- The source snapshot is automatically converted into an OpenBSD port (ports for other BSD systems not
- yet available). These may be found in the <a href="/ports-openbsd/">/ports-openbsd/</a> directory.
- You <span class="emph">must</span> have the ports tree installed.
+ The source snapshot is automatically converted into OpenBSD port and NetBSD pkgsrc forms at <a
+ href="/ports-openbsd/">/ports-openbsd/</a> and <a href="/ports-netbsd/">/ports-netbsd/</a>,
+ respectively. Please read the <a href="http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq15.html">OpenBSD Ports FAQ</a> or
+ <a href="http://www.netbsd.org/docs/software/packages.html">NetBSD pkgsrc guide</a>, first.