]> git.cameronkatri.com Git - bsdgames-darwin.git/blob - larn/moreobj.c
Add RCS identifiers, remove some completely useless RCS logs and patchkit
[bsdgames-darwin.git] / larn / moreobj.c
1 #ifndef lint
2 static char rcsid[] = "$Id: moreobj.c,v 1.2 1993/08/02 17:20:12 mycroft Exp $";
3 #endif /* not lint */
5 /* moreobj.c Larn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan.
6 *
7 * Routines in this file:
8 *
9 * oaltar()
10 * othrone()
11 * ochest()
12 * ofountain()
13 */
14 #include "header.h"
16 static void ohear();
18 /*
19 * ******
21 * ******
22 *
23 * subroutine to process an altar object
24 */
25 oaltar()
26 {
27 unsigned long k;
29 lprcat("\nDo you (p) pray (d) desecrate"); iopts();
30 while (1)
31 {
32 while (1) switch(getchar())
33 {
34 case 'p': lprcat(" pray\nDo you (m) give money or (j) just pray? ");
35 while (1) switch(getchar())
36 {
37 case 'j': if (rnd(100)<75)
38 lprcat("\nnothing happens");
39 else if (rnd(13)<4) ohear();
40 else if (rnd(43) == 10)
41 {
42 if (c[WEAR]) lprcat("\nYou feel your armor vibrate for a moment");
43 enchantarmor(); return;
44 }
45 else if (rnd(43) == 10)
46 {
47 if (c[WIELD]) lprcat("\nYou feel your weapon vibrate for a moment");
48 enchweapon(); return;
49 }
50 else createmonster(makemonst(level+1));
51 return;
53 case 'm': lprcat("\n\n"); cursor(1,24); cltoeoln();
54 cursor(1,23); cltoeoln();
55 lprcat("how much do you donate? ");
56 k = readnum((long)c[GOLD]);
57 if (c[GOLD]<k)
58 {
59 lprcat("\nYou don't have that much!");
60 return;
61 }
62 c[GOLD] -= k;
63 if (k < c[GOLD]/10 || k<rnd(50))
64 { createmonster(makemonst(level+1)); c[AGGRAVATE] += 200; }
65 else if (rnd(101) > 50) { ohear(); return; }
66 else if (rnd(43) == 5)
67 {
68 if (c[WEAR]) lprcat("\nYou feel your armor vibrate for a moment");
69 enchantarmor(); return;
70 }
71 else if (rnd(43) == 8)
72 {
73 if (c[WIELD]) lprcat("\nYou feel your weapon vibrate for a moment");
74 enchweapon(); return;
75 }
76 else lprcat("\nThank You.");
77 bottomline(); return;
79 case '\33': return;
80 };
82 case 'd': lprcat(" desecrate");
83 if (rnd(100)<60)
84 { createmonster(makemonst(level+2)+8); c[AGGRAVATE] += 2500; }
85 else
86 if (rnd(101)<30)
87 {
88 lprcat("\nThe altar crumbles into a pile of dust before your eyes");
89 forget(); /* remember to destroy the altar */
90 }
91 else
92 lprcat("\nnothing happens");
93 return;
95 case 'i':
96 case '\33': ignore();
97 if (rnd(100)<30) { createmonster(makemonst(level+1)); c[AGGRAVATE] += rnd(450); }
98 else lprcat("\nnothing happens");
99 return;
100 };
101 }
102 }
104 /*
105 function to cast a +3 protection on the player
106 */
107 static void
108 ohear()
109 {
110 lprcat("\nYou have been heard!");
111 if (c[ALTPRO]==0) c[MOREDEFENSES]+=3;
112 c[ALTPRO] += 500; /* protection field */
113 bottomline();
114 }
116 /*
117 *******
119 *******
121 subroutine to process a throne object
122 */
123 othrone(arg)
124 int arg;
125 {
126 register int i,k;
128 lprcat("\nDo you (p) pry off jewels, (s) sit down"); iopts();
129 while (1)
130 {
131 while (1) switch(getchar())
