6 .Nd handling of word keeps
8 Even though it is called a word keep,
10 it will not keep words together in free-form text.
12 However, even the noop macro
14 .No is sufficient to let the keep take effect .
16 Even text generated in pre-handlers must be kept together with
17 the text following it:
19 .Xr one 1 No and Xr two 2
21 should be on the same line.
23 Including the whole output line into the keep is not required,
24 including just the macros to be kept together is sufficient:
44 Even text printed without spacing must be kept together
45 with the text following it:
48 .Fn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
50 .Fo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
51 .Fa "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx