1777 protoplasmal
1778 pulitzer
1779 pur
1780 pushy
1781 qotc
1782 qui
1783 quia
1784 quiche
1785 quop
1786 qwert
1787 qwertyuiop
1788 rKe9
1789 raed
1790 raineth
1791 raisiny
1792 randchar
1793 rapturous
1794 raspy
1795 rath
1796 raths
1797 rd
1798 reich
1799 replased
1800 replasing
1801 rhinoceri
1802 ridandant
1803 riform
1804 rigadoon
1805 rimeining
1806 rind
1807 riplais
1808 rispektivli
1809 risqu
1810 rosewater
1811 rubbernecken
1812 rubout
1813 runtime
1814 ry
1815 sam
1816 samurai
1817 samuri
1818 santa
1819 savour
1820 sawhorse
1821 schlichte
1822 schnappen
1823 scullery
1824 seashells
1825 sei
1826 serylaspartylprolylleucylalanylaspartylglycylprolylthreonylisoleucylglutaminyl
1827 shalt
1828 shamus
1829 shinnied
1830 shlafen
1831 shorn
1832 sightie
1833 sightseeren
1834 siouxeyesighed
1835 sizeof
1836 skyhigh
1837 sligo
1838 smurfette
1839 snarley
1840 snowman
1841 soit
1842 soleucylglutamylglutaminylhistidylasparaginylisoleucylglutamylprolyglutamylly
1843 soleucylglyclleucylleucylmethionyltyrosylalanylasparaginylleucylvalylphenylala
1844 somebody'd
1845 sont
1846 spacewar
1847 spank
1848 spel
1849 speling
1850 spitzensparken
1851 spl
1852 springenwerk
1853 sq
1854 squrooneg
1855 sswwiittcchh
1856 stalagmites
1857 starfield
1858 statecraft
1859 steamrolling
1860 steeplechase
1861 stogies
1862 subsittute
1863 suet
1864 surly
1865 svm
1866 swang
1867 sweeteners
1868 switchover
1869 sylmethionylleucylalanylalanylleucyllysylvalylphenylalanylvalyglutaminylproly
1870 synagog
1871 synthetase
1872 syscalls
1873 tachyon
1874 taketh
1875 taminylcysteinylglutamyllysylvalylglycylvalylaspartylserylvalylleucylvalylala
1876 taminylserylleucyllysylisoleucylaspartylthreonylleucylisoleucylglutamylalanyl
1877 tannogallate
1878 tapioca
1879 tarot
1880 tbsp
1881 teddy
1882 teepers
1883 telematic
1884 telepath
1885 tequila
1886 theivish
1887 thi
1888 thinkle
1889 thou'lt
1890 thru
1891 ths
1892 thyself
1893 tinhorn
1894 tites
1895 toehold
1896 tollway
1897 tommyo
1898 tornpee
1899 touch'd
1900 trampoline
1901 trans
1902 treacle
1903 tripoline
1904 truncheons
1905 tryptophan
1906 tsetse
1907 tsp
1908 tu
1909 tuit
1910 tuits
1911 tuppenny
1912 tween
1913 twixt
1914 tyg
1915 tyrranize
1916 ukelele
1917 umsige
1918 unbegot
1919 und
1920 uns
1921 unvoist
1922 uretheral
1923 urgin's
1924 ust
1925 v.intrans
1926 v.trans
1927 valium
1928 varicose
1929 vatch
1930 ve
1931 velcro
1932 verreckt
1933 vichyssoise
1934 viditur
1935 vo
1936 voist
1937 vol
1938 vowlz
1939 vu
1940 w4k
1941 wa
1942 watchout
1943 weatherman
1944 weenies
1945 weirdo
1946 wench
1947 werld
1948 whaledreck
1949 whilst
1950 whodo
1951 whomped
1952 wi
1953 wid
1954 wimmelten
1955 wimp
1956 wombat
1957 wonse
1958 woodburning
1959 workingman
1960 wr
1961 wrth
1962 wrung
1963 wud
1964 xanthic
1965 xe
1966 xen
1967 xrewawt
1968 xsz
1969 ylleucyllysylglutamylarginyllysylglutamylglycylalanylphenylalanylvalylprolyl
1970 yo
1971 you'se
1972 yyoouurr
1973 zayda
1974 zephyr's