+int datfd; /* message file descriptor */
+volatile sig_atomic_t delhit;
+int yea;
+int loc, newloc, oldloc, oldlc2, wzdark, gaveup, kq, k, k2;
+char *wd1, *wd2; /* the complete words */
+int verb, obj, spk;
+int saveday, savet, mxscor, latncy;
+struct hashtab voc[HTSIZE];
+struct text rtext[RTXSIZ]; /* random text messages */
+struct text mtext[MAGSIZ]; /* magic messages */
+int clsses;
+struct text ctext[CLSMAX]; /* classes of adventurer */
+int cval[CLSMAX];
+struct text ptext[101]; /* object descriptions */
+struct text ltext[LOCSIZ]; /* long loc description */
+struct text stext[LOCSIZ]; /* short loc descriptions */
+struct travlist *travel[LOCSIZ], *tkk; /* travel is closer to keys(...) */
+int atloc[LOCSIZ];
+int plac[101]; /* initial object placement */
+int fixd[101], fixed[101]; /* location fixed? */
+int actspk[35]; /* rtext msg for verb <n> */
+int cond[LOCSIZ]; /* various condition bits */
+int hntmax;
+int hints[20][5]; /* info on hints */
+int hinted[20], hintlc[20];
+int place[101], prop[101], links[201];
+int abb[LOCSIZ];
+int maxtrs, tally, tally2; /* treasure values */
+int keys, lamp, grate, cage, rod, rod2, steps, /* mnemonics */
+ bird, door, pillow, snake, fissur, tablet, clam, oyster,
+ magzin, dwarf, knife, food, bottle, water, oil, plant, plant2,
+ axe, mirror, dragon, chasm, troll, troll2, bear, messag,
+ vend, batter, nugget, coins, chest, eggs, tridnt, vase,
+ emrald, pyram, pearl, rug, chain, spices, back, look, cave,
+ null, entrnc, dprssn, enter, stream, pour, say, lock, throw,
+ find, invent;
+int chloc, chloc2, dseen[7], dloc[7], /* dwarf stuff */
+ odloc[7], dflag, daltlc;
+int tk[21], stick, dtotal, attack;
+int turns, lmwarn, iwest, knfloc, detail, /* various flags and
+ * counters */
+ abbnum, maxdie, numdie, holdng, dkill, foobar, bonus, clock1,
+ clock2, saved, closng, panic, closed, scorng;
+int demo, newloc, limit;