-CC = aarch64-apple-darwin-clang
-STRIP = aarch64-apple-darwin-strip
-LDID = ldid
-CFLAGS = -arch arm64 -isysroot /home/cameron/Documents/SDK/iPhoneOS14.2.sdk -miphoneos-version-min=13.0 -isystem /home/cameron/Documents/Procursus/build_base/iphoneos-arm64/1600/usr/include -isystem /home/cameron/Documents/Procursus/build_base/iphoneos-arm64/1600/usr/local/include -F/home/cameron/Documents/Procursus/build_base/iphoneos-arm64/1600/System/Library/Frameworks
-INSTALL = install
-FAKEROOT = fakeroot
+CC ?= aarch64-apple-darwin-clang
+STRIP ?= aarch64-apple-darwin-strip
+LDID ?= ldid
+CFLAGS ?= -arch arm64 -isysroot /home/cameron/Documents/SDK/iPhoneOS14.2.sdk -miphoneos-version-min=13.0 -Iinclude
+INSTALL ?= install
+FAKEROOT ?= fakeroot
PREFIX ?= /usr
DEB_MAINTAINER ?= Cameron Katri <me@cameronkatri.com>
DEB_ARCH ?= iphoneos-arm
-all: snaprestore
+all: build/snaprestore
-snaprestore: snaprestore.m ent.xml NSTask.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o snaprestore snaprestore.m -framework IOKit -framework Foundation -fobjc-arc
- $(STRIP) snaprestore
- $(LDID) -Sent.xml snaprestore
+build/snaprestore: src/snaprestore.m src/ent.xml
+ mkdir -p build
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o build/snaprestore src/snaprestore.m -framework IOKit -framework Foundation -framework MobileCoreServices -fobjc-arc
+ $(STRIP) build/snaprestore
+ $(LDID) -Ssrc/ent.xml build/snaprestore
-install: snaprestore
- $(INSTALL) -Dm755 snaprestore $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/snaprestore
+install: build/snaprestore
+ $(INSTALL) -Dm755 build/snaprestore $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/snaprestore
$(INSTALL) -Dm644 LICENSE $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/snaprestore/LICENSE
-package: snaprestore
+package: build/snaprestore
rm -rf staging
- $(INSTALL) -Dm755 snaprestore staging$(PREFIX)/bin/snaprestore
+ $(INSTALL) -Dm755 build/snaprestore staging$(PREFIX)/bin/snaprestore
$(INSTALL) -Dm644 LICENSE staging$(PREFIX)/share/snaprestore/LICENSE
$(FAKEROOT) chown -R 0:0 staging
SIZE=$$(du -s staging | cut -f 1); \
- $(INSTALL) -Dm755 snaprestore.control staging/DEBIAN/control; \
+ $(INSTALL) -Dm755 src/snaprestore.control staging/DEBIAN/control; \
sed -i ':a; s/@DEB_SNAPRESTORE@/$(DEB_SNAPRESTORE)/g; ta' staging/DEBIAN/control; \
sed -i ':a; s/@DEB_MAINTAINER@/$(DEB_MAINTAINER)/g; ta' staging/DEBIAN/control; \
sed -i ':a; s/@DEB_ARCH@/$(DEB_ARCH)/g; ta' staging/DEBIAN/control; \
cd staging && find . -type f ! -regex '.*.hg.*' ! -regex '.*?debian-binary.*' ! -regex '.*?DEBIAN.*' -printf '"%P" ' | xargs md5sum > DEBIAN/md5sum; \
cd ..; \
echo "Installed-Size: $$SIZE" >> staging/DEBIAN/control
- $(FAKEROOT) dpkg-deb -z9 -b staging .
+ $(FAKEROOT) dpkg-deb -z9 -b staging build
rm -rf staging
- rm -f snaprestore
+ rm -f build/snaprestore
+++ /dev/null
-* This header is generated by classdump-dyld 1.0
-* on Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 11:20:38 PM Eastern European Standard Time
-* Operating System: Version 11.1.2 (Build 15B202)
-* Image Source: /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation
-* classdump-dyld is licensed under GPLv3, Copyright © 2013-2016 by Elias Limneos.
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-@interface NSTask : NSObject
-@property (copy) NSURL * executableURL;
-@property (copy) NSArray * arguments;
-@property (copy) NSDictionary * environment;
-@property (copy) NSURL * currentDirectoryURL;
-@property (retain) id standardInput;
-@property (retain) id standardOutput;
-@property (retain) id standardError;
-@property (readonly) int processIdentifier;
-@property (getter=isRunning, readonly) BOOL running;
-@property (readonly) int terminationStatus;
-@property (readonly) long long terminationReason;
-@property (copy) id terminationHandler;
-@property (assign) long long qualityOfService;
-+ (id)currentTaskDictionary;
-+ (id)launchedTaskWithDictionary:(id)arg1;
-+ (id)launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:(id)arg1 arguments:(id)arg2;
-+ (id)launchedTaskWithExecutableURL:(id)arg1 arguments:(id)arg2 error:(out id*)arg3 terminationHandler:(/*^block*/id)arg4;
-- (void)waitUntilExit;
-- (id)currentDirectoryPath;
-- (void)setCurrentDirectoryPath:(id)arg1;
-- (id)launchPath;
-- (void)setLaunchPath:(id)arg1;
-- (void)launch;
-- (BOOL)launchAndReturnError:(id*)arg1;
-- (void)interrupt;
-- (long long)suspendCount;
-- (BOOL)suspend;
-- (BOOL)resume;
-- (void)terminate;
-- (NSArray *)arguments;
`Usage: snaprestore [volume] [snapshot]`
-not tested, obviously
+Fair amount of testing
+Renames snapshot to original name
+Removes jailbreak apps from icon cache
+Works on any jailbreak (hopefully)
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
Architecture: @DEB_ARCH@
Description: Easily restore rootfs from the command line
- I wholeheartly don't recommend it
-Depends: uikittools (>= 2.0.3)
+ Usage: snaprestore [volume] [snapshot]
#import <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#import <sys/snapshot.h>
#import <getopt.h>
-#import "NSTask.h"
+@interface LSApplicationWorkspace : NSObject
++ (id)defaultWorkspace;
+- (BOOL)_LSPrivateRebuildApplicationDatabasesForSystemApps:(BOOL)arg1 internal:(BOOL)arg2 user:(BOOL)arg3;
+- (BOOL)registerApplicationDictionary:(NSDictionary *)applicationDictionary;
+- (BOOL)registerBundleWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)bundleInfo options:(NSDictionary *)options type:(unsigned long long)arg3 progress:(id)arg4 ;
+- (BOOL)registerApplication:(NSURL *)url;
+- (BOOL)registerPlugin:(NSURL *)url;
+- (BOOL)unregisterApplication:(NSURL *)url;
+- (NSArray *)installedPlugins;
void usage(char *name) {
return ret;
+int unregisterPath(NSString *path) {
+ path = [path stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath];
+ NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];
+ LSApplicationWorkspace *workspace = [LSApplicationWorkspace defaultWorkspace];
+ return [workspace unregisterApplication:url];
int rename(const char *vol, const char *snap) {
int fd = open(vol, O_RDONLY, 0);
printf("Mounted %s at %s\n", snap, mnt);
NSMutableSet *appSet = findApps(vol, mnt);
if ([appSet count]) {
- printf("Refreshing icon cache...\n");
- NSMutableArray *argArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSString *app in appSet) {
- [argArray addObject:@"-u"];
- [argArray addObject:app];
+ printf("unregistering %s\n", [app UTF8String]);
+ unregisterPath(app);
- NSTask *task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
- [task setLaunchPath:@"/usr/bin/uicache"];
- [task setArguments:argArray];
- [task launch];
- [task waitUntilExit];
printf("Renaming snapshot...\n");
rename(vol, snap);