132 {
133 case 'p': lprcat(" pry off"); k=rnd(101);
134 if (k<25)
135 {
136 for (i=0; i<rnd(4); i++) creategem(); /* gems pop off the throne */
137 item[playerx][playery]=ODEADTHRONE;
138 know[playerx][playery]=0;
139 }
140 else if (k<40 && arg==0)
141 {
142 createmonster(GNOMEKING);
143 item[playerx][playery]=OTHRONE2;
144 know[playerx][playery]=0;
145 }
146 else lprcat("\nnothing happens");
147 return;
149 case 's': lprcat(" sit down"); k=rnd(101);
150 if (k<30 && arg==0)
151 {
152 createmonster(GNOMEKING);
153 item[playerx][playery]=OTHRONE2;
154 know[playerx][playery]=0;
155 }
156 else if (k<35) { lprcat("\nZaaaappp! You've been teleported!\n"); beep(); oteleport(0); }
157 else lprcat("\nnothing happens");
158 return;
160 case 'i':
161 case '\33': ignore(); return;
162 };
163 }
164 }
166 odeadthrone()
167 {
168 register int k;
170 lprcat("\nDo you (s) sit down"); iopts();
171 while (1)
172 {
173 while (1) switch(getchar())
174 {
175 case 's': lprcat(" sit down"); k=rnd(101);
176 if (k<35) { lprcat("\nZaaaappp! You've been teleported!\n"); beep(); oteleport(0); }
177 else lprcat("\nnothing happens");
178 return;
180 case 'i':
181 case '\33': ignore(); return;
182 };
183 }
184 }
186 /*
187 ******
189 ******
191 subroutine to process a throne object
192 */
193 ochest()
194 {
195 register int i,k;
196 lprcat("\nDo you (t) take it, (o) try to open it"); iopts();
197 while (1)
198 {
199 while (1) switch(getchar())
200 {
201 case 'o': lprcat(" open it"); k=rnd(101);
202 if (k<40)
203 {
204 lprcat("\nThe chest explodes as you open it"); beep();
205 i = rnd(10); lastnum=281; /* in case he dies */
206 lprintf("\nYou suffer %d hit points damage!",(long)i);
207 checkloss(i);
208 switch(rnd(10)) /* see if he gets a curse */
209 {
210 case 1: c[ITCHING]+= rnd(1000)+100;
211 lprcat("\nYou feel an irritation spread over your skin!");
212 beep();
213 break;
215 case 2: c[CLUMSINESS]+= rnd(1600)+200;
216 lprcat("\nYou begin to lose hand to eye coordination!");
217 beep();
218 break;
220 case 3: c[HALFDAM]+= rnd(1600)+200;
221 beep();
222 lprcat("\nA sickness engulfs you!"); break;
223 };
224 item[playerx][playery]=know[playerx][playery]=0;
225 if (rnd(100)<69) creategem(); /* gems from the chest */
226 dropgold(rnd(110*iarg[playerx][playery]+200));
227 for (i=0; i<rnd(4); i++) something(iarg[playerx][playery]+2);
228 }
229 else lprcat("\nnothing happens");
230 return;
232 case 't': lprcat(" take");
233 if (take(OCHEST,iarg[playerx][playery])==0)
234 item[playerx][playery]=know[playerx][playery]=0;
235 return;
237 case 'i':
238 case '\33': ignore(); return;
239 };
240 }
241 }
243 /*
244 *********
246 *********
247 */
249 ofountain()
250 {
251 register int x;
252 cursors();
253 lprcat("\nDo you (d) drink, (w) wash yourself"); iopts();
254 while (1) switch(getchar())
255 {
256 case 'd': lprcat("drink");
257 if (rnd(1501)<2)
258 {
259 lprcat("\nOops! You seem to have caught the dreadful sleep!");
260 beep(); lflush(); sleep(3); died(280); return;
261 }
262 x = rnd(100);
263 if (x<7)
264 {
