+++ /dev/null
-name: QuickActions
-id: com.cameronkatri.quickactions
-depends: mobilesubstrate
-architecture: iphoneos-arm
-version: 1.0.0
-description: Quickly launch apps from the lockscreen
-author: Cameron Katri <me+quickactions@cameronkatri.com>
-section: Tweaks
-depends: mobilesubstrate, preferenceloader
-icmd: sbreload
- type: tweak
- filter:
- executables:
- - SpringBoard
- files:
- - Tweak.x
- frameworks:
- - CoverSheet
- - SpringBoardFoundation
- targetvers: 13.0
- type: prefs
- dir: QuickActionsPrefs
- files:
- - QASRootListController.m
- - QASAppSelectorController.m
- - LSApplicationProxy+AltList.m
- frameworks:
- - MobileCoreServices
- targetvers: 13.0
--- /dev/null
+TARGET := iphone:14.5:15.0
+ARCHS := arm64 arm64e
+include $(THEOS)/makefiles/common.mk
+TWEAK_NAME = QuickActions
+QuickActions_FILES = Tweak.x
+QuickActions_CFLAGS = -fobjc-arc
+QuickActions_PRIVATE_FRAMEWORKS = CoverSheet SpringBoardFoundation
+include $(THEOS_MAKE_PATH)/tweak.mk
+SUBPROJECTS += QuickActionsPrefs
+include $(THEOS_MAKE_PATH)/aggregate.mk
--- /dev/null
+TARGET := iphone:14.5:15.0
+include $(THEOS)/makefiles/common.mk
+ARCHS := arm64 arm64e
+BUNDLE_NAME = QuickActionsPrefs
+QuickActionsPrefs_FILES = QASRootListController.m QASAppSelectorController.m LSApplicationProxy+AltList.m
+QuickActionsPrefs_FRAMEWORKS = UIKit
+QuickActionsPrefs_PRIVATE_FRAMEWORKS = Preferences
+QuickActionsPrefs_EXTRA_FRAMEWORKS = MobileCoreServices
+QuickActionsPrefs_INSTALL_PATH = /Library/PreferenceBundles
+QuickActionsPrefs_CFLAGS = -fobjc-arc
+include $(THEOS_MAKE_PATH)/bundle.mk
#import <Preferences/PSSpecifier.h>
#import "QASRootListController.h"
#include <spawn.h>
+#include <rootless.h>
@implementation QASRootListController
pid_t pid;
const char *args[] = {"sbreload", NULL, NULL, NULL};
- posix_spawn(&pid, "usr/bin/sbreload", NULL, NULL, (char *const *)args, NULL);
+ posix_spawn(&pid, ROOT_PATH("/usr/bin/sbreload"), NULL, NULL, (char *const *)args, NULL);
--- /dev/null
+Package: com.cameronkatri.quickactions
+Name: QuickActions
+Version: 1.0.0
+Architecture: iphoneos-arm
+Description: Quickly launch apps from the lockscreen
+Maintainer: Cameron Katri <me+quickactions@cameronkatri.com>
+Author: Cameron Katri <me+quickactions@cameronkatri.com>
+Section: Tweaks
+Depends: mobilesubstrate (>= 0.9.5000), preferenceloader