265 c[HALFDAM] += 200+rnd(200);
266 lprcat("\nYou feel a sickness coming on");
267 }
268 else if (x<13) quaffpotion(23); /* see invisible */
269 else if (x < 45)
270 lprcat("\nnothing seems to have happened");
271 else if (rnd(3) != 2)
272 fntchange(1); /* change char levels upward */
273 else
274 fntchange(-1); /* change char levels downward */
275 if (rnd(12)<3)
276 {
277 lprcat("\nThe fountains bubbling slowly quiets");
278 item[playerx][playery]=ODEADFOUNTAIN; /* dead fountain */
279 know[playerx][playery]=0;
280 }
281 return;
283 case '\33':
284 case 'i': ignore(); return;
286 case 'w': lprcat("wash yourself");
287 if (rnd(100) < 11)
288 {
289 x=rnd((level<<2)+2);
290 lprintf("\nOh no! The water was foul! You suffer %d hit points!",(long)x);
291 lastnum=273; losehp(x); bottomline(); cursors();
292 }
293 else
294 if (rnd(100) < 29)
295 lprcat("\nYou got the dirt off!");
296 else
297 if (rnd(100) < 31)
298 lprcat("\nThis water seems to be hard water! The dirt didn't come off!");
299 else
300 if (rnd(100) < 34)
301 createmonster(WATERLORD); /* make water lord */
302 else
303 lprcat("\nnothing seems to have happened");
304 return;
305 }
306 }
308 /*
309 ***
310 FCH
311 ***
313 subroutine to process an up/down of a character attribute for ofountain
314 */
315 static void
316 fch(how,x)
317 int how;
318 long *x;
319 {
320 if (how < 0) { lprcat(" went down by one!"); --(*x); }
321 else { lprcat(" went up by one!"); (*x)++; }
322 bottomline();
323 }
325 /*
326 a subroutine to raise or lower character levels
327 if x > 0 they are raised if x < 0 they are lowered
328 */
329 fntchange(how)
330 int how;
331 {
332 register long j;
333 lprc('\n');
334 switch(rnd(9))
335 {
336 case 1: lprcat("Your strength"); fch(how,&c[0]); break;
337 case 2: lprcat("Your intelligence"); fch(how,&c[1]); break;
338 case 3: lprcat("Your wisdom"); fch(how,&c[2]); break;
339 case 4: lprcat("Your constitution"); fch(how,&c[3]); break;
340 case 5: lprcat("Your dexterity"); fch(how,&c[4]); break;
341 case 6: lprcat("Your charm"); fch(how,&c[5]); break;
342 case 7: j=rnd(level+1);
343 if (how < 0)
344 { lprintf("You lose %d hit point",(long)j); if (j>1) lprcat("s!"); else lprc('!'); losemhp((int)j); }
345 else
346 { lprintf("You gain %d hit point",(long)j); if (j>1) lprcat("s!"); else lprc('!'); raisemhp((int)j); }
347 bottomline(); break;
349 case 8: j=rnd(level+1);
350 if (how > 0)
351 {
352 lprintf("You just gained %d spell",(long)j); raisemspells((int)j);
353 if (j>1) lprcat("s!"); else lprc('!');
354 }
355 else
356 {
357 lprintf("You just lost %d spell",(long)j); losemspells((int)j);
358 if (j>1) lprcat("s!"); else lprc('!');
359 }
360 bottomline(); break;
362 case 9: j = 5*rnd((level+1)*(level+1));
363 if (how < 0)
364 {
365 lprintf("You just lost %d experience point",(long)j);
366 if (j>1) lprcat("s!"); else lprc('!'); loseexperience((long)j);
367 }
368 else
369 {
370 lprintf("You just gained %d experience point",(long)j);
371 if (j>1) lprcat("s!"); else lprc('!'); raiseexperience((long)j);
372 }
373 break;
374 }
375 cursors();
376